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21-01-2010, 01:11
Ant and Dec took double honours, taking most popular entertainment programme for Saturday Night Takeaway, and the award for most popular entertainment presenter, or presenters, in their case. David Tennant also stepped up to the podium twice, once for Doctor Who, which won most popular drama, and a second time for outstanding drama performance.

"I really am completely staggered by this. I had no idea this was going to happen," said Stephen Fry, who received the NTA special contribution award, and surely cemented his place as national treasure. Fry's documentary Stephen Fry in America also took a prize, winning the most popular star travel documentary – a new and perhaps unlikely category for this year.

Coronation Street brought home two awards to EastEnders' one, with the soap winning the live vote for most popular serial drama, and Craig Gazey – who plays Graeme Proctor – awarded most popular newcomer: "I've got to dedicate this to the very great, only just late, Maggie Jones. She was such an inspiration because she was amazing right to the end," he said.

Lacey Turner took outstanding serial drama performance for her role as Albert Square's Stacey Slater.

Best popular comedy programme was won by Gavin and Stacey, which beat Benidorm, The Inbetweeners and Harry Hill's TV Burp, while most popular factual programme was won by ITV daytime show Loose Women, which triumphed in the same category as Top Gear. "We thought we had no chance," said presenter Carole McGiffin.

The winners

Most popular entertainment presenter - Ant & Dec

Outstanding drama performance – David Tennant

Most popular serial drama – Coronation Street

Most popular talent show – The X Factor

Special recognition award – Stephen Fry

Most popular factual programme – Loose Women

Most popular drama – Doctor Who

Most popular entertainment programme – Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway

Most popular newcomer – Craig Gazey

Most popular star travel documentary – Stephen Fry in America

Outstanding serial drama performance – Lacey Turner

Most popular comedy programme – Gavin and Stacey

21-01-2010, 09:36
Have the Ntas changed their categories around? I could've sworn last year that Casualty/The Bill etc were in the category serial drama.. :p and Dr Who wasn't in the same category? :hmm:

Glad Lacey and Stephen Fry won the awards they did though. :D

21-01-2010, 09:41
Some good winners there. Glad coronation street won.

21-01-2010, 10:35
I was absolutely thrilled when Corrie was announced as the winner of the serial dramas, about time they took the crown away from EastEnders. Love Craig Gazey for accepting his Best Newcomer award in the name of Maggie Jones :clap:

Chloe O'brien
21-01-2010, 10:57
They have cut back this year. They normally have best actor/actress for soaps and dramas and there was no comedy performance. I 'm surprised they didn't have a tribute to Maggie or another celebs who have passed away in the last year. Glad Craig paid tribute to her in his speech. We new David Tennant would walkaway with the awards.

21-01-2010, 11:44
Ant & Dec the big winners

21-01-2010, 14:58
Its refereshing to read the mature responses to last nights results on here. I was over at another forum reading about the results and you can hardly get moving there with all the toys that have been chucked out of prams. Apparently its all a big conspiracy by Corrie and ITV, the pensioners who multiple voted for Corrie and oh yes ITV showed a TEN MINUTE promo for Corrie during the voting.:searchme::hmm:

IMHO the best soap did win this time. Emmerdale and Eastenders were strong but week after week Corrie tops the ratings.

Yes of course not everyone I voted for (only once I may add) won and award and yes I disagree with some of the winners but hey thats life and after all its only television we are talking about. If you were sitting in the grounds of a demolished house in Haiti then you would have something to whinge about.

To all the sad soap obsessives I say get over it. Im sure EE and Emmerdale will win awards this year too.


21-01-2010, 15:03
Alan, as you know, I am a huge EE supporter and I am happy corrie won but in regards to rating (unsure about UK) but in Ireland, I have noticed more and more people are watching EE compared to Corrie.. it use to be a case that Corrie always topped the charts but not so much anymore.. they do a top 10 for each station (rte 1, rte 2 and tv3).. TV3 shows Corrie while RTE 1 shows EE.. EE has been, over the past few weeks, around 100,000 more viewers than corrie.. EE has upped its game in the past year or two..

21-01-2010, 15:03
I thought it was a really good awards and I liked the winners

I was soooo glad Loose womean won :D

21-01-2010, 15:20
Alan, as you know, I am a huge EE supporter and I am happy corrie won but in regards to rating (unsure about UK) but in Ireland, I have noticed more and more people are watching EE compared to Corrie.. it use to be a case that Corrie always topped the charts but not so much anymore.. they do a top 10 for each station (rte 1, rte 2 and tv3).. TV3 shows Corrie while RTE 1 shows EE.. EE has been, over the past few weeks, around 100,000 more viewers than corrie.. EE has upped its game in the past year or two..

Shiv. Britain uses the BARB ratings and Corrie regularly beat EE in the BBC1/ITV contest but when the BBC3 totals are added in then EE edges ahead. In reality the two soaps are running neck to neck and each has their own core audience. Indeed I have tried several times to get back into EE but still cannot. Maybe when the National Treasure hangs up her wig at the Queen Vic I may have another go.

I think the fact that EE is on RTE1 and Corrie is on TV3 also has an effect on viewing totals in the Republic.

Oh congrats on your promotion BTW

21-01-2010, 15:28
I think the fact that EE is on RTE1 and Corrie is on TV3 also has an effect on viewing totals in the Republic.

Oh congrats on your promotion BTW

don't think so Alan.. it has only been over past 6 months EE has come ahead of Corrie.. Corrie use to have been 500- 600 thousand and EE only 300 - 400, that (only recently) has reversed. TV3 is a very popular station over here and it has the highest ranting overall in other (except with Late late show) and would always have top rated show


21-01-2010, 15:55
I have to say they didnt half go on when they showed the clips of corrie!! *yawns*

21-01-2010, 16:05
best part was Jedward

21-01-2010, 18:39
loose women were so thrilled they beat some big shows top gear for example.

I think that all the soaps have been good but corrie has really surprised me it's been very real and not too dramatic. Think that all winners were deseving Gavon and stacey have had a great year.

21-01-2010, 19:38
[QUOTE=Siobhan;703964 TV3 is a very popular station over here and it has the highest ranting overall in other [/QUOTE]

Well obviously you would know better than me. I always was of the opinion that RTE got the most viewers. I stand corrected

21-01-2010, 20:01
Its a shame that Come Dine With Me didn't win an award. Its brilliant entertainment and I love Dave Lamb as the voice over. Hopefully next year...

22-01-2010, 16:01
BBC bosses have reportedly accused ITV of fixing the National TV Awards after Coronation Street scooped the award for Best Serial Drama.

The ITV soap was the surprise winner of the category, which has been won by its BBC rival EastEnders for the previous four years.

Now BBC chiefs are crying foul play because the Awards show featured a speech by two Corrie stars about the show's 50th anniversary, plus a three-minute trailer of what is coming up – all while phone lines were still open.

A BBC insider told the Daily Mirror: "We're furious. The odds seemed too heavily stacked in the Street's favour this year. Its showreel was a pretty blatant advert right in the middle of voting.

"We've an anniversary but didn't get a showreel. It wasn't a fair playing field for the other soaps. What would have happened if this was EastEnders and a plug like that was on a BBC awards show? This can't be allowed to happen again."

The TV watchdog Ofcom has said it has received a number of complaints from viewers and may launch an investigation into the show

22-01-2010, 16:09
Now BBC chiefs are crying foul play because the Awards show featured a speech by two Corrie stars about the show's 50th anniversary, plus a three-minute trailer of what is coming up – all while phone lines were still open.

The TV watchdog Ofcom has said it has received a number of complaints from viewers and may launch an investigation into the show

According to the totally unbiased posters on DS this was antwhere between a five and ten minute trailer,

The viewers who complained were obviously embittered EE Fanatics judging by the ludicrous posts some of them have been making on DS.

22-01-2010, 17:14
Independent National Television Award adjudicator PromoVeritas has confirmed that Coronation Street had a "significant gain over the other contenders" throughout the voting periods and is therefore a "valid winner" of the ceremony's top soap accolade.

The awards, held at London's O2 arena, saw the commercial broadcaster's flagship soap triumph in the 'Most Popular Serial Drama' category following a public phone vote that remained open throughout the two-and-a-half hour show.

BBC sources today expressed their displeasure at the producers' decision to include a speech by Weatherfield veteran William Roache to mark the show's 50th anniversary, prior to a three-minute promo reel showcasing its upcoming storylines. The BBC allegedly felt that both the speech and clip package influenced votes.

EastEnders, meanwhile, was afforded a 'Who Killed Archie?' camera pan across the actors who play the potential murder suspects, as well as praise from award host Dermot O'Leary over the soap's current form. Walford icon Barbara Windsor subsequently presented the 'Newcomer' trophy to Corrie's Craig Gazey. Lacey Turner also collected the 'Serial Drama Performance' going for her portrayal of Stacey Slater.

However, Digital Spy this afternoon learned that Coronation Street remained at the head of the phone vote from the start of the show, through the promo reel and until the end of the show when X Factor winner Joe McElderry announced the result.

Speaking on behalf of the National Television Awards, a spokesperson for independent adjudicators PromoVeritas told DS: "With regards to the specifics of the live phone vote, Coronation Street had a significant gain over the other contenders from the start of the voting period until the end and for every monitored period within.

"We were happy on the night - and having reviewed the data again, we remain happy - with the fact that based on the combined number of votes, from all the sources and of all the stages, Coronation Street is a valid winner."

They added: "We do not believe that any editorial content would have had a material impact on the live phone voting or on the final result."

However, when asked to release the percentage shares, ITV upheld its policy not to release any voting figures due to their "commercially sensitive" nature.

Sources at the show also maintained that they treated the soaps "fairly" and "impartially" throughout. They explained that each year, one public vote category remains open throughout the programme and this year was the turn of the soaps.

Meanwhile, an Ofcom spokesperson confirmed: "Ofcom has received complaints about the National TV Awards but we are not currently investigating the show."

Following the programme, hundreds of Digital Spy forum users voiced their concern, with 'Lummo' commenting that it was "blatantly unfair because of the huge preview they had of Corrie while phone lines were still open". A number of other readers noted that Emmerdale and Hollyoaks received no special treatment at all.

However, user 'norbitonite' said: "I would be very surprised if a significant proportion of voters decided to vote at the last minute because of a compilation that was run during the awards."

Let them put that in their pipes and smoke it!!! FFS, nobody loses a life or money or gets sick, it is about who likes what programme on a tv best

22-01-2010, 17:26
Think about it.. the age group that watches Corrie is much older than EE (I think that is correct).. it is possible that this age group doesn't have access to internet as was the method for collecting votes over the past few years and this time it went to the phone vote during the live show.. maybe it was their chance to be heard about what they liked.. I am not a big corrie fan but come on, if they deserved to win, fair play to them and EE fans should just get over it.. EE will probably win all the other award shows this year

22-01-2010, 17:31
Personally I couldnt care less which soap won, I watch and enjoy both and thats all that matters to me.

22-01-2010, 17:34
Emmerdale should have won :p

22-01-2010, 17:41
Independent National Television Award adjudicator PromoVeritas has confirmed that Coronation Street had a "significant gain over the other contenders" throughout the voting periods and is therefore a "valid winner" of the ceremony's top soap accolade.

Let them put that in their pipes and smoke it!!! FFS, nobody loses a life or money or gets sick, it is about who likes what programme on a tv best

Looks like the message has not got posted on DS yet as the Lunatics really do appear to have taken over the asylum on there.

They are still raving on about cospiracy theories and how they have all emailed OFCOM and that Corrie should hand back the award and ITV be fined.

The fools the poor deluded fools

Chloe O'brien
22-01-2010, 22:50
There has been previous years where members on here have agreed that some Eastender plots have been poor and rubbish yet they have cleaned up at awards. I don't watch any of the soaps so i'm not bothered who won. If corrie won the most votes then they deserve the award. It's up to the writers and cast members of other soaps to improve their soap so they win it next time, instead of moaning.