View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 01 - 05 Feb 2010

20-01-2010, 15:46
From itv.com

Monday, 1 February 2010, 7:30PM - 8:00PM

Ciaran McCarthy played by Keith Duffy makes a welcome return to Coronation Street,

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 26 January 2010.

Peter and Leanne are shocked to bump into Peter's old mate Ciaran McCarthy when they visit a restaurant out of town.

Becky tells Clare she is pregnant but swears her to secrecy.

Betty Turpin is interviewed by the Gazette as the oldest barmaid in the North West.

Monday, 1 February 2010, 8:30PM - 9:00PM

Steve tries to persuade Becky to keep their baSy in Monday's second visit to Weatherfield.

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 26 January 2010.

Steve does his best to persaude Becky that she will make a great mother but can he convince her to keep their baby?

Ciaran McCarthy makes quite an impact at the Rovers.

Peter falls off the wagon as Leanne shows off the bar to her mates.

Thursday, 4 February 2010, 8:30PM - 9:00PM

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 26 January 2010.

Peter desperaretly tries to hide the fact that he has been drinking from Leanne and his family.

Trevor moves into Janice's flat.

Betty celebrates her 90th birthday but the party is almost ruined by an elderly gatecrasher.

Friday, 5 February 2010, 7:30PM - 8:00PM

Ken is shocked to find Peter necking back the champagne at the hard hat party.

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 26 January 2010.

Peter hits the bottle at the wine bar's hard hat party.

News of Becky's pregnancy starts to spread.

Joe is terrified when Rick the debt collector calls.

Friday, 5 February 2010, 8:30PM - 9:00PM

The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press and non commercial publication until 00.01 Tuesday 26 January 2010.

Leanne is devastated Peter's drunken behaviour ruins the party at the wine bar.

Joe tells Gail he has brought their trip to the Lakes forward and says a poignant farewell to a puzzled Tina.

So the plots start to thicken

20-01-2010, 15:48
Peter starts drinking again very soon I see. Not good news for poor Simon.

20-01-2010, 15:49
oh no Peter drinking again :thumbsdow

20-01-2010, 16:08
Betty's 90 :eek:. Is she that old in real life? She don't look it.

20-01-2010, 17:02
She will be 90 in May of this year, so yes, that is her age. She looks great, doesn't she ? :thumbsup:

20-01-2010, 21:36
ohh Peter noo

21-01-2010, 00:26
I knew it wouldn't last

21-01-2010, 16:02
She will be 90 in May of this year, so yes, that is her age. She looks great, doesn't she ? :thumbsup:

Oh my gosh, yes she does! She seems to be going strong aswell!!! That's impressive :D.

21-01-2010, 16:04
Ciaran McCarthy makes quite an impact at the Rovers.

all the ladies swooning over him i bet

22-01-2010, 20:24
From itv.com

y 2010.

[quote]Trevor moves into Janice's flat.

Who the heck is Trevor??

22-01-2010, 20:30
He is Janice's boyfriend who also romances Liz

24-01-2010, 06:36
Coronation Street's Peter Barlow bumps into old friend Ciaran McCarthy (Keith Duffy) at a local restaurant.

With Peter and Leanne on the lookout for a chef to take charge of the kitchen at their new wine bar, the pair head out to sample a few of the local eateries. Walking into one restaurant, they hear a commotion from the kitchen and Peter's surprised to see that it's Ciaran having a row with his manager.

Returning to The Rovers with Peter and Leanne, it doesn't take Ciaran long to start flirting with Michelle, and Carla's soon on his hit list, too. Offering Peter a drink, Ciaran's surprised to hear that he's a recovering alcoholic.

Where will Ciaran's story go from here? And just how long will it be before Peter falls off the wagon again?

These scenes air on Monday, February 1 at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.

Peter has a pint in front of him in the Rovers, why would they serve him booze knowing he is an alcoholic?

31-01-2010, 07:21
Ciaran returns to Weatherfield

Airs on Monday, February 1 2010 at 19:30 GMT on ITV1

Ken attempts to talk Peter out of sending Simon to Oakhill private school but he's disappointed when Peter tells him he's already arranged everything with the headmaster.

Peter's on the hunt for a decent chef for the hard hat party and he and Leanne decide to have lunch in a bar across town. There's a commotion from the kitchen and Peter's surprised to discover that his old mate Ciaran is the cause of it - and is also the bar's chef.

When Ciaran tells the manager to stick his job, he joins Peter and Leanne at their table and they all reminisce about old times. Ciaran later tries to buy Peter a pint, forcing Peter to explain that he's a recovering alcoholic.

Meanwhile, Becky tells Claire that she's pregnant but confides that she's not sure if she wants a baby as she's concerned about her ability as a mother. Claire tries to reassure her that despite all the problems it can bring, having Freddie is the best thing she ever did.

Back at The Rovers, a chuffed Steve tells Becky how thrilled he is about her pregnancy but is shocked when his wife reveals her doubts about keeping it…

Elsewhere, as the oldest barmaid in the North-West, Betty's interviewed by The Gazette; Janice decides to try and get some cash by outing an advert for a lodger in the Kabin window; and Kevin's not best pleased when first Molly - and then Tyrone - turn up with get well cards for Sally.

Peter starts drinking again

Airs on Monday, February 1 2010 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

Steve does his best to convince Becky that she'd make a great mother and promises that he'll be there for her every step of the way. Becky's unsure, though, and all her self-doubt and lack of confidence bubbles to the surface. Will Steve be able to persuade her that she'll cope? Or is Becky's mind made up?

Having been invited to The Rovers by Peter and Leanne, Ciaran gets stuck into the booze and tries to chat up Carla. Peter, meanwhile, is envious as he watches his mate down pint after pint.

Carla and Leanne leave the lads to it and head back to Leanne's flat for a girls' night-in. Deirdre then turns up and they invite her to join them. Leanne shows Carla and Deirdre around the building site which is to become the new bar, before sampling some of the drinks.

Later, Peter and Ciaran set off to join the girls at the building site and as the party draws to a close, Peter tells Leanne that he'll clear up. Alone in the new bar, Peter finds temptation too much to resist and downs a leftover glass of wine…

Meanwhile, Janice meets with a potential lodger who turns out to be Trevor Dean - the bin man. After she shows him round the flat, he agrees to move in and Janice is secretly thrilled at the prospect.

Elsewhere, after Tyrone asks if Molly's spoken about him, a guilty Kevin finally gets rid of his mate. Angry at being put in such a position, though, Kevin goes to the shop to confront Molly - how will she react?

Trevor moves in with Janice

Airs on Thursday, February 4 2010 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

Leanne's hungover following the previous night's impromptu party but a guilty Peter remains quiet about the glass of wine he drank. Deciding to attend an alcoholics' meeting, Peter tells the group how he believes that he's cured as he had one drink but didn't have another.

The group leader is sceptical and tries to warn Peter about the dangers of drinking again. Peter, however, is determined to prove to himself that he can handle his drink and heads straight for a pub where he has a half of bitter and leaves.

Ken's annoyed when Peter forgets to pick Simon up from school and smelling mints on Peter's breath, asks if he's been drinking. Peter takes offence and storms off, leaving Ken worried for his son. Testing the water back at home, Peter suggests to an alarmed Leanne that he feels he could have the occasional drink.

Meanwhile, Claire gives Becky a pregnancy book. Becky's clearly terrified by the prospect but having decided to keep the baby, she tells a delighted Steve that she's nine weeks' pregnant, meaning that the baby is due in August.

Betty's 90th birthday party takes place in The Rovers but she's put out when an old lady called Enid Crump turns up, claiming that she's the oldest barmaid in the North-West at the ripe old age of 91.

Elsewhere, Tyrone's depressed as he sits alone at No. 9 surrounded by dirty dishes and takeaway debris; and Trevor moves into Janice's flat as the pair enjoy each other's company.

Steve tells Liz about Becky's pregnancy

Airs on Friday, February 5 2010 at 19:30 GMT on ITV1

Leanne, George, Eve and Ciaran busily prepare for the hard hat party at the new bar.

Peter invites Ken and Deirdre to the bash but Ken stubbornly refuses to go, leaving Deirdre frustrated at his attitude. Despite Ken's refusal, the party continues and Leanne's on cloud nine as she hobnobs with the guests.

Peter, however, secretly starts drinking the champagne and quickly becomes quite drunk. Having decided he should support his son instead of battling against him, Ken decides to attend and walks into the bar to find Peter necking the alcohol…

An excited Steve tells Liz that Becky's pregnant and asks that she keep the news to herself. Becky, however, is annoyed to discover that Steve's hasn't kept quiet about the baby but Steve's quick to point out that she's told Claire, so they're quits.

Meanwhile, Rick the debt collector calls at No. 8 - he won't let the matter drop and insists that he needs more cash from Joe. A terrified Joe tells Gail that his money situation is in hand and he has a plan.

Elsewhere, Janice and Trevor's friendship continues to grow as they enjoy a fry-up. With that, they agree that they should have one every Saturday; Hayley goes to salsa class alone when Anna is forced to drop out at the last minute; and Liz and Betty are horrified to realise that they accidentally gave Enid Crump an old hotpot that was well past its sell-by date.

A drunken Peter spirals out of control

Airs on Friday, February 5 2010 at 20:30 GMT on ITV1

Ken, Deirdre and Leanne watch in horror as a drunken Peter makes a fool of himself in front of everyone, including the local press. Oblivious to the scene he's causing, Peter drunkenly sets off in search of more alcohol.

Leanne's upset and tells Ken that her new bar officially closed before it ever actually opened.
Meanwhile, George and Eve are shocked at Peter's behaviour and offer to look after Simon for the night. Leanne's grateful and heads home to wait for an inebriated Peter.

A tearful Leanne blames herself for ever thinking that the bar was a good idea, prompting Peter to realise what a mess he's made of everything. Sitting with his head in his hands, Peter hates himself for being so weak.

Meanwhile, Joe tells Tina about his debts but insists that he'll sort out his own mess. Joe packs his rucksack for the trip to the Lakes and after telling Gail that he's managed to bring the trip forward, insists that she books time off work.

Joe hugs Tina and tells her that he loves her, leaving his daughter slightly unsettled by his mood.

Elsewhere, Liz and Betty are relieved to hear that Enid is blaming her food poisoning on the amount she drank - not the hotpot; Hayley returns in a state of excitement, having enjoyed her salsa class; and Becky tells Roy and Hayley about her pregnancy, while Steve tells Betty.

01-02-2010, 11:16
It seems that the new bar will never actually open then.

I'm dreading seeing Peter succumb to the drink again, which shows how good the acting and writing is for this storyline. I'm also wondering if George will give Simon back after seeing Peter like that.

01-02-2010, 12:40
it's a shame that Peter starts drinking again he's been doing realy well aswell