View Full Version : Help with CV

11-01-2010, 19:01
I am writing a new CV as I have lost my other one, and want to go job hunting this week, just need a bit of help please..

2 questions..

1. I did an ND in college, but only passed with an NC with 15 units.... do I put that it was an ND course and only passed with NC? Or just put NC Travel and Tourism... ??

2. In the previous work bit, should I put the place where I only worked for 2 months, but left rather badly. By badly I mean I didn't work my notice, and just left, so it was a bit bad... don't want them as a reference.. but if I don't put that job, then I only have one other previous work lol? and I only have one reference, is that okay??

Thanks in advance.

11-01-2010, 21:41
THink the one reference is ok if the company want another one they can always ask, and i would put the NC in TRavel and Tourism as that is what you received at the end, the company only know what you tell them.

Im not sure about the job bit though,

11-01-2010, 22:34
2 months on a CV won't look good anyway ...

11-01-2010, 22:49
Put the qualification that you came out with, so an NC in Travel.

You're young, a gap in your CV can easily be explained away with education or a gap year. I wouldn't put down the two month job; it could go against you when they first look at the CVs and if they do go to the employer for a reference it might not be a good one.

When I apply for my first job after uni it will be just that - I've never had a real job unless you count the one I wish to leave off my CV.

If you've done any work experience, voluntary work or stuff within college you should put that down. Apparently it's seen in a good light by some employers to give up your time for no financial gain.

11-01-2010, 22:50
Yeah I didn't think so either.. though wasn't going to write 2 months at blah blah.. just was gonna put it down :s. Does one previous job look bad haha? Though it's a job that I had for 4 years (seasonal), so looks committed I guess lol?

Anyone fancy looking over my CV for me, tell me if it's okay?

11-01-2010, 23:06
One previous job at your age, considering you only finished full time education six months ago, is fine. I can't think of any adverse inferences any employer could derive from that.

I'd put down in brackets that the job was seasonal. Four years in the same seasonal job is good going considering they go through the recruitment process from the start before each season begins. Shows you have something that's worth having.

I would offer to look over your CV however I don't know how they should read or what a good CV reads like. I have one to do for a module this semester and I've never written one before.

12-01-2010, 09:23
i could have a look at it if you want, my dad looked over mine so i could compare it to that.

THe one jobs fine, many people our age only have 1 job, having it for four years looks better then having four that lasted for 1 year each in my opinion, like you say it looks committed.

Good Luck with the job hunting.

12-01-2010, 09:46
Relating to the short term job ... include your experience if it is relevant for the job you are going for, otherwise there is no need. You could maybe mention it though at the interview if something relevant comes up, such as giving an example of where you had to deal with a certain matter. State that you did not stay in the job for long but explain your actions at the time. You would not need to mention the name of the company so they would not go there for a reference. Good luck xx

12-01-2010, 13:15
Youve just reminded me, I need to do mine