View Full Version : hungry guys

08-06-2005, 18:35
Roberto's attempt to gather the Housemates for a civilised discussion unsurprisingly ended up as bickering.

At first the discussion went smoothly as the group tried to clear up any doubts about the hospital task rules. But when Matron Roberto reminded everyone that the task reward was "enough food, plenty of food, food in abundance!", the emergence of this familiar topic led the Housemates straight into another row.

Maxwell said he wasn't too fussed about food, which riled Roberto. "I cannot tolerate people saying they don't care about food and then stuffing their faces all day," argued the Italian.

Taking it personally, Maxwell stressed he was just tired of talking about food but wasn't so inconsiderate he'd grab too much grub.

Lesley thought otherwise. "I don't know how you can say you're the least inconsiderate," she grumbled. She then listed the many occasions he'd greedily gobbled while she'd starved in silence.

Fortunately the hospital siren sounded to cut the squabble short and the entire group leapt up to escape. "Yeah, back to work!" yelped an ecstatic Science.

Talk about saved by the bell.