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07-04-2005, 11:47
Apparently Kate ford aka tracy barlow isnt leaving the soap at the end of the 2005 she has decided to stay to the end of 2006

07-04-2005, 11:50
good i like tracy in it

07-04-2005, 11:58
Where did you find that one out?

07-04-2005, 12:03
Someone said it on digitalspy and said they got it from the sun?

07-04-2005, 12:08
good, shes staying. I think you need a bitchy charcter in Corrie like Tracy, otherwise corrie would might get a bit "Goody-Goody" if everyone got on. Agree?

07-04-2005, 12:13
Yeah i agree but i am not sure about her and steve but we will see how it works out?

07-04-2005, 13:00
i also saw it on the ananova website and that is usually right!! be good to have tracey for a while younger

Keating's babe
08-04-2005, 14:39
I hope Tracy does stay with Corrie, as long as she doesn't get it on with Steve. :thumbsdow

08-04-2005, 17:34
I am so pleased to hear that Kate Ford is staying on, Tracey has had some great story lines lately and she could become one of the greats. Yes I fancy the pants off her and so I'm biased but unlike some of the other "junior" members of the cast she can actually act.

13-04-2005, 13:51
great good actresss

13-04-2005, 13:54
She said it last week on GMTV

13-04-2005, 13:55
unfortuntaely i missed that had to go out at 7.30 and she had not been on when i left home. did she say anything else exciting!?!?!

29-09-2005, 21:45
Tracy Barlow may no longer be gracing our screens as actress Kate Ford is set to leave the Street.

Tracy is currently embroiled in a bitter feud with Steve, the father of her child, and the sly bedhopper is pretending she wants to start a family with Nathan, the garage mechanic.

But it seems plots like this will be a thing of the past soon, as Kate is apparently tired of making the journey from London to Manchester to work.

"I don't want to be playing the same character forever," she said, echoing the words of countless Corrie stars in the past.

Kate has recently voiced her support of her friend Shobna Gulati, the actress who plays Sunita and who has reportedly been axed from the Street in the latest Weatherfield cull.

She has also been awarded the "best bitch" prize at the Inside Soap Awards.

eastenders mad
30-09-2005, 11:53
I thought she was Leaving for definete soon.

30-09-2005, 11:56
I thought that tracey was going to get together with charlie

30-09-2005, 12:38
oh i liked tracy in it shes funny

phils little sister
30-09-2005, 12:50
I thought that tracey was going to get together with charlie

Really that would be good

30-09-2005, 12:51
she's not leaving. Coronation street have put her and Charlie together and have said it is a symbol for the way they wish Corrie to progress. Both Tracey and Charlie have contracts for a while yet and are said to be the future of Corrie.

30-09-2005, 13:46
she's not leaving. Coronation street have put her and Charlie together and have said it is a symbol for the way they wish Corrie to progress. Both Tracey and Charlie have contracts for a while yet and are said to be the future of Corrie.

Lets hope that she is staying then as the Charlie and Tracey story line sounds great

30-09-2005, 15:17
hope she aint leaving

30-09-2005, 15:20
She's too over-rated!

30-09-2005, 15:30
oh i liked tracy in it shes funnyso do i :D

30-09-2005, 16:49
tracey gets on my nerves! but i had heard she had signed a big contract??

30-09-2005, 21:41
i think Kate ford plays tracy brilliantly, she has had some good storylines, she's not one of my best characters, but i would like her to stay.

30-09-2005, 21:45
I wouldn't say her storylines have been that great :confused: Yeah they've been quite good, but nothing special.

01-10-2005, 00:19
tracey gets on my nerves! but i had heard she had signed a big contract??

She's still got a year to run. She was meant to leave shortly but signed an extension to her contract a while back. :thumbsdow

As for my feelings about tracyluv, well a bit like Sadie King. A brilliant character played by a woeful actress. :thumbsdow

01-10-2005, 00:39
As for my feelings about tracyluv, well a bit like Sadie King. A brilliant character played by a woeful actress. :thumbsdow

Precisely. Two wonderful characters with brilliant scripts let down by pitiful acting

01-10-2005, 00:40
Yes one is emotionless and expressionless, while the other looks like she's cheerfully posing for the dentist.

01-10-2005, 00:45
Botoxic and just plain toxic

01-10-2005, 00:47
Let's replace biotoxic with Claire King and toxic replaced by Dawn Acton once more.

01-10-2005, 00:56
I would love Claire King to return and wipe the pout off the wooden/plastic former Mrs Gallagher

01-10-2005, 00:58
Indeed. The ultimate Miss Bitch.

01-10-2005, 01:01
Kim Tate - The Best Bitch! :cheer:

01-10-2005, 01:10
one of the only caracters i enjoy

04-01-2006, 09:47
From Daily Star

Hideous Tracy Barlow is set to plumb new depths of depravity. Not content with leaving baby Amy home alone on New Year's Eve, the Corrie slapper will dump her daughter to shack up with her latest squeeze, Charlie Stubbs. The bullying builder invites Tracy to move in with him - on condition that she leaves Amy behind.

Unable to resist the chance to hear more of Charlie's super-exciting grouting anecdotes, Tracy leaves the tot with her parents, Ken and Deirdre - telling them they can even hand her over to social services if they want.

A Street insider revealed: "Ken and Deirdre thought they had seen just about every bad side possible from their wayward daughter, but this really opens their eyes. They can't believe they've brought up such an appalling specimen as Tracy, someone prepared to sacrifice their own child."

The scenes, which will be screened in March, herald a run of storylines in which Tracy emerges as the biggest bitch in Weatherfield - and let's face it, she doesn't have much further to sink.

04-01-2006, 10:35
his storyline is really getting on my wick - she needs sorted out SOON!!!

04-01-2006, 11:01
If Corrie ever decides to run a story about Sexually Transmitted Diseases then lets hope trace is the person who catches one (or several) and suffers horribly.

04-01-2006, 11:46
If Corrie ever decides to run a story about Sexually Transmitted Diseases then lets hope trace is the person who catches one (or several) and suffers horribly.

:clap::clap: here here.. she doesn't deserve to have Amy.. give her to Steve, at least he is interested in her wellbeen

04-01-2006, 12:16
aw thats just terrible!

04-01-2006, 14:09
:angry: so she nearly splits up two marriages to get her baby, and then as soon as she's with twisted Charlie she goes and gives her away!!

04-01-2006, 14:20
yeah - give the baby to Steve.

eastenders mad
04-01-2006, 15:33
i didn't think she will get back in time before Derdire and Ken got home. i thought she was going to stay over at Chariles for the night.

04-01-2006, 18:29
I hope Tracy gets her commeupance soon :angry:

05-01-2006, 14:53
well if she actually does this and says they can even give her to social services, i assume Steve will be straight on this and have their court case for Amy's custody re-opened?

05-01-2006, 16:28
do you think tracy's just being twisted by charlie like shelley was or do you think she's just being her bitchy self?

05-01-2006, 17:52
do you think tracy's just being twisted by charlie like shelley was or do you think she's just being her bitchy self?

Well i am not sure tbh, because i was quite shocked that Charlie said she could move in but leave Amy behind and Tracy went along with it. I thought Tracy would stand by her daughter no matter how bitchy she was. I was obviously wrong but Charlie could be using his manipulative ways once again.

12-06-2006, 14:21
Actress Kate Ford - Corrie's superbitch Tracy Barlow - has threatened to leave the soap for a second year running.

Kate, 28, decided to to leave Weatherfield last year but show executives lured her back with the promise of jucier storylines.

According to the News of the World, Kate has again insisted that she will bow out next year when her contract expires.

Her future with the Street is, however, still uncertain as producers are reportedly creating a lucrative pay packet in a bid to keep her.

A Corrie spokesman told DS: "Kate is contracted until next Spring so she's with us for the foreseeable future."

If Kate carries out her threat she will join a long list of principle characters who will disappear from Britain's most famous Street over the next year. Others who have indicated that they will be waving goodbye include: Bradley Walsh (Danny Baldwin), Debra Stephenson (Frankie Baldwin), Richard Fleeshman (Craig Harris), Ray Fearon (Nathan Cooper), Susie Blake (Bev Unwin), Ian Redford (Keith), Eric Potts (Diggory Compton), Emma Stansfield (Ronnie Clayton), Sally Lindsay (Shelley Unwin), Jane Danson (Leanne Battersby) and John Savident (Fred Elliot).

Some, however, have indicated they are simply taking a break and expect to return to the soap at a later date.

eastenders mad
12-06-2006, 18:00
i thought she was leaving this year

12-06-2006, 18:06
i thought she was leaving this year

she said she would, but the producers offered her storylines with bill ward (charlie) so she decided to stay...but now she has obviosuly changed her mind (again)

12-06-2006, 18:17
I heard she was going to leave last Christmas, but good on Corrie producers for keeping her! I think she's a great asset to the show, so i hope she decides not to leave and Corrie producers persaude her to stay again, i am sure they can produce more bitchy/scandal storylines for Kate to get her teeth stuck into!!

12-06-2006, 21:11
Could it be that it's the summer season, and some of the papers are having to not exactly make stories up, but embellish weak rumours? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

They're in competition with the World Cup amongst other ongong events.

12-06-2006, 21:20
Jane Danson (Leanne Battersby)Leanne's going? :searchme:

12-06-2006, 21:40
Just on maternity leave, next month. :)

12-06-2006, 21:41
i thought she was leaving this year
I wish she was. Corrie does NOT need the grinning monkey that is Ms Ford. :thumbsdow

13-06-2006, 00:03
Actress Kate Ford - Corrie's superbitch Tracy Barlow - has threatened to leave the soap for a second year running.

Kate, 28, decided to to leave Weatherfield last year but show executives lured her back with the promise of jucier storylines.

According to the News of the World, Kate has again insisted that she will bow out next year when her contract expires.

Her future with the Street is, however, still uncertain as producers are reportedly creating a lucrative pay packet in a bid to keep her.

A Corrie spokesman told DS: "Kate is contracted until next Spring so she's with us for the foreseeable future."

So that's 11 whopping cast members leaving then. Some did need to go, whether or not they chose to is another matter. I think Ray Fearon and
If Kate carries out her threat she will join a long list of principle characters who will disappear from Britain's most famous Street over the next year. Others who have indicated that they will be waving goodbye include: Bradley Walsh (Danny Baldwin), Debra Stephenson (Frankie Baldwin), Richard Fleeshman (Craig Harris), Ray Fearon (Nathan Cooper), Susie Blake (Bev Unwin), Ian Redford (Keith), Eric Potts (Diggory Compton), Emma Stansfield (Ronnie Clayton), Sally Lindsay (Shelley Unwin), Jane Danson (Leanne Battersby) and John Savident (Fred Elliot).

Some, however, have indicated they are simply taking a break and expect to return to the soap at a later date.

Wow. So that's 11 going then.

Some did need to go, whether or not they chose to is another matter entirely. I think Susie Blake, Ian Redford, Debra Stephenson, John Savident and Sally Lindsay chose to leave of their own accord. Bradley and Richard are leaving temporarily and Jane Danson will be on maternity leave soon.

13-06-2006, 01:34
Cant wait to see the back of the plank that is Kate Ford she can go to the forest and join the other wooden actors. i.e. Patsy Kensit and Nigel Woodman. Glad to see that they are doing their bit to save the amazon rain forests.

19-06-2006, 02:54
LOL @ Alan.

There is a lot going but now it opens the street up for a new family or 2, I think corro needs that.

Chloe O'brien
01-08-2006, 12:01
It has been confirmed that Coronation Street super-bitch, Tracy Barlow is to leave the show.
Actress Kate Ford will be bowing out of the popular soap after deciding not to sign a new deal to stay with the show.
According to reports, bosses say she'll bid farewell to the famous cobbles in a sensational finale, but she won't be killed off.
Over the years 'Toxic Tracy' has endured endless scraps with love-rivals like Karen McDonald and even tried to sell her baby to the Croppers.
Tracy is currently shacked up with dastardly builder Charlie, who finally seemed to be her match.
29-year-old Kate says she can't wait to see what's in store and that she turned down a megabucks deal to stay on after 2007, so she can try new projects.

01-08-2006, 13:05
merged threads for tidiness, thanks for posting kath :)

01-08-2006, 23:22
so she can try new projects.I'll wait and see. :rolleyes:

05-08-2006, 17:01
So Tracy is leaving then...i really like her character, she's a brilliant soap bitch so i hope she gets the exit she deserves, i am glad she's not being killed off, atleast then she might be able to return in the future, i hope Tracy really bows out in style!

19-01-2007, 08:26

SHE might be facing life behind bars for bumping off Charlie Stubbs, but Corrie's Tracy Barlow isn't letting that cramp her style.

Released on bail on January 29, she is soon up to her old tricks. We can exclusively reveal that in the run up to her murder trial two Street residents hop into her bed - in sexy scenes that are bound to shock.

First, Terminator Tracy rekindles her romance with Steve McDonald. But it's the second man in her life that has Corrie bosses braced for an almighty backlash - David Platt.

In a controversial storyline, the evil 16-year-old blackmails Tracy, who is twice his age, into sleeping with him.

David claims he saw Tracy murdering Charlie. Realising that Poison Platt is lying, she thinks she can use him and starts grooming him to be a defence witness.

She gives him cash and CDs but then he starts demanding sexual favours. By the end of February, Tracy is forced to kiss David. And then he demands sex in return for testifying for her in court.

Daily Mirror

19-01-2007, 09:56
:eek: my my i never thought that would happen -tracey and steve i can understand just bout but tracey and david!!!! thats going to be a brilliant story line........... :eek: what will gail say :eek:

19-01-2007, 10:04
Typical of Devil Boy David. Never one to miss an oppurtunity:eek:

19-01-2007, 10:07
Typical of Devil Boy David. Never one to miss an oppurtunity:eek:

actually now that ive thought about it, wish some disturbing images, its actually a very clever move to put them together.

19-01-2007, 10:09
Get in there David!!! :rotfl:

Sorry!! I'm imagining Gails face when she finds out about this little daliance! He is a redblooded male after all - like Alan said, seize that opportunity!! :lol: :o

19-01-2007, 10:12
Get in there David!!! :rotfl:

Sorry!! I'm imaging Gails face when she finds out about this little daliance! He is a redblooded male after all - like Alan said, seize that opportunity!! :lol: :o
Gail's not having much luck with her brood is she. Sarah falls in love with a homosexual, then goes out with his brother who apparently has fathered a child. Now the son of Satan teams up with the street bike and murderer. What would granny Ivy say:rotfl:

19-01-2007, 10:44
What a match made in hell David and Tracey

19-01-2007, 10:53
OMG! Corrie really is going for it with all the shocking storylines at the mo!

19-01-2007, 11:14
That's what I call a story line!

Can Satan's spawn get any worse?

19-01-2007, 11:34
He really is outdoing himself, first Maria and then Tracy. I just love it when he's giving Gail grief, although I do think that he's a little S*d!

Well done Corrie more brilliant ideas and viewing but watch out for the "critics"!

Corrie is really hotting up.

19-01-2007, 11:53
That's what I call a story line!

Can Satan's spawn get any worse?

yeah.. he could blackmail Deirdre to sleep with him :rotfl::rotfl:

19-01-2007, 11:57
That's what I call a story line!

Can Satan's spawn get any worse?

yeah.. he could blackmail Deirdre to sleep with him :rotfl::rotfl:

ewwwwwwwwwwwww - the thought of that makes me feel sick!

Chloe O'brien
19-01-2007, 12:09
This is certain to be one cracking storyline. Poor Gail she will have a nervous breakdown when she finds out about David and Tracy. Can't wait to see it.

19-01-2007, 12:59
Lol, i said this the other week, when we read potential storylines coming up.

19-01-2007, 17:52
Oh my god! That's really shocking lol!
Sounds like it will be good! A little weird, but still good :p

19-01-2007, 18:03
Oh my god, is that true!
What is going on with David, I mean he has some issues

19-01-2007, 23:31
It sounds like an absolutely fantastic storyline!! Get in there David!! :D :D I can't wait to see what happens next...and when Gail finds out David's latest trick, her reaction should be fantastic! Corrie really are getting more and more controversial with their storylines and i'm loving it! Well done Corrie! :clap:

20-01-2007, 14:27
That's what I call a story line!

Can Satan's spawn get any worse?

yeah.. he could blackmail Deirdre to sleep with him :rotfl::rotfl:

Siobhan do you really need to put images in people head :sick: :sick: :sick:

05-01-2010, 11:16
Kate Ford returns to 'Coronation Street'
Tuesday, January 5 2010, 10:59 GMT

Actress Kate Ford is to reprise her role as Coronation Street superbitch Tracy Barlow in the spring, it has been confirmed.

The 32-year-old returns to filming in March and will reappear on screen in the middle of the year when she becomes embroiled in another 'much-loved' character's storyline from prison.

Following an initial two-month stint, Tracy will make a full-time Weatherfield comeback by the close of the year, in time for the show's 50th anniversary.

A Corrie spokesperson this morning told DS: "2010 is going to be a very exciting year for Coronation Street and Tracy's return will affect many people on the street - not just the Barlows."

In the soap, Tracy is currently serving a 15-year sentence after being found guilty of murdering her boyfriend Charlie Stubbs (Bill Ward).

Since her trial and final prison scenes, she has been referenced numerous times in scripts by her parents Ken and Deirdre Barlow and Steve McDonald, the father of her child Amy.

Last month, it was announced that Corrie's leading producer Kim Crowther is to step down from her position in the summer ahead of the soap's golden anniversary. Former Doctor Who producer Phil Collinson will take the reigns following her departure.

05-01-2010, 11:19
Tracey and Becky feud no doubt

How can she be realised already from prison????

05-01-2010, 11:23
Sounds good. I wonder who's the "much-loved character" who meets Tracey in prison?

05-01-2010, 12:57
Never liked Kate Ford, I was hoping for a different actress to play Tracey on her return. :(

05-01-2010, 12:57
Tracey and Becky feud no doubt

How can she be realised already from prison????

Good behaviour would have got her the sentence reduced.

05-01-2010, 15:21
I prefer to see Karen back

I dont mind Tracey as long as she stays in prison

05-01-2010, 15:31
I agree with you, I would love for Karen to come back rather than Tracey. But Tracey would have to be released one day so she would never have been gone for good.

05-01-2010, 17:00
I agree with you, I would love for Karen to come back rather than Tracey. But Tracey would have to be released one day so she would never have been gone for good.

its too soon for her release

05-01-2010, 17:06
They will find some explanation, she is coming back shortly first and then permanently later this year.

05-01-2010, 17:18
Good behaviour would have got her the sentence reduced.

its too soon for her release

Yet again the soaps make up their own laws. As far as I am aware the most she could have hoped for was 1 third remission thus she would have had to serve at least ten years of a 15 stretch.

The wooden actress known as Kate Ford always was a favourite of a certain producer in Corrie so her return to the cobbles is not unexpected. Just a pity its so soon

05-01-2010, 23:33
Tracey and Becky feud no doubt

i can see that comeing fighting over steve

06-01-2010, 12:54
Anything can happen on the soaps. Characters have personality transplants all the time. Early release from prison? No probs.

06-01-2010, 12:56
Ideally they would both come back. Then Corrie could get back on an even footing with Eastenders.

06-01-2010, 13:13
How on earth are they gonna explain this??? its impossible!

06-01-2010, 13:23
In soapland, nothing is impossible. A lot of the time, things happen that would not happen in the real world.

06-01-2010, 13:30
I know that but I just cant think of any possible explanation for this :searchme: oh well we'll have to wait n see!

06-01-2010, 14:03
Then Corrie could get back on an even footing with Eastenders.

What nonsense!!!!! For Corrie to get back on an even footing with Deadenders it would have to become a rubbish soap with idiotic storylines featuring a poison dwarf and her beetroot son. It would have to become a place filled with totally unbelievable characters and increasingly unbelievale and outlandish storylines.

If Corrie were EE then Tracyluv would still be running around Weatherfield threatening all and sundry. The local police would be bribed into dropping all charges and the CPS would also lose all the evidence. If you think thats daft then consider the Mitchell Bruvvas.

06-01-2010, 14:07
:rotfl: on top form as ever alan!

06-01-2010, 14:20
:rotfl: on top form as ever alan!

Did you seriously expect me to turn over a new leaf for the new decade.

Seriously though I dont know how ITV are going to get over Tracyluvs conviction unless they have an EE type storyline

06-01-2010, 14:38
when she becomes embroiled in another 'much-loved' character's storyline from prison.

Is Betty suppose to be going to prison for poisoning someone so it could be her

06-01-2010, 14:41
Is Betty suppose to be going to prison for poisoning someone so it could be her

is betty going to prison thoe?

06-01-2010, 14:45
Surely they will not send Betty to prison if Steve serves somebody an out of date hotpot :eek:

06-01-2010, 14:47
Surely they will not send Betty to prison if Steve serves somebody an out of date hotpot :eek:

thats what i was thinking to couse it would be steve in trouble not betty

06-01-2010, 14:50
I heard a rumour it was Gail, something to do with Joe's death

06-01-2010, 14:51
I thought David was saving her by destroying evidence

06-01-2010, 14:52
I thought David was saving her by destroying evidence

yeh thats in the soap mag

06-01-2010, 15:14
I have just had a thought ... Graeme has been to prison (ok, YOI), and he is meant to have a romance :D:hmm:

06-01-2010, 15:22
I have just had a thought ... Graeme has been to prison (ok, YOI), and he is meant to have a romance :D:hmm:

oh could be :hmm:

06-01-2010, 15:30
Tracey is in a women's prison so how would she know Graeme???????

06-01-2010, 15:32
Tracey is in a women's prison so how would she know Graeme???????

ohh yeh good point

06-01-2010, 15:34
There is only Deirdre from the females on Corrie that has been to prison ... She is unlikely to have a lesbian affair with her mother. I don't read the spoiler that she knows the person from prison, just that the person has been to one.

06-01-2010, 15:34
Maybe the much loved character is Emily - she was always close with Tracey and maybe she still visits or writes to her?????????

Would Tracey be left out maybe for Blanche's funeral as she is her grandmother???????

06-01-2010, 15:35
She is reportedly coming for a couple of months and then permanent later this year, she would only be released for the funeral day, not several weeks.

06-01-2010, 15:47
If its a well loved character that rules out Devil Boy.

If its someone Tracyluv meets in prison then that pretty certain to be a female. If Gail is remanded for something to do with Joes attempted Insurance Fraud then it could be her.

07-01-2010, 14:36
That's the best theory I've read so far.

As for Tracy getting out of prison, maybe she appeals and/or is released on a technicality. Or maybe she does something in prison (for example, saves a prison officer's life or rats out a fellow prisoner) that gains her early release.

I would imagine that there's going to be a big storyline in the prison to re-introduce Tracy, also involving the other character.

08-01-2010, 06:52
SUPERBITCH Tracy Barlow will make a shock return to the cobbles.

The fiery brunette, who is behind bars for murdering boyfriend Charlie Stubbs, is making a comeback after bosses agreed a deal with actress Kate Ford, 32.

Fans will get to see Tracy in prison when she starts a love affair with a popular Weatherfield resident. :eek:

Kate’s initial scenes will be filmed in the nick but we can reveal she will be back on the Street for good later in the year, sparking rumours her killer character will be released early.

Bosses are keeping tight- lipped about which fella will be getting up close and personal with the jailbird, but her former lover Steve McDonald is firm favourite. :eek:

The cab boss – played by Simon Gregson, 35 – is going through a rocky patch with new wife Becky (Katherine Kelly, 31) because she refuses to have children.

But Tracy could also rekindle her romance with returning Irish hunk Ciaran McCarthy – played by Keith Duffy, 35.

A show insider said: “We are absolutely thrilled that Kate is coming back.

“She was a huge favourite with fans who will be interested to see how prison has changed her.

“Will it have toughened her up or made her see the error of her ways?”

Filming at the Manchester studios ground to a halt yesterday as more than half the cast and crew were kept away by heavy snow.

Daily Star

08-01-2010, 09:06
Fans will get to see Tracy in prison when she starts a love affair with a popular Weatherfield resident. :eek:

Who on earth could it be? How can she have a love affair with a man whilst in prison? It must just be that they fall in love, rather than anything physical (unless someone gets a job as a prison warden, but that would be going too Bad Girls!). Steve, Ciaran or whoever must start visiting her in prison.

08-01-2010, 09:21
Steve is the obvious one, because of Amy. But why he would start something with her again, being newly wed, can't see scriptwriters coming up with one of those stories, surely :p

08-01-2010, 09:27
I'll be disappointed if it's Steve. I really hoped that he and Becky would have a lasting, if tempestuous, marriage.

08-01-2010, 10:02
I hope its not Steve and isnt Ciaran getting with Michelle?

08-01-2010, 10:07
I don't remember Tracey and Ciaran from before, so why would he start something with her in prison?

08-01-2010, 11:08
hmm im baffled :hmm:

08-01-2010, 13:12
I'll be disappointed if it's Steve. I really hoped that he and Becky would have a lasting, if tempestuous, marriage.

yeh me to i hope it aint steve but we know she'll want amy back

08-01-2010, 13:38
Did Steve get proper custody of Amy? I don't see Steve giving her up easily.

08-01-2010, 13:40
Did Steve get proper custody of Amy? I don't see Steve giving her up easily.

dont know i dont think so

08-01-2010, 14:00
Fans will get to see Tracy in prison when she starts a love affair with a popular Weatherfield resident.

maybe she starts the affair in prison

08-01-2010, 14:04
Yes, but who can it be?

08-01-2010, 14:14
Yes, but who can it be?

the only people i can think off is steve and david

08-01-2010, 14:17
maybe its a female after all she is a female prison

09-01-2010, 06:37
It will be Gail she meets in prison, something to do with Joe's death that will implicate her. Although I can't see them starting a lesbian affair, not at the same time as Sophie and Sian are supposed to start their relationship. Probably Steve or David :eek:

09-01-2010, 11:15
It will be Gail she meets in prison, something to do with Joe's death that will implicate her. Although I can't see them starting a lesbian affair, not at the same time as Sophie and Sian are supposed to start their relationship. Probably Steve or David :eek:

That is a frightening thought!

09-01-2010, 13:55
Didn't Tracy used to chase Steve mercilessly? I don't think he reciprocated her feelings, though I think he gave in and had a brief fling with her (I mean after Amy was born, not just the time that she was conceived). She was obsessed with him at one point.

David was after Tracy once, but she just used him to help cover up Charlie's murder (from what I remember).

09-01-2010, 14:15
I think David tried to blackmail her into sleeping with him, saying he had seen her murder Charlie. But she knew he was lying so just led him on for a while and then told him that she knew he was lying and never slept with him, that is what I remember

09-01-2010, 14:22
That sounds exactly right. You've got a good memory, Perdita :).

09-01-2010, 19:53
It will be Gail she meets in prison, something to do with Joe's death that will implicate her. Although I can't see them starting a lesbian affair, not at the same time as Sophie and Sian are supposed to start their relationship. Probably Steve or David :eek:

Maybe Nick i doubt its David

09-01-2010, 20:18
You might be right there, Nick would be more her type

09-01-2010, 23:03
Didn't Tracy used to chase Steve mercilessly? I don't think he reciprocated her feelings, though I think he gave in and had a brief fling with her (I mean after Amy was born, not just the time that she was conceived). She was obsessed with him at one point.

David was after Tracy once, but she just used him to help cover up Charlie's murder (from what I remember).

steve whent along with it with tracy to get amy

11-01-2010, 14:37
Coronation Street legend Blanche Hunt is to get an on-screen send-off after the much-loved character passes away, it has been announced.

Producers' plans for Blanche had remained uncertain after actress Maggie Jones, who played the Weatherfield battleaxe from 1974, died last month following a period of ill health.

Speaking on This Morning today, the soap's leading producer Kim Crowther confirmed that Blanche will get an on-screen funeral later this year. The occasion will see the comeback of Kate Ford in the role of Blanche's twisted granddaughter Tracy Barlow.

Crowther explained: "Blanche's death seemed the perfect opportunity to introduce [Tracy] back to the show, as she is released from prison especially to attend the funeral and allowed say goodbye to her grandmother. This won't be the last we see of Tracy though - she is set to share a cell with a well-known character - who could it be?"

Blanche's absence from screens has so far been explained by an extended break in Portugal with a friend.

11-01-2010, 17:36
The character to meet tracey in prison is gail, the exec producer pretty much confirmed it on this morning before.

Gail will end up having a stint in prison because of joe and in the end it will end up gail on trial for joes murder. So as far as i can tell...at the end of summer we'll be enthralled in a big who dunnit scenario as there hve also been pics of david chucking joes mobile into a lake/canal in the press.

11-01-2010, 17:50
Yes, I agree, it has to be Gail who does time. I expect that the truth will come out, I have not heard that Helen Worth wants to leave/has been sacked.

11-01-2010, 17:55
yeh i agree to it has to be gail

11-01-2010, 18:39
The character to meet tracey in prison is gail, the exec producer pretty much confirmed it on this morning before.

Gail will end up having a stint in prison because of joe and in the end it will end up gail on trial for joes murder. So as far as i can tell...at the end of summer we'll be enthralled in a big who dunnit scenario as there hve also been pics of david chucking joes mobile into a lake/canal in the press.

Poor Gail! It's understandable she'll be suspected though.

12-01-2010, 11:14
Poor Gail :eek:. I know her taste in men is appalling, but she doesn't deserve to be arrested and imprisoned for Joe's murder!

13-01-2010, 13:20
I've just read this in another forum, so I've no idea how true it is.

Apparently, Gail does goes to prison over Joe's death and insurance scam, as we suspected. David tries to cover up her involvement which makes matters worse.

Gail meets Tracy in prison and somehow Tracy gets some information that leads her to blackmail David into re-submitting the statement he retracted at her trial. (If you remember, David was closely involved with Tracy at the time of Charlie's murder -
I think she promised to sleep with him if he would make a statement proving she didn't murder Charlie.) Tracy is then set free until a retrial, whereupon she is sentenced to manslaughter and sentenced to time served.

This is how Tracy gets back to the Street full-time.

13-01-2010, 13:24
Sounds plausible

13-01-2010, 16:30
Yes, that makes more sense now.

13-01-2010, 17:00
thats makes sense

13-01-2010, 18:28
not too flimsy a reason actually! and nice how they weaved it all together with Gail too. i get the feeling if she went to prison she'd be happy to see anyone she knew, even Tracy Barlow!

13-01-2010, 19:46
Well its what we have come to expect from Corrie. At least its a plausible reason which is unlike Deadenders where they raise the dead, a person gets caught in possesion of a firearm and escaping from lawful custody gets off scott free because the scriptwriters couldnt be arsed researching the facts

13-01-2010, 19:48
i cant wait to find out what stuff tracy has on david and your right

13-01-2010, 20:11
I love Tracy, im glad :D

13-01-2010, 22:40
Im not sure i buy this, what is David's new statement going to say?

13-01-2010, 22:41
Im not sure i buy this, what is David's new statement going to say?

thats what i'm wondering to

14-01-2010, 13:40
Im not sure i buy this, what is David's new statement going to say?

If I remember correctly (and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), Tracy originally used David as a false witness to the fact that she didn't murder Charlie, but he turned on her at the trial and recinded his statement, causing her to be found guilty of murder.

It sounds like, if this storyline comes to pass, that Tracy manages to get something on Gail or David after meeting Gail in prison, and blackmails David into going to the police and saying that his original statement was true.

We'll just have to wait and see if any of this actually comes to pass.

14-01-2010, 13:49
You might be right there, it could be on those lines

14-01-2010, 13:50
i cant wait to find out what tracy has on david

17-01-2010, 13:33
When Tracy and David slept together how old was he back then?

17-01-2010, 14:13
They never slept together. He wanted to lose his virginity with her but it never happened.

17-01-2010, 14:21
They didn't actually slept together. According to Wikipedia, Tracy was just stringing him along by promising to sleep with him in return for his testifying in her favour in court. She managed to put him off until after the court case. David went through with his lie but the prosecution tore him to shreds.

The fact that he did testify in her favour in court (according to Wikipedia) means the theory we've been discussing probably wouldn't work. Oh well, it was only an unbstubstantiated rumour anyway.

If anyone's interested, here's the Wikipedia page I got this from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracy_Barlow

17-01-2010, 19:04
i rememer that he kept ringing her and texting her asking to meet up

17-01-2010, 19:17
That is right, you have a good memory :)

17-01-2010, 19:22
That is right, you have a good memory :)


20-01-2010, 09:01
with what i'th been reading tn the inside soap when she comes back she couses trouble for steve and becky when they decide to adopt tracy stars scheming

20-01-2010, 14:39
Yep she's bound to cause all kinds of trouble for Becky and Steve - just when they get things back on track too!

25-01-2010, 06:02
SHE may play Corrie's biggest bitch - but actress Kate Ford says she was full of nerves about returning as Tracy Barlow.
Kate, who begged soap bosses not to kill off her character, returns in the spring when Tracy is let out of jail to attend her gran's funeral.

She was jailed for 15 years in 2007 for murdering boyfriend Charlie Stubbs - but she will be back on the Street when beloved gran Blanche Hunt is laid to rest.

Actress Kate revealed her character will also re-appear for a longer stint in the soap later in the year.

Despite spending five years on the cobbles, Kate, 32, said she was worried about her return.

She has already filmed a string of new scenes and admitted in an interview with Hello! magazine: "I was really nervous at first.

"I had this noise in my throat like a croak because my mouth was really dry. The sound guy was like, 'I can hear that'. It was really loud."

Kate left Weatherfield in April 2007, but is still recognised as Tracy. The star added: "When I left, I said: 'Please don't kill me off!'

"I hoped I would return even though it was my decision to leave.

"People do remember the storyline even now. I still get binmen shouting 'Hello Tracy!' when they see me. I wanted people to see Tracy as messed-up, not evil."

Kate, who has a 19-month-old son called Otis, said: "I left Coronation Street to do lots of different things, then within a few months I found out I was pregnant so my life went in another direction."

Her return follows the death of actress Maggie Jones who played her on-screen gran.

Kate said: "I knew her really well. She was a brilliant person, really feisty with a naughty sense of humour."

The Sun

27-01-2010, 06:23
Coronation Street's unluckiest lady Gail McIntyre (Helen Worth) attends court in the coming weeks on a murder charge - for killing her husband Joe. And as you can see from my pictures below, Eileen's certainly not prepared to miss the opportunity to see Gail in the dock!

It's no secret that Joe dies - as was seen in the NTA Corrie promo reel - but the aftermath is interesting to say the least. Gail actually ends up being remanded in custody pending trial, so expect plenty of prison scenes.

The cool twist, though, is that it paves the way for Kate Ford's return to screens as Tracy Barlow. Gail and Tracy in prison together?! What a combination...

27-01-2010, 17:06
oh i'm looking forword to it

29-01-2010, 01:40
me too it sounds really good

27-02-2010, 14:24
Tracy Barlow's return to Coronation Street will cause havoc for Peter and Leanne's romance, reports claim.

It has been announced that Kate Ford will reprise her role as the murderous daughter of Deidre, coming out of prison in time for the Manchester soap's 50th anniversary.

Chris Gascoyne, who plays Peter, told the TV Times: "Whenever Kate is around, things go wrong - Tracy comes in with a huge wooden spoon and stirs everything up.

"You know, Peter's just troubled, he's got demons but she's actually murdered someone."

Tracy began a 15-year prison sentence after killing abusive husband Charlie Stubbs (played by Bill Ward).

27-02-2010, 16:56
I wonder how Tracey will cause havoc for them?

27-02-2010, 16:59
Tracy began a 15-year prison sentence after killing abusive husband Charlie Stubbs (played by Bill Ward).

How long has she been inside?

27-02-2010, 17:51
3 years in April 2010

27-02-2010, 18:00
Thanks, Perdy.

In that case, do we know yet how she gets out if she was sentenced to 15 years?

27-02-2010, 19:15
Not as far as I know, but producers have issued assurances that it is a legitimate and plausible reason for her early release. Guess we have to wait to judge for ourselves :)

27-02-2010, 21:00
I wonder how Tracey will cause havoc for them?

i'm wondering that to but looking forword to it

27-02-2010, 21:07
I have a feeling that she will cause havoc for everyone, Peter, because she will fancy him, Steve and Becky because of Amy, I am not looking forward to the character coming back :( All too predictable imo

27-02-2010, 21:09
I have a feeling that she will cause havoc for everyone, Peter, because she will fancy him, Steve and Becky because of Amy, I am not looking forward to the character coming back :( All too predictable imo

isnt Peter her brother?

27-02-2010, 21:23
Yeah, Peter is Tracey's brother, so hopefully she won't fancy him :eek:

I'm not really looking forward to her coming back, either. From what I remember she wasn't that good an actress.

27-02-2010, 21:46
Ooops. Forgot for a moment that Peter is her brother but I suppose she will not like him playing happy family when she has to fight for her daughter, once she sees how happy Peter and Leanne are with Simon

27-02-2010, 23:06
Just how TF can Tracey get released from THE BIG HOUSE so soon.

28-02-2010, 14:55
Ooops. Forgot for a moment that Peter is her brother...

Actually, now I think about it, I believe Peter and Tracey may be step brother and sister, so theoretically she could fancy him. I can't see Corrie going down that road though.

I can't see how Tracey can be released realistically unless new evidence comes to light or a witness comes forward. Even then, we know it'd be false because she really did murder Charlie.

28-02-2010, 15:21
I hope they don't go down the line of Tracey fancying Peter :eek:

28-02-2010, 15:30
Just how TF can Tracey get released from THE BIG HOUSE so soon.

Easy. It's a soap.

01-03-2010, 01:19
Easy. It's a soap.

Next thing you will be telling us is that EE isnt real!!!!!

01-03-2010, 10:13
Next thing you will be telling us is that EE isnt real!!!!!

Of course EE is real. You saw the cardboard funfair didn't you? Every square in London has one.

09-03-2010, 16:14
TRACY Barlow will become the richest killer behind bars when she inherits a fortune this summer.

And murderer Tracy isn’t the only one to be surprised that gran Blanche Hunt, who died in Spain, left all her money to the jailbird.

It will come as an even bigger shock to her mum Deidre (Anne Kirkbride, 55) because she is left only some tatty necklaces and earrings by the battleaxe.

News that Tracy (Kate Ford, 32) is now worth a small fortune quickly angers her relatives. Brother Peter (Chris Gascoyne, 42) storms: “Why Tracy, for God’s sake? What was Blanche thinking?”

Ken (Bill Roache, 77) says: “Maybe she thought Tracy needed the money.”

But that doesn’t wash with Peter, who hits back: “What, for soap and tobacco? Cos that’s all she’ll be able to spend it on for the next 10 years.”

When Deirdre breaks out laughing, Peter asks what she’s so amused about and she explains:

“I’m laughing at you lot arguing. Don’t you get it? That’s just what me mum would have wanted.”

And Blanche, who was played by the late Maggie Jones, takes one last swipe at Ken when she leaves him her dog.

Blanche writes: “You’d better feed and walk her regularly. And don’t take her near canals, theatres
or any other places where loose women may be hanging about.”

Ken responds: “Even in death she mocks me.”

Daily Star

11-03-2010, 15:04
All this talk of the funeral and the will, but whens it actually happening?

11-03-2010, 15:07
In May :crying:

11-03-2010, 15:12
May :eek:

11-03-2010, 15:13
And when is Tracy due out of prison then?

11-03-2010, 15:18
First for the funeral and later this year for good, after dopping Gail in for murdering Joe

11-03-2010, 17:11
First for the funeral and later this year for good, after dopping Gail in for murdering Joe

In the totally far fetched ridiculous storyline

12-03-2010, 21:04
i hope this funeral and will thing is like an entire episode, it's gonna be hilarious!

13-03-2010, 19:02
Sounds great. Love this bit:

"And Blanche, who was played by the late Maggie Jones, takes one last swipe at Ken when she leaves him her dog.

Blanche writes: “You’d better feed and walk her regularly. And don’t take her near canals, theatres
or any other places where loose women may be hanging about.”

Ken responds: “Even in death she mocks me.”


24-10-2010, 15:59
Coronation Street character Tracy Barlow's comeback storyline has reportedly been revealed.

The superbitch, played by Kate Ford, will apparently be cleared of murdering boyfriend Charlie Stubbs during a retrial and subsequently return to Weatherfield to cause havoc.

A source told the News of the World: "It's a masterstroke to bring her back. We expect Tracy to be in Weatherfield for at least a year and star in some terrific storylines. There is so much to go at.

"She is uncompromising, feisty and downright evil when she wants to be. The viewing figures are going to be huge for the episode when she first arrives back in Weatherfield and walks into the Rovers for the first time."

Producers are said to be filming scenes to show during the soap's 50th birthday celebrations in December, to give viewers a taste of her full-time return in the New Year.

Tracy will bring chaos to several characters upon her return, including Gail Platt, the McDonalds and her parents Ken and Deirdre Barlow.

24-10-2010, 16:19
A source told the News of the World: "It's a masterstroke to bring her back."

Is it really? But we all know she did murder Charlie Stubbs, so, if she's now going to be cleared what sort of message does that give out?

24-10-2010, 16:31
Is it really? But we all know she did murder Charlie Stubbs, so, if she's now going to be cleared what sort of message does that give out?That Ms Barlow can do what she wants including committing perjury and the producers will bring her back in a totally unrealistic way.

11-11-2010, 00:36
TWISTED Tracy Barlow is back to her evil ways as soon as she is freed from jail - by snatching daughter Amy.
Corrie's superbitch stuns residents by making a shock Christmas Eve return after an anomaly in DNA evidence means she is released from her 15-year sentence for killing former lover Charlie Stubbs.
TV Biz can reveal that a retrial is set for the New Year and Tracy, played by Kate Ford is on the warpath.
She is determined to wreck her ex Steve McDonald's marriage to new wife Becky by taking little Amy from them.
Becky, played by Katherine Kelly, suffers another blow days later when scheming half-sister Kylie Turner demands another £10,000 to keep her son Max as her own.
Viewers last week saw her agree to give Kylie £20,000 if she left Weatherfield and allowed her to bring up Max.
Terrified of losing both her kids, Becky is pushed to the brink and returns to her criminal ways to get Kylie the cash.
She breaks into Dev Alahan's cornershop - still cordoned off after the tram crash reduced it to rubble - and nicks the money from the safe.
An insider said: "Becky is desperate for her family and will do anything to stop it being ripped apart - although she risks ending back in jail when she goes to such extreme lengths."

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/soaps/3221658/Tracy-Barlow-out-to-cause-chaos.html#ixzz14vgemYZf

11-11-2010, 09:54
TWISTED Tracy Barlow is back to her evil ways as soon as she is freed from jail - by snatching daughter Amy.
Corrie's superbitch stuns residents by making a shock Christmas Eve return after an anomaly in DNA evidence means she is released from her 15-year sentence for killing former lover Charlie Stubbs.
TV Biz can reveal that a retrial is set for the New Year and Tracy, played by Kate Ford is on the warpath.
She is determined to wreck her ex Steve McDonald's marriage to new wife Becky by taking little Amy from them.
Becky, played by Katherine Kelly, suffers another blow days later when scheming half-sister Kylie Turner demands another £10,000 to keep her son Max as her own.
Viewers last week saw her agree to give Kylie £20,000 if she left Weatherfield and allowed her to bring up Max.
Terrified of losing both her kids, Becky is pushed to the brink and returns to her criminal ways to get Kylie the cash.
She breaks into Dev Alahan's cornershop - still cordoned off after the tram crash reduced it to rubble - and nicks the money from the safe.
An insider said: \"Becky is desperate for her family and will do anything to stop it being ripped apart - although she risks ending back in jail when she goes to such extreme lengths.\"

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/soaps/3221658/Tracy-Barlow-out-to-cause-chaos.html#ixzz14vgemYZf

Why has this got to do with her causing havoc for Leanne and Peter???? Shouldnt this have gone in the Tracey's return thread

11-11-2010, 11:19
Tracy Barlow's return to Coronation Street will cause havoc for Peter and Leanne's romance, reports claim.

It has been announced that Kate Ford will reprise her role as the murderous daughter of Deidre, coming out of prison in time for the Manchester soap's 50th anniversary.

Chris Gascoyne, who plays Peter, told the TV Times: "Whenever Kate is around, things go wrong - Tracy comes in with a huge wooden spoon and stirs everything up.

"You know, Peter's just troubled, he's got demons but she's actually murdered someone."

Tracy began a 15-year prison sentence after killing abusive husband Charlie Stubbs (played by Bill Ward).

I have a feeling that she will cause havoc for everyone, Peter, because she will fancy him, Steve and Becky because of Amy, I am not looking forward to the character coming back :( All too predictable imo

Coronation Street character Tracy Barlow's comeback storyline has reportedly been revealed.

The superbitch, played by Kate Ford, will apparently be cleared of murdering boyfriend Charlie Stubbs during a retrial and subsequently return to Weatherfield to cause havoc.

A source told the News of the World: "It's a masterstroke to bring her back. We expect Tracy to be in Weatherfield for at least a year and star in some terrific storylines. There is so much to go at.

"She is uncompromising, feisty and downright evil when she wants to be. The viewing figures are going to be huge for the episode when she first arrives back in Weatherfield and walks into the Rovers for the first time."

Producers are said to be filming scenes to show during the soap's 50th birthday celebrations in December, to give viewers a taste of her full-time return in the New Year.

Tracy will bring chaos to several characters upon her return, including Gail Platt, the McDonalds and her parents Ken and Deirdre Barlow.

Why has this got to do with her causing havoc for Leanne and Peter???? Shouldnt this have gone in the Tracey's return thread

This seemed to be the most current thread and Traceyluvs return was already being discussed so I thought it the most appropriate thread to continue the discussion in. This is what happens when too many new threads are opened

11-11-2010, 11:30

You could have done a search for her return thread

11-11-2010, 11:30

Tracey is back again!

11-11-2010, 11:33

You could have done a search for her return thread

Lets just keep all Tracey spolier in this thread.. even if she decides to cause havoc with the pigeons... One thread only for Tracy spoilers... If I find more thread on tracy's return, I will merge them


11-11-2010, 12:45

You could have done a search for her return thread

Which I did. I picked the most appropriate of the many Traceyluv threads. Thankfull Shiv has now merged them all so the problem is solved.

07-12-2010, 19:58
Kate Ford has promised that Coronation Street fans can expect "loads of trouble" from her character Tracy Barlow this Christmas.

Superbitch Tracy is currently serving a 15-year jail sentence for murder but makes a surprise comeback during the festive season after being released unexpectedly.

Speaking on ITV2's Coronation Street Uncovered: Live, Ford said of Tracy's release: "It does sound quite unlikely but there is a good reason for it."

The exact details surrounding Tracy's return have yet to be confirmed, although tabloid reports have suggested that she will snatch her daughter Amy from ex-lover Steve McDonald shortly after she arrives back on the street.

Ford added: "She comes back on Christmas Eve and then there's loads of action with her on Christmas Day, causing loads of trouble. Tracy's back - she's back to her old tricks and she will get Amy back."

Tracy was last seen on screen back in the summer when a storyline saw her trying to stitch up Gail McIntyre (Helen Worth) for murder.

07-12-2010, 22:45
Superbitch Tracy is currently serving a 15-year jail sentence for murder but makes a surprise comeback during the festive season after being released unexpectedly.

Speaking on ITV2's Coronation Street Uncovered: Live, Ford said of Tracy's release: "It does sound quite unlikely but there is a good reason for it."

I would love to know what plausible reason they can come up with to bring Tracyluv back

10-12-2010, 00:19
The reason Traceyluv gets early release from the Big House is The Forensic Expert who gave evidence against her has been discredited and she is released pending a possible retrial.

12-12-2010, 07:32
Coronation Street's Tracy Barlow will be "the same old Tracy" when she returns to the cobbles, Kate Ford has promised.

The twisted boyfriend killer gets a stroke of luck this Christmas when it emerges that the forensics expert at her trial was a fraud, allowing Tracy to be released from jail pending a retrial.

Kate told Inside Soap: "Tracy's absolutely ecstatic to be out of prison, and excited to be home. She's a bit nervous because she knows everybody is going to hate her - but she's basically the same old Tracy!"

Tracy pitches up at a memorial for the tram crash victims on Christmas Eve, stunning the residents of Weatherfield.

She demands that her daughter Amy spend part of Christmas with her.

And when the little girl lets slip that Steve (Simon Gregson) and Becky McDonald (Katherine Kelly) "bought" Becky's nephew Max from her tearaway sister, it gives her a bargaining tool to get Amy full-time.

"Primarly she wants Amy back, but she'd like to be with Steve as well. She wants them to be a family. Steve is Tracy's true love, and she'd do anything to Becky if it meant she could have him."

14-12-2010, 18:14
Kate Ford has admitted that Steve McDonald is the love of Tracy Barlow's life.

The Coronation Street actress told Soaplife that the Weatherfield superbitch plans to make Steve (Simon Gregson) and Becky (Katherine Kelly)'s married life hell upon her return later this month.

"She wants to be in a relationship with him," Ford teased. "He's the one true love of her life - even though he isn't interested.

"But she won't give up on him. She plans to make things tricky in his marriage in the hope that eventually he'll choose her."

Ford added that Tracy is "ecstatic" to be freed from prison but confessed that no-one apart from Ken Barlow welcomes her back with open arms.

"Tracy knows they all hate her and she's horrible to everyone in the Street," she added.

15-12-2010, 13:51
Coronation Street star Simon Gregson has praised the decision to bring twisted Tracy Barlow back to the soap.

The actor's character Steve McDonald is in for a shock next week when Tracy (Kate Ford) returns to the cobbles on Christmas Eve, before making her mark by trying to reclaim their daughter Amy.

Speaking to Soaplife about Tracy's comeback, Gregson explained: "I'm really excited. Tracy's a brilliant character. You've got that lightness and then pure evil. And Kate does such a good deadpan face. I sometimes have to struggle not to laugh.

"Her return is a massive shock. Steve instantly thinks, 'Oh no!' He just knows she'll be bringing him loads of flack."

Discussing Tracy's demands for custody of Amy, Gregson continued: "Tracy's got [Steve] over a barrel. It turns out Amy's heard Steve and Becky talking about buying Max and she's told Tracy.

"That's all the ammunition she needs. She tells Steve if she doesn't get custody she'll shop him and Becky to the authorities."

Kate Ford recently admitted that Tracy is still in love with Steve.

15-12-2010, 16:51
I can't wait to see what happens between her and Gail, I can just imagine her saying something along the lines of "No hard feelings ey Gail?" :rotfl:

18-12-2010, 15:01
Coronation Street star Kate Ford has admitted that playing Tracy Barlow used to send her "round the bend".

The actress, who returns to the ITV1 soap on Christmas Eve, revealed that her filming schedule was so intense she rarely got the chance to simply be herself.

She told the Daily Mail: "I was going round the bend. I'd come home from work at 7pm or 8pm, rehearse my lines for the next day, go to bed at midnight, and then at 7am I was Tracy Barlow again. But I still wanted the chance to come back. I said to the producers, 'Please don't kill off my character'."

Of her return, she said: "She's terrible to everyone she meets. She's expecting people to hate her, so she's horrible to them before they're horrible to her. With Tracy, I've never tired of trying to find the human in her - of asking what it is that makes her do it."

Speaking of her own similarities to Tracy, Ford added: "I was fiery, jealous. If a boyfriend spoke to a girl in a club, I'd shout, scream and storm off. But I'm a different person now - much happier. I'm more selfless now, too. I love [son] Otis more than I've ever loved anyone."

21-12-2010, 11:42
Kate Ford has revealed that Tracy Barlow will be harder than ever before when she returns to Coronation Street later this week.

The Weatherfield superbitch is currently behind bars for murdering her boyfriend Charlie Stubbs. However, Ford told the Daily Star that "lucky" Tracy will be released on Christmas Eve.

"She's a very lucky person," she explained. "Basically it turns out that the key forensic expert in her murder trial was a fraud and has destroyed all the documents connected with her case.

"It means that there will be a re-trial and while the date is set she's been let out on bail."

Speaking about her return, she continued: "The Street has been through a lot but things are about to get even worse. There's no Christmas spirit as far as Tracy is concerned. She's back and she means business.

"I'd actually say that Tracy is harder than she’s ever been before," she said. "Prison has really made her toughen up. She's learnt a few new tricks, which can only mean trouble for everyone around her, especially Steve and Becky.

Ford, who returned to the soap briefly earlier this year, revealed that Tracy will be determined to get her daughter Amy back.

"In her mind a child should be with their mother, regardless of the fact she's been in prison and proved she’s a pretty nasty person," she said. "All she cares about is getting Amy back. As a mother myself I can understand that.

"It’s just the way she goes about it that’s all wrong. When it comes to Amy she won't back off."

24-12-2010, 00:46
Tracy Barlow makes her long-awaited return to Coronation Street tonight, setting in motion a chain of events which ultimately sees her viciously attacked on New Year's Eve.

The scheming murderess - played by Kate Ford - has spent three years behind bars for killing Charlie Stubbs, but a surprise twist sees her released pending a retrial as the forensics expert who worked on her case has been discredited.

Deirdre's wayward daughter wastes no time before making her presence known on the street, but within a week, it seems that Tracy has pushed someone too far as she is found lying in a pool of blood in the Barlows' back yard.

Steve and Becky McDonald are high on the list of suspects following the attack as Tracy makes life hell for both of them following her return to the cobbles - and Steve is the one who has blood on his hands on the night of the incident.

Gail McIntyre is also in the frame as Tracy's recent attempt to frame her for murder gives her a strong motive for a revenge attack. The pair have a furious brawl in The Rovers in the build-up to New Year's Eve, but whether Gail will take things further remains to be seen.





Other possible culprits include David Platt and Nick Tilsley, who have witnessed the superbitch's terrible treatment of their mother. Additionally, both find themselves caught up in Tracy's hunt for a man in the coming days.


Tracy's nasty ways also upset a number of other Weatherfield residents following her return, meaning that 2011 on the cobbles begins with a big mystery. Who is responsible for the shock attack? And who will be arrested as Tracy fights for life?




27-12-2010, 19:01
What is it with the producers of Corrie and Toxic Tracy. What is so special about tooth Kate Ford that she has been brought back to the cobbles in a totally unbelieveable storyline. I know when Daran Lyttle was around that Kate was the teachers pet. She is a woeful actress and now judging by the spoilers the whole storylines seem to revolve round her.

I am certainly not glad to see her back and the sooner she is back in the Special Hotel in Weatherfield the better.

The producers promised that her return would be credible. I dont know who they think they are kidding. Even Parkermans fantasy soap storyline is more credible,

27-12-2010, 19:04
Coronation Street returnee Kate Ford has teased the outcome of her alter ego Tracy Barlow's vicious attack on New Year's Eve.

In an interview with What's On TV, the actress suggested that Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) - who is first to discover Tracy - is the prime suspect in her attempted murder.

She said: "She answers the back door at No 1 and is attacked. She's quite badly injured. It's really traumatic. Steve [finds her] which makes him a suspect."

Describing the lead-up to the attack, Ford revealed: "Tracy thinks that she has to be cruel to be kind. She believes that Amy should be with her mother and will soon get used to the idea.

"Anyway, she thinks she's going to get Steve too. She really believes there's a chance she could be with Steve."

The star then joked: "She has sex with two men in 24 hours. She's a bit desperate as it's been four years since she's had any action!"

27-12-2010, 19:34
Coronation Street returnee Kate Ford has teased the outcome of her alter ego Tracy Barlow's vicious attack on New Year's Eve.

In an interview with What's On TV, the actress suggested that Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) - who is first to discover Tracy - is the prime suspect in her attempted murder.

She said: "She answers the back door at No 1 and is attacked. She's quite badly injured. It's really traumatic. Steve [finds her] which makes him a suspect."

Describing the lead-up to the attack, Ford revealed: "Tracy thinks that she has to be cruel to be kind. She believes that Amy should be with her mother and will soon get used to the idea.

"Anyway, she thinks she's going to get Steve too. She really believes there's a chance she could be with Steve."

The star then joked: "She has sex with two men in 24 hours. She's a bit desperate as it's been four years since she's had any action!"


27-12-2010, 19:37
I think it must be Roy and Norris.

sean slater
27-12-2010, 21:00
lol Nick and David

27-12-2010, 22:42
I think it must be Roy and Norris.

So two more funerals in the Street then

28-12-2010, 12:35
lol Nick and David

If it is them two, they're not exactly loyal to their mum after what Tracy did to her.

28-12-2010, 20:53

Ashley he is her tweety pie :D

31-12-2010, 17:43
So David was one who is next Ciaran, Steve or maybe Nick

31-12-2010, 17:46
Ashley he is her tweety pie :D

I think that's going a bit too far, even for the cutting edge of Coronation Street....

01-01-2011, 17:56
So she beds both of Gail's sons David and Nick - Gail must be so proud

It's a pity that Tracy survives her attack

01-01-2011, 23:45
It's a pity that Tracy survives her attack

Yes I agree. She has been brought back in a totally unbelievable way and apart from anything else Kate Ford is a CRAP actor

02-01-2011, 16:59
EXCELLENT NEWS in today's News of the World. Kate Ford is reportedly not renewing her contract after it expires in six months time.

Thank you God!!!

02-01-2011, 19:34
How about writing her exit scene for our long running "All Purpose Soap Storyline" saga? I'm sure you'd write that with real passion, Alan! :D

Chloe O'brien
02-01-2011, 20:43
Don't think we've seen the back of Tracy Luv just yet. Coronation Street character Tracy Barlow is reportedly being lined up as the next barmaid at The Rovers Return.Scriptwriters at the ITV1 soap apparently want the superbitch, played by Kate Ford, to follow in the footsteps of the likes of Liz McDonald and Tina McIntyre by getting a job in the pub.An insider told the Sunday Mirror: "Tracy is one of the most popular characters, the one we all love to hate, and so where better to put her than behind the bar at the Rovers?"The job will be Tracy's second stint behind the bar after she was fired on her first day by landlady Shelley Unwin for being lazy back in 2003.

02-01-2011, 20:44
Don't think we've seen the back of Tracy Luv just yet. Coronation Street character Tracy Barlow is reportedly being lined up as the next barmaid at The Rovers Return.Scriptwriters at the ITV1 soap apparently want the superbitch, played by Kate Ford, to follow in the footsteps of the likes of Liz McDonald and Tina McIntyre by getting a job in the pub.An insider told the Sunday Mirror: "Tracy is one of the most popular characters, the one we all love to hate, and so where better to put her than behind the bar at the Rovers?"The job will be Tracy's second stint behind the bar after she was fired on her first day by landlady Shelley Unwin for being lazy back in 2003.

I'm sure no one would drink there then

02-01-2011, 22:18
"Tracy is one of the most popular characters,

Popular my ar$e.

Of course she is popular with some of the luvvies who write ridiculous storylines so as the can bring her back.

Apparently thr PTB want her to stay but she wants to look after her kid. Either that or its an excuse to ask for more money after her contract expires

03-01-2011, 00:24
Kate Ford has said she is leaving Coronation Street again after her current stint on the show, due to missing her baby son.

According to the News Of The World, the 33-year-old - who recently made an explosive return to the show as Tracy Barlow - has said she won't renew her contract beyond the initial six months as she is finding it difficult to cope with being away from two-year-old Otis.

And the paper reports that she told a friend: "It's really stressful right now as I hate being away from Otis.

"I am back at Corrie for four more months and then I'll come back to London to find work. We have good contacts - so hopefully I'll find something."

Tracy Barlow returned to Weatherfield last month and has already made her mark, falling out with both Gail McIntyre and Becky McDonald, before she was found beaten unconscious on New Year's Eve.

Producers had hoped she would extend her contract to remain on the show beyond the initial six months.

"We are all disappointed Kate will not be staying on as she is such a brilliant actress :sick::rotfl:and Tracy is such an iconic character," an insider said. "But we knew it was just a test to see how she coped living away from Otis.

"We have done everything possible to make the separation as easy as we could - but she misses him terribly. We hope she comes back again."

03-01-2011, 07:57
That is the best news for a long time :D

03-01-2011, 08:01
She is reportedly also to become a barmaid again in the Rovers :(

03-01-2011, 10:24
She is reportedly also to become a barmaid again in the Rovers :(
Already posted post 140

03-01-2011, 11:34
Presumably the easiest way to get shot of her in 6 months would be to hold the re-trial and find her guilty again.

03-01-2011, 11:51
Presumably the easiest way to get shot of her in 6 months would be to hold the re-trial and find her guilty again.

Personally I would prefer to see a more "permanent" demise so that she doesn't return at the whim of some luvvie

20-01-2011, 14:02
Coronation Street's Tina McIntyre is to become the latest target of superbitch Tracy Barlow, a report has claimed.

According to the Daily Star, Tracy's (Kate Ford) spiteful ways will emerge yet again when she takes a new job behind the bar at the Rovers Return in a forthcoming storyline.

Sources say that a "battle of the barmaids" will begin in the pub when Tracy repeatedly steals Tina's (Michelle Keegan) tips as part of a "dirty tricks campaign" against her co-worker.

Tracy is expected to land her job at The Rovers after Steve and Becky McDonald agree to let her work for them while they go off on holiday.

However, when they return, Tracy will continue her attempts to blackmail the couple by insisting that they have to let her keep the position.

News that Tracy would become a Rovers barmaid first emerged earlier this month.

Speaking at the time, a source commented: "Tracy is one of the most popular characters, the one we all love to hate, and so where better to put her than behind the bar at The Rovers?"

20-01-2011, 14:10
How the hell would Steve give her a job?

20-01-2011, 14:11
How the hell would Steve give her a job?

I suspect it will have something to do with Amy living at T'Rovers

21-01-2011, 11:05
How the hell would Steve give her a job?

Becky might to stop her going after Claire

21-01-2011, 11:07
Speaking at the time, a source commented: "Tracy is one of the most popular characters

Splutter...chokes on morning coffee....

21-01-2011, 16:14
Splutter...chokes on morning coffee....

Yes I thought that amusing to but hadnt time to post one of my sarky comments

23-01-2011, 18:14

Deidre Barlow (Anne Kirkbride) and Ken Barlow (William Roache) are delighted when Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) is discharged from hospital after her attack. Tracy is thrilled to see daughter Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvany)...


Tracy is determined to get her own back on Claire for pushing her, and tries to snatch Becky McDonald's (Katherine Kelly) mobile when she realises she is talking to Claire

29-01-2011, 19:31

Becky McDonald (Katherine Kelly) is furious with Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) when she sees arch-enemy Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) working behind the bar.

30-01-2011, 17:54
I would be angry too. What on earth is Tracey doing there? :thumbsdow

09-02-2011, 16:03
Coronation Street star Kate Ford has named her character's ongoing war with Becky McDonald as a highlight of her return to the soap.

The actress's bitchy alter ego Tracy Barlow has made no secret of her dislike for Becky (Katherine Kelly) in recent weeks - and has even told the blonde that she plans to steal her husband Steve (Simon Gregson) before the year is over.

Ford has been back on screen since December and is thought to be on an initial six-month contract with the Weatherfield drama.

In an interview with Soaplife, the mum-of-one explained: "I felt nervous at first but now it feels like I've never been away - although it seems as if everyone here has had a baby, so we talk about our kids a lot now.

"I love working with Simon Gregson and Katherine Kelly. We both love what's going on between Tracy and Becky."

Asked whether it has been hard to slip back into the character, Ford replied: "No. I played her for six years so I know her really well. The writers know Tracy and they do all the hard work. I just have to imagine what it's like to be her. I think my face changes as soon as I step onto the cobbles as Tracy."

Tracy's latest storyline has seen her discover that her stepbrother Peter has been betrayed by his unfaithful partner Leanne, leaving her wondering whether to tell him or not.

13-02-2011, 12:07
Coronation Street star Kate Ford has reportedly signed a new contract to stay with the soap.

The actress, who plays Tracy Barlow, has agreed a six-month deal worth £80,000, committing her to the show until at least 2012, The People reports.

Ford had previously decided to leave at the end of her current contract in May because commuting to Manchester from her London home meant she missed her son, Otis. However, show bosses have now persuaded her to change her mind.

A source said: "Viewers have loved having Tracy back. We're delighted she's signed a new contract. She's here for the foreseeable future."

Another added: "She's going to be causing huge trouble for Steve and Becky and there will be run-ins with Liz. Viewers will be screaming at their TVs when they see what she does next. The bitch is well and truly back."

13-02-2011, 12:13
Crap :angry:

13-02-2011, 12:58
Crap :angry:

Double Crap

I was only putting up with Kate Plank because I was sure she was only staying for 6 months. What is it about her that the producers think is so fn special. She is a talentless actor

13-02-2011, 14:46
A source said: "Viewers have loved having Tracy back."

The source wasn't Kate Ford by any chance was it?