View Full Version : New Year's Resolution 2010

30-12-2009, 17:55
It is the time of the year when some make resolutions for the new year which they keep or break. How about you? Will you be trying to change your lifestyle in any way? I am going to try to lose some weight and exercise a bit more, not sure how long this will last though :lol:

30-12-2009, 17:57
I'm hoping to:

Stop biting my nails.
Cut down on smoking.
Cut down on drinking.
Get fit!.
Study hard.

30-12-2009, 18:05
Good luck with all of them :)

30-12-2009, 18:11
I'm hoping to:

Stop biting my nails.
Cut down on smoking.
Cut down on drinking.
Get fit!.
Study hard.

Are you suffering from stress?

30-12-2009, 18:32
Are you suffering from stress?

I think so with everything that's happening :S But i'm not sure.

30-12-2009, 19:38
I've just been thinking about mine in the shower.

1. Stick to a budget each month.
2. Don't lend people money.
3. Get a job or work experience in a mortuary over the summer.
4. Join a club or society.
5. Stay away from alcohol and everything else that makes me depressed.
6. Stop staying out until the early hours of the morning fighting other people's wars.

I've already joined one society but I want to join another where I don't know anyone. I did start trampolining but my knees keep giving way so I can't do it.

The others are pretty simple really. I'll be annoyed if I don't stick to them.

30-12-2009, 20:14
i need to loose a stone. so it's a diet and exercise for me in the new year!!!

30-12-2009, 20:35
I want to try and put on a bit more weight.. I'm still nine stone.. putting on more weight and toning up a bit at the gym would be really nice.

30-12-2009, 21:39
My resolution is:
to have a better year than last year. Quite how that will work out, I don't know!

30-12-2009, 23:04
Try to stop smoking and lose abit of weight.

I will try my hardest. :D

Chloe O'brien
03-01-2010, 01:42
To lose weight.

03-01-2010, 02:03
To start vegetable juicing. I've started, just need to keep it up throughout the year

03-01-2010, 15:19
To eat healthier
To get rid of all the negative people in my life. I have started to realise you can never look back or go back it is best to look forward and plan for the future and I feel I can't do that with certain individuals in my life

03-01-2010, 15:26
Interesting resolution Hannelene. Getting rid of old baggage. Some bagge you just can't get rid of though no matter how hard you try

03-01-2010, 15:29
But maybe you can control the amount of time you spend with the old baggage and let it have less influence on you.

03-01-2010, 15:31
But maybe you can control the amount of time you spend with the old baggage and let it have less influence on you.

That's easier said than done. The only way to control a person's influence is to get them out of your life for good.

03-01-2010, 15:35
Even that does not always work

03-01-2010, 15:39
But maybe you can control the amount of time you spend with the old baggage and let it have less influence on you.

That is what I thought I would do
Usually I am the friend that is there that will listen and try and help you out. My so called friend only seems to contact me on her terms when no one is in her life and I feel like we are having a one sided friendship. She never encourages or helps me out in any way but when she is in distress I must drop everything :(

03-01-2010, 15:43
That is what I thought I would do
Usually I am the friend that is there that will listen and try and help you out. My so called friend only seems to contact me on her terms when no one is in her life and I feel like we are having a one sided friendship. She never encourages or helps me out in any way but when she is in distress I must drop everything :(

I had a friend like that. It's when you really need someone and they can't be bothered that you realise exactly what sort of friendship you have.

03-01-2010, 15:48
I had a friend like that. It's when you really need someone and they can't be bothered that you realise exactly what sort of friendship you have.

Your right! When I was having a low spell a few weeks back I called this friend up as I felt the need to talk to someone and she didn't have the time for me. Even up to now she hasn't contacted me! I could of been dead of she wouldn't of realised or thought to call or even text. So I decided 2010 was time to get rid of people like her and surround myself if I can with positive influences.

03-01-2010, 22:40
I think mine is just to work really hard at Uni

And just have a fantastic year