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28-12-2009, 23:55
Sally's going doolally

REVEREND Ashley Thomas (John Middleton) is horrified when mad Sally Spode (Sian Reeves) declares her love for him - and he realises she's been trying to move in on his wife Laurel's turf.

He tells her to sling her hook - but psycho Sally isn't about to take his rejection lying down.

She implies to village do-gooder Edna (Shirley Stelfox) that she's managed to bed the vicar - sparking a malicious rumour. And events are due to take an even more dangerous turn in early 2010.

John Middleton said: "I believe Ashley and his kids are in danger. They've all been in peril from the moment she arrived in Emmerdale."

Having come so far in her campaign to ensnare the vicar, stalker Sal won't give up easily.

John said: "Just when you think it's all over, it starts to go wrong again for Ashley."

The reverend's bad luck starts this week, after his apologies to Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) for not believing her and failing to persuade her to return home.


He said: "I won't spoil it, but there's a very dramatic conclusion. I can't reveal too much - but it's gong to be one of the most dramatic storylines that Emmerdale has ever done."

THE residents of Wishing Well Cottage will be wishing they'd bought house insurance when Shadrach Dingle (Andy Devine) causes a flood, leaving the clan homeless.

The layabout runs a bath but a source says: "He starts watching telly, forgetting he's left the taps on.

"The bath overflows, sending water spilling all over the place and causing the ceiling to cave in!"

With no roof over their heads, will anyone be charitable and take in the refugees, or will they be forced to rough it?

CARL King (Tom Lister) is forced to change his carefree ways in the New Year when he's faced with having to become a proper dad to his children by first wife Colleen (Melanie Ash).

Soon there's no time for spending his days stropping around the village or obsessing over Cain (Jeff Hordley) and his money.

Instead, he has the school run and homework projects to cope with. The arrival of the youngsters could also test Carl's relationship with Chas (Lucy Pargeter).

Chloe O'brien
29-12-2009, 00:30
Biggest shock of the year Shaddrach having a bath. Does something happen to Carl's wife that he has to look after the kids.

30-12-2009, 10:37
How stupid is Ashley? Everyone could see Sally is trying to make a move on him? After all she used to be his girlfriend many years ago?

30-12-2009, 14:17
He is a fella and and probably quite flattered by her attention, without really knowing it. He also has other things on his mind like Laurel and his children and how to get them back.

30-12-2009, 15:13
He seems to of lost his way he never seems to want to believe Laurel when most of time shes right

31-12-2009, 14:25
I really am sick of Sally its gone on way too long now

03-01-2010, 15:51
It has gone on too long and I can't take any more weeks of Sally and her shifty looks! They need to speed up this storyline a little as it's getting boring.

05-01-2010, 11:29
I think one of the big storylines for the year will be Aaron Dingle's sexuality and his relationship with Adam ( i feel a Craig/John Paul from Hollyoaks storyline will happen)