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07-10-2015, 18:09
It was a bit dark for me too...you might be right, we might see more

Rear window
07-10-2015, 19:35
I felt the Adele and Jesse story was a bit washed out .. Like it was always doomed to end in failure.

I want Mo to find happiness though. Ideally with oh whatsit called.. The obs and gyny man. Mr t?

Rear window
07-10-2015, 19:35
I felt the Adele and Jesse story was a bit washed out .. Like it was always doomed to end in failure.

I want Mo to find happiness though. Ideally with oh whatsit called.. The obs and gyny man. Mr t?

07-10-2015, 19:44
I felt the Adele and Jesse story was a bit washed out .. Like it was always doomed to end in failure.

I want Mo to find happiness though. Ideally with oh whatsit called.. The obs and gyny man. Mr t?

Derwood "Mr T" Thompson, played by Ben Hull :D

Rear window
07-10-2015, 20:01
Derwood "Mr T" Thompson, played by Ben Hull :D

I think I want him to be happy too whether that's Mo or not doesn't matter.

Rear window
07-10-2015, 20:01
Derwood "Mr T" Thompson, played by Ben Hull :D

I think I want him to be happy too whether that's Mo or not doesn't matter.

Rear window
16-12-2015, 15:55
So why is Fran so anti-Jac?

16-12-2015, 18:18
Because she has witnessed Jac being hard hearted towards a patient and not wanting to listen or consider another option than the operation she wants to perform . Fran thinks Jac should have more of a caring bedside manner and consider the patients more rather than rush in with what SHE thinks is best . She also thinks that Jac is jeopardising patients' lives and has compiled a dossier on all her cases. Jac is trialling a new device for the heart and Fran tells the patient's sister that she is nothing more than a guinea pig for Jac's ego trip.

Jac had trouble inserting the new device and it nearly all went wrong when it got stuck until the last minute when she managed to get it out ( or in - not sure which )

Rear window
16-12-2015, 18:30
No I watched it and understood that Fran hates Jac. I just feel something about Fran will be revealed and maybe somewhere in the past she has crossed paths with her before.

16-12-2015, 18:43
Yes, I read something about that too.

Rear window
30-12-2015, 11:33
Ric's back! That was nice!

30-12-2015, 11:47
Yes,! Didn't quite understand that bit as Hansen didn't seem to know about it and Ric seemed to take over Sacha's patients, or wanted to. .

Rear window
30-12-2015, 11:55
Yes,! Didn't quite understand that bit as Hansen didn't seem to know about it and Ric seemed to take over Sacha's patients, or wanted to. .

It was a bit crazy that he'd walked into work and would assume everything was the same as when he'd left - which was when? I don't remember.

Rear window
30-12-2015, 11:55
Yes,! Didn't quite understand that bit as Hansen didn't seem to know about it and Ric seemed to take over Sacha's patients, or wanted to. .

It was a bit crazy that he'd walked into work and would assume everything was the same as when he'd left - which was when? I don't remember.

12-01-2016, 20:20
Is new tea lady an actress from Rowan Actkinsons police sitcom ?

Rear window
27-01-2016, 14:11
So are they going to get it on or not? Aggghhh. Even more confused now. Madness.

The whole Shine a light on it thing was silly too. Is Morven's dad going to get a live liver lobe transplant?

Rear window
27-01-2016, 14:11
So are they going to get it on or not? Aggghhh. Even more confused now. Madness.

The whole Shine a light on it thing was silly too. Is Morven's dad going to get a live liver lobe transplant?

Rear window
03-02-2016, 11:26
Last night's must have been an expensive episode - at least three extras had lines! And a car bump... and that headstone!

I did like Ollie's comment about helium being a valuable resource. It is and we should stop wasting it on balloons.

And Serena's got a nephew.

Rear window
03-02-2016, 11:26
Last night's must have been an expensive episode - at least three extras had lines! And a car bump... and that headstone!

I did like Ollie's comment about helium being a valuable resource. It is and we should stop wasting it on balloons.

And Serena's got a nephew.

Rear window
10-02-2016, 09:59
I did think for a moment or three that it was Dom who had been stabbed.

So is the army surgeon going to be working for Holby soon?

And the nephew thing was a bit .. erm, well he wouldn't really be allowed to spend the day in a hospital would he?

Rear window
10-02-2016, 09:59
I did think for a moment or three that it was Dom who had been stabbed.

So is the army surgeon going to be working for Holby soon?

And the nephew thing was a bit .. erm, well he wouldn't really be allowed to spend the day in a hospital would he?

Rear window
22-03-2016, 21:17
a woman proposing in tonights Holby as well as in EE.

Not sure the bit with Mr Levy inthe bushes is in character.

22-03-2016, 22:33
Page is right thou, Mark dumps her because of her law breaking for a women who kills a kid on her bike ride where she is an emotional mess, then still does the same kinda bike ride in a emotional state in the last few epps and is also convicted of kidnap and just got out. Loved the comment from Tyler thou about changing teams, his other brother needs to sit him down and explain how love is all encompasing and in some sexaull prefernce isnt preset and choices should be respected.

23-03-2016, 04:35
Page is right thou, Mark dumps her because of her law breaking for a women who kills a kid on her bike ride where she is an emotional mess, then still does the same kinda bike ride in a emotional state in the last few epps and is also convicted of kidnap and just got out. Loved the comment from Tyler thou about changing teams, his other brother needs to sit him down and explain how love is all encompasing and in some sexaull prefernce isnt preset and choices should be respected.

Think this is the wrong thread ...:)

07-06-2016, 20:57
Brilliant episode tonight :crying:

Arthur ... RIP x

07-06-2016, 21:19
I agree. Well done to all involved!

07-06-2016, 21:54
Holby City lost one of its most popular stars in Tuesday's heartbreaking episode, as Rob Ostlere bowed out from his role as Arthur Digby after more than three years on our screens.

Arthur, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few weeks ago, collapsed and was rushed to surgery after his stomach cancers ruptured in tearjerking scenes. Tragically, nothing more could be done to help him and Arthur passed away surrounded by his loved ones.

Digital Spy recently caught up with Rob for an instant reaction chat about his exit from the show.

Why have you decided to leave Holby City?

"I made the decision quite a while before I left the show. I knew that I would have been there for three and a half years in total, so I felt that was a great amount of time to be there. It was a difficult decision, especially because Holby is so great and the people are brilliant. But as a youngish actor, you have to try and find new challenges."

How was it to make that jump out of the show?

"I had a bit of time to get used to the idea, but then as it got closer I thought: 'Oh God, maybe I should have stayed a bit longer!' But Arthur's final storyline was such a great challenge and also something different to what I've done before. It was such a great opportunity for me as an actor.

"I'm also still in touch with a lot of people from the show. I've popped back to the studios two or three times since leaving. It's part of being an actor that you have to move on from these things eventually, but I had such a lovely time there."

Characters have been known to leave Holby and then come back. With that in mind, would you have preferred the door to have been left open?

"I suppose that was the only thing - I can't come back unless some people start having flashbacks! I suppose in a way it's lovely to have that opportunity to go back, but in another way it's nice to complete that chapter and come to the end of it.

"But I wouldn't rule anything out. I keep telling Ellie [Fanyinka] who plays Morven to look a bit more wistful so I can come back for the odd flashback or something!"

Did you do much research into Arthur's illness?

"Yeah, we're quite lucky on Holby with the help that we get. They completely prepare you and answer any questions you have. I spoke to an oncologist called Bruce who was working with the story team the whole time.

"I also asked a couple of my friends who'd been diagnosed with cancer in the past and they very kindly talked to me about it. Luckily they're okay now, but they told me about their experiences. I tried not to watch too much of how it's portrayed on TV and film, because you can sometimes copy that. So instead I tried to hear about real-life experiences and also just followed what was in the scripts, as they were so well-researched."

Were there any real tears shed on your last day?

"I did get quite soppy. When it came to it, I was supposed to make a speech at the end of my final scene but I was useless. I couldn't say anything! It was just really sad to say goodbye to everyone. Obviously the storyline itself was really sad too."

Will Arthur's death spark some interesting stories for those he's left behind?

"I think so. I know a little bit about what's coming up, having spoken to the other cast members. Arthur's death definitely sparks a lot of change. I was quite lucky with him, because he spent a lot of time with various people in the hospital - so I think it affects quite a lot of people in the next few months. It's a big event and I think it certainly triggers lots of things for Dominic, Morven and Zosia especially."

What kind of reaction have you seen to Arthur's illness?

"I've been sent lots of nice messages about the recent episodes. A lot of them have been about the illness, but also the love story between Morven and Arthur, and the friendships that Arthur has with Dominic and Zosia.

"Lots of people are obviously affected by cancer, so there's been a big response to the storyline. It's always really nice when you're doing a storyline that people respond to or feel affected by in some way. That's always really gratifying."

They were great friends, but were you aware that some Holby fans wanted Arthur and Dom to become a couple?

"Yes, we were aware of it. I think it started more after the episodes which showed us at the seaside in Clacton, where Arthur ended up kissing Dominic just as a show of solidarity. They were very close friends, but nothing else ever cropped up between them. I don't know if the writers ever considered it - I don't think they did.

"It was great to see that reaction, but I think what was great about their friendship was that it didn't really come up - and that's a good thing. It's just nice to see two friends together, it doesn't matter what their sexuality is. It was a really honest portrayal of two friends. Who knows - there could have been a storyline there, but I like the way it was done."

What memories are you taking away from Holby with you?

"I've been quite lucky, because I went through some really nice stages with the character of Arthur. I worked with Jimmy Akingbola (Malick) and Lauren Drummond (Chantelle) on Keller at first and that was great fun. Then it was David Ames (Dominic) and Camilla Arfwedson (Zosia), then I had my storylines with Ellie.

"The thing we all really look forward to the most are the standalone episodes where you to get to go to a location outside of the hospital. I got to do that a couple of times, which was really fun. Going to the seaside with David was great and really funny. We love being in the hospital but you are there a lot, so that episode was almost like being on a whole new show."

What are your plans for the future? Would you do another ongoing show?

"I'd never done a TV job for such a long period before Holby. Before I did it, I never thought that I'd be on it for so long. It feels like such a long stretch of your career as an actor. But having done it, I now know that I really enjoy that kind of long-term job.

"What you really like as an actor is variety as well, so I'm open to anything. I haven't done a play for about 4 years, so it'd be great to get back into the theatre. I suppose the other great thing about acting is that you get to see new places, so there's that sense of adventure as well. You never really know what the future holds, but we'll see. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next to me."

Bye Arthur, you did so well, I will miss you x

08-06-2016, 00:59
What a superb episode of Holby tonight. I was totally shocked that Arthur died and I read the spoilers. Well acted and well done to all involved. Excellent drama

Rear window
08-06-2016, 09:04
Very sad, made me cry. All very quick, which is sadly what happens sometimes.

09-06-2016, 05:22
Wow.... words fail me, the epp was world class.

Such a mixture of fun and sadness, just loved the dance sequence, a celebration of life.

Will miss the Dom Arthur interplay,they had real chemistry.

Great show BBC

09-06-2016, 05:22
Wow.... words fail me, the epp was world class.

Such a mixture of fun and sadness, just loved the dance sequence, a celebration of life.

Will miss the Dom Arthur interplay,they had real chemistry.

Great show BBC

Katrina ok
10-07-2016, 17:10
Page is right thou, Mark dumps her because of her law breaking for a women who kills a kid on her bike ride where she is an emotional mess, then still does the same kinda bike ride in a emotional state in the last few epps and is also convicted of kidnap and just got out. Loved the comment from Tyler thou about changing teams, his other brother needs to sit him down and explain how love is all encompasing and in some sexaull prefernce isnt preset and choices should be respected.

Paige should stay away from Holby.😊

28-07-2016, 16:32
Did anyone see Tuesdays episode ( 26th July) my heart went out to Morven.

Rear window
28-07-2016, 17:17
I've not watched it yet.

Katrina ok
24-08-2016, 19:53
Yesterday's episode was so sad.

Rear window
31-08-2016, 12:42
It's a bit sad if Fletch is written out but they are just rolling about in dirt with him not managing being a single parent.

So what would come of the kids? That's sad thinking about that.

Jason's use as a plot device mover-on-er is interesting. Don't tell me, show me!

And sat on the floor K-i-s-s-i-n-g.. Well that was obvious it was going to happen for months.

Rear window
31-08-2016, 12:42
It's a bit sad if Fletch is written out but they are just rolling about in dirt with him not managing being a single parent.

So what would come of the kids? That's sad thinking about that.

Jason's use as a plot device mover-on-er is interesting. Don't tell me, show me!

And sat on the floor K-i-s-s-i-n-g.. Well that was obvious it was going to happen for months.

31-08-2016, 13:47
Is he dead?

Rear window
06-09-2016, 10:28
Is he dead?

You need to read the spoilers.. :)

21-09-2016, 00:23
Very mediocre epp tonight, Jaqs become a caricature of herself now, I miss her interactions with the Proff, you know Nigel off Eastenders, now its just cold callous Jaq, which is tedious.

Hansen, he who was originally a Sherlock Holmes is also getting annoying.

I amy be in a very moanie mood tonight.

21-09-2016, 00:23
Very mediocre epp tonight, Jaqs become a caricature of herself now, I miss her interactions with the Proff, you know Nigel off Eastenders, now its just cold callous Jaq, which is tedious.

Hansen, he who was originally a Sherlock Holmes is also getting annoying.

I amy be in a very moanie mood tonight.

Rear window
21-09-2016, 08:32
It was a bit urgh with a patient dictating who and how they operated on him. I don't it works like that.

I quite liked Rik having someone to flirt with. It is what he has done many times over the years.

Serena fessing up about liking Bernie is interesting though - one week she was horribly embarrassed and now she's thought about it a bit more ...

Katrina ok
21-09-2016, 16:28
Yeah I was surprised she admitted it, especially to Ric!

21-09-2016, 20:28
did fletch die, missed a few episodes

21-09-2016, 22:01
did fletch die, missed a few episodes

He aint brown bread yet, the only reference I recall was that he cant move his legs still from that nights show.

21-09-2016, 22:01
did fletch die, missed a few episodes

He aint brown bread yet, the only reference I recall was that he cant move his legs still from that nights show.

21-09-2016, 22:06
He has been diagnosed with a disease that affects his immune system and Raf struggled to find what was wrong with him and the docs were totally baffled but then they put their heads together and finally came up with a very rare disease which they are now treating him for. It is called Guillain Barre disease.

23-09-2016, 13:20
If only my sister's workplace ( she works in a hospital and is nearing retirement) had a boss like Jac Naylor, things would get done properly without any complaints etc.

23-09-2016, 13:22
I like Fletch, let's hope he is mobile soon, the actor who plays him has come along way since his days as Smithy in The Bill.

Katrina ok
24-09-2016, 16:49
Hopefully Fletch will be fine.

Rear window
12-10-2016, 11:08
How silly was Jasmine? Hungover and talking to that nasty Tristan.
So is Ric gone for good this time? I did like Hansen holding his arm when he'd said he'd sort it his way.

Rear window
12-10-2016, 11:08
How silly was Jasmine? Hungover and talking to that nasty Tristan.
So is Ric gone for good this time? I did like Hansen holding his arm when he'd said he'd sort it his way.

Katrina ok
31-10-2016, 12:46
Hope Hanson is back soon.

31-10-2016, 13:57
Hope Hanson is back soon.
He will return, I am sure

Rear window
18-11-2016, 13:11
I have just watched this weeks episode.

Ah well the evil Tristan didn't last long. Is Selfie gone for ever? I suspect he's run his course for now with Holby.

And are Sacha and Essie getting back together?

No Mo for ages it feels either.

18-11-2016, 17:04
so do I Katrina ok. Wish my sister's hospital had someone like Hanson in charge, where she works everything is a complete shambles both in organisation and team work.

Rear window
07-12-2016, 19:01
Well it felt like I'd missed a episode - maybe I have! Pregancy disappointment for Jac Nailor... and then needing emergency op.. So does she want another baby desperately? Where's that come from? I wouldn't mind if she got back with Johnny as I thought it was nice for her to have someone.

07-12-2016, 19:14
I agree Rear window. She should get back with Johnny

22-12-2016, 16:39
Doms now ex partner outed himself as being a vile dweeb, which is good as Dom could do so much better.

Sill cant stand the two wooden tops ex Emerdale actors, the girl mumbles so low Ive given up trying to care what she saysa and the bloke is just as he was in Emerdale, annoying.

18-01-2017, 21:08
Am I the only one, who didn't realise Serena's daughter had died. I just thought she was on life support.

Rear window
19-01-2017, 08:09
Am I the only one, who didn't realise Serena's daughter had died. I just thought she was on life support.

Pupils blown and dilated ... she was a gonner!

Rear window
12-04-2017, 08:32
Dom's injuries are horrific. But it's sort of bought that storyline to a head. Thank goodness.

The nurse on last nights episode - the daughter of the bloke who gave Fletch the money - interesting - thought we were being led down the 'hate the sight of each other and now they lurve each other' but maybe we will be.

19-04-2017, 23:20
For the first time, this how bored me last night. Theyve empoyed the ex Amy from Emerdale who is only able to mumble her lines and thus they seriously did this whole epp trying not to give her lines to say. I love Dom but on his own he cant carry the show, he needs a new Diggers side kicka and the new love bod from where ever needs to accent off and let Jaq go back to being a bitch without borders.

Oh and how did Hanson manage to fit in time from being the manager of Holby to be the evil General in charge of the Death Star?

Rear window
20-06-2017, 21:02
oh that was sad, poor girl!

Jessie Wallace
24-06-2017, 20:36
Gutted, thats two good ones gone in two weeks.

24-06-2017, 21:45
Gutted, thats two good ones gone in two weeks.

That`s three good `uns gone if you count Derwood Thompson too.

Jessie Wallace
24-06-2017, 21:53
That`s three good `uns gone if you count Derwood Thompson too.

Wasn't a big Derwood fan.

25-06-2017, 04:40
Wasn't a big Derwood fan.

hey JW, ltns. Hope all is well :)

02-08-2017, 03:08
wow.. I mean I would watch paint dry or trees grow.. but yikes this show is boring ATM.

The second they recruited Lofty from Casualty in I could hear the death bell of tediousness

Anyone remember the off spin show of the Bill based in a hospital that only lasted one season, that was more intersting than this one at the moment.

25-08-2017, 16:40
It aint getting any better... Im struggling to even remember what the last epp was about

Rear window
25-08-2017, 16:46
It aint getting any better... Im struggling to even remember what the last epp was about

Lofty and erm thingy .. Darren bugger can't remember his name.. ... well nothing happened.

Erm Zoshia got offered a job that would have meant missing her wedding.. and declined it in the end to stick with Neurosurgery and her dad is being very odd .. and Oli got offered another job blah blah and was a bit upset by a report about his dead Tara.

25-08-2017, 17:01
Guy Self-Absorbed odd??? Never! Ha ha

25-08-2017, 19:28
Lofty and erm thingy .. Darren bugger can't remember his name.. ... well nothing happened.

Erm Zoshia got offered a job that would have meant missing her wedding.. and declined it in the end to stick with Neurosurgery and her dad is being very odd .. and Oli got offered another job blah blah and was a bit upset by a report about his dead Tara.

Dominic AKA Dom

Rear window
25-08-2017, 20:06
Dominic AKA Dom

must be getting old if I can't remember his name.

25-08-2017, 23:43
must be getting old if I can't remember his name.

His mother calls him Darren though

Rear window
26-08-2017, 09:04
His mother calls him Darren though

Yes, I could remember that bit -
I must just have a name block!

26-08-2017, 23:08
Yes, I could remember that bit -
I must just have a name block!

I have a name block too, because I can`t remember his Mothers name. I really like her too. She`s one of my favourite recurring characters.

27-08-2017, 08:44
I have a name block too, because I can`t remember his Mothers name. I really like her too. She`s one of my favourite recurring characters.

Isn't her name Carol?

27-08-2017, 20:57
Isn't her name Carol?

Carol...of course!!!!
Thanks kayuqtuq

Rear window
20-09-2017, 11:24
Well what a palava. People should elope. Avoid their mad parents.

So window glass embedded in him and a buggered spleen?

20-09-2017, 11:33
I just hope this doesn't break zosha and Ollie up.

29-09-2017, 11:22
It was hard to watch knowing the main actors in total grief right now over the loss of his daughter.

Rear window
29-09-2017, 12:00
It was hard to watch knowing the main actors in total grief right now over the loss of his daughter.

Yes it made it more sad knowing that.

Rear window
19-10-2017, 09:47
Mr Hanson's son is a loonatic! That storyline isn't going to end well.

Oli's not boring.
Silly football ticket story. Pah.

Rear window
07-12-2017, 21:03

and omg.

poor Raf. So who did we know were leaving?

07-12-2017, 22:56
I am genuinely shocked. Hats off to holby because I'm not usually shocked by tv programme. Jac'll be fine and not leave probably (hopefully). It doesn't look good for Ollie, probably most shocked at Raf dying alone in the lift. Didn't know he'd already left prior to strictly, thought maybe next year. Shame as I liked him and Essie.

Don't think I've been this surprised since the whole weird episode when it turned out Maddie had really died. And they kept me guessing for a while as to whole the shooter actually was. :clap:

07-12-2017, 23:33
rip raf

08-12-2017, 06:28
In the advertisement of the show they showed Jac running away from something or someone.. that didnt happen in the actual show.. ?????????

Yeah I also didnt see the Raf thing coming.

Maybe they will transplant a new brain into Oli one printed out of a 3d printer by whats his face who plays the on radio Doctor Who and that nanny man soap he was in years ago.

Actual policemen must have been squirming with annoyance about how their roles where portrayed.

Rear window
08-12-2017, 13:21
Actual policemen must have been squirming with annoyance about how their roles where portrayed.

husband felt it was very jumpy and poorly written. you are so right about portrayal of armed police

12-12-2017, 21:32
Frieda is back! :)

13-12-2017, 06:53
Frieda is back! :)

Yum .... sorry did I say that out loud:angel:

What is not so good is them hiring "Squigal" from Eastenders, Denises annoying offspring. Every story line she had in the show was just lame boring and sucky. She just couldnt carry them off, I despair sometimes with who ever employs these bods. Mind you they did prop her up with potentially good comedy actress.

Jac and Fletch ... oh boy thats going to get messy and where even is Fletch living now the Rav is gone?

Where is Sissy?

13-12-2017, 07:19
Jac and Fletch ... oh boy thats going to get messy and where even is Fletch living now the Rav is gone?

Where is Sissy?

I'm pretty sure fletch bought a house when he was left all that money from that old man. I'm fairly sure it was mentioned along with his moving out.

Rear window
13-12-2017, 15:33
Frieda is back! :)


Rear window
13-12-2017, 15:38
Yum .... sorry did I say that out loud:angel:

What is not so good is them hiring "Squigal" from Eastenders, Denises annoying offspring. Every story line she had in the show was just lame boring and sucky. She just couldnt carry them off, I despair sometimes with who ever employs these bods. Mind you they did prop her up with potentially good comedy actress.

I couldn't work out who she was. Recognised the voice but the previous evaded me.

Rear window
19-12-2017, 21:01
I hate Holby!

What an episode! Remind everyone about poor Diggers.

I've sniffed a bit, how lovely and sad.

Enjoyed Jac tonight.

19-12-2017, 22:03
Yeah Diggers.. still remember the sing song they all had in his room just before he passed.

Jaq and Fletch are going to be a car crash...

Ric, oh dear son, the fella was looking for you to hit him, you should of just pulled out the old mobile and filmed him. But then although Ric is under constraint to not contact the bloke it will probably be asked in court why the gezza was at the hospital and seemingly stalking Rick. But then Im confused to where Rick was that he wont say which is the premise of the case.

20-12-2017, 08:41
Slightly surreal episode but extremely good to see Digby again.

Love Jac as always, interested to see how things turn out if they go there with Fletch. Enjoyed seeing Duncan from Monarch Of The Glen again too...feeling nostalgic as I used to love that.

I think Hanssen is on the verge of a breakdown.

No Holby for two weeks though :(

Rear window
20-12-2017, 11:20
no holby for two weeks though :(


20-12-2017, 11:23

Back on 2nd January

Rear window
20-12-2017, 11:27
Back on 2nd January

Which just will feel like years away.. :)

20-12-2017, 15:42
Wow I have been incredibly thick.. back in the days of The Bill Fletch had an affair with a mobsters wife, played by a very much younger Jaq, who was then killed off and he ended up in prison for it with Arthur Fowler.. (sorry dont do actors names)

So those two have actually had a romance before. :cartman:

20-12-2017, 16:13
Wow I have been incredibly thick.. back in the days of The Bill Fletch had an affair with a mobsters wife, played by a very much younger Jaq, who was then killed off and he ended up in prison for it with Arthur Fowler.. (sorry dont do actors names)

So those two have actually had a romance before. :cartman:

That would have been Bill Treacher :D

24-12-2017, 06:49
That would have been Bill Treacher :D

I wonder whose Christmas money he is stealing this year...:cartman:

Rear window
02-01-2018, 20:41
Ric needs to be out of prison before end of episode, its too horrid to watch.

03-01-2018, 08:01
Peculiar episode I thought, wasn't fussed on the constant switching between hospital and prison. And Ollie is an idiot for letting Zosia go again. Ihoped she was going to be back for good.

Rear window
03-01-2018, 10:56
Peculiar episode I thought, wasn't fussed on the constant switching between hospital and prison. And Ollie is an idiot for letting Zosia go again. Ihoped she was going to be back for good.

I just found it very unpleasant to watch the prison scenes. I'm sure it was very realistic but I don't want to watch it.

03-01-2018, 16:31
I just found it very unpleasant to watch the prison scenes. I'm sure it was very realistic but I don't want to watch it.

Yes, I agree. Especially the last bit where Ric was going to get beaten up.

07-01-2018, 01:55
Im hoping someone from his past steps in to help him!

07-01-2018, 08:40
Yes, and he still hasn't said where he was when he was supposed to be on the ward when that woman died, only that he was helping a friend, so I'm sure that's still to come out.

24-01-2018, 13:51
I wonder if that's the last we're going to see of Hanssen for a while, and how long it's going to take before someone realises he's not right.

Rear window
24-01-2018, 14:48
I wonder if that's the last we're going to see of Hanssen for a while, and how long it's going to take before someone realises he's not right.

I think someone will notice his car being in the way... :-D

24-01-2018, 15:01
I think someone will notice his car being in the way... :-D

Yes ha ha but you know how trivial little details like that can easily be forgot about :)

20-03-2018, 23:40
Was I missing something tonight? I thought Jason and his girlfriend only found out she was pregnant recently when Serena came back after Ric went to prison, so how could she be having a baby in the flashback bit to when Ric went AWOL from the ward?

21-03-2018, 01:10
Was I missing something tonight? I thought Jason and his girlfriend only found out she was pregnant recently when Serena came back after Ric went to prison, so how could she be having a baby in the flashback bit to when Ric went AWOL from the ward?

Yeah I was confused about that too. Also is Jac Naylor leaving!? She’s my favorite character! And I totally wanted her and Fletch to get together ;) praying she comes back

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21-03-2018, 08:24
I know, Jac and Frieda are my favourites. I'm hoping from last night she's only going to be gone for a month. But yes, I'm still really confused about the baby bit.

Rear window
01-06-2018, 15:59
I'm watching this weeks but I feel sick.
They're ruining hoolby too

18-07-2018, 18:51
So agree RW ... I bailed on last nights, Squigle or what ever she is now called on this show and her Muppet mate.... sheeesh ...Why do the Beeb do this, put useless ex non stars from other soaps into the mix even thou they just cant deliver. The ex Emerdale girl in Casualty keeps getting story lines she can mumble along to.

19-07-2018, 08:06
Those two were dire

19-07-2018, 22:29
I think it's going to be Sacha who dies �� The way he was so depressed on the show of the 17th July looks like it could be leading to it. If so I'll cry buckets ��

01-08-2018, 00:49
This show is being killed off by these two untalented entities who now seem to be main cast....there is some good stuff going on in other scenes but those two make me want to throw a pillow at the TV.

01-08-2018, 08:41
Agreed. They're in it just about every week now and being pushed to the front in favour of far better actors and characters. I mean, talk about being wooden...

08-08-2018, 10:36
Last nights epp was weird, I didnt recognise any of the actors and they mostly seemed to be running about in a stadium.

Rear window
08-08-2018, 10:37
Last nights epp was weird, I didnt recognise any of the actors and they mostly seemed to be running about in a stadium.

I thought the same.

08-08-2018, 14:05

15-08-2018, 09:23
It had me honestly thinking Jac had died for a few minutes last night.

18-09-2018, 21:32
Well I knew he was evil but I didn't think he was that evil. My mam said that was what he was going to do just before he did it but I didn't believe her.

19-09-2018, 00:19
Horrible - gone too far

19-09-2018, 07:46
I hope we don't have to wait too long for Gaskell to get his comeuppance. What a truly evil character.

09-10-2018, 23:25
Really don't like that new doctor - comes across as very arrogant.

Rear window
14-11-2018, 11:48
I am a moment away from stopping watching Holby completely.

it's got as absolutely stark raving mad as eastenders did.

Esse lay drugged on the floor somewhere whilst two man men rampagae doing frankenstienien surgerys and the body count is rising.


That'll be no terrestrial TV I watch then. Apart from the odd bit of news or weather and 5 minutes of question time before I shout at the telly.


14-11-2018, 12:18
Gutted that Gaskell seems to have got away with everything.

Rear window
14-11-2018, 12:29
Gutted that Gaskell seems to have got away with everything.

I feel physically ill after this episode. It's been horrid, stressful and just plain NOT Holby city. It's been like some crap medical drama with half of the sci-fi nonsense being a bit more doctor who than I'd like.

It better not go odd again, it's on it's last warning!

14-11-2018, 13:03
The body on the table in his lab was too much. The whole storyline has been horrendous. And Gaskill *seemingly* dying is a cop out because it's too good for him, he deserves to rot in prison for what he's done. Highlight for me last night was Jac's little moment with Fletch.

Rear window
14-11-2018, 13:05
. Highlight for me last night was Jac's little moment with Fletch.

yes, that's why I kept watching but the rest was absolute pathetically awful!

16-01-2019, 00:21
I liked Lola being back, think she should be back in it full time