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View Full Version : Casualty Spoilers 16 Jan 2010

18-12-2009, 20:37
Saturday 16 January
Time to be confirmed BBC ONE


Following the traumatic events of the New Year, Jessica takes a look back at her life, loves and career at Holby, as the medical drama continues.

It's 1998 and Jessica is a young nurse, casually flirting with Sean and enjoying wild nights out with best mate Linda. When Linda leaves to travel around America she gives Jessica a pebble saying that if Jessica ever finds herself in trouble it will be her lucky charm.

A few years later, Jessica and Sean get married. Sean is keen for Jessica to take elocution lessons so that she sounds like a successful surgeon's wife and Jessica is keen to return to work after the birth of Amelia – much to Sean's distaste. It appears that married life isn't a bed of roses for the couple.

When Amelia is older, Sean and Jessica's marriage is on shaky ground when, at a low ebb, Jessica meets Adam in a pub, goes home with him and is moved by their strong connection.

Back in the present day, Linda checks up on her old friend and it's time for Adam to find out how his confession has been received.

18-12-2009, 22:16
So it looks like Jess doesnt die:cheer:

18-12-2009, 22:31
Maybe it's Harry who dies :hmm:

19-12-2009, 17:58
Maybe it's Harry who dies :hmm:

I was thinking that, this is going to be sad

25-12-2009, 20:55
Maybe it's Harry who dies :hmm:

I was thinking that, this is going to be sad

I thought the death was going to be Megan Roache who comes back to Holby to die? I hope its not baby Harry.

29-12-2009, 11:29
I am not watching this episode then. I can't stand Jess, she just seems to wind me up. meh.

30-12-2009, 10:28
Ditto. I'll probably end up watching it though because I'm home for that week. It sounds like Maria's christmas carol, only that one was so bad it was hilarious.

31-12-2009, 02:05
I used to like jess but now shes very annoying

31-12-2009, 16:33
Did Jess die?

01-01-2010, 12:54
We think its harry :(

02-01-2010, 15:29
I think its harry who dies...on bbc casualty it says Adam confesses to Tess that he is glad Jess isn't awake as he doesn't want to tell Jess about Harry

Adam is keen to keep working while he waits for news on Jessica and allows the gang to record messages to play to her. However, he admits to Tess that he is slightly relieved she hasn't yet woken as it means he doesn't have to tell her about Harry. Elsewhere, Charlie and Louis clash and things are awkward between Ruth and Jay.

here is web address

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00pyrl5 this is the episode of the 9th

09-01-2010, 09:11
Leave Me Alone
Watch:Next on:
Next Saturday, 20:50 on BBC One

SynopsisAdam waits anxiously for Jessica to wake up, but to no avail. When her old friend Linda arrives, he asks her - is Jessica one to hide away from her problems? Perhaps that is why she's not coming back to him.

As they wonder, we take a look at Jessica's memories - that have made her who she is today - and discover what happened under the ice.

New details on this episode ^^^
Interestng huh? I wonder what did happen under the ice?
What is she hiding?

09-01-2010, 13:16
What could have happened haha ?? :S
I reckon when she comes round and finds out about Harry she is gonna blame herself cos she was holding him, and must have let go (not purposely obviously).

09-01-2010, 14:23
I reckon Adam took Harry out of her arms to rescue her then went back down for him.

10-01-2010, 17:52
I think this is Jessica's last episode

11-01-2010, 18:03
I think this is Jessica's last episode

But didn't it say next month on the thing you posted about her leaving..this is only the 16th of January ?