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View Full Version : Signature request

06-12-2009, 16:02
Can someone do an animated GIF of my signature (below) and fade it in, as per the show?

Jessie Wallace
07-12-2009, 20:23
These aren't quite what you asked for, and someone one else can give it a go, but i've tried! No worries if you don't like them



07-12-2009, 20:53
These aren't quite what you asked for, and someone one else can give it a go, but i've tried! No worries if you don't like them


Thanks - Can you slow down this one?
EDIT: and make it transparent?

Jessie Wallace
07-12-2009, 22:48
Hmm, i'll give it a go in a few mins :)

Jessie Wallace
07-12-2009, 23:35

Hmm i've slowed it down and it say's it's transparent, but it doesn't look very transparent to me!

07-12-2009, 23:41

Hmm i've slowed it down and it say's it's transparent, but it doesn't look very transparent to me!

Also, its fading out instead of in. What package are you using?
I'm no good at graphics :(

Jessie Wallace
07-12-2009, 23:42
It would appear that i'm no good either, still working on it now, i'm using Jasc Animation Shop

Jessie Wallace
08-12-2009, 00:13
ok, i'm giving up for today, before i throw my pc oput the window, i'll try again tomorrow evening.

29-12-2009, 16:36
Can anyone else help?
Took me friggin ages to do the new sbs logo so I'm hopeless at this stuff

29-12-2009, 19:56
I can't do anything with graphics! wheres vicky she is fab at everything!!! ill show her this thread im dying to find something with pictures that stumps her!!!

29-12-2009, 20:04
Hmmm dunno if i could do it cos i don't know how it's meant to look

29-12-2009, 20:30
woooo hooo is there finally something she cannot do!!!!!

29-12-2009, 20:34
woooo hooo is there finally something she cannot do!!!!!

Hmmm didn't say i can't i said i don't know haha depends what is wanted.

29-12-2009, 21:53
I want the word 'Lost' Slowly fading in on a transparent background
Ideally the word would be in a similar font and look to what it looks like now in my sig

Jessie Wallace
29-12-2009, 22:29
oops sorry i did try again to make it transpart but couldn't get it to go, even though on the programme i was using it said it was ?!? :(