View Full Version : bun in the oven

07-06-2005, 20:21
Earlier today Craig was surprised to learn that he is several months pregnant. And as part of their A & E task, the Housemates must care for him.

The blooming Housemate has spent most of the day waddling happily around the garden, but bizarrely now claims he is experiencing some of the real symptoms of pregnancy.

"I really do feel like I'm pregnant," he told Saskia. "I feel so tired," he moaned, patting his fake bump.

"I feel hot and I feel dizzy," the expectant 'Mum' sighed.

Saskia was unsympathetic. She thinks that all blokes should be made to wear pregnancy suits so they can understand what pregnancy is really like for women.
"Imagine if I had to leave the House like this," Craig mused realising that he could be evicted on Friday.

Despite the hot flushes, Craig seems to have enjoyed his pregnancy so far and his condition has noticeably mellowed him.

He explained to Saskia that his constant stream of bitching is in no way vindictive. "I'm just a bitchy hairdresser at the end of the day, there's no harm in it," he said.

Must be hormonal then.