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View Full Version : Last Night

11-03-2005, 10:27
Tell me why is it, that when Kim sang out of tune last night on the duet they said that it was because she couldn't hear the backing track, so what is the difference for the other students...........

11-03-2005, 10:51
We said that when we were watching it! How come Reggie (yay!) and Edith could sing in tune? I know it must be really hard but I find that really strange

11-03-2005, 12:29
Well Kim did admit it was her fault because she started off on the wrong note, so she knew she was out of tune. But it was only Lesley out of the judges who said it was bcos of the loudness of the audience, and Carrie and David obviously as they r always on the students side.
I spose its bcos we all know Kim can actually sing

11-03-2005, 13:19
Nah, she blaitently (sp?) knew she was out of tune, i think Lesley was just trying to make sure no one blamed her for it. (If you see what i mean!)