View Full Version : Kemals chant for sam

07-06-2005, 10:56
Concerned by Sam's isolation from the main group, Kemal asked her to join him and Derek in a spot of late night chanting.

Touched by Kemal's invitation, Sam willingly joined him on the floor for a bit of meditation.

"I know last night was hard for you," Kemal told Sam after asking her to join him. "This is not something I ask everyone," he said referring to his meditation.

Sam was enchanted. "You're all so sweet in here," she smiled, "You look after me," she said.

"I'm chanting for your happiness," Kemal told her, before launching into a resonant Buddhist mantra meaning "I devote myself to the mystic law of cause and effect."

"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo," he hummed as Sam closed her eyes and relaxed.

"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo' ... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!" Kemal chanted with increasing speed and vigour.

After a few minutes of chanting, Kemal began to whisper. "Please protect Sam, she's been struggling."

Sam seemed a tad confused by Kemal's chant, perhaps not realising the extent of the bitching that has been going behind her back. But she seemed to enjoy the experience nonetheless.

"I felt the need to take Sam aboard," Kemal told Big Brother in the Diary Room. "I feel I've done something for Sam, for me and for the group," he said.

How enlightening!

07-06-2005, 11:42
ahh that was nice of kemal. i di feel a bit sorry for sam last night but then again crying over a make up bag was a bit extreame. i mean for gawds sake women its only a make up bag. KEMAL TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-06-2005, 13:29
how sad was that sam crying over her make up bag

07-06-2005, 13:39
'it's got my lip gloss in and everything'

07-06-2005, 14:16
lesley and craig seem to be picking on sam