View Full Version : Camera shy?

06-06-2005, 23:25
Conversation turned back to sex this evening when the horny Housemates asked one other how far they would be willing to go on camera. Quite far, it would seem...

In fact, Kemal thinks that Big Brother should fit new wipers on the bedroom cameras because they keep steaming up.

Last night's sexy behaviour has certainly set tongues wagging. Reclining on the sofa, Makosi giggled her way through a recount of her fumble with Anthony, and Maxwell teased Vanessa about her kissing encounter with Lesley.

With Vanessa revealing her "Kinky Pinky" nickname and Saskia saying she "would have sex" with a couple of the blokes, those wipers could need replacing soon.

Not being shy in coming forward, Maxwell said he would do it, if he could guarantee putting on "a sterling performance." Meanwhile Makosi thought that "on camera" meant "on top of the bed," but that under the duvet is a different matter entirely.