View Full Version : Bitter Mo Sparks Albert Square Race Row

19-10-2009, 09:00
EASTENDERS was plunged into a race row last night after a former star claimed black actors don’t get big storylines.

Mohammed George, who for six years played street sweeper Gus Smith, believes he missed out on the best scripts because of his colour.

He also revealed that white co-stars – including June Brown, Adam Woodyatt and the late Wendy Richard – urged the soap’s bosses to do more with his character.

Speaking exclusively to the Daily Star Sunday, dad-of-one Mo, 27, said: “I loved certain cast members for sticking up for me.

“June Brown actually went out of her way to go to the top bosses and ask them why they didn’t do more with Gus.

“She told them that he was a good guy and that people really liked him.

“One star openly said that the bosses just didn’t know what to do with black actors. Their storylines have always been weak and I have no idea why.

“The BBC are supposed to be representing their audience. I don’t think fans turn over when a black character comes on. There are plenty of black or Asian viewers watching the show.”

Mo admitted he was outraged when a BBC book, celebrating the anniversary of EastEnders, didn’t feature him at all.

And he revealed that one of his character’s biggest fans was Prince Harry. He added: “I was part of the furniture for five years and my name appeared in brackets next to Sonia’s boyfriend list. Wendy Richard was angry – she called it disgusting.

“It was like the black characters just didn’t exist. Jonathan Ross once said that black people at the BBC are mainly cleaners and guards and he’s right.

“But the thing I don’t understand is that Gus was so popular. I bumped into Prince Harry one night in the West End and he was really excited to meet me.

“He asked me how Wellard was doing. Then three years later I bumped into Prince William in the Embassy nightclub and he actually recalled the night I’d met his brother.

“I couldn’t believe a member of the Royal Family was talking about my character. Gus was a very popular character who played an important role. I grew up in the real East End and there are many people like him.

“But I was like a footballer, always on the bench, waiting sometimes for three months to do filming. I asked again and again for bigger lines. All I wanted was a break but it never came.” Mo, who was on the Square between 2002 and 2008, has now turned his attention to music.

He is resident DJ at Gilgamesh bar in Camden, north London, and has co-written a single called Broken in aid of the trust set up in memory of Brooke Kinsella’s brother Ben.

He said: “I’ve used my experiences in this song. What I went through is nothing compared to Brooke and her family but if there was anything I could do to help, I wanted to.

“People need to understand violence is totally unacceptable.”

An EastEnders spokeswoman said: “Throughout the history of EastEnders, we have always reflected the diversity of London’s East End.

“Currently, the Masoods, the Trumans and the Foxes are among our most-loved characters, with some of the most topical and ground-breaking storylines of recent years.”

The charity single Broken is released on iTunes tomorrow.
