View Full Version : Hollyoaks Spoilers 12-16 Oct

06-10-2009, 08:43
2666: Zak plays cupid with Elliot and Shiela
Airs on Monday, October 12 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Ravi and Leila realise running a house and looking after Anita is not as easy as they initially thought. As panic sets in about their finances, Ravi implores Leila to keep the truth from Anita as she has got enough on her mind with Newt and Theresa. Anita ends up at the hospital with Newt and tells him that she can't take the pressure any longer - she has to turn herself in to the police.

As her feelings come tumbling out, Anita's thrown when Newt insists that she should lie low and not mention anything - with the investigation closed, the police can't prove anything and so technically, it's over.

Feeling helpless, Ravi's frustrated with Anita and his mood deepens when Leila tells him about the extra physio with Zak…

Newt's recovering in hospital after his attempted suicide. Darren visits and realises that he has a long way to go. With Newt reading 'Frankenstein', Darren tries to understand the story when Frankie arrives. It soon becomes clear that her arrival doesn't help Newt's frame of mind and he continues to talk about Rae in the same light as Eli.

Meanwhile, Steph's uncomfortable when Jake shows up at Mobs and asks if it's okay to hang around and wait for Frankie. Not wanting him in such close proximity, Steph's relieved when Frankie shows up. However, when Jack arrives with Charlie, things become tricky.

Jake begins to back away but a passing Nancy spots him with Charlie and all hell breaks lose. Back at the flat, Jake's happiness is cut short when he receives an unwelcome visitor…

Zak's surprised when Elliot turns up at the call centre ready for a day's work. Sheila's impressed with his pleasing and polite manner and is shocked to hear that he's a student. Zak enjoys winding up Elliot and teases that Sheila probably has her eye on him - Elliot's scared stiff! Sensing an opportunity for mischief, Zak takes great delight in telling Sheila that Elliot's fallen in love with her.

After she singles him out for special attention, Elliot has no idea about Zak's meddling, while Zak's loving watching the love story unravel!

Back at the flat, Kris is surprised to hear that Elliot's joined them at the call centre and listens with glee about Sheila's attraction to Elliot. However, Zak's mood is serious for a moment when Leila pops in and asks him to help out Ravi with his rehabilitation.

Elsewhere, Nancy's adamant that she's through with Hannah after her betrayal. Kris suggests that she's being a bit harsh but Nancy insists that she needs her friends. Deciding to throw a sickie, Kris endeavours to bring some fun to Nancy's afternoon and her mood is soon lifted.

After an afternoon of passion, Nancy's dark mood returns and Kris finds himself on the receiving end of her anger when he's thrown out in only his underwear. As her temper intensifies, Nancy races round the flat, collects anything she can find of Hannah's and dumps it in a bin bag.

2667: Leila walks in on Sheila and Elliot kissing
Airs on Tuesday, October 13 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Jake protests his innocence as he's interviewed by the police, while Nancy frets about Charlie's safety. Frankie makes no attempt to conceal her opinion of Nancy for reporting her son to the police and she's further frustrated when Steph doesn't seem to share her anger - instead, Steph demonstrates some compassion towards Nancy.

Despite the police having given him a hard time, Jake's released without charge and turns up in the village, much to Nancy's horror. She's shocked when Frankie and Jake reveal that social services are being alerted and that Charlie could be taken into care. Terrified at the prospect of Charlie being taken away, Nancy goes to the police to withdraw her allegation. Meanwhile, a downbeat Jake reflects on his situation and tells Frankie that he's going to readmit himself to the psychiatric unit.

Reeling from Jake's announcement, Frankie turns up at Nancy's flat to hand over Charlie, admitting that she'd rather he be with her than living with strangers in care. Frankie's devastated with herself, while Nancy's daunted by the sudden change to her life.

A subdued Elliot admits that he's missing Leila but Sheila misconstrues his apparent lovesickness as a longing for her. In a bid to spend some time alone with him, Sheila offers overtime and praises his newly found sales expertise.

Later, Zak heads over to visit Ravi and Elliot tags along, too, wanting to see Leila. She's happy to see him and is comforted by his appreciation of how hard things currently are for her. Elliot reflects on his own sadness about Sarah and Zoe and suggests that they go out to cheer themselves up.

When Elliot's back at work, Sheila makes her attraction to him abundantly clear and believes that he feels the same. When she makes her move on a startled Elliot, Leila walks in and sees everything. Elliot hurries after her and tries to explain what happened but she doesn't believe him and assumes that he was exacting revenge for her one-night stand with Archie.

Elliot, however, is left stunned by Leila's inadvertent revelation.

With her guilt over Newt's attempted suicide mounting, Anita doesn't want to return to school. Leila tries her best to convince her sister that everything will be fine but when she comes face to face with Lauren, her fears are soon confirmed. Lauren accuses her of being the reason that Newt wanted to die and when Anita reveals that she went to see Newt to apologise, Lauren warns her to stay away.

A downhearted Anita returns home and complains about her troubled friendships. Ravi, meanwhile, is unnerved when Zak calls around looking like he wants to train with him but is relieved when he suggests playing a computer game.

Ravi's appreciative of Zak's company and is spurred on by his idea for a party at the house. When Leila agrees that it's about time that they enjoyed themselves and Zak sees it as an opportunity for Anita to get her mates back on side - Ravi starts to soften towards the idea.

2668: Elliot lunges at Archie
Airs on Wednesday, October 14 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Making the most of their parent-free house, Leila, Ravi and Anita throw a house party. Anita's pleased when Ricky arrives but tries not to show it, insisting that they're just friends. Leila's not impressed when Archie arrives but when he pleads to stay, she gives in on the condition that he causes no trouble. The party's soon underway and everyone's enjoying themselves but it quickly descends into mayhem and chaos.

Anita makes a drunken pass at Ricky who knocks her back. Anita's then sick in font of Ravi who is becoming increasingly frustrated with his lack of control. Zak, Kris and Elliot soon arrive, much to Leila's horror - especially when Elliot and Archie start fighting. Theresa then turns up and still angry with Anita, she decides to exact her revenge by kissing Ricky just as Anita emerges from the toilet.

It's the final straw for Ravi when he sees Anita crying and he orders everybody to leave. Leila and Anita are shocked by his outburst and are embarrassed that their friends have been thrown out. Ravi tries to explain to Leila that he can't bear his sisters being upset. Feeling powerless and alone, he breaks down crying.

Elliot's still reeling following Leila's revelation that she slept with Archie. He tells Zak and Kris what's happened but is forced to reveal that he was also caught with Sheila. Zak's livid with Archie for what he's done but Elliot's adamant it's something he needs to deal with.

Encouraged by Nancy, Kris goes to the Roys' party with Zak only to discover that Archie's already there. Before Zak can lay into him, Elliot flies in, sending Archie crashing down onto a table. A fight ensues until Zak and Leila drag the pair apart. An upset Leila throws her sparring lovers out of the house.

It's the first anniversary of Tina's death and the McQueens are each dealing with the grief in their own way. Mercedes wants to forget all about it, while Michaela manages to convince her to join them at the memorial that Carmel has planned.

Completely oblivious as to what day it is, Theresa's made up to be let off her studying and is more than happy to join in. It becomes too much for Michaela, though, as it was her who organised Tina's funeral and the memories are too painful. The mourners, however, are interrupted by Jacqui's arrival. Seething, Jacqui expresses her astonishment that Myra wants them all to remember the day she chose which of her children should die.

Arguments ensue and even Theresa finds herself on the receiving end of Jacqui's sharp tongue. Carmel's hurt that her service has been ruined and flees in tears. Realising how much the memorial means to her, Myra, Mercedes and Michaela join her, offering to save her day by celebrating Tina's memory instead.

When Jacqui returns she's unable to believe the sight in front of her - Myra, Mercedes, Carmel and Michaela are all dancing around the living room, clearly a little tipsy. Myra gives Jacqui food for thought and realising that she needs to let the past go, Jacqui's soon dancing around the living room along with the rest of her family.

2669: Mercedes inadvertantly attacks Sheila
Airs on Thursday, October 15 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Anita wants to patch things up with Theresa and apologises for kissing Newt. She's sure that everything will be okay now she's exacted her revenge. Anita's left in tears, though, when Theresa informs her that Ricky meant nothing - she just wanted her to know what betrayal felt like.

Anita's scared when Gaz turns up and menacingly questions her about the night he was attacked. Terrified that she'll be exposed, she's alarmed when Ricky arrives as the thinks that he'll blow her cover. Gaz studies them both carefully, before announcing that the doctors believe his memory could return at any time. Gaz heads off, leaving Anita worried that he'll soon be back at school and everyone will find out what she's done.

Determined to wind the friends up, Gaz tells Theresa that Anita and Ricky are still together. Realising Anita's not sorry for going behind her back with Newt, Theresa threatens to tell everyone what she did unless she stays away from her and her friends.

Sheila's planned a team bonding fancy dress event at The Loft for call centre staff but things are a little strained with Elliot after she misjudged their friendship. Elliot insists that he's off women but he's impressed when Sheila arrives dressed as a Wookie to match his Spock outfit. When Kris tests Elliot's feelings for Leila, Elliot's quick to point out she's a liar and a cheat, before realising that she's standing right behind him.

Sheila spends most of the night alone as Kris and Zak do everything they can to avoid her but she's happy when she finally finds a friend in Elliot. As they chat away, Sheila's suddenly rugby tackled to the ground by Mercedes and falsely accused of stealing money from the safe.

Furious, Sheila leaves, insisting they'll be hearing from her solicitor. Elliot catches up with Sheila and takes her back to the flat to call a cab - but she doesn't quite make it home…

At the Roys', it's a scene of devastation in the wake of their party. Leila doesn't know where to start on the mess and is a little awkward around Ravi following his outburst the previous night. Feeling guilty for throwing everyone out, Ravi apologises to Leila for his behaviour. She soon realises, though, that he only wanted to protect her and insists that they're going out for the day - leaving the mess and the responsibility behind them.

However, after hearing Elliot slagging her off to his mates in The Loft and seeing him with Sheila, Leila decides that it's time to put Elliot behind her. Back at home, Ravi's worried when he gets a searing pain in his head but keeps it from his sister.

Sasha's not impressed with Mercedes' new drinks order for The Loft, convinced that they'll never be able to get rid of the stock. Mercedes, however, insists that she'll shift it in no time. With no-one buying, Mercedes refuses to let Sasha get the better of her and threatens Zak to buy some, before announcing a two-for-one promotion.

Annoyed that the drinks have started selling, Sasha decides to get her own back by hiding the money from the safe that Calvin entrusted to Mercedes. When Mercedes discovers the money is missing, she launches herself at Sheila and accusing her of stealing it. Calvin attempts to referee but it's Kris who puts a stop to their fight when he reveals that Sasha took the money.

06-10-2009, 08:44
2670: Elliot and Sheila go public
Airs on Friday, October 16 2009 at 18:30 BST on Channel 4

Hannah returns to find Charlie living back in the flat with Nancy and when Nancy accuses her of writing to Jake in hospital, she can't deny it. Kris realises that Charlie shouldn't be caught in the middle of the arguments and sneaks Charlie out to work with him. Hannah, however, is shocked when Nancy accuses her of repeatedly writing to Jake in hospital. Hannah claims that it was only one letter – one that she wrote for Nancy's benefit. Nancy refuses to believe her and orders Hannah to move out immediately.

Meanwhile, Dave's hanging around the pub when he bumps into Anita who's lonely and looking for a mate. When he invites her inside for a drink, she can't believe her luck. As Anita waxes lyrical to Dave about Indie music and all things cool, she soon starts to feel unsteady due to the alcohol.

Just as Dave tries to settle her down, Gilly arrives and kicks him out for giving a drink to a minor. Anita, meanwhile, makes a dash for the toilet. Hannah discovers her in the loo being sick and keen to dispel any idea that she's drunk, Anita claims that she hasn't eaten all day. Hannah's immediately concerned and warns Anita about the perils of not eating properly.

Realising that Hannah's misunderstood her predicament, Anita deliberately doesn't correct her as she's revelling in the attention. With Hannah's kind words fresh in her mind, Anita rushes home and goes online to research the symptoms of eating disorders.

Leila struggles to keep the Roy household together and when Gilly drops by demanding the rent and also sees the mess from the party, the cracks in the family become abundantly clear. Gilly gives them some breathing space on the rent front but warns them that he'll have to inform Neville. When Neville finds out, he instantly makes his way over to implement his zero-tolerance policy with gusto.

Arriving at the Roys', he finds the house in a worse then he'd imagined and is left with no choice but to give them their notice. Once again, it comes down to Leila to arrange alternative accommodation.

Ravi finds room with Kris; Leila manages to move in with Hayley; but it's Anita who's left in a fix as she discovers that she has to move into the McQueens' with Theresa.

A half-naked, guilt-ridden and awkward Sheila - still dressed as a Wookie, emerges from Elliot's room - having slept with her employee. Matters quickly turn to hilarity when Zak and Kris realise that Sheila spent the night in Elliot's company.

At work, things turn frosty and Sheila dishes out her authority with particular relish following her night of passion with Elliot. Elliot's nominated to approach Sheila about her renewed vitriol and when he does, he's surprised to find that Sheila wants to put the whole thing behind her and move on.

Things take a turn for the worse when Kris is caught bringing baby Charlie into work. Sheila threatens to sack Kris and an argument soon ensues but to everyone's surprise, it's Elliot who manages to broker peace and Sheila's left seeing Elliot in a new light altogether.

Sheila breaks down and confesses to Elliot that she really likes him but she's terrified of rejection. Elliot, however, proudly takes her hand and announces to Kris and Zak that they're an item.

06-10-2009, 11:03
So Hannah was writing to Jake. Why?

09-10-2009, 14:51
It was Loretta wrting to Jake but he thought it was Hannah wrting to him