View Full Version : Neighbours Oz Spoilers, 12th - 16th October

Jessie Wallace
05-10-2009, 22:01
Monday 12th October

Lou and Lyn realise they’ve been played by Paul – and Lou urges Rebecca to help save Harold’s Store, an Erinsborough icon. Realising that her own business could be under threat, Rebecca agrees – stocking the store with Charlie’s own supplies without Paul’s knowledge. Is Rebecca risking her own relationship to help Lyn? Kate’s managed to get the Future Spark bike trailer fixed, but they now only have 24 hours to bank the power they need to make the Deb carbon neutral. As the teens all team up to pedal their way to victory, Harry reminds Kate she also needs to find him a date, and Kate promises she’ll do it. But when Kate doesn’t deliver, Harry takes drastic action.

Tuesday 13th October

Donna is pushed to turn her back on her job with Saffron. Meanwhile Kate's plan to get Harry to the Deb with Sarah backfires.

Wednesday 14th October

Elle returns from New York, enamoured with the Manhattan lifestyle and workplace but she missed Lucas and Donna. She downplays her success in New York, happy to be back in Lucas’ arms. However, upon checking her credit card statement, she realises she’s overspent and cash-poor since James’ swindle and will have to budget. Appreciating the shift in their relationship dynamic, Lucas attempts to show her budgeting can actually be fun and most importantly, bring them closer. However when Paul, looking to show Rebecca his commitment, offers to buy the Robinson house back from Elle, she’s tempted. Despite Lucas’ investment in them finally being on an even keel, Elle agrees to sell, with the one condition being that they keep it quiet from Lucas.

Thursday 15th October

Harry risks everything for romance, while Dan and Libby weather another storm. Meanwhile, Toadie pushes Elle to tell the truth.

Friday 16th October

Kate and Sunny suffer through the humiliation of Amanda’s dance class but when Amanda picks on Sunny, Kate finally cracks. Leaping to her friend’s defence, Kate finally finds the courage to tell Amanda she’s a terrible teacher and takes over as dance coach. However sneaky Amanda has been plotting revenge and she reveals she’s arranged a special guest of honour for the Deb: Jason Coleman. Can Kate face the man who ended her dance dream?