View Full Version : Who will win the X factor?

05-10-2009, 13:36
So, before the live show kicks off.. who do you want to win the X factor.. we can see if anyone predicted the winner this far ahead

(there is only 10 lines so I included all the guys in one part)

05-10-2009, 13:57
based on talent it should be Jamie Afro

05-10-2009, 14:05
I agree with Tammy but lets see how they all perform on the first night, will have a better idea after that.

05-10-2009, 14:10
I agree with Tammy but lets see how they all perform on the first night, will have a better idea after that.

Ah but this is the fun of it.. lets see if we can predict a winner without known what 1st night is going to be like.. at the end of the show we can see who predicted at this early stage

05-10-2009, 14:11
The vote is not public though, is it? We will have ALL predicted the correct winner :rotfl:

05-10-2009, 14:17
The vote is not public though, is it? We will have ALL predicted the correct winner :rotfl:

oops :rotfl::rotfl: silly me.. ah we know we are.. I voted Olly

05-10-2009, 15:53
Lucie, Jamie and Olly all stand out as the final 3 for me with Jamie winning

Chloe O'brien
05-10-2009, 20:16
Olly, Lucie and Jamie top three for me. All the publicity has been on Jamie and Daniel and Olly has been overshadowed but I think he may be the dark horse of the competition.

05-10-2009, 21:09
Im really not sure yet

05-10-2009, 22:01
cant really say until the live shows start, but i dont think that Jamie Afro will go far, everyone had high hopes for that Ben in year 3 but he only came third.

i think Cheryl will win it again with one of the boys, probably Joe or Llloyd.