View Full Version : Emmerdale Spoilers 05 - 09 Oct 09

23-09-2009, 12:31
From itv.com

Monday, 5 October 2009, 7:00PM - 7:30PM

Cain (Jeff Hordley) is not impressed when he arrives home to discover he and Debbie (Charley Webb) have a new lodger.

Elsewhere, tension between Ashley (John Middleton) and Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) starts to build as Sally (Sian Reeves) begins to make herself at home. Following pressure from Laurel, Ashley talks to Sally advising that she should go home and talk to Vincent (Antony Byrne). However, it isn’t long before Doug (Duncan Preston) arrives with a weary looking Sally who has been thrown out by her Vincent for being honest as Ashley had advised. Will Sally continue to drive a rift between Laurel and Ashley?

Meanwhile in the Woolpack, Marlon (Mark Charnock) marches Moira (Natalie J Robb) into the kitchen ranting about a hair in some food that a customer has complained about. Weary of his relentless ticking off Moira can’t take anymore and casually hands in her notice to an irritated Diane (Elizabeth Estensen). Unimpressed that he is to blame for Moira’s departure, Diane makes her feelings clear to Marlon.

Also, Aaron (Danny Miller) attempts to make amends with the Bartons. And Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) starts to warm to Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne), much to David’s (Matthew Wolfenden) dismay.

Tuesday 6 October

Charity (EmmaAtkins) is forced to make a major decision when the hostility with Cain (Jeff Hordley) reaches breaking point.

Meanwhile, Diane (Elizabeth Estensen) makes Marlon suffer over Moira’s (Natalie J Hobb) resignation and holds him personally responsible for the staffing shortages. Tired of the relentless agro, Marlon (Mark Charnock) begrudgingly heads up to Butlers Farm to apologise to a surprisingly civil Moira. Marlon persuades Moira to retract her notice and they return to the woolpack together, much to Diane’s delight, but how long will the peace last?

Elsewhere, Sally’s (Sian Reeves) presence continues to divide Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) and Ashley (John Middleton). Sally pays Ashley a visit at the church and he uses the opportunity to ask questions about her realtionship with Vincent. Despite Ashley’s best intentions, Sally is reluctant to talk and changes the subject, leaving Laurel frustrated that her husband isn’t pressing the issue. Is Sally here to stay?

Also, Jimmy (Nick Miles) informs Aaron (Danny Miller) and Paddy (Dominic Brunt) that Carl (Tom Lister) and Chas (Lucy Pargeter) will be back tomorrow.

Wednesday 7 October

Debbie (Charley Webb) is forced to choose between her parents, but is left devastated by the consequences.

Elsewhere, Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and Carl’s (Tom Lister) return to the village is met with hostility from Aaron (Danny Miller). Chas is apprehensive and Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) takes great delight when informing her that her unruly son is now residing with Paddy (Dominic Brunt) whom she swiftly pays a visit to. Cold in her company, Paddy reluctantly agrees to talk but he is left on the defensive when Chas accuses him of taking Aaron in to spite her.

Oblivious to the blatant rivalry and heated words exchanged between David (Matthew Wolfenden) and Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne), Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) is bemused to find £100 extra in her pay packet than expected and after bringing it to Nathan’s attention, is left feeling grateful, yet slightly awkward after he insists that she keep it for fear of making him look incompetent at his job. Does Nathan have another agenda?

Also, Sally’s (Sian Reeves) presence in the village causes more friction between Ashley (John Middleton) and Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy).

Meanwhile, Moira (Natalie J robb) apologises to Marlon (Mark Charnock) and they finally call a truce.

Thursday 8 October [1]

Keen to keep the peace between mother and son, Carl (Tom Lister) pays Aaron (Danny Miller) an visit at the garage. After being forced to talk by Ryan (James Sutton), Aaron’s mood fails to improve and Carl is left abandoned when Aaron storms off having heard enough. Later, distracted from his work, a troubled Aaron heads off without a word, clearly on a mission. Catching Aaron looking untoward, Carl questions his motives before thinking that he has come to talk to Chas (Lucy Pargeter), but Aaron is carted off by Adam (Adam Thomas) wanting to take his quad for a test run. It is only when the lads are out of sight that a triumphant Aaron confesses to meddling with the brakes on Carl’s car, much to Adam’s horror. Will Carl find out what Aaron has done before it’s too late?

With an obvious agenda, Nathan (Lyndon Ogbourne) gets Holly (Sophie Powles) to man the shop, freeing up both Leyla (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) and Doug (Duncan Preston) to accompany him for drinks in the Woolpack. Oblivious to his charm, Leyla politely declines preferring to dine with David (Matthew Wolfenden) much to Nathan’s irritation. How far is he prepared to go in his pursuit of Leyla?

Also, Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) returns from his golf trip and is surprised to learn that Ryan and Katie (Sammy Winward) are an item

Thursday 8 October [2]

Following a stark confession from Aaron (Danny Miller), Adam (Adam Thomas) feels racked with guilt and a desperate plea to put things right leaves him stranded in a field as Aaron careers off. Back in the village and oblivious to the devastation that is close by, Jimmy (Nick Miles) insists on taking both Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) and baby Angelica out in Carl’s (Tom Lister) car to put some distance between Nicola and Chas (Lucy Pargeter) who are continually bickering. After several delays from the imminent disaster, Jimmy eventually sets off but is left marooned up a grass verge after Aaron forces the quad in front of the moving car. Understandably shaken, an irate Jimmy rants at Aaron before being alerted to the jets of brake fluid trailing behind, and then more rationally, hails Aaron a hero. Upon hearing the tale of horror, Carl is left reeling after flashbacks to Aaron's antics this morning confirm his suspicions that he is responsible for the earlier accident. In a rage of anger, Carl confronts a remorseful Aaron and reveals all to a bewildered Chas. She's left pleading with him not to involve the police, but will Carl listen?

Outside the Woolpack, Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) lays down the law, insisting on no further contact with Faye (Kim Thomson). However, when she accuses him of being jealous over her blossoming friendship with Cain (Jeff Hordley), Mark is left silenced.

Also, Jai (Chris Bisson) and Nikhil (Rik Makarem) discuss giving the Kings the haulage contract

Friday 9 October

Furious and left feeling responsible for his actions, Paddy (Dominic Brunt) reluctantly lures Aaron (Danny Miller) into meeting with Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and Carl (Tom Lister) in an attempt to make him face his demons. Will Aaron prove to his mum that he's genuinely sorry or will she be forced to cut him out of her life for good?

Mark (Maxwell Caulfield) and Natasha (Amanda Donohoe) start to put their problems behind them as they decide to spend the day in each others company. An appearance from Faye (Kim Thomson) and Jai (Rik Markarem) at the Woolpack interrupts on their time together. Natasha is clearly delighted to see her nemesis moving on with her life, but can the same be said for a noticeably uneasy Mark?

Also, Jimmy (Nick Miles) gets offered a one-off delivery contract from the Sharma Brothers

23-09-2009, 14:30
not much Charity this week

23-09-2009, 17:13
not much Charity this week

I agree, there is a little though with the whole lodger business in the week, aswell as Debbie choosing between her parents.

24-09-2009, 11:28
I wonder which parent Debbie chooses :rolleyes:

24-09-2009, 11:33
It will be quite a difficult decision, I would think, because both parents keep letting her down and then coming back into her life.

24-09-2009, 11:59
It will be quite a difficult decision, I would think, because both parents keep letting her down and then coming back into her life.

I think she will choose Cain since Charity is Michael's other woman and has Charity even been in contact with her? At least Cain returned for her trial

27-09-2009, 06:06
Over in Emmerdale, Aaron's (Danny Miller) out for revenge as he cuts the brake pipes on Carl's (Tom Lister) car. Aaron confesses his sabotage to Adam (Adam Thomas) but Adam's left stranded in a field when Aaron rides away on his quad.

Completely unaware of the the dangerous state of the car, Jimmy (Nick Miles) decides to take Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) and baby Angelica out for the day to stop her arguing with Chas (Lucy Pargeter). Jimmy finally sets off in the car, but he's forced to veer off onto a grass verge when Aaron cuts the car up with the quad.

Confused by Aaron's actions, Jimmy demands that he explain his stupidity and Aaron quickly points out the brake fluid leaking from the motor.

With that, Jimmy hails Aaron a hero, while Carl can see straight through the youngster's deviousness...

Scenes air 8th October
