View Full Version : Americas Next Top Model

18-09-2009, 23:12
Hi I swear there are others who watch this? :)

Its started back up again on Monday on living and I love it :p
Tyra was soooo OTT but love it lol! :p

19-09-2009, 10:43
I watch this show too and I am so glad that it's back it's nice to find someone else that watches the show!

Isn't Tyra always OTT?! lol

19-09-2009, 12:11
Love it love it love it - even watch repeats of old shows at tea-time.:thumbsup:

19-09-2009, 13:46
lol yeah she is always OTT but this time I swear she was even more OTT

19-09-2009, 14:09
The more series they have of this show the more of Tyra we seem to see.

Which has been your fav series so far? and favourite wanna-be models?

19-09-2009, 14:10
I dont know really

I do like the first series where Tyra is more down to earth

19-09-2009, 14:26
I have never found her down to earth I know she tries to potray herself as an 'ordinary woman' but there is nothing ordinary about her.

I think I have loved all the shows so far. The one that will always stick in my mind is the first season where we had Robin and Shannon who refused to pose naked because of their religious beliefs.

I also remember when they had season 5 and the final few came to London and they had a mini arguement about food that had been stolen, to this day I think Kim was the one who ate the biscuits but never owned up to it all. It was also the season where we had crazy Lisa who was wild but so much fun :)

I also remember the wierd side of the show in season where Monique took off her underwear and was supposedly smeared her dirty underwear to mark the bed she wanted to sleep on. It was just wierd to see how strange some women can be or how desperate they can be to win..........

My favourite winners from the show so far have been:
Eva Pigford- Totally stunning
Yoanna House- Who did really well considering she was only someone who babysat kids for a living!
Danielle Evans- Because I loved her mad accent and the way she was stubborn when it came to closing the gap in her teeth.
CariDee English- Loved her look :) :)

Worst contestants for me have been:
Saleisha Stowers- I know she won of the seasons but I felt it was rigged as I read somewhere she was already associated with Tyra.
Monique -- For her odd bedroom hygiene habits.
Jade-- As she was so bitchy and was a bully to some of the girls :(
Plus the girl who was from Russia who I think was called Natasha who was a little odd with her role playing with her husband down the phone.

19-09-2009, 14:46
No seriously if you watched the first series she was really down to earth, nothing like she is now, and spent a lot more time with them and at times no make up and not dressed up at all

19-09-2009, 14:50
I was never convinced I saw that as a way of drawing the public in and I think now she is showing her true colours as more money is being made.

19-09-2009, 14:52
I just liked how it was more personal then

19-09-2009, 15:04
Could be but I can never get into the BNTM in the same way it always feels like its missing something. I am impressed with this years contestants on the show all very beautiful but Allison leaves me feeling worried!

21-09-2009, 09:50
Allison freeks me out.. her eyes are mad!!! I love ANTM and BNTM... every day at 6 I am still glued to the old ones.. Season 6 is up next week, my favourite ANTM (the one with Jade, Dannielle and Joanie in it)

21-09-2009, 20:44
I don't get home to watch the old episodes in the week but I can hardly forget Jade and her attitude. The other one I disliked was Renee who was on the season where Jaslene won. Renee was such a horrible girl so bitchy :(

22-09-2009, 06:08
I can't get over Sandra in the current season. Is she really so obnoxious and conceited, or is it edited (or scripted even) to make her appear so.

22-09-2009, 09:16
I don't get home to watch the old episodes in the week but I can hardly forget Jade and her attitude. The other one I disliked was Renee who was on the season where Jaslene won. Renee was such a horrible girl so bitchy :(

Jade was horrible but funny... Renee was just plain mean.. didn't like Dominque either (she was kicked out after 2 shows, think same cycle as Renee). Natasha, the russian girl was hiliarous and I loved Britney is the cycle 4.. she was funny

22-09-2009, 21:04
I don't get home to watch the old episodes in the week but I can hardly forget Jade and her attitude. The other one I disliked was Renee who was on the season where Jaslene won. Renee was such a horrible girl so bitchy :(

Jade was horrible but funny... Renee was just plain mean.. didn't like Dominque either (she was kicked out after 2 shows, think same cycle as Renee). Natasha, the russian girl was hiliarous and I loved Britney is the cycle 4.. she was funny

Natasha was so funny especially when she phoned home and was purring like a cat for her husband!

Renee was a cow I would of come to blows with her!

Jade was so full of something and I was so happy when she didn't win :)

Britney? I don't know if I remember her.......

22-09-2009, 21:05
I can't get over Sandra in the current season. Is she really so obnoxious and conceited, or is it edited (or scripted even) to make her appear so.

It could be bad editing to make her look like that- well for her sake I hope so

22-09-2009, 22:40
I can't get over Sandra in the current season. Is she really so obnoxious and conceited, or is it edited (or scripted even) to make her appear so.

It could be bad editing to make her look like that- well for her sake I hope so

Thats true, but she seems to be like that all the time, plus no one is making her act like that

23-09-2009, 09:17
Got to see it last night.. Sandra is not a nice person and she thinks she is better than everyone else... Really thought she would be kicked out last night

23-09-2009, 09:18
Britney? I don't know if I remember her.......

she was in it the year Naima won it.. she was always getting drunk and the judges though she was too sexy..

23-09-2009, 10:00
Got to see it last night.. Sandra is not a nice person and she thinks she is better than everyone else... Really thought she would be kicked out last night

I know - she is so full of herself, and soo bitchy! I was very pleased that she was in the final two, she thought that she was the best!

23-09-2009, 10:03
And what was that half walk down the runway about??? "Oh I thought I was at the end".. bull pooh!! Can't wait for makeovers next week.. I am sure she will have something to say..
Allison's eyes still freak me out...

23-09-2009, 12:04
America's Next Top Model Season 12 is out Living on Monday nights

Sandra is annoying hope she goes home soon

23-09-2009, 12:26
Oh forgot to mention my fav Top Model ever.. Heather!! she was amazingly beautiful..

23-09-2009, 16:54
And what was that half walk down the runway about??? "Oh I thought I was at the end".. bull pooh!! Can't wait for makeovers next week.. I am sure she will have something to say..
Allison's eyes still freak me out...

I love makeover week :D its the best although a lot of tears

26-09-2009, 16:38
America's Next Top Model Season 12 is out Living on Monday nights

Sandra is annoying hope she goes home soon

What is Sandras problem?
Does she really think she is that beautiful that she will win?
How could Isabella go home :(

26-09-2009, 16:39
Britney? I don't know if I remember her.......

she was in it the year Naima won it.. she was always getting drunk and the judges though she was too sexy..

Britney? Dark haired sometimes looked like an adult movie star? But liked to party? I loved her energy she knew how to have a good time :)

28-09-2009, 10:12
What is Sandras problem?
Does she really think she is that beautiful that she will win?
How could Isabella go home :(

Sandra keeps saying she is an african queen... She should be out out out... can't wait to see how she will react to a make over.. Have to watch it tomorrow as Irish Apprentice on tonight

01-10-2009, 09:30
What is Sandras problem?
Does she really think she is that beautiful that she will win?
How could Isabella go home :(

Sandra keeps saying she is an african queen... She should be out out out... can't wait to see how she will react to a make over.. Have to watch it tomorrow as Irish Apprentice on tonight

There are beautiful African women out there and women of colour around but none of them have an attitude like Sandra who has a real chip on her shoulder. Her attitude to me makes her ugly and I feel she is trying too hard

01-10-2009, 09:32
completely agree.. She is a pretty woman but her attitude makes her ugly.. Can't believe Fo was crying over her hair... stupid..

If anyone is interested Cycle 6 (Jade, Danelle Joanie cycle) is now on at 6pm on Living.. I love that cycle...

01-10-2009, 09:36
Cycle 6 was something else it was just great I used to love watching this cycle as you never knew what would happen next. Jade was something else. She had confidence like Sandra does but she was an outright bully.
I remember Joanie when she had all that dental surgery- poor thing suffered for the model industry, and Danielle made me laugh with her accent and not wanting to have any dental surgery to close the gap in her teeth.

01-10-2009, 10:09
I just remembered who Sandra kind of reminded me of she reminds me of Nnenna from cycle 6. She had that kind of cocky confidence that kind of got on my nerves

01-10-2009, 10:12
I just remembered who Sandra kind of reminded me of she reminds me of Nnenna from cycle 6. She had that kind of cocky confidence that kind of got on my nerves

Nnenna wasn't that bad and at least she could actually take a photo.. My fav quote from top model was from Jade "this says America's next top model, not america's next top best friend".. that is on tonight.. can't wait :cheer:

01-10-2009, 11:01
Is America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 (new season currently on Monday nights) reepated on Living another night?

01-10-2009, 11:07
Is America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 (new season currently on Monday nights) reepated on Living another night?

Yeah it is repeated on Tues at 8 (that is when I watch it) and I am almost sure it repeated on a Sunday or Saturday daytime

01-10-2009, 12:20
I just remembered who Sandra kind of reminded me of she reminds me of Nnenna from cycle 6. She had that kind of cocky confidence that kind of got on my nerves

Nnenna wasn't that bad and at least she could actually take a photo.. My fav quote from top model was from Jade "this says America's next top model, not america's next top best friend".. that is on tonight.. can't wait :cheer:

Jade was right as at the end of the day its a competition, all the girls in the house are your competitors not your friends

01-10-2009, 12:21
Is America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 (new season currently on Monday nights) reepated on Living another night?

Yeah it is repeated on Tues at 8 (that is when I watch it) and I am almost sure it repeated on a Sunday or Saturday daytime

Saturdays at 3pm

01-10-2009, 18:28
I missed it this week - who was exterminated, sorry, eliminated?

02-10-2009, 08:48
I missed it this week - who was exterminated, sorry, eliminated?

Cause it is repeated on Saturday I will use spoilers

Jessica, the one who said she has a pretty gene..

03-10-2009, 11:14
Oh Jessica so naive I have learnt from watching this show the very pretty women never win!

05-10-2009, 09:42
Oh Jessica so naive I have learnt from watching this show the very pretty women never win!

There has been some shocking winners and I never got why:

Yolanne (Season 2), Nicole (Season 5), Selicia (season whatever). even Jaslene was not the best.. oh and Whitney.. and I never ever got why they picked Mckey from last season... :thumbsdow

05-10-2009, 21:23
Yolanne - she was stunning I thought. She had that ordinary down to earth side of her personality that I loved.

Nicole was all teeth and hair- she had to be one of the boring winners :(

Selicia I didn't want to win as I had read she had been linked to Tyra before and in a way her winning was due to get influence from Tyra.

Whitney she was ok but I think they needed to a plus size model as there hadn't been any in the past seasons.

Mckey I didn't get winning she had an awkwardness to her I couldn't warm to.

My fav winner had to be Danielle she made me laugh along with Eva from a previous season and Adrienne :)

27-10-2009, 17:13
Was this on Living last night? If so who was eliminated please?

27-10-2009, 20:33
Wasn't on due to their Haunted season on tonight

01-11-2009, 10:31
Does anyone know if any of the winners of the show or any of the eliminated contestants have ever been or are top models?

02-11-2009, 09:41
Does anyone know if any of the winners of the show or any of the eliminated contestants have ever been or are top models?

Joanne and Jade were taken on by Elite in Thailand.. Heather is with Elite in her home town... I haven't seen any on a cat walk or magazine

02-11-2009, 15:10
Is it on tonight?

02-11-2009, 15:25
Is it on tonight?

I hope so... even if I don't watch it on Monday but it will mean that it is on Tomorrow night (tonight is apprentice night on TV3)

11-12-2009, 21:01
Season 13 new series starts on Living TV in January :cheer:

I'm delighted Teyona won Season 12

13-12-2009, 19:02
I can't wait for Season 13.. according to the ads it is for the shorter models

17-12-2009, 17:25
America's Next Top Model is in vogue.

The model competition series has named André Leon Talley, Vogue magazine's editor-at-large, as its new fourth judge.

Talley will hop on board for the series' upcoming 14th cycle. Talley's spot at the judges table was previously taken by famed runway models Janice Dickinson, Twiggy and — most recently — Paulina Porizkova. This fall, after Porizkova alleged she was fired, various celebrity guest judges like Lauren Conrad and Kim Kardashian filled the empty spot.

He has served as the fashion publication's editor-at-large since 1998. A premiere date has not been set for the next season.

22-12-2009, 23:18
Ive just caught up :D

Im shocked she won actually, I wanted Alison to win

22-12-2009, 23:18
I can't wait for Season 13.. according to the ads it is for the shorter models

Yeah it is - ive been tempted to watch it cos you can watch it on youtube

03-01-2010, 20:16
America's Next Top Model is in vogue.

The model competition series has named André Leon Talley, Vogue magazine's editor-at-large, as its new fourth judge.

Talley will hop on board for the series' upcoming 14th cycle. Talley's spot at the judges table was previously taken by famed runway models Janice Dickinson, Twiggy and — most recently — Paulina Porizkova. This fall, after Porizkova alleged she was fired, various celebrity guest judges like Lauren Conrad and Kim Kardashian filled the empty spot.

He has served as the fashion publication's editor-at-large since 1998. A premiere date has not been set for the next season.

I think its about march 4th start date in usa

SOOOOOOO glad im not the only one who loves this, have seen every episode of all 13 cycles cant wait for 14, even if we already know the international destination

18-01-2010, 10:35
Cycle 13 starts on Living on Monday with a double episode

18-01-2010, 10:38
I can't wait.. and from reading the magazine I get each week..seem second episode it a makeover one!! they are doing it early this year...

22-01-2010, 12:56
Watched it on Monday.. there is some loons in the house.. Nicole, what is she on??? she just stood there when Tyra called her name.. Was sad Amber left "that was my catwalk, meow!" so funny!! she would have been a laugh in the house.. And bianca not liking her makeover, clothes, makeup.. she should have been kicked out!!