View Full Version : 2 big brothers

05-06-2005, 22:44
Saskia's superior counting skills have added up to an extra special prize. As a reward for winning yesterday's task, she has been given a secret mission - to become Big Brother.

The lucky task winner will be able to listen in on her Housemates' Diary Room revelations, and ask them questions just like Big Brother.

Big Brother will communicate with Saskia in the toilet where a screen and headphones will be provided for her to view the Diary Room in secret.

The sneaky lass decided to set to work on her mission straight away, summoning possible love interest/close friend Maxwell to the Diary Room and hopping into the loo for a bit of sneaky eavesdropping.

Saskia donned her headphones and, like the best Bond Villain ever, giggled maniacally as a picture of Maxwell flashed up on a secret screen. The cheeky chap was unaware that everything he said would be heard by Saskia.

These are the three questions Saskia had prepared for Maxwell...

1) If you were to stay in the House for the next 11 weeks, which Housemates would you want to stay with and why?

2) If you won the prize money and you had to share it with one Housemate, who would it be?

3) If you had to evict a Housemate for good who would you pick and why?

Careful what you say Maxwell, the walls have ears...