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Thread: Faye Windass

  1. #151
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    Coronation Street's Faye Windass has made a huge confession over Adam Barlow's attack.

    The ITV soap's New Year's Eve episode saw Faye come clean with her brother Gary and his wife Maria Connor, admitting that she was responsible for Adam's brush with death.

    Faye knocked Adam out at the Bistro in a case of mistaken identity, believing that he was evil Ray Crosby. She has been hiding her guilt ever since, but revealed the truth when Maria accused Gary of being the culprit.

    Digital Spy and other media recently caught up with Ellie Leach, who plays Faye, for her reaction to the bombshell storyline twist.

    When did you find out about this twist and how did you react?

    "I had a meeting with Corrie's producer Iain MacLeod in August. I don't feel like I've really had a big storyline since Faye's pregnancy a few years ago, so it was great to have a storyline like this ? with twists and turns ? and to be involved so much. I was so excited to get my teeth into it."

    Can you explain what led to Faye attacking Adam by mistake?

    "It was the anger from what Ray had tried to do in the Bistro. She told him 'no' and he wouldn't listen to her. She'd heard from people like Abi and Craig ? who were all warning her to stay away from him ? and she didn't listen.

    "So I think it's the anger of that as well. She's mad at herself because she should have listened when people warned her about him."

    Now that Corrie fans know about Faye's guilt, how long can it stay secret in Weatherfield?

    "As long as she can keep a lid on it, really. I think Faye is definitely at breaking point. She has got such a huge weight on her shoulders and she doesn't know what to do. She's struggling because she wants to tell people, but if she does tell people, she thinks they won't believe her."

    Faye has chosen to confide in Gary. Do you think that says a lot about the strong relationship between them?

    "Yeah, definitely. I think throughout all of the years that Faye has been on the street, Gary is the only person who has actually been there for her throughout. Obviously her dad Tim came into the show a few years after she joined. So the only person she's had throughout is Gary.

    "Obviously Gary is so angry with Ray. At first he was angry with Faye, because he thought: 'How could she be so stupid to believe a man like Ray?' But then he feels sorry for her, especially that she felt she couldn't speak out. I think she does really trust Gary with her life."

    How far would Gary go to protect Faye?

    "I think Gary would do anything for her, I genuinely do. Before the Windass family adopted Faye, he didn't have that relationship with anyone. Now that he's got it and it's been there for a few years, she is part of his family and part of his life, even though she is adopted. She is his sister so I think he'd literally go to the ends of the earth for her."

    Does Faye feel genuinely guilty?

    "I think Faye feels genuinely guilty about the mistaken identity aspect. If it was Ray who she attacked, I don't think she'd be feeling as guilty. Obviously it's wasn't her intention to go in there and be like: 'I'm going to whack you over the head!'

    "But all of her anger built up. She wanted to show Ray that she wasn't scared of him. It just so happened that it was Adam rather than him. Faye does feel guilty and she also feels bad for bringing Gary into the situation.

    "It also looks worse because of the relationship between Adam and Gary. It's making it look like Gary has done it, but Faye knows that he didn't and it's all on her shoulders. I think the genuine guilt is there, but it's more for bringing Gary into the situation than for the attack itself."

    Would Faye trust her dad Tim with the truth at some point? She must be worried about how he'd react.

    "Yeah, definitely. I think Tim can tell that there's something not right. He's pestering Faye and nagging her to see if she knows anything about what happened. So I think it could all get too much for her and she eventually will tell him what's happened and why she has been the way she is.

    "Faye can see that Tim knows there's something wrong. She feels like, even though she has told Gary, she's still got this massive weight on her shoulders and needs to come clean."

    This could be classed as attempted murder. Could this lead to Faye leaving the Street?

    "I hope not! If Faye did go to the police and felt like that was the right thing to do, it is a serious crime and you do time for things like that. But if Faye does go to the police and tells them what happened, and then ends up going to prison, I hope that it's not forever!"

    Will Faye keep Craig in the friend zone forever?

    "I don't think Craig is forever friend zoned. Before all of this happened, there was a little hint of something ? a little romance. I think Faye doesn't want to tell him what's been going on because she feels so upset.

    "Faye knows, deep down, that Craig has always had feelings for her and maybe that hasn't been reciprocated by her over the years. She feels bad, because Craig is so nice and she's not really had that before. Faye has never really had someone that treated her with the respect that he does."

    How have you felt about exploring Faye growing up over the past year?

    "I love playing Faye and I love my job. It's been so nice over the last year, because when I started, I was a child and the character was a child. Now we have this storyline that matures Faye and brings her into adulthood.

    "I think it's been great to have this transition of Faye being in school, then college and then going to work at the Bistro. Before all of the Ray stuff, she liked working there.

    "It was good to build her career up, but things still don't come without their problems for her. She doesn't have an easy life."

    Could Faye settle down with a nice boy like Craig once this is all over?

    "Oh, I hope she settles down with a nice boy like Craig, he's so cute! But I think Faye does have an eye for a bad boy. Hopefully this makes her realise that they're not all good guys, they do turn out to be bad and the only good guy is Craig!"

    How are you spending New Year?

    "Well, what can we do to celebrate? I'll probably just be at home with my family and we'll have Corrie on. I'll just have a chilled one. Usually I like to go away with my boyfriend but obviously we can't do that this year, so I think it'll probably be a quiet one."

    Coronation Street continues on New Year's Day at 8pm on ITV.

    Digital Spy

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  3. #152
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    preggers by ray?

  4. #153
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    Coronation Street has confirmed that Faye Windass and Ray Crosby will both be back on our screens next week. The soap revisits a big storyline from last year as Tim Metcalfe pays a visit to Faye in jail.
    Faye has been absent from Corrie since April, when she received a three-year sentence for attacking Adam in a case of mistaken identity.
    Next week, Tim goes to see his daughter and becomes concerned that she isn't coping well behind bars. Tim later tells Sally how worried he is. Sally then shares this with Debbie in a rubbish game of Chinese Whispers.
    Sally wonders whether it might be worth paying a visit to Ray in prison to see whether he'll confess to sexually assaulting Faye last year.
    Faye only ever attacked Adam because she believed he was Ray, but has never been able to prove this in court.
    Debbie decides to take matters into her own hands by visiting Ray in jail.
    Debbie warns Ray that unless he pleads guilty to sexually assaulting Faye, she'll report him to the police for the death of Johnny Connor instead.
    Ray is concerned when Debbie points out that she knows all about how he paid Colin to create the sinkhole in the Platts' garden, starting the chain of events that led to Johnny's tragic fate.
    Debbie says that Ray has until the end of the day to choose between a sentence for sexual assault or manslaughter.
    Will Ray take notice of Debbie's warning?

  5. #154
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    Coronation Street star Ellie Leach is set to continue on the soap as Faye Windass, it has emerged.

    Ellie's character is currently at the centre of a dramatic storyline, after she fatally hit elderly man Ted with a car while driving Emma Brooker (played by departing star Alexandra Mardell).

    It is now being reported by The Sun that the actress has signed a new contract with the soap, meaning she will be there for at least another year.

    Faye recently returned to the cobbles following a six-month term in jail for mistakenly attacking Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson).

    Speaking recently about her time away from the show, Ellie admitted to Digital Spy and other media that she couldn't wait to get back.

    "When I came back, everyone was like, 'Oh, what have you been doing?' And I was like, 'Nothing'. It was the most boring six months," she said. "I couldn't wait to get back to work.

    "But when I came back, because I've been off for so long, there were new people and I felt so nervous. I've never been off that long before. I've been there like 11 years and I've never had that much time off."

    Revealing she had nerves about returning, Ellie explained that she turned to co-star Colson Smith ? aka Craig Tinker.

    "I remember the first day back I rang Colson in the car park at work and I was like, 'I don't think I can go in. I'm so nervous' and I got dead anxious," the star continued.

    "But obviously as soon as I stepped through the door everyone was like, 'Oh my god, I have not seen you for ages, how are you?!'.

    "So it was lovely to be back. But honestly while I was off, I did nothing. I would have liked to have gone away but obviously with the travel restrictions it just meant that I couldn't, which was quite sad, but I'm sure there'll be times I can go away soon."

  6. #155
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    very early menopause for faye

  7. #156
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    Coronation Street is set to revisit Faye Windass and her daughter's storyline.

    Faye gave birth to Miley, her child with Jackson Hodge, back in 2015. Last year, she was left heartbroken after a positive pregnancy test was later confirmed to be early menopause.

    Following this, Faye learned that she wouldn't be able to have any more children. This revelation created rifts in Faye's relationship with Craig Tinker.

    During Faye's pregnancy storyline, the young teenager struggled to adapt to motherhood. She eventually gave her baby daughter to Jackson's parents Greig and Josie Hodge, who later took Miley to live in Canada.

    Now, the soap is aiming to revisit the relationship between Faye and her estranged daughter in scenes set to air next week.

    In upcoming scenes, Faye confides in her stepmother Sally Metcalfe and tells her that Jackson has been in contact and asked if she wants to see him and Miley again.

    Faye explains to Sally that she's come to terms with never becoming a mother after going through early menopause and doesn't want to run the risk of stirring up her feelings by seeing Miley again.

    Sally tells Faye that she's making a huge mistake by not seeing her daughter again. She comes up with a plan to get Faye to change her mind.

    When Sally sees a busy Gemma Winter struggling to provide childcare, she offers to look after Michael Bailey's baby daughter Glory for a little while.

    In an attempt to get Faye to bond with the little girl, Sally pretends to nip out for a bit and leaves Glory with Faye.

    When Sally returns, she finds Faye playing with Glory and hopes that her ploy has worked ? but will it be enough to change Faye's mind?

  8. #157
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    Coronation Street star Ellie Leach is set for an exit after 12 years on the soap.

    The actress has played Faye Windass on the ITV soap since 2011, but The Sun have reported that she will be departing the show later this year, with her final scenes set to air in July.

    As per the report, Faye will not be killed off, with Leach wanting to try her hand at other acting roles, leaving the door open for a potential return to the cobbled streets.

    The character?s storylines on the soap over the past decade have included becoming pregnant at the age of 13, suffering with premature menopause and a stint in prison after attacking Adam Barlow.

    Faye?s recent arc sees her reconnecting with her daughter, Miley, who went to live with father Jackson Hodge in Canada after Faye decided she wasn?t ready to become a parent.

    ?I was really excited. I feel like it will be good for Faye to try and build a bond with her daughter after she has had so much heartbreak over the years,? Leach said of the storyline. ?Faye has had such a tough time and it would be great for Faye to have a relationship with Miley.

    ?Colson Smith and I have been looking back at pictures of ourselves from the teenage pregnancy storyline and we can?t believe how young we look! It?s crazy to think that in that storyline Miley was born and in this storyline, she is here now as a child.

    ?I have looked back at pictures of the scenes of when I gave birth as Faye and some christening pictures and I was holding a baby and now it?s like, she?s all grown up,? she added. ?I just can?t believe how long ago the teenage pregnancy storyline was because it literally feels like two minutes ago.?

  9. #158
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    leaving no loss probably off with miley and her daddy

  10. #159
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    Coronation Street's Faye Windass faces a life-changing decision next week as Craig Tinker pops the question.

    Faye is left torn over whether to accept the proposal, as she's starting to wonder whether her future lies with Jackson Hodge instead.

    A few weeks ago, Jackson ? the father of Faye's young daughter Miley ? returned to Weatherfield and tried to reconnect with her.

    Jackson wanted Faye to start playing a role in Miley's life. As Jackson and Faye have started spending time together again, there have been hints of chemistry between them.

    In next week's episodes, Faye betrays Craig by meeting up with Jackson at a hotel bar without his knowledge.

    Faye then faces a dilemma when Jackson suggests that she should move down south with him, as he has just landed a new job.

    Just as Faye weighs up this decision, Craig's mum Beth drags her along to Victoria Street gardens.

    Faye is confused as a small crowd has gathered, including Jackson and Miley.

    All becomes clear as Craig gets down on one knee and declares his love for Faye.

    As Craig asks Faye to marry him, will she say yes?

    Earlier this month, Corrie insiders revealed that Faye will be leaving the ITV soap in an upcoming storyline.

    Show sources suggested that Faye's final scenes will air in July after 12 years on the cobbles.

    It's thought that Faye won't be killed off, leaving the door open for her to return at a later point.

  11. #160
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    On Strictly Come Dancing this year

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