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Thread: Emmerdale Spoilers 22nd - 26th May

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    Emmerdale Spoilers 22nd - 26th May

    Champagne flows and unbridled passion rocks the Dales

    Tom receives a dizzying lesson in King and Dingle history

    The vicar is in a twist thanks to an unexpected arrival
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    unbridled passion, caleb with kim or charity?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lizann View Post
    unbridled passion, caleb with kim or charity?
    Charity as revenge for Mack being unfaithful

  4. #4
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    Everything that happens next in Emmerdale now Charity knows the truth

    So, Mackenzie Boyd's (Lawrence Robb) big secret is finally out in the open, and it has understandably knocked Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) for six.

    After a one night stand with Chloe Harris (Jessie Elland), Mack learnt that he had got her pregnant, and so the secrets began.

    Though at several points throughout her pregnancy Mack was tempted to reveal the truth to his now wife, he was encouraged to keep it covered up for fear of rocking the boat.

    However, secrets are always destined to come out, and once baby Reuben was rushed to hospital, things slowly began to unravel for Mack.

    Fearing for his baby's life, he made his way to the hospital to spend time with him.
    Relieved after being given the all clear, Mack and Chloe sat together by his bedside, where they were overheard by Charity, who finally learnt the truth.

    After confronting Mack about what she had heard, he informed her that she was right and he was the dad, leaving her whole world crumbling.

    With his big secret finally out in the open, there is a lot of drama to come.
    Here's what you can expect!

    A showdown

    After a big soap revelation, there is always guaranteed to be a dramatic fallout, and this is no exception.

    With Emma Atkins admitting that Charity 'likes a showdown', we're almost certain that she won't let Mack off easily for this.

    Viewers have already seen Charity drag the truth out of him face to face in a scene which Lawrence Robb described as 'great', thought it doesn't stop there.

    'There?s a scene immediately after that that we all shot together and that was a rewarding experience for us all. When it comes out, hopefully we?ve done it justice. I don?t think it?s ever been done in soap before, what we did.'

    Emma agreed, claiming that the episode 'breaks a few of the boundaries of normal soap filming' and was 'exhausting' to do.

    'A normal scene is usually 3 to 4 pages and this was like 17, 18 pages. It?s a continuation and it?s the unravelling. There?s a couple more characters involved - Noah and Sarah (Jack Downham and Katie Hill).

    'It?s just the moments after they meet in the village and obviously he finally works out that she knows and then it?s like ?Oh ****.?'

    Dingles will turn on Mack

    The Dingles may be one of soap's most close-knit families, and when someone upsets one of their own, they need to watch their backs.

    That is certainly the case for Mack, who will face not only the wrath of Charity, but the rest of her family as well.

    'As soon as Charity finds out obviously all of the Dingles - it?s like they?re psychic.' Lawrence revealed.

    'As soon as Charity finds out, everyone else finds out almost immediately, Dingles anyway.'

    It seems that the only Dingle who may still give him the time of day is sister Moira (Natalie J Robb), though Lawrence points out that she will be 'cross' at first.
    'Moira?s a Dingle now so? Let?s cut to the chase here. He?s done a bad thing. He?s not gone about amending it in the right way so he does need to deal with the consequences of his actions.

    'His sister is not proud of him in this moment. She?s been through the runner with doing naughty things in the past as well but she?s pretty cross as well.

    'I think eventually Moira will not necessarily fight his corner, but she is his sister and she will be like ?You screwed up, it?s fine.? But initially she?s cross as well.'

    In upcoming episodes, Moira will slowly start to piece together hi months of lies, but ultimately her words will spur him on to try and fix things with Charity.

    Mack tries to make amends

    Inspired by Moira's words, Mack will try to get back into Charity's good books and repair their relationship, but will he be successful? Lawrence doesn't think so.
    'Initially he definitely wants to be with Charity.

    He loves Charity and wouldn?t have married her if he didn?t. Initially his priority would be to try and get Charity back but he very quickly realises, and rightly so, that it?s not on the cards.

    'Where there?s harmony there?s no drama so I think each thing will eventually run its course. That's not to say that down the line Charity and Mack can?t rekindle something. I don?t think we?re working together as much as we were.'

    Will Mack ever be able to make it up to Charity?

    What's next for Chloe

    Chloe's main priority now is obviously son Reuben, who has been given the all clear after being hospitalised for meningitis.

    However, she will surely face judgement from the rest of the village once the big secret becomes common knowledge.

    Despite this, Jessie Elland thinks that she will find something else far more difficult to deal with than a few judgemental looks.

    'I think the guilt element of it is weighing heavier on her mind, rather than the fear of the wrath of the Dingles.

    'Especially after living with them, she?s so implicated in the Dingle family now, especially with Sarah and Charity, that there is a guilt element of it.

    'Because it?s not so black and white and there is that grey area that adds a lot more interest to it as well, and excitement I would say.'

    Charity could spiral

    It would be understandable if Charity went off the rails a bit after a revelation like this, and we wouldn't blame her at all.

    According to Emma Atkins, there is every chance that Charity could 'close down' in the aftermath of her discovery.

    'I think she has such issues with trust with what she?s been through as a teenager and again I think that?s going to be even more exacerbated by the fact that she took Chloe under her wing and Chloe was a young girl and she can almost see a reflection of herself in this young teenage girl being pregnant.

    'I think that?s something that she?s going to be like ?Why did nobody tell me?? I think it?ll be shock and she?ll close down. She?ll build her wall up like she does when she feels betrayed. I think it?s going to break her, for some time.

    'But then there?s resilience with human beings, isn?t there? You have children, you have to get up in the morning. She?s going to have to face Chloe at some point.'

    Chas will support Charity

    As Charity attempts to carry on with life as things are falling apart around her, she will need someone to support her, and Emma thinks she knows who it will be.
    'Probably Chas (Lucy Pargeter). It?s usually Chas, isn?t it?'

    Though they have had their ups and downs over the years, and been at each other's throats more than once, they have always been there for each other, and that seems set to carry on.

    Charity will also lean on Noah and Sarah as time goes on, Emma revealed.

    Will Mack co-parent with Chloe?

    With the secret out in the open, there is nothing to stop Mack seeing his son from now on, but will he go as far as co-parenting?

    Jessie has suggested that Chloe may be open to the idea of Mack becoming more hands-on with Reuben, now that they don't have to hide.

    'Prior to Reuben going to hospital there are a few moments that Chloe and Mackenzie have together and although she?s kind of overwhelmed with the whole thing of new motherhood he ends up being this little island of support for her to cling on to momentarily.

    'I don?t think she has the capacity to process how she feels about that in the moment, but as the storyline goes on she might have more time to think about how she feels about that and what it means to her. You?ll have to wait and see.'
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    Exclamation Emmerdale Spoilers 22nd - 26th May 2023

    Emmerdale's Nicola King fears the worst next week as she's involved in a car crash alongside her daughter Angel.

    A tense day for the King family takes a horrifying turn when Nicola has a collision on the road while Angel is in the car with her.

    In next week's episodes, Nicola's husband Jimmy gets distracted by the ongoing issues surrounding his troubled nephew Tom.

    Tom has returned to the village after a 10-year absence, but is clearly still affected by ghosts from the King family's murky past.

    Nicola becomes furious when she spots Angel alone outside Victoria Cottage as Jimmy has forgotten to take her to the dentist.

    Although highly stressed, Nicola realises they still have time to make it to the appointment, so she orders Angel to quickly get inside the car.

    During the journey, Nicola rants away at Angel over the unfortunate situation.

    Sadly, things become much worse when Nicola crashes into Moira Dingle's vehicle at a dangerous junction on the outskirts of the village.

    Nicola and Moira both seem to be fine, but they rush to check on Angel.

    Angel is unconscious in the crushed vehicle, leaving Nicola and Moira both concerned over her wellbeing. Will she be okay?

    The trouble surrounding the King family comes just when it seemed that life was settling down for them, with Tom landing a job at the local vets surgery after impressing Rhona Goskirk.

    Tom and his girlfriend Belle Dingle brazenly broke into the vets last week after Monty the dog became ill. Rhona was unhappy, but later calmed down and decided to give Tom a chance to work there full time.

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    Exclamation Emmerdale Spoilers 22nd - 26th May 2023

    Monday 22 May 2023 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Gabby makes another attempt to persuade Nicky to break their self-imposed celibacy.

    Nicky convinces Gabby they should still wait until they're married before they have sex again.

    Meanwhile, caught up in the moment after Anna Le Monde wins the Murder Most Murky New Crime Writer of the Year award, things get passionate between Wendy and Liam.

    Elsewhere, after Bob tells Bernice that he's always considered her beautiful, there's a moment between them, before Bob quickly offers flustered Bernice a top up of her wine. Reacting to their ever-growing chemistry and flirtation, Bernice is mortified after Bob rejects her drunken attempt to kiss him.

    Also today, Bear starts to think he might have a chance with Mandy.

    Tuesday 23 May 2023 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Gabby remains in the dark about Nicky's secret.

    Meanwhile, working in the doctors surgery, Liam is unable to contain his desire for Wendy and kisses her suddenly. Wendy is surprised but can't help responding.

    Elsewhere, things seem to be going well between Tom and Jimmy, until Jimmy accidentally reveals Carl's patricide. Devastated Tom is unable to deal with the information and leaves hurriedly.

    Wednesday 24 May 2023 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Bob and Bernice are awkwardly avoiding any mention of their near kiss.

    Bernice tells Bob that he needs to show Wendy he cares about their relationship.

    Meanwhile, Tom is still on edge after Belle's confession about Gemma.

    When Jimmy approaches him to defend Carl again, he can't bear it and the two men square up. Tom and Jimmy's argument continues to escalate.

    Thursday 25 May 2023 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Hour-long episode

    In shock after a road crash, Moira and Nicola reel at the sight of an unconscious Angel in the back of Nicola's crushed car.

    Meanwhile, Manpreet is horrified when Charles' mother Claudette arrives at Woodbine and she realises she's the same woman she had a quarrel with in the cafe earlier.

    Elsewhere, Ryan is gobsmacked when a face from his past appears: Gail. Ryan is suspicious of Gail's motive for reappearing in his life after four years.

    Friday 26 May 2023 at 19:30 on ITV1

    Charles and Manpreet are left concerned when Claudette arrives back, having put her back out.

    Manpreet is disappointed when Charles later decides to stay home and look after his mother instead of going on date night.

    Meanwhile, Ryan and Gail are embarrassed when Charity catches them after they've spent the night together.

    Elsewhere, Tom tries to make amends with Belle.

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    Wendy meets Liam Cavanagh by the bus stop where she reveals her big plans for their night at the murder mystery convention but Liam tells her that the event has moved online.

    Liam's touched when Wendy prepares something at the Doctors Surgery to celebrate him being nominated for the writing award and as they sip on champagne, sparks fly between them.

    While wearing fancy dress and drinking bubbly, Liam puts on some music and the pair start to slowly move towards each other.

    After Anna Le Monde wins the Murder Most Murky New Crime Writer of the Year award, things get passionate between Wendy and Liam and the pair kiss. Will Wendy end their brief romance before it turns into blown affair?

    Meanwhile, Bernice Blackstock has a heart-to-heart with business partner Bob as they start to rekindle their friendship as they've been at loggerheads since they went into partnership and took over the B&B.

    The chemistry is palpable when Bob admits to Bernice that he's always thought she was beautiful and there's a moment between them. Before things can go any further, Bob quickly offers a flustered Bernice a top up of her wine.

    Caught up in the moment of their romance and flirtation, Bernice drunkenly attempts to kiss Bob, but she's mortified when he rejects her.

    After fleeing the room, a panicked Bob is guilt-ridden at the near miss. Is this the end of the pair's friendship?

    Elsewhere, Caleb Milligan pressures his son Nicky to persuade his fianc? Gabby Thomas to move their wedding date forward. Meanwhile, scheming Caleb is delighted that the malware installed on Kim Tate's laptop gives him access to her bank accounts.

    Gabby tries again to convince Nicky to break their self-imposed celibacy, but Nicky persuades Gabby to still wait until they?re married to have sex again.

    Elsewhere, Belle Dingle starts to think of a plan to reunite Tom King with his uncle Jimmy King.

    And there's more romance on the cards as Bear Wolf starts to think he might have a chance with his son's ex-wife Mandy Dingle!


    The remorse of cheating on her boyfriend Bob Hope with Liam Cavanagh is weighing heavily on Wendy's mind and she struggles to keep it together.

    Unbeknownst to Wendy, Bob is also struggling to cope with his feelings towards Bernice Blackstock after their near-kiss.

    Later, as Wendy and Liam are working at the Doctors Surgery, he's unable to resist temptation and kisses her suddenly. Wendy is stunned, but gives in to desire and kisses him back.

    Elsewhere, Jimmy and Tom King's relationship seems to be going well, until Jimmy accidentally lets slip about his dad Carl's murder. Unable to cope with the information, a devastated Tom flees.

    Tom struggles to process the news that his dad killed his grandad, but as his lover Belle Dingle comforts him, she begins to worry about his reaction to her own dark past.

    Tom King fless The Hop as Jimmy King tries to reassure him

    Meanwhile, Gabby Thomas asks her mum Bernice Blackstock to walk her down the aisle at her upcoming wedding to nanny Nicky as she remains oblivious to her fianc?'s evil scheme.


    Belle was over the moon to be reunited with her childhood sweetheart Tom after 10 years. But after a distraught Tom learned about his late father's murderous past, she's been hesitant to tell him about her own history.

    Despite feeling daunted, Belle is determined to open up about her past with Tom and makes the shocking confession that she accidentally killed Gemma Andrews.

    In 2014, Belle accidentally killed her friend Gemma during a fight over Belle's boyfriend Sean Spencer. Belle pushed her, causing Gemma to hit her head on a rock and she later died in hospital after collapsing on her way home. Belle was left deeply traumatised by the killing and spent time in a young offenders home for a while.

    Tom bolts at the news, leaving Belle concerned that telling him the truth has ruined things between them. Are things over before they've already begun for Belle and Tom?

    In the Woolpack, Tom?s still tense after Belle?s confession, and when his uncle Jimmy King approaches him to defend his dad Carl again, he reaches breaking point and the pair square up. As Tom and Jimmy's argument continues to escalate, could this destroy the beginning of their new uncle and nephew relationship?

    Things are awkward between Bob Hope and Bernice Blackstock after their near-kiss and it doesn't help that they run the B&B together. They're desperately avoiding any mention of the kiss slip up, but Bernice eventually tells Bob that he needs to show Wendy he cares about their relationship.

    But both parties seem to be hiding from the truth?


    After the heated showdown between Jimmy King and his nephew Tom King, Jimmy's wife Nicola reassures him that he did the right thing by cutting Tom out of his life as his grief was impacting the family.

    She reminds him that he needs to focus on his family, but Nicola is furious when their daughter Angel appears outside Victoria Cottage as Jimmy fails to take her to the dentist.

    An immensely stressed Nicola decides that they can still make the appointment and drives Angel to the dentist. But as Nicola is busy ranting at Angel in the car, there's a terrifying collision when Nicola and Moira Dingle crash at an unsighted junction on the Village outskirts.

    Traumatised after the crash, Moira and Nicola are hit with even more devastation as they see Angel lying unconscious in the backseat of the wreckage...will they be able to save Angel before it's too late?

    Nicola King and Moira Dingle rush to open the car door after a car crash

    Nicola King is terrified as she sees Angel King unconscious in the backseat of her car after a car accident

    Meanwhile, Manpreet Sharma is mortified when her boyfriend Charles Anderson's mother Claudette arrives at Woodbine Cottage and it dawns on her that she's the same woman she had a squabble with at the caf? earlier.

    Meeting the in-laws is already a nerve-wracking thing and the earlier quarrel between Manpreet and Claudette isn't helping things, especially after Claudette scolds her for previously leaving Charles in the past.

    Later on, while Claudette is out of the room, Manpreet uses it as an opportunity to talk to Charles about her difficulties with his mother. However, she's oblivious to the fact that Claudette's heard everything. Will the pair continue to clash or can they put their differences aside for the sake of Charles?

    Elsewhere, Ryan Stocks is stunned when a familiar face unexpectedly shows up ? Gail. But he's suspicious as to why Gail has suddenly reappeared in his life four years later. What is her motive for coming back to the village?


    After Ryan's old friend Gail returned to the village four years later, their reunion ends up with them spending the night together.

    The pair are embarrassed when Ryan's mum Charity Dingle catches them after their night of passion. Is there romance in store for the young couple?

    Gail previously appeared in the Dales in 2019 during Ryan's romance with Dawn Taylor. Gail drunkenly made a move on Ryan, which took him and Dawn by surprise, who witnessed the whole thing.

    Claudette Anderson uses every opportunity to hurt Manpreet Sharma's feelings after her complaints yesterday. But her son Charles and Manpreet are left concerned when Claudette returns home after hurting her back.

    Later on, Manpreet is disappointed when Charles backs out of their date night to stay at home and look after Claudette.

    Meanwhile, Tom King tries to rekindle his relationship with Belle Dingle after he freaked out when she made a shocking confession about her past.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    was wendy not a bit prude frigid when first got with bob for bedroom antics but is all flushed and turned on by doctor sexpot liam

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