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Thread: Ziggy Astoni (Sophie Dillman)

  1. #41
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    DS article:

    Home and Away character to share pregnancy news in emotional scenes
    "This wasn't part of the plan."

    Home and Away spoilers follow at Australian pace.

    Home and Away's Ziggy Astoni will share her surprise pregnancy news in upcoming scenes.

    This week's episodes in Australia have seen Ziggy realise that she's expecting a baby ? just when she was least expecting it.

    Recent episodes on Channel 7 have seen Ziggy decide to make a major change in her life, wanting to compete as a professional surfer after her previous success in a Summer Bay competition.

    With the support of her boyfriend Dean Thompson, Ziggy decided that she'd start travelling up the coast to compete in different contests ? while keeping the Bay as her home.

    In Thursday's episode in Australia, Ziggy was on a high after winning another competition and she excitedly shared the news with Dean upon her return home.

    After going out surfing for fun in the Bay later on, Ziggy returned to the shore and became unsteady on her feet.

    New doctor Bree Cameron was on hand to make sure that Ziggy was okay. Looking for a possible explanation, she asked Ziggy whether she could be pregnant.

    Ziggy dismissed this, but took a pregnancy test to be certain when she returned home. After an anxious wait, she was shocked when the result came back positive.

    Home and Away bosses have released a new trailer (playable above) showing the aftermath of the cliffhanger, as Ziggy wrestles with how to tell Dean the truth.

    Ziggy initially hides the positive pregnancy test as she waits for the right moment to tell Dean.

    In a voiceover, she can be heard saying: "On the one hand, there's this wonderful dream. My dream, an amazing opportunity. And on the other, there's this obstacle, but it might be still as wonderful.

    "I mean, this wasn't part of the plan. It wasn't even a blip on my radar."

    Dean soon realises that something is on Ziggy's mind, so he urges her to open up. How will he respond when Ziggy explains that she's pregnant?

    Home and Away fans in the UK will see these scenes on Channel 5 in October.

    Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

    In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 and streams on 7plus.

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    Ruffed_lemur (03-09-2022)

  3. #42
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    Following on from the previous post - article:

    Home and Away's Ziggy finds out she's pregnant - but will she go through with it?
    ''She is torn between following a dream she always had to the one she has now.''

    Summer Bay is set to welcome a tiny new resident when Ziggy reveals she is pregnant this week. But the happy news comes at a cost: her surfing career. Is she ready to give that up?

    In Home and Away, Ziggy (Sophie Dillman), still reeling from a positive pregnancy test, tries to hide the truth from boyfriend Dean (Patrick O'Connor).

    Ziggy was recently offered a sponsorship after deciding to chase her dreams of pro-surfing and is torn with what to do.

    When Dean tries to discuss her bright future, Ziggy implies she wants to ditch her dream ? and before he can say anymore, she blurts out: "I'm pregnant!"

    Dean is elated by the news but can tell Ziggy is torn.

    "It's a huge question mark," Sophie, 30, tells TV WEEK. "A lot of women go through this, feeling like they have to make a choice, particularly those in professional sport.

    They don't always go hand in hand all the time. She got everything she wanted. Surfing is her dream."

    It's not just the timing that has caused Ziggy's dilemma; having children was not necessarily in her future.

    Dean, who is already a father to Jai (River Jarvis), listens as she explains that her past with ex-husband Brody (Jackson Heywood) convinced her otherwise.

    "When she was with Brody, she wanted a family but he changed her mind as to whether that was going to happen [after cheating on her] Then when she began dating Dean, she decided she didn't want children.

    "She is torn between following a dream she always had to the one she has now."

    What will she decide?

    EDIT: The DS article:

    Home and Away star Sophie Dillman reveals Ziggy's dilemma in big new story
    Ziggy has a big choice to make.
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 05-09-2022 at 22:00.

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    Ruffed_lemur (05-09-2022)

  5. #43
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    Thanked: 7700 article:

    "She's in denial about her whole life changing": Home and Away's Ziggy puts her unborn baby in danger
    ''She can't do it all.''

    It's early days of Ziggy's pregnancy and she's still keen to keep her baby news between her and Dean? and a very observant Mackenzie (Emily Weir).

    But this week on Home and Away, her morning sickness begins to hit at all hours of the day, making a day's work at the garage harder than ever.

    Concerned that she's pushing herself too hard on the tools, Dean (Patrick O'Connor) encourages her to come clean to her boss Justin (James Stewart).

    She agrees, and has every intention of revealing the good news to Justin until he offers her a well-deserved promotion.

    Instead of toning down her workload, she excitedly accepts. Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) wants it all; a baby and a successful career. And why shouldn't she?

    But a protective Dean isn't happy, worried that her never-say-die attitude is putting her health, and the baby's, at risk.

    The discussion is just one of the relatable hurdles that the expecting couple are going through, but Sophie says there's more to come.

    "We see absolutely everything; doubt, fear, joy ? from both of them ? and conflict because heard conversations have to come into the mix when it comes to parenthood and things like how they'll juggle Jai (River Jarvis) or even how they'll manage with just one car.

    It's important to show that because it happens in real life."

    This week on Home and Away, a head-strong Ziggy works at the garage alone, determined to prove to both Dean and Justin that she is more than capable.

    Frazzled with everything going on in her life, she becomes distracted.

    As her mind wanders, she accidentally inhales chemical solvent and collapses on the garage floor.

    "She gets dizzy from smelling fumes, but also it stems from exhaustion," Sophie says. "She's in denial about her whole life changing. She's adamant that she can do it all. She's a superwoman, absolutely, but unfortunately she can't do it all."

    As Ziggy lays there unconscious, the fumes are only getting stronger in the workshop. Thankfully, Tane (Ethan Browne) arrives for his car service, and immediately rushes to her aid.

    Has inhaling the fumes hurt the baby?

    EDIT: the DS article:

    Home and Away lines up danger for Ziggy in baby storyline
    "She's in denial about her whole life changing."
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 19-09-2022 at 22:07.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Pantherboy For This Useful Post:

    Ruffed_lemur (19-09-2022)

  7. #44
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    DS article:

    Home and Away's Ziggy Astoni shares baby fears with Dean Thompson
    "Now I'm terrified."

    Home and Away spoilers follow from Wednesday's Australian episode (October 5), which some UK viewers may prefer to avoid.

    Home and Away's Ziggy Astoni and Dean Thompson had a heart-to-heart over their baby in the show's latest Australian episode.

    The pair's lives were recently turned upside down by the discovery that Ziggy is pregnant.

    In Wednesday's episode on Channel 7, there was an early obstacle for the popular couple as they realised they hadn't been communicating properly.

    Dean had been all set to accompany Ziggy for her 12-week scan, but he was confused when she mysteriously cancelled the appointment without speaking to him about it.

    This left Dean worried that something was wrong, but Ziggy assured him that everything was fine.

    While taking a walk together, Ziggy admitted to Dean that she was too nervous to go ahead with the scan as she feared being told bad news. However, she was quick to clarify that she had no specific reason to be worried.

    Ziggy explained: "I'm still really scared. I felt fine and then I started reading stuff on the internet and now I'm terrified."

    Dean tried his best to reassure Ziggy, pointing out that everything is likely to be okay and it's better for their baby if they have the check-up.

    Ziggy eventually agreed to re-book the appointment, but pointed out that they may still have a while to wait.

    She said: "It took four weeks last time ? I'm so sorry. I just hope I haven't stuffed this up. What if we do have to wait and there is something wrong? What if my panic is going to hurt the baby?"

    Dean tried his best to reassure Ziggy for a second time, but he urged her to confide in him in the future so he could be more supportive.

    He told her: "We'll get another appointment as soon as we can, and we'll just go from there."

    Dean has been particularly keen to reach the 12-week scan milestone, wanting the all-clear to start sharing the baby news with more people. Will he get his wish soon?

    Home and Away fans in the UK will see these scenes on Channel 5 in November.

    Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

    In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 and streams on 7plus.

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    Ruffed_lemur (06-10-2022)

  9. #45
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    Thanked: 7700 article:

    "Alarm bells start ringing": Fears for Ziggy's pregnancy on Home and Away
    Things are heating up in summer bay!

    All Ziggy and Dean want is a happy, healthy pregnancy. But so far in Home And Away, they're getting anything but.

    This week, the couple are terrified when Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) accidentally takes a tumble down the stairs at Salt. But as they race to hospital, little do they know that her precarious pregnancy is not all they have to worry about.

    When they arrive at Emergency, doctor Bree (Juliet Godwin) takes charge, expertly calming a panicked Ziggy while she runs some tests.

    Meanwhile, Dean (Patrick O'Connor) can't curb his over-protectiveness. It's the second time Ziggy has had a fall that's put herself and the baby at risk. Why can't she take it easy for once? As he urges her to be more careful, a watchful Bree doesn't like what she's hearing.

    ''Dean's tone is triggering for Bree and alarm bells start ringing," Juliet tells TV WEEK.

    After everything Bree has gone through with her abusive husband Jacob (Alex Williams), she's hyper-aware of Dean's intimidating tone, and Ziggy's constant apologising.

    And when she notices a bruise on Ziggy's leg, Bree becomes convinced the expectant mum is in a dangerous situation. She decides to keep her in hospital overnight ? and report Dean to the police for domestic violence.

    ''When Bree sees the bruise on Ziggy's leg, this confirms in her mind that she's being abused,'' Juliet explains.

    ''Bree has far too often experienced having to make excuses for her own injuries ? she won't sit back and watch someone else suffer in silence.''

    When police officer Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) arrives to interview Ziggy, she's startled ? and confused.

    It gets worse when Cash won't let Dean near Ziggy, and takes him back to the station for questioning.

    Until the investigation is complete, Dean isn't allowed to see Ziggy. He's devastated he can't be by her side.

    When Mackenzie (Emily Weir) hears what happened, she checks in on her half-brother, worried where he'll sleep. But Dean is thinking only of Ziggy and her well-being, asking Mackenzie if she'll please keep an eye on her while he can't.

    Dean doesn't realise Bree can hear every word ? who's left dismayed to realise she's judged him wrongly.

    ''Bree is heartbroken when it occurs to her she's made a mistake,'' Juliet explains.

    ''She realises Dean isn't like Jacob. This propels her to go to the police about her own situation.''

    With Ziggy's pregnancy at risk, and the domestic violence investigation still underway, how will Bree try to set things right?


    Home and Away lines up shock accident for pregnant Ziggy Astoni
    But there's more trouble on the way.

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    Ruffed_lemur (08-11-2022)

  11. #46
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    DS article:

    Home and Away star Sophie Dillman shares hair transformation after exit from soap
    "Freshen up."

    Home and Away star Sophie Dillman has unveiled a striking new hair colour following her exit from the soap.

    The actress who played Ziggy Astoni shared a few photos of herself sporting some new red-headed locks, calling it a "Friday freshen up" in the caption.

    Dillman and actor Patrick O'Connor filmed their final scenes at Summer Bay in July/August last year, although their final scenes haven't actually aired yet.

    A few weeks ago, Dillman opened up about her plans for 2023, stating: "My New Year's resolution is to find joy. I think next year I want to really focus on being happy, doing things that I love and doing things for myself.

    "After working so hard for so many years, I want to focus on me for bit."

    She said that she intends to carry on working in some capacity in 2023, but didn't elaborate on it further. She did say that her reasoning may seem "selfish", but she worked all through the pandemic and feels like she needs to recharge.

    Dillman and O'Connor are engaged in real-life, and she recently opened up about how her role has prepared her for the possibility of having kids.

    "You know, Ziggy got everything ? she got nausea, fatigue, mood swings, pain, Braxton Hicks, all that sort of stuff," she said.

    "Going through all of that, especially with your real-life partner, actually brings up a lot of conversation that I don't think a lot of people would have unless they are literally carrying a fake pregnancy belly around. It is in a way.

    "But at the same time, Ziggy and Dean are very different from Sophie and Paddy, so sort of going home and taking the bump off and all that sort of stuff means that it is very separated. It's actually been really fun."

    Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

    In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 and streams on 7plus.

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    Ruffed_lemur (28-01-2023)

  13. #47
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    DS article:

    Home and Away reveals emotional baby storyline for Ziggy Astoni
    Ziggy is struggling to adjust.

    Australian viewers watched as Home and Away's Ziggy Astoni and Dean Thompson welcomed their baby girl into the world on Tuesday (January 31).

    However, their joy appears to be short-lived, as a new promo trailer has revealed an emotional storyline ahead for the new parents.

    The video, which was released on the soap's Instagram account, shows Ziggy struggling to adjust to motherhood in what appears to be a case of postnatal depression.

    The new mum stares blankly towards her baby's cot, before heading to Irene's for some help, asking her: "You really think I can do this?"

    In another shot, it looks like Ziggy has disappeared, as Dean can be seen desperately searching for her while cradling their newborn child in his arms.

    Praising the show for addressing such a poignant topic, one fan commented: "Oh, my heart breaks. Postpartum is real."

    Considering Sophie Dillman (who plays Ziggy) and Patrick O'Connor (Dean) filmed their final Home and Away scenes in July/August last year, some fans are speculating that this could mark the beginning of their exit storyline.

    "I think Ziggy and Dean are gonna move away and live with Ziggy's parents," someone wrote in the Instagram comments on the preview clip, to which another fan replied: "I think so too."

    For further advice on postnatal depression, visit the NHS website (UK) or HealthDirect (Australia).

    Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

    In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 and streams on 7plus.

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    Ruffed_lemur (02-02-2023)

  15. #48
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    Thanked: 7700 article:

    Home and Away: Ziggy fears something is wrong with baby Izzy!
    But is she overreacting?

    Life as new parents has been a steep learning curve for Ziggy and Dean in Home And Away.

    This week, they're tested yet again when baby Izzy appears to be sick.

    In recent episodes, mechanic Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) has struggled to connect with her infant daughter, with a lack of sleep sending her into a spiral.

    Now, however, she's getting the hang of it.

    Although the steps she's taking are small, she's gaining in confidence.

    ''It's a very real depiction of what happens to many new mums ? they're tired, unsure, scared and hormonal,'' Sophie, 30, tells TV WEEK.

    ''I felt really honoured telling this story. Women are superheroes."

    When Izzy is unusually fussy, Ziggy senses something is wrong.

    Dean is supportive but worries his partner may be overreacting.

    But Ziggy won't back down and rushes her newborn to the hospital.

    At first, doctors send them home, unable to find anything wrong with Izzy and thinking Ziggy is overly concerned.

    But overnight, little Izzy is no calmer.

    Marching back into the hospital the next day, Ziggy orders the staff to do a thorough examination.

    Doctor Bree (Juliet Godwin) can sense Ziggy's stress and offers to help. Tests show that Izzy has a mild gastro bug ? her mother's concerns were valid after all.

    ''It [motherhood] changes Ziggy in every way,'' Sophie says.

    ''They [she and Dean] now aren't living for themselves, but for this perfect little creature.''

    Back home, Ziggy is determined to keep Izzy safe and declares a house detox ? from now on, it's organic food, better hygiene and healthy living.

    She even calls in Marilyn (Emily Symons) to cleanse the house of bad energy with crystals.

    Despite himself, Dean's patience wears thin and the couple get into a huge argument.

    Is Ziggy doing the right thing or is she taking it too far?

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    Ruffed_lemur (20-02-2023)

  17. #49
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    Thanked: 7700 article:

    Ziggy and Dean's best moments on Home and Away

    They may have arrived in Summer Bay seperately, but Sophie Dillman (Ziggy) and Patrick O'Connor (Dean) are departing as one.

    In celebration of their time on Home and Away, we've compiled some of our favourite on screen moments together from when they first met, to their first kiss, to the birth of their beautiful daughter Izzy.

    Scroll on, nostalgia awaits!....................


    Real-life Home and Away couple Sophie Dillman and Patrick O'Connor reveal why they quit the long-running soap: 'It was time'

    Home and Away stars Sophie Dillman and Patrick O'Connor have revealed why they quit the show after months of speculation about their future.

    The pair, who are a couple in real life, ended their time on the series after six years.

    Speaking to TV Week on Monday, Sophie said the couple's characters had run out of steam after a long run on screen.

    Sophie, who plays Ziggy Astoni, said: 'We have both done everything possible with our characters and it was time to start a new chapter.'

    She called the move 'emotional' but said the pair were ready for a new challenge.

    'It's bittersweet and emotional, but we realise how lucky we are to have had such an incredible run,' she added.

    Patrick, who plays Dean Thompson on the show, added the series has been a huge part of his life after starting at 24 years old.

    'It's a huge commitment and a massive chunk of my life. I felt I changed into six different people in the time we were there,' he said.

    'There's a lot of growth both as an actor and a person. It's a great place to work, but I was ready [to move on].'

    The couple have battled rumours for months they were leaving the show, including at New Years when Sophie said she needed time to recharge.

    Speaking to Yahoo in December, Sophie said she wanted to find 'joy' and 'focus on being happy' in the coming year.

    'My New Year's resolution is to find joy. I think next year I want to really focus on being happy, doing things that I love and doing things for myself,' she said.

    Sophie added she needs time to recharge after working though the pandemic.

    'After working so hard for so many years, I want to focus on me for bit,' she added.

    It followed a group photo posted by Lynne McGranger teasing next season did not include the couple.

    Lynne, who plays Irene on the Channel Seven show, told fans on her Instagram that the loved-up pair filmed their last scenes in August.

    The actress was responding to comments after eagle-eyed followers noticed Sophie and Patrick were 'missing' from the cast photo.

    EDIT: The DS article:

    Home and Away real-life couple Sophie Dillman and Patrick O'Connor share why they've quit the soap
    "We realise how lucky we are to have had such an incredible run."


    Home and Away's Sophie Dillman and Patrick O'Connor quit the show
    The real-life couple are saying goodbye to Summer Bay.
    Last edited by Pantherboy; 27-02-2023 at 21:15.

  18. #50
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    DS article:

    Home and Away's Patrick O'Connor and Sophie Dillman share final message with fans as exit scenes air
    They've exited their roles as Dean Thompson and Ziggy Astoni, respectively.

    Home and Away spoilers for UK viewers follow.

    Departing Home and Away stars Patrick O'Connor and Sophie Dillman have shared a final goodbye message to fans.

    The two stars exited their roles as Dean Thompson and Ziggy Astoni in Australian scenes that aired today (March 9). Dean decides to move to Queensland to be closer to son Jai, and Ziggy agrees to the move as they can begin a new chapter together.

    Patrick and Sophie, who are a couple in real life, shared a series of farewell photos on Instagram. Both stars individually thanked fans and the Home and Away creative team for their support.

    "Well my friends my time as a river boy has come to an end," Patrick wrote in his post.

    "To @louise.bowes the woman who made it all possible, what a character you made. A boy from a broken family, now a man off on [a] new adventure of raising his own. Thank you for inducting me into the Blood & Sand.

    "To the producers, cast and crew, I can't thank you enough for staring at my big mug the last five and a bit years and giving me such a rare opportunity. It's been such an incredible place to work, I miss it a lot, but more so the people I met along the way. I made some really good friends.

    "Lastly to the fans, there would be no show without you. You truly have made the experience unforgettable. Thank you for the support, I'll always remember the love #alwaysariverboy".

    Sophie said in her own post that she couldn't "believe Ziggy Astoni broke down on the shores of Summer bay almost six years ago", going on to praise her time on Home and Away.

    "I never dreamed I would be lucky enough to work as an actor, let alone score the best job, in the best place with the best people," she continued.

    "Every day I played Ziggy, she inspired me to do better as an actor and as a woman. Thank you to everyone who created her. Thank you to the cast and crew. I miss you everyday but I'm sure you don't miss me screaming down the corridors without my shoes on.

    "The biggest thank you goes to the fans. We only get to do what we do because of your support. I will be forever grateful."

    Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.45pm on Channel 5 and 6pm on 5STAR. First-look screenings air at 6.30pm on 5STAR and the show also streams on My5.

    In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 and streams on 7plus.

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