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Thread: Doc Martin

  1. #21
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    27th Sept 2017

    Episode 2 - Sons and Lovers

    With Janice the nanny having left, Martin and Louisa need to find a nursery for James Henry. He is accepted at Portwenn Tots, but not before Martin can insult the nursery manager, Mel Hendy (Rosie Ede).

    Martin isn’t convinced recovering alcoholic Ken Hollister (Clive Russell), the landlord of the local pub theCrab & Lobster, hasn’t started drinking again, when he comes in for a consultation with fluid on the liver. When Ken collapses in the pub cellar Martin is able to diagnose Ken with Leptospirosis.

    With the arrival in the pharmacy of a new blood pressure monitor Clive Tishell (Malcolm Storry) decides to test it on Al (Joe Absolom). Mrs Tishell (Selina Cadell) who doesn’t want Clive interfering with her customers, is shocked to see that Al has extremely high blood pressure and sends him to Martin with the warning of an impending heart attack.

    Ruth (Dame Eileen Atkins) is approached about selling her farm. It is an appealing opportunity with the B & B and the whisky business in which she invested, not doing well.

    Al is taken by surprise when he finds an unhappy B & B customer, John Rahmanzai (Art Malik), has been waiting in the cold to check in, after Bert (Ian McNeice) forgets to mention the booking. John has more of a connection to Portwenn than he thought, as he discovers that Ruth and his father knew each other better than they claimed. Martin saves John’s life, after his adult-onset asthma takes a turn for the worse.

    Louisa helps with the diagnosis of a pupil, Astrid Trappett (Tipper Seifert-Cleveland) after Astrid starts to behave strangely in class. This spurs Louisa on to explore a possible career change. This is not welcome news for Martin, who dislikes change of any kind – even if it could be for the better.

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    Glen1 (13-09-2017)

  3. #22
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    4th Oct 2017

    Episode 3 - Farewell My Lovely

    Martin is left holding the baby when Louisa has to take Year Six pupils sailing. He has to collect James from nursery every afternoon, but with surgery hours Martin is constantly late.

    He strikes a deal with Mel Hendy (Rosie Ede) at the nursery to bring James home for a fee.

    Martin is perturbed when he hears a voicemail left for Louisa inviting her to interview for a place on a Child and Adolescent Counselling course. She hadn’t told him she was applying for the course.

    Clive Tishell (Malcolm Storry) has taken up race walking in a bid to get fitter for his wife Sal (Selina Cadell). Bert (Ian McNeice) decides to quit the whisky business after Ruth (Dame Eileen Atkins) confirms she has decided to sell the farm, leaving Al (Joe Absolom) in the lurch.

    Morwenna (Jessica Ransom) urges Al (Joe Absolom) to approach landlord Ken Hollister (Clive Russell) who has decided to close the pub, as it isn’t a place for a recovering alcoholic. Ken isn’t so sure Al is going to be any good, given his track record - unless Ruth acts as guarantor.

    Ruth declines, feeling she is throwing good money after bad after discovering that Bert (Ian McNeice) has squandered the overdraft of £5,000, which she now owes the bank.

    In an attempt to prove Ruth wrong, Al and Morwenna organise an event to save the pub, and Al’s chance of running a business. Disaster strikes at the event when Clive takes a turn for the worse.

    Louisa’s fears about sailing are justified when Amy Vincent (Bessie Carter), the sailing instructor, faints at the helm, causing the boat to steer off course and out to sea. Martin rushes to the rescue after Louisa calls him for help. A pupil helps steer the boat back to shore where Martin is waiting and able to treat Amy, though he is annoyed when he finds out that her condition is self-inflicted.

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    Glen1 (22-09-2017)

  5. #23
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    Thoroughly enjoyable opening episode, good to see some of the old characters return. First word of the bairn ,clue in the title ?

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    Perdita (22-09-2017)

  7. #24
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    11th Oct 2017

    Episode 4 - Faith

    Having worked as missionaries in Kenya, Morwenna’s parents, Jack (Kevin Doyle) and Tara Newcross (Rebecca Lacey), pay her a surprise visit, and are surprised by the relationship between her and Al. Morwenna is shocked to discover the real reason for her parents’ return is that Tara has cancer. She has decided against treatment because of her faith. Both Morwenna and Martin think this is a foolish decision.

    Louisa’s first Skype call for her new course doesn’t go as planned when Martin decides to tell the lecturer his thoughts on the coursework.

    There has also been a break-in at the school. The thief doesn’t appear to have stolen anything - but has torn up photographs. Initially Louisa suspects it is vandalism, but Penhale isn’t so sure. When it happens again, this time at the Lifeboat Station, Penhale is able to piece together, with the help of Louisa, that Dan Willis (Ethan Lawrence), a former pupil, is the face being torn out of the photographs.

    With the help of Dan’s mum, Andrea (Christabel Muir) Penhale decides to set a trap to catch him by placing a photograph in the local shop window. Martin asks Ruth for advice when it becomes apparent that Dan has stopped taking his antipsychotic medication and could be having a breakdown.

    Morwenna convinces Jack to give Martin Tara’s doctor’s information, when Martin suspects she has been wrongly diagnosed. His suspicions are proved correct when he diagnoses her with Hydatid Disease. Both Tara and Jack believe it is a miracle.

    Caitlin (Angela Curran) seems to be after more than just a hand from Bert at the shop, so he decides to ask Al if he can stay at the pub but Al won’t relent. Unwanted lodgers are also a problem for Martin and Louisa: Martin thinks that Buddy’s days as a family pet are numbered, especially when he appears to have made a friend, Bob, who wants to move in too.

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    Glen1 (26-09-2017)

  9. #25
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    18th October 2017

    Episode 5 - From the Mouths of Babes

    James is teething: nothing seems to be working, and nobody is getting any sleep. In desperation, Martin and Louisa agree to try Mel Hendy’s (Rosie Ede) suggestion of amber beads. They appear to be working, until James gets a bead stuck up his nose.
    Mrs Tishell seems to be having a delayed onset of mourning and is “speaking to” Clive. Bert tries to offer advice, which only leads to Mrs Tishell shutting the pharmacy, inconveniencing everyone.

    After receiving a large potential order of ‘Large Whisky’, Al tries to put together the still, with no luck. Al goes to Bert to ask for help, and Bert couldn’t be more relieved to see him, as things were getting very tricky with Caitlin (Angela Curran). But they will need to get Ruth’s approval to go ahead.

    Local artists, Lily (Linda Broughton) and Walter O’Donnell (Paul Copley) are preparing for an upcoming exhibition. Walter puts Morwenna on the guest list after he sees Martin for his eye infection. Since Mrs Tishell has closed the pharmacy, Morwenna offers to deliver Walter’s medication, but when she does, she finds a very ill Lily.

    Louisa persuades Martin to go and speak to Mrs Tishell. He is the only person who she will listen to. Mrs Tishell reads more into it than Martin intended but does agree to reopen.

    Louisa has further problems to deal with at school, when she meets Toby (Rocco Peacock), Angela Sim’s (Caroline Quentin) nephew. His parents think he has ADHD, but have left him with Angela whilst they are working abroad. Angela tries to juggle moving her surgery, looking after Toby and setting up a mobile veterinary clinic. Toby falls ill with Scarlet Fever and is sent home to rest. Toby infects Angela with lobar pneumonia, which Martin discovers when she collapses whilst out walking her dogs, and has to treat Angela in her surgery.

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    Glen1 (03-10-2017)

  11. #26
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    25th October

    Episode 6 - Accidental Hero

    Penhale decides to have a Police Open day to raise community awareness. The only genuine visitor he has though, is an angry farmer, Hannah Butler (Yolanda Kettle). Another three of her sheep have been stolen and Penhale seems to be doing nothing about it.

    Louisa has arranged to get a lift with Tina (Samantha Spiro) a classmate on her course. Louisa is questioning her decision to go back to studying – can she fit it all in as Tina does?

    Morwenna is taking Al away for the weekend to try out Hannah’s new glamping site, leaving Emily helping out at the surgery. Al is nervous to leave Bert running the pub but agrees. The trip doesn’t go well when Hannah is distracted by the loss of her sheep, and then her alpaca. Also, as Hannah has Orf ( a viral skin disease which can spread to humans by handling infected sheep and goats) she cannot serve Al and Morwenna any food. Al decides to take matters into his own hands, which doesn’t end well when he accidently burns the yurt down.

    After Emily quits, Martin is left on his own in the surgery, when he manages to injure himself, tripping over Buddy. Now with Martin in an inflatable cast, Mrs Tishell insists she help out as receptionist.

    Trevor Dodds the local butcher comes to see Martin for his diabetes check up, but he seems to have developed Orf too. Could there be a connection between the two cases?

    James has started biting not only Louisa but other children at the nursery. Louisa is worried but Martin puts it down to his age. Louisa speaks to Tina about it but is surprised to find out Tina has spoken to their lecturer about it too. Martin is not impressed and Louisa takes it personally when Martin says there is something wrong with Tina. But Martin is proved correct, when Tina collapses from taking Modanifil, a smart drug, used for treating sleep disorders.

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    Glen1 (11-10-2017)

  13. #27
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    1st November 2017

    Episode 7 - Blade on the Feather

    Martin wakes up to an empty bed. When he goes looking for Louisa he discovers she is trying to write her resignation letter.

    It is the annual Portwenn versus Port Carran gig race and school gig festival. Penhale is the umpire, and Morwenna is the Portwenn team captain. Penhale notices that the Port Carran team captain, Alice (Pippa Nixon) has something wrong with her leg and sends her up to see Martin. Morwenna needs to find a replacement rower when Eric dislocates his finger.

    Since Bert has gout, Al tries to get out of the race as he’ll need to look after the pub. But Bert lands him in it, as the pub will be closed during the race, and Bert has plans of his own.
    Martin diagnoses Alice with a Baker’s Cyst; he needs to drain the fluid from the cyst in case it bursts. Alice has a fear of needles and passes out, knocking her head on the medical tray as she falls. Martin rushes to her assistance but passes out himself when he sees the amount of blood on her head.

    Mel Hendy (Rosie Ede) goes to see Martin at the surgery about a rash that could be infectious, but she opens up about her concerns over her husband’s drinking. Martin encourages Mel to get Graham (Richard Lumsden) to come and see him.

    Louisa wants to buy a car from Mel’s husband Graham, the local garage owner. Graham promises to drive down to the school play later on. After Mel and Graham drop off the car at the school they watch the performance and the race.

    Graham seems to be very drunk, though he claims he hasn’t touched a drop. When an embarrassed Mel reprimands, him he decides to leave. Graham accidently reverses the car, and hits Bert’s trestle table. Despite Penhale’s positive breathalyser test on Graham, Martin thinks Graham is telling the truth and he could have ‘auto-brewery syndrome’.

    Before Penhale can make any arrests they hear from the gig race that Alice has collapsed. Martin rushes down to help, but Alice makes it very clear she wants nothing more to do with him. As Martin and Louisa arrive back at the surgery, Chris Parsons is waiting for them: Alice has made a formal complaint about Martin’s blood phobia and his passing out during her procedures.

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    Glen1 (23-10-2017)

  15. #28
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    8th November 2017

    Episode 8 - All My Trials

    Following the complaint to the medical authorities by a patient the Doc was treating he has been advised by Chris Parsons (Vincent Franklin) not to practice for a week before his hearing.

    However this does not stop patients asking for his help. Bill Potter (Tom Mothersdale), a local potter, approaches Martin with a suspected ganglion. Martin sends him to a surgery in Wadebridge, but Bill decides against it – he has too much work on.

    With no patients to deal with, Louisa encourages Martin to get out of the house and go for a walk, as she really needs to focus on her end of module essay.

    Ruth tells Martin she has done some research into who is going to be on the panel at the hearing, which doesn’t fill him with confidence.

    Penhale has commissioned a bust from Bill but it is not finished when he goes to collect it. Bill blames the ganglion and asks Penhale to use the technique of smacking it with a book to help speed things along. Penhale smacks the ganglion, which doesn’t go according to plan.

    American tourist Beth Traywick (Sigourney Weaver) returns to Portwenn to do some research into her family tree. She manages to flatter Mrs Tishell into sharing her local knowledge.

    Mrs Tishell’s opinion of Beth quickly changes though, when she finds out Beth has a medical issue she wants to see Martin about, which could jeopardise his position with regards to the hearing.

    Louisa goes to see Chris Parsons to find out how serious the hearing is. Chris opens up to Louisa about his marital problems, after having a few too many glasses of Bert’s “special” blend of Large Whisky. Chris tries to kiss Louisa, but then has a ‘grand mal seizure’. The following morning Chris makes a clumsy apology and manages to spill water all over Louisa’s computer: how will she get her essay in on time?

    Martin, on his way to the hearing, is forced to take a detour when Mrs Tishell calls with an emergency: Beth has collapsed. Now late for the hearing, Martin rushes in, only for the hearing to be interrupted again by Penhale and Bill. Bill’s ganglion was a radial artery aneurysm, which has now burst and needs an emergency procedure to save his hand...

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    Glen1 (30-10-2017)

  17. #29
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    Doc Martin is coming to an end. ITV has renewed the Martin Clunes fronted drama series for a tenth and final season. Production on the show?s final season is set to begin next spring, ahead of a late 2021 premiere.

    Created by Dominic Minghella, Doc Martin follows Dr. Martin Ellingham, the GP with a brusque bedside manner and a phobia of blood. The drama series is produced by Buffalo Pictures and stars Martin Clunes, Caroline Catz, Eileen Atkins, Ian McNeice, John Marquez, Jessica Ransom, Joe Absolom and Selina Cadell.

    ?I just want to thank Martin and Philippa and everyone involved in Doc Martin, because it?s a brilliant, beautifully made series that has delighted audiences for many years?, said ITV?s Head of Drama Poly Hill. ?I am pleased that we are making series 10, and sad this will be the last, but respect their decision to bring it to a close.?

    While Martin Clunes and producer Philippa Braithwaite added: ?We have loved making nine series of Doc Martin. When we launched the series in 2004 we could never have imagined how much our loyal viewers would take to the grumpy Doc like they have. The series has avid fans both in the UK and throughout the world and we are thrilled that Doc Martin has topped the ratings every time. However, after sixteen years we now feel that the time has come to say goodbye to Portwenn. We will be making the tenth and final series in 2021 and we are very much looking forward to returning to Cornwall to film it.?

  18. #30
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    I thoroughly enjoyed all episodes but was a little disappointed with the last one... I had a feeling that they would not leave Portwenn but the scenes of Louisa performing surgery on the Doc without getting any blood on her and the fact Martin discharged himself from hospital shortly after being admitted was a bit unrealistic and the way he pulled the for sale sign out of the ground with his bad arm was unbelievable too but all in all, thank you Doc Martin for 10 seasons of great entertainment and making me laugh often.

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