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Thread: Eastenders Spoilers 6th - 10th June

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    Eastenders Spoilers 6th - 10th June

    Janine's rivalry with Linda is pushed to breaking point

    Frankie is determined to help Lola refresh her dating profile

    Ben's nearest and dearest begin to worry about his wellbeing
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  2. #2
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    Linda Carter is all set to go to Watford with daughter Nancy Carter. With Nancy still in the dark about Linda having the money that Janine Butcher scammed out of her, she's feeling nervous. Sharon Watts reminds her friend that she needs to be up front with Nancy and tells her what's going on.

    Linda's not the only one feeling apprehensive about the Watford trip... Nancy's feeling awkward about spending so much time with her mum. When boyfriend Zack Hudson reveals that only a few weeks before, Linda was planning to do a flit from the Square, she is stunned.

    On the journey, Nancy can't keep her silence any longer and she demands to know why Linda was going to leave without saying anything. A horrified Linda desperately tries to explain but Nancy doesn't want to hear it and she gets out of the car and storms off home.

    Linda realises the car has broken down and at her lowest ebb, she manages to find some booze to take the pain away.

    Meanwhile, Janine Butcher is planning on going on a trip to see her sister Clare, taking daughter Scarlett Butcher with her. She's feeling insecure about Mick Carter's recent bonding with his ex Linda.

    When Nancy storms into the Queen Vic after her falling out with Linda, Janine is intrigued. It's not long before Linda calls the Vic, drunk and in a state. Determined to stop Mick getting involved in sorting out another mess his ex has got in, she ditches her plans with Scarlett and gets in a cab to go and sort Linda out.

    The car manages to start and Janine gets in the driver's seat, setting off with Linda and Annie. A miserable Linda begs Janine not to tell Mick about the money.

    In a shocking incident, Janine loses control of the car and crashes! Will they all be okay?

    Ben Mitchell refuses to work at The Arches and Kheerat is despairing. He knows he needs someone in to help out Dotty Cotton and he's relieved when Jay Mitchell says he knows a guy he can get in.

    When Ben overhears his rapist Lewis Butler telling his mum Kathy Beale that he's been involved in a homophobic attack, Ben has no sympathy for him. Still in a mess over the rape, Ben tells Lewis he gave him an STI.

    Kheerat discovers that Ben's on some meds after Ben is unnecessarily rude to Lola Pearce. He visits Ben and tells him that if he needs to confide in anyone he's there to help.

    Although he keeps his secret to himself, Ben is moved by Kheerat's kindness. He later calls Lola to apologise for being nasty to her but it comes to nothing when she doesn't answer his call.

    Also, Suki Panesar is suspicious that Ash Panesar is hiding something and she goes through her bag. What will she find?


    Mick Carter is trying to comfort Nancy Carter, who is upset over her row with her mum. Sharon Watts realises that Linda didn't tell Nancy about Janine Butcher conning her out of her money and destroying her business plan.

    Meanwhile, on the side of the road, Linda Carter and Janine lie motionless in the crashed car after the horrific accident. Janine comes round to hear little Annie Carter crying.

    Linda, however, is terrifyingly silent and Janine soon realises how bad her injuries are.

    Will she try to help or will she show her true colours?

    Back in the Queen Vic, Sharon is about to reveal all about Janine's manipulations, Shirley Carter gets a call from the hospital saying that Linda has been taken in after an accident.

    When the worried family arrive at the hospital they find out Linda is in a critical condition and may die...

    Ben Mitchell continues to lash out at everyone following his ordeal with Lewis Butler, as he's holding the trauma inside. When he's nasty to Rocky Cotton, an unwitting Kathy Beale has had enough of her son's bad attitude and she reprimands him for being rude.

    When Ben finally makes an appearance at the Arches to put in a day's work, he's miffed to discover that Kheerat Panesar has hired another mechanic, Dave, to help out. On edge when Dave seems overly familiar, Ben gets panicky and heads out.

    Ben's hubby Callum Highway is in the Square talking to Lewis Butler, encouraging him to report being the victim of a homophobic attack. Ben sees the pair talking and it freaks him out.

    Slinking back to the Arches, Ben tells Dave to get out and, left alone, he finally breaks down.

    Meanwhile, Lola Pearce is still hurting following her break up with former boyfriend Isaac Baptiste, after he cruelly flaunted his new relationship on social media without telling her they were over first!

    Lola meets up with new bestie Frankie Lewis and Jay Mitchell for a drink. After Jay leaves the girls on their own, photographer Frankie insists she wants to take some great pictures of Lola for her dating profile.


    Ben Mitchell has spent the night in the Arches following his breakdown over his rape by Lewis Butler. He's woken up in a panic by the sound of a hammering on the door.

    Outside, Dave the new mechanic has turned up in a fury, wanting his wages, after being unceremoniously chucked out of the Arches by Ben the day before.

    Jay Mitchell sees Dave causing a commotion and he pays Dave his money. Kheerat Panesar turns up and is alarmed to find Ben in a state. Kheerat suggests that Ben take some time off but will he listen to him?

    Meanwhile, Kathy Beale is in a dilemma over what she thinks is the one night stand Ben had with her bar manager Lewis Butler.

    Wanting to smooth things over for her son, she tries to fire Lewis. He's furious with her announcement and threatens her with legal action, so Kathy's forced to give him a warning instead.

    Kathy is shocked when Kheerat approaches her to say he's worried about Ben's state of mind. After Ben gets home, Kathy confronts him and demands to know why he's behaving like this.

    Things soon get heated as they discuss Ben's troubled marriage to Callum Highway and Kathy accuses him of bringing it all on himself by cheating on Callum with Lewis.

    Ben starts to lose the plot and suddenly the horrible truth dawn's on Kathy, a rape victim herself.

    She realises that Lewis assaulted Ben...

    Peter Beale is back in Walford East but its clear he's struggling. Dana Monroe feels sorry for Peter and suggests that she get her old job back.

    Peter knows it's a big ask as Dana finds it difficult to be around her ex Bobby Beale.

    Later, Bobby finds Dana upset. Will she confess what's wrong?

    Also, Rainie Highway is in a panic to learn that Vi Highway left her troubled hubby Stuart Highway with baby Roland.

    Will she admit to Vi about Stuart's struggles with fatherhood?


    Kathy Mitchell is in shock after realising that son Ben Mitchell was raped by Lewis Butler.

    It brings back terrible memories of her own rape by James Wilmott-Brown when she was a young woman, in the very same flat, which was then above the Dagmar Wine Bar.

    Doing her best to offer her son some comfort and support, Kathy is distressed when he can't deal with talking about it and he rushes out into the Square.

    When Ben finally returns home, Kathy is flooded with relief and it seems Ben is ready to talk about what happened to him. After a heart-to-heart, Kathy gently tries to suggest that Ben needs to report the rape to the police.

    What will he say?

    Meanwhile, Lewis Butler appears to have no remorse and no comprehension of what he's done to Ben. He's acting like Ben initiated everything between them and it was just a one-night-stand.

    To make things worse, he's been talking to Ben's husband Callum Highway about recently being the victim of a homophobic attack.

    Not knowing what Lewis did to Ben, an unwitting Callum has put aside his hurt over Ben's 'cheating' to help Lewis out.

    Kim Fox spies Howie Danes talking to Martin Fowler. But an accident ensues when Howie ends up tripping over Kim's bag!

    After injuring his leg, Kim insists on taking him to hospital to get it checked over.

    Realising that he's not going to be able to look after himself on his own, Kim insists that Howie move in with her while he recovers!
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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