Anthony has visited the bedroom to try and make friends with Team Diva, forgetting that behind those lip-glossed smiles are some rather sharp teeth.

Standing nervously at the end of a big bed full of divas, Anthony tried to make his peace with them. "I just want to enjoy myself and not have arguments," he told Kemal, Makosi, Vanessa and Orlaith.

And surprisingly, the glamour girls (and boy) seemed willing to listen to his peacemaking efforts. "Especially on your own, I think you're easy to get on with," Vanessa told him with a smile.

Satisfied that he'd made his point, and hopefully ingratiated himself with Orlaith, Anthony went back to his friends in the living area.

Back in the bedroom there was a long pause...

"He's already trying to sweeten the girls," Makosi said dryly. "If he means it he should have waited for the others to be here and then said," she bitched.

Kemal then called Anthony "thick".

Team Diva strikes again!