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Thread: Rhona (Zoe Henry)

  1. #41
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    An addiction to pain killers , ok but for feck sake a drug dealer taking what looked like £40 plus for a packet of pain killers , but he wanted more - her wedding and engagement rings ( what a min of £500 for both ) -

  2. #42
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    Emmerdale vet Rhona Goskirk faces another heartbreaking setback next week as Paddy Kirk ends their marriage.

    Paddy (Dominic Brunt) realises that he can no longer trust Rhona after he finds her with some pills, which prompts her to check into rehab to get professional help for her painkiller addiction.

    Here, Zoe Henry - who plays Rhona - reveals what's in store as her troubled character continues to struggle.

    Next week, Rhona finds out that Paddy has been confiding in Chas about her drug addiction. How does she feel about that?
    "I think she feels really hurt, although she doesn't have a leg to stand on considering what she's just lied to Paddy about, which is enormous. I think she's feeling vulnerable and insecure about everything. She's worried that Paddy has lost trust in their marriage.

    "I don't know if Rhona definitely thinks something is going on, but it's an uncomfortable feeling. She doesn't like the fact he's confided in Chas, but she has no right to say that really after her recent behaviour."

    Rhona feels that Paddy has broken her trust, doesn't she?
    "Yeah, I think it is the breaking trust. Deep down Rhona would never imagine that anything would happen between Paddy and Chas, but she's feeling so lost and so insecure at the moment that anything that rocks the boat is not good for her. She's emotionally unstable after what she's been through."

    Paddy catches Rhona with some pills again. Does she intend to take them at this point?
    "I don't think she does intend to take them, I think they're a security blanket. I remember when I gave up smoking, it was a similar thing. I would panic at the thought of not having any around, so I can understand that security blanket type thing.

    "I think Rhona actually says that to Paddy: 'I wasn't going to take them - it was a security blanket. I need to know they're there so I've got the strength to stay off them'. However, I wouldn't trust Rhona with them. As much as she says she wasn't going to take them, she'll take one and then she'll be taking the whole packet before you know it. I don't think she can ever be trusted again. She's a true addict."

    Does Paddy believe Rhona when she says she hasn't taken any?
    "I think he believes she hasn't taken any - she has the pills there and he can see evidence that they haven't been touched, but I doubt he believes that she was never going to take any. If he hadn't have caught her red handed with them, he thinks she may well have taken the odd one or two just to get herself through. That's what she was doing before when she was addicted - getting herself through and not realising she was properly addicted."

    Do you think this moment is the last straw for their relationship?
    "I think it's a real realisation point for Paddy. I think he realises that he just can't trust Rhona, and a massive part of any marriage is trust. Regardless of whether you're talking about people having affairs or people gambling or whatever, if you can't trust somebody, what have you got?

    "They tried to do the cold turkey thing themselves which is terrifying and awful, and then they've gone to the clinic which is the best way to do it, and then she's gone and bought pills. I think Paddy just feels really, really let down and I think Rhona's let herself down. I think she probably feels quite ashamed too."

    Do they get the chance to talk this through properly?
    "Not really - Paddy's quite black and white about things. As a dithery guy, he's hit the nail on the head pretty much. He's done exactly what I would do which is say, 'No, this is not working anymore. I can't trust you - I've tried but I just can't' and he moves out, which is his way of dealing with it."

    What is it that makes Rhona check into rehab?
    "I think she realises how much is at stake here, and how much she could lose if she hasn't already lost it. That's her son, her marriage, her dignity, her friendships - all of those. She's risking those on a daily basis and I think she's taking it a bit lightly, the thought of getting over this.

    "The reality is that the only way she's going to get everything back on track is if she gets completely clean. When Paddy refuses to speak about it and refuses to move back home, she realises something serious has got to change and something big has got to happen to get things back on track."

    How does she feel about going to rehab?
    "I think she's terrified. She's terrified of leaving her son behind, she's terrified of it not working, and she's worried about her marriage falling apart whilst she's in there if it hasn't already. I think she's frightened and like a little girl who's lost. She is trying the one last thing that she thinks might help her."

    Is Vanessa there for her?
    "Yeah, they've sort of patched things up but like any relationship or friendship, if you cross a line - which Rhona clearly did - you have to work to get it back. So yes they're speaking and yes they're friends, but they are in nowhere the sort of friendship state that they were before this terrible episode happened.

    "Rhona has still got Vanessa, and she knows that Pearl is there for her as well. Pearl's a real mother figure to her but the reality is that she's on her own. She's got to do this on her own, she's got no choice."

    Rhona doesn't see Paddy before she leaves, does she?
    "She tries to. She goes and sees Chas and says, 'Look, this is what's happening. I'm going away, can you tell Paddy?' Chas is like 'Absolutely, I'll make sure Paddy comes and talks to you' and he doesn't. I think that's a real home truth for Rhona as well. It makes her realise the severity of the situation and how far she's got to go before she can get things back on track.

    "She's a little bit heartbroken about that. I think she would have at least liked to say goodbye to Paddy before she went. This is an open book and she has no idea how long she'll be away for, no idea how long it's going to take her to beat this habit, and it's a scary place. She's not in a good place at the moment."

    Do you think this really is the end for Rhona and Paddy?
    "I hope not, personally. The actress in me hopes not because I like working with Dominic and I like those characters together - I think they work really well and I enjoy them, but I don't know. Rhona has done awful things and the one person she should have confided in is her husband, and she didn't.

    "When you rock the foundations that much in any relationship, it's quite hard to come back. I think Rhona would like dearly to save the marriage - I'm just not sure Paddy will."

    What kind of viewer feedback have you seen for this storyline?
    "It's really positive. Viewers haven't seen Rhona heading off to rehab yet, but I think they'll be thrilled that she is. The main overriding thing, especially now they see the marriage problems, is that people want Paddy and Rhona to stay together.

    "That's a really nice thing for Dom and I to hear because it means something's working that we're doing. So that's the sort of response I'm getting: 'Oh, Paddy's not going to leave her is he?' I can't really answer that question, can I?!"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  3. #43
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    Emmerdale vet Rhona Goskirk faces another heartbreaking setback next week as Paddy Kirk ends their marriage.

    Paddy (Dominic Brunt) realises that he can no longer trust Rhona after he finds her with some pills, which prompts her to check into rehab to get professional help for her painkiller addiction.

    Here, Zoe Henry - who plays Rhona - reveals what's in store as her troubled character continues to struggle.

    Next week, Rhona finds out that Paddy has been confiding in Chas about her drug addiction. How does she feel about that?
    "I think she feels really hurt, although she doesn't have a leg to stand on considering what she's just lied to Paddy about, which is enormous. I think she's feeling vulnerable and insecure about everything. She's worried that Paddy has lost trust in their marriage.

    "I don't know if Rhona definitely thinks something is going on, but it's an uncomfortable feeling. She doesn't like the fact he's confided in Chas, but she has no right to say that really after her recent behaviour."

    Rhona feels that Paddy has broken her trust, doesn't she?
    "Yeah, I think it is the breaking trust. Deep down Rhona would never imagine that anything would happen between Paddy and Chas, but she's feeling so lost and so insecure at the moment that anything that rocks the boat is not good for her. She's emotionally unstable after what she's been through."

    Paddy catches Rhona with some pills again. Does she intend to take them at this point?
    "I don't think she does intend to take them, I think they're a security blanket. I remember when I gave up smoking, it was a similar thing. I would panic at the thought of not having any around, so I can understand that security blanket type thing.

    "I think Rhona actually says that to Paddy: 'I wasn't going to take them - it was a security blanket. I need to know they're there so I've got the strength to stay off them'. However, I wouldn't trust Rhona with them. As much as she says she wasn't going to take them, she'll take one and then she'll be taking the whole packet before you know it. I don't think she can ever be trusted again. She's a true addict."

    Does Paddy believe Rhona when she says she hasn't taken any?
    "I think he believes she hasn't taken any - she has the pills there and he can see evidence that they haven't been touched, but I doubt he believes that she was never going to take any. If he hadn't have caught her red handed with them, he thinks she may well have taken the odd one or two just to get herself through. That's what she was doing before when she was addicted - getting herself through and not realising she was properly addicted."

    Do you think this moment is the last straw for their relationship?
    "I think it's a real realisation point for Paddy. I think he realises that he just can't trust Rhona, and a massive part of any marriage is trust. Regardless of whether you're talking about people having affairs or people gambling or whatever, if you can't trust somebody, what have you got?

    "They tried to do the cold turkey thing themselves which is terrifying and awful, and then they've gone to the clinic which is the best way to do it, and then she's gone and bought pills. I think Paddy just feels really, really let down and I think Rhona's let herself down. I think she probably feels quite ashamed too."

    Do they get the chance to talk this through properly?
    "Not really - Paddy's quite black and white about things. As a dithery guy, he's hit the nail on the head pretty much. He's done exactly what I would do which is say, 'No, this is not working anymore. I can't trust you - I've tried but I just can't' and he moves out, which is his way of dealing with it."

    What is it that makes Rhona check into rehab?
    "I think she realises how much is at stake here, and how much she could lose if she hasn't already lost it. That's her son, her marriage, her dignity, her friendships - all of those. She's risking those on a daily basis and I think she's taking it a bit lightly, the thought of getting over this.

    "The reality is that the only way she's going to get everything back on track is if she gets completely clean. When Paddy refuses to speak about it and refuses to move back home, she realises something serious has got to change and something big has got to happen to get things back on track."

    How does she feel about going to rehab?
    "I think she's terrified. She's terrified of leaving her son behind, she's terrified of it not working, and she's worried about her marriage falling apart whilst she's in there if it hasn't already. I think she's frightened and like a little girl who's lost. She is trying the one last thing that she thinks might help her."

    Is Vanessa there for her?
    "Yeah, they've sort of patched things up but like any relationship or friendship, if you cross a line - which Rhona clearly did - you have to work to get it back. So yes they're speaking and yes they're friends, but they are in nowhere the sort of friendship state that they were before this terrible episode happened.

    "Rhona has still got Vanessa, and she knows that Pearl is there for her as well. Pearl's a real mother figure to her but the reality is that she's on her own. She's got to do this on her own, she's got no choice."

    Rhona doesn't see Paddy before she leaves, does she?
    "She tries to. She goes and sees Chas and says, 'Look, this is what's happening. I'm going away, can you tell Paddy?' Chas is like 'Absolutely, I'll make sure Paddy comes and talks to you' and he doesn't. I think that's a real home truth for Rhona as well. It makes her realise the severity of the situation and how far she's got to go before she can get things back on track.

    "She's a little bit heartbroken about that. I think she would have at least liked to say goodbye to Paddy before she went. This is an open book and she has no idea how long she'll be away for, no idea how long it's going to take her to beat this habit, and it's a scary place. She's not in a good place at the moment."

    Do you think this really is the end for Rhona and Paddy?
    "I hope not, personally. The actress in me hopes not because I like working with Dominic and I like those characters together - I think they work really well and I enjoy them, but I don't know. Rhona has done awful things and the one person she should have confided in is her husband, and she didn't.

    "When you rock the foundations that much in any relationship, it's quite hard to come back. I think Rhona would like dearly to save the marriage - I'm just not sure Paddy will."

    What kind of viewer feedback have you seen for this storyline?
    "It's really positive. Viewers haven't seen Rhona heading off to rehab yet, but I think they'll be thrilled that she is. The main overriding thing, especially now they see the marriage problems, is that people want Paddy and Rhona to stay together.

    "That's a really nice thing for Dom and I to hear because it means something's working that we're doing. So that's the sort of response I'm getting: 'Oh, Paddy's not going to leave her is he?' I can't really answer that question, can I?!"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to alan45 For This Useful Post:

    lizann (17-09-2013)

  5. #44
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    Emmerdale fans will see Rhona Goskirk's marriage crumble next week as she discovers that her husband Paddy has been cheating on her.

    After months in the dark over Paddy's bad behaviour, the penny will finally drop for Rhona after she becomes suspicious over his strange moods.

    Paddy (Dominic Brunt) started enjoying a fling with married teaching assistant Tess Harris in the autumn, although he later called things off as he didn't want to lose Rhona and his family.

    So how does Rhona finally figure things out? Zoe Henry, who plays her, revealed: "Paddy messes up by misdiagnosing a cow at James's farm. He's quite flippant about what he got wrong and he's quite rude to James about it, which is out of character for him. Rhona really senses that Paddy is under pressure, he's evasive and he's not around much.

    "Rhona sits Paddy down to talk about what's going on, and it all finally starts to piece together for her. Paddy starts to tell Rhona that he's had a row with Tess, but she can't understand why Paddy would be arguing with her when she's just their child's TA.

    © ITV
    Rhona realises that Paddy and Tess were having an affair

    "In the end, she asks him the big question of whether he's the affair that Tess has spoken to her about. Paddy does admit it and he apologises. In some ways I think Paddy is enormously relieved that it's out there, but he's also terrified that he's probably just lost his wife."

    While Rhona is naturally furious following Paddy's confession, her reaction may surprise many viewers as she later tells him that they have to carry on as normal.

    Not wanting to jeopardise their plans to adopt a child, Rhona insists that they have to carry on living under the same roof - even though deep down she'll never be able to forgive Paddy.

    Henry continued: "At first Rhona wants to know every detail. She wants to know where it happened, when, and how often! She wants to know the betrayal inside out - I guess so there are no more surprises down the line. Perhaps that is with a view to forgiving and trying to get through this.

    "Rhona tells Paddy that they have to pretend everything is okay for the sake of the adoption. By focusing on that, somehow it lessens the pain of the affair for Rhona. As an outsider, that sounds insane to me! But I understand why Rhona does it, because she just doesn't want to think about anything else.

    "Paddy is really treading on eggshells through all of this. One minute Rhona is yelling at him and demanding to know everything, but the next minute she's telling him that she never wants to talk about it again because she's concentrating on the adoption. I don't envy Paddy's position, but at the same time I don't really feel sorry for him because he's brought it on himself!"

    With Rhona and Paddy firmly established as one of the village's much-loved couples, is there any chance they can get through this?

    Henry teased: "If I were Rhona's friend, I'd tell her to have some space from Paddy. From a personal point of view, I would love to see them work through it and stay together, because I love working with Dominic so much.

    "But I think it's probably a long road. If Paddy is totally honest and tells Rhona everything, there's a chance for them. I hope they work it out, because I love working with Dom and I can't bear to think that we just might be strangers in the night saying hello in the pub once a year!

    "The story has been great, though. Everybody's asked if I was gutted when I found out that Paddy was going to have an affair. The answer is no, not remotely - Dom and I almost cheered! It's not because we don't want to spend any time together, but just because it's great fun to play out and we love shouting at each other - in the nicest possible way!

    "It's been a really interesting journey so far with lots of twists, and I think there's probably a lot more to come. I think people have enjoyed loving to hate Paddy - and now they'll enjoy watching Rhona find out and how she deals with Paddy..."

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

  6. #45
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    Emmerdale love cheat Paddy Kirk will slip up badly next week when he decides to secretly attend Tess Harris's funeral.

    The vet is suffering from a major guilty conscience following his affair with Tess and is determined to pay his last respects... but he makes a huge error when he tries to keep his wife Rhona in the dark.

    It's Rhona who initially suggests that she and Paddy (Dominic Brunt) should both be there for Tess's send-off following her shock death. Paddy rejects the idea, so Rhona becomes confused and suspicious when she later realises that he went behind her back.

    Zoe Henry, who plays Rhona, revealed: "Rhona suggests going to the funeral and Paddy says 'absolutely not'. Rhona listens to him, but then he goes without her. Megan also goes and spies Paddy.

    "Megan later tells Rhona, but she still doesn't suspect anything untoward is going on. She leaves it and doesn't even ask him outright - she waits for him to tell her he has been.

    "When he doesn't tell her after two days, she does start to think something is going on but still doesn't assume that it was an affair. She later asks him what's going on and tells him that she knows he went to the funeral, but then her world just crumbles around her.

    "I've had people tweeting me saying, 'How stupid is Rhona?', but this is the thing - Paddy is so honest and dependable. There are a million things Paddy could do before he could have an affair in Rhona's mind! It's the furthest thought from her head, until it's right there in front of her and she can't avoid it."

    As we've previously reported, Paddy reluctantly confesses all to Rhona but is left stunned when she becomes determined to carry on as normal - adamant that nothing should threaten their adoption plans.

    Henry added: "The adoption is the only thing that Rhona has left to hang on to. She becomes a bit crazed about it. As a result of Rhona not wanting anyone to know anything is wrong, they are a bit mean to Pearl. She is the first casualty, as we ask her to move out! It's a terrible mess."

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

  7. #46
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    Emmerdale actress Zoe Henry has revealed Rhona Kirk will share a charged moment with her ex Marlon Dingle in the fallout of her marriage troubles.
    The village vet is left devastated when she discovers husband Paddy has been having an affair with Tess Harris. And she will turn to her former flame Marlon for a shoulder to cry on, and for a moment they almost kiss!
    Zoe explained: “What we are still filming now is a rollercoaster of emotions, she’s shocked and angry, all of these things.
    “Through this journey she looks back at the crossroads in her life and thinks, ‘If I hadn’t of left Marlon this would never have hurt me’, so she questions that and it freaks Marlon out a bit!
    “She tries to kiss him, well it depends how you look at it! She says some very lovely things and emotional things to him.
    “He thinks she’s going to kiss him and she realises that it would be adding fire to fire and not resolving anything, but they are close anyway, they have a son together and a history so he’s actually an enormous support for her.”
    Meanwhile Dominic Brunt, who plays Paddy, says there is even more to come from this storyline.
    He said: “It’s been really tough. I’m used to playing lighter stories or being involved in other people’s heavier stuff, like when Aaron came out, so it’s been lovely to be trusted with something like this.
    “I’m used to being liked and now I am playing a baddie! There is more to come with this so keep watching!”

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    maidmarian (12-02-2016)

  9. #47
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    i expected pierce and rhona to get cosy

  10. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizann View Post
    i expected pierce and rhona to get cosy
    Give it time

  11. #49
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    Emmerdale actress Zoe Henry has revealed Rhona Kirk will share a charged moment with her ex Marlon Dingle in the fallout of her marriage troubles.

    The village vet is left devastated when she discovers husband Paddy has been having an affair with Tess Harris.

    And she will turn to her former flame Marlon for a shoulder to cry on, and for a moment they almost kiss!

    Zoe explained: “What we are still filming now is a rollercoaster of emotions, she’s shocked and angry, all of these things.

    “Through this journey she looks back at the crossroads in her life and thinks, ‘If I hadn’t of left Marlon this would never have hurt me’, so she questions that and it freaks Marlon out a bit!

    “She tries to kiss him, well it depends how you look at it! She says some very lovely things and emotional things to him.

    “He thinks she’s going to kiss him and she realises that it would be adding fire to fire and not resolving anything, but they are close anyway, they have a son together and a history so he’s actually an enormous support for her.”

    Meanwhile Dominic Brunt, who plays Paddy, says there is even more to come from this storyline.

    He said: “It’s been really tough. I’m used to playing lighter stories or being involved in other people’s heavier stuff, like when Aaron came out, so it’s been lovely to be trusted with something like this.

    “I’m used to being liked and now I am playing a baddie! There is more to come with this so keep watching!”

    By SoapSquawk

    Spoilers suggest that Rhona kisses Marlon just the once but nothing happens beyond this except for Marlon to be Rhona's new best friend for a while? Of course, Rhona might just randomly fall in soapland love with Pierce in a while later...?

  12. #50
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    Rhona Goskirk will be thrown when she comes face-to-face with newcomer Pierce Harris again.

    Upcoming episodes will see the penny finally drop for Rhona as she realises that her husband Paddy was having an affair with Tess prior to her shock death.

    Although a heartbroken Rhona (Zoe Henry) insists that they should carry on as normal, she soon becomes riddled with doubts over her marriage and will eventually decide to visit Tess's grave.

    © ITV
    Rhona visits Tess's grave

    © ITV
    Rhona visits Tess's grave

    Rhona is soon stopped in her tracks when Tess's husband Pierce catches her there. With emotions running high, will a hurt and angry Rhona shatter Pierce's memories and tell him the truth about Paddy and Tess?

    © ITV
    Pierce sees Rhona

    © ITV
    Pierce sees Rhona at Tess's grave

    © ITV
    Will Rhona tell Pierce the truth?

    Emmerdale airs these scenes on Friday, February 19 at 7pm on ITV.

    By Sophie Dainty and Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

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