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Thread: Jai Sharma ( Chris Bisson )

  1. #21
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    I'm kinda disappointed myself that Jai is the kidnapper

  2. #22
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    Emmerdale businessman Jai Sharma finally enjoys some good fortune next week as he is reunited with his young son Archie.

    Jai has to pay to get Archie back after a dodgy guy makes contact with him to share a suspicious story about the youngster's mum Rachel Breckle.

    Here, Chris Bisson - who plays Jai - explains why his character accepts the deal with few questions asked…

    Does Jai regret imprisoning Charity?
    "I'm not sure Jai regrets imprisoning Charity. She needed to be taught a lesson, but I think he probably regrets how it all ended and I'm sure he's probably slightly damaged. I'm not sure how long it'll take for the psychological effects of imprisoning her to show, but it was all very traumatic and Jai got himself into such a state."

    Does Jai think the trail for Archie has gone cold?
    "After what happened with Charity, Jai has had to take a step back from himself and really look at himself. He's acted in a way which is out of character, because he's not a professional hitman! I think Jai is probably worried about his behaviour and he's worried about what the search for Archie has done to him.

    "Charity has turned up nothing and she's clearly sticking by her story that she doesn't know where Archie is. Jai is probably satisfied that she doesn't know much and he thinks that he has to back off.

    "Everything has imploded in Jai's life - his relationship with Megan, his affair being brought out, and he's also suffering physical injuries and psychological injuries. Jai decides to step back from the search for Archie for self-preservation."

    How does Jai react when he catches Priya and Rakesh kissing in his office next week?
    "Jai is not pleased but he handles it quite well, I think! He doesn't completely lose his rag but he's certainly not happy about it. Jai has organised a family meal, so he's almost setting them both up for a fall later on because he thinks his mum's going to finish the job for him!

    "It doesn't quite turn out like that. There is an edgy moment in The Woolpack, but the big revelation is when Jai gets a text…"

    What does the text say?
    "It's an anonymous text from somebody who says that he has Archie. Jai's world stands still again, because of everything he's just been through. It's almost like he doesn't want to believe that it's true and he's trying to suppress his emotions.

    "Jai says to this person that he's been stung before and that he needs to see the boy for himself. So he goes to meet him and this fella has actually got Archie in the back of a car."

    What happens next?
    "Jai runs over to the car, sees Archie and then tries to open the door to get in, but the car drives off. He then turns on the bloke who's brought him there, who says that he's there on behalf of Rachel. He says that she needs money to go into rehab and gives Jai a whole story.

    "Against his better judgement, Jai wants to believe that Rachel's alright and that he's telling the truth. Jai has become slightly darker and he's not so interested in the hows or whys of the situation, but he just wants his son back. He's prepared to overlook the fact that he doesn't know for sure exactly what's going on."

    Jai spots Archie in a car but before he can get to him the car drives away.
    © ITV
    Jai spots Archie in a car

    Jai spots Archie in a car
    © ITV
    Jai spots Archie in a car

    Jai spots Archie in a car
    © ITV
    Jai spots Archie in a car

    How does Jai explain himself to Ali when he gets Archie back?
    "Jai basically uses the story that the guy has told him, but he pretends that it was Rachel who said it and he's seen her. He hopes that will convince people. It all happens very quickly and Jai is an emotional mess after seeing Archie again. He even has to do a deal with the devil by asking Rakesh to help him come up with the money to get Archie back immediately.

    "Jai does so, but in the process he hasn't really thought about the consequences or about Rachel's welfare. His focus is purely on getting Archie back."

    What happens when Ali doesn't believe Jai's story and calls the police?
    "Jai gets slightly worried because there's been a chain of events that doesn't necessarily make sense and he's covering parts of the story up. He's lying and manipulating the truth, so he's naturally concerned when the police arrive.

    "At the same time, Jai is somebody who's been searching for his son for a long time. He's hardened and toughened, and he doesn't really care about Rachel as he's now got what's most important to him. For Jai, the price of having to lie to the police and fob Ali off is nothing compared to what it means to him to get his son back. He's prepared to do it. Jai is prepared to do a lot now, as we've seen!

    "Jai is elated to have Archie back as it's all he's ever wanted. It'll never run smoothly, but if it did, Jai could actually be a nice person again!"

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  4. #23
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    Emmerdale businessman Jai Sharma will return to his old tricks by cheating on his partner Megan Macey again.

    Show producer Kate Oates has confirmed that an upcoming storyline will see history repeat itself as Jai gives into temptation with his ex-lover Leyla Harding.

    Megan previously forgave Jai (Chris Bisson) for cheating on her with Leyla last year, but the big question is whether she can be so understanding second time round.

    Speaking on Emmerdale's Facebook page, Oates commented: "I feel that Megan, as such a strong character, is someone that's put her own moral compass on the backburner somewhat just so she can support Jai. That's because Jai represents everything that she's lost.

    "She's lost her own family, so she needs to really key into his - and that includes Archie. She's really going to be investing in him and supporting him in the custody battle that he's fighting with Rachel.

    "It means she's taking her eye off the ball with other things. When Jai moves back towards Leyla - because let's face it, he can't resist his passion for her - Megan might find herself pushed to the sidelines again.

    Jai is touched when Megan tells him he has to make the most of his time with Archie, but stresses he needs to be honest with her.
    © ITV
    Jai and Megan

    "I really want her to find out. When she does find out, sparks are going to fly, so watch this space because Leyla is supposed to be her best friend and we all know how those stories end up!"

    Oates also spoke about the build-up to Rachel's upcoming exit, which will see her relationship with Sam Dingle hit the rocks.

    She said: "I think what's really important to remember from Rachel over her year away is that she went through a really, really horrible time. She was always looking over her shoulder. Now she's home, but home isn't how she remembered it. The Dingles stood up for Charity, Sam stood up for Charity and she's really struggling to fit back in.

    Sam covers where he got his injury and a guilty Rachel apologises to Sam for her actions.
    © ITV
    Sam and Rachel

    "I think that what we see here is a load of anger that has been pushed down and suppressed, and it's going to come out. It looks like Sam might often be the one in the firing line for that.

    "As Jai pushes for custody with Archie and gets nastier and nastier with Rachel, Rachel's really going to struggle with that. I guess the question is, can she handle those mood swings and that temper? Is Sam enough to bring her back from the brink, or is Sam going to find himself in line for some heartache?"

  5. #24
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    Emmerdale's Chris Bisson: 'There may be hell to pay for Jai'

    Emmerdale fans can expect rows and romance for Jai Sharma this week as his ongoing storylines continue to heat up.

    The ruthless businessman has more trouble in store for Rachel Breckle as he aims to win full custody of their son Archie, but is he playing with fire when he also reignites his affair with Leyla Harding?

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Chris Bisson, who plays Jai, to hear his thoughts on his character's bad behaviour and whether he'll have to face the music.

    How do you feel about Jai becoming more villainous again?
    "I certainly find it more fun to play! I get some great lines now! (Laughs.) It can sometimes be hard to justify his actions because he does overstep the mark regularly, but it's certainly more interesting to play him like that.

    "I think Jai has come to the end of his tether with this Archie situation now. He starts demonising Rachel in his own mind by catastrophising various events. That's his justification - he's come so far and now he's got the final push to finally get his son."

    Rachel hasn't been an angel either recently. Whose side do you think the viewers will be on when they go head-to-head?
    "I don't know actually, but I don't think they're going to be on Jai's side! There's only certain moments when you see any redeemable qualities in Jai. With the stuff I've been shooting now, those moments are quite thin on the ground, to be honest with you!

    "I think Rachel possibly has some sympathy from people because she shows genuine regret and remorse when she does something wrong, whereas Jai is a lot more bullish and he's certainly very ego-centric. He's out for what he wants and he isn't taking any prisoners on the way."

    Rachel is horrified when Jai threatens her with court.

    © ITV

    Jai and Rachel have more tension ahead

    Why do tensions flare up between Jai and Rachel again this week?

    "Archie suffers a broken arm when he's in Rachel's care. He's been in hospital and he's been patched up, but Jai knows nothing about it. He only finds out about it the following day when he hears it being discussed at the café. This infuriates him, because yet again he feels like he's been pushed out to the sidelines. As Archie's dad, he should have been told immediately, but there is some sort of conspiracy to keep the news from him.

    "I think that starts to play on Jai's mind and that's the tipping point where he thinks, 'I can't trust Rachel and I certainly can't trust any of the people around her either, because none of them have bothered to tell me'. Lisa, Zak and Ruby are all implicated in that, because they know but don't tell him."

    Some spoiler pictures for this week see the feud escalate further when Rachel causes an accident for Rishi. What happens there?
    "You'll have to wait and see exactly what happens, but it's the beginning of Jai's strategy to undermine Rachel. It's to try to pull her close, wind her up and let her bring herself down. Jai understands that Rachel has got a temper and she's under a lot of pressure. He doesn't mind ramping up the pressure until it's unbearable.

    "Jai wants everybody else - including the courts - to see that Rachel is unsuitable mother material and that Archie will have a better and more stable life living with him. Archie has already been on the run with Rachel, and now that her temper is causing problems, he's hoping that will play well for him in the custody battle."

    Rishi doesn't approve of Jai's actions, though...
    "I think Rishi is the only character who is purely looking in Archie's best interests. Jai and Rachel are polarised and they're in entrenched positions. I don't think either of them are going to back down.

    "I don't think anyone doubts that Jai is probably a good dad, but with the way he goes about it, it's almost like he's prepared to destroy anybody else in order to make that happen."

    Jai purposefully winds Rachel up and soon once again a fracas ensues

    © ITV

    Jai purposefully winds Rachel up

    With Rachel leaving the show, will Jai have to watch out for her potentially disappearing with Archie again?
    "I think that's probably at the forefront of his mind when he's trying to win custody of Archie! I don't think it would quite be in the same circumstances as last time when Rachel was actually on the run and not traceable, but she is certainly showing herself to be very unpredictable and that she needs some anger management!"

    How does Jai and Leyla's affair start up again?
    "They're both drawn to each other and it's never really gone away. It might have gone off-screen, but I don't think for the characters it's ever gone away. Leyla's family are all moving abroad so she's feeling lonely and vulnerable.

    "Jai is also feeling pretty desperate. He's fallen out with his dad, things with Megan are so-so and he's really upset about the Archie situation. They're both prepared to wallow and come to each other for comfort."

    Does Jai have strong feelings for Leyla?
    "I think they really do have a genuine thing for each other and that's something that we will see play out. This week is the beginning of something happening between them. With the recent poster that came out for the summer, it's clear to see that there is a love triangle coming. We're not really hiding the fact that the Leyla affair is going to be ongoing!"

    Leyla offloads to Jai and before too long it leads to something else!

    © ITV

    Leyla offloads to Jai

    The producers have teased that Megan's revenge will be one to watch out for when she knows the truth!
    "I think Jai definitely needs to be wary of Megan. You can only rub so many people up the wrong way in a soap without getting your comeuppance, and I imagine that will come soon enough for Jai.

    "To be honest with you, I don't actually know what happens yet because I'm not across the advance storylines. I'm just working on what we're filming now, but Jai is fairly ruthless over the coming period and he doesn't have that many redeemable qualities, so I'm sure there will be hell to pay!"

    Is it nice to be involved in the show's big summer promo campaign?

    "Yeah, it's always good when we get a bit of a momentum behind stories and the audience and the media get excited. We've had plenty of trailers and teasers to put out, because it gets people talking about it. I haven't read the scripts yet though, so all I can say is that we're all really excited to see what's coming."

    We keep hearing whispers of death and destruction ahead in the summer...

    "Well, I don't think I'll be speaking out of turn if I say you're pretty much guaranteed death and destruction of some kind at some point!"

    Do the cast get nervous about those sorts of stories, knowing that some characters may have to go?
    "I suppose it can be unsettling if you hear that there are going to be a lot of characters killed off. Some people worry about it more than others! I suppose it's inevitable, though - it's like in any big company when they announce the redundancies!

    "What's fair to say is that in this line of business, it's always an option. Sometimes people can take it personally, but it's just the nature of the beast. That's what happens in soaps and that's what you know when you join a show."

    Do you think what's coming up could top the 2013 siege and flood at The Woolpack?

    "I would always like to think that we can go one better. The aspiration is always to go bigger. I don't think we'd ever admit or concede that we can't do any better than we've done previously, because we're always striving to be better!"

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  7. #25
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    megan or rachel to kill jai

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  9. #26
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    Chris Bisson just said on This Morning that he has signed another contract so unlikely to be victim

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

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  11. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    Chris Bisson just said on This Morning that he has signed another contract so unlikely to be victim

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  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    Chris Bisson just said on This Morning that he has signed another contract so unlikely to be victim
    Could be a bluff and he is leaving

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  15. #29
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    Looks like it has been confirmed according to DS:

    Things are getting very nasty in Emmerdale and Chris Bisson has revealed his character Jai Sharma will be right at the centre of it.

    The actor has assured viewers that he will be sticking around for a while to cause havoc, as he has signed a new contract.

    During an interview on This Morning, he revealed: "He really ramps up the pressure... but he'll get his comeuppance - there'll be justice at some point."

    Host Phillip Schofield said: "The trouble is, when people turn really, really nasty, they generally end up dead!"

    Bisson then hinted that won't be happening anytime soon: "That is a bit worrying actually… But I've just signed a year contract!"

    He added that he enjoys playing a villain and his storyline is set to get very dark: "This is only the beginning of Jai's nastiness, it ramps up a lot from here. It gets darker and darker."

    The actor announced yesterday (June 10) that he is going to be a father for the second time with his partner Rowena Finn.

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  17. #30
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    Jai Sharma's luck finally starts to run out on Emmerdale next week when his latest steamy moment with Leyla Harding is caught on camera.

    The cheating businessman continues his affair in full view of a 'teddycam' that he has planted to spy on Rachel Breckle - a mistake that will surely come back to haunt him when Rachel gets her hands on the incriminating footage and tips off his wife Megan.

    Here, Chris Bisson - who plays Jai - gives his reaction to the latest twist in Jai and Rachel's custody war.

    Why is Jai so determined to get full custody of Archie?
    "I think Jai wants to believe that Rachel is a really bad mother, so he's exaggerating everything that happens in his own mind. It suits his case and his agenda to believe that. Clearly Archie has already ended up with a plaster-cast on because he broke his arm in Rachel's care and Jai was the last one to find out. That has really wound him up because he should have been told as soon as it happened."

    How does Jai react next week when Rachel tells him that Archie has been ill?
    "It's another opportunity for Jai to keep pressing Rachel's buttons. In his own mind, he embellishes the truth again. Jai misinterprets what Rachel says, so he decides that Archie is on death's door and she's not doing anything about it!

    "He tries to make himself look like the caring dad by getting the doctor to visit the house. He's always trying to strengthen his case and he'll do anything to undermine Rachel."

    Jai also spots a cosy moment between Sam and Tracy at the café. Does he suspect something is going on between them?
    "It certainly looks like a close moment, but again it's just an opportunity for Jai. He drops it into the conversation just before he walks into mediation with Rachel, knowing that it will ruffle her feathers.

    "It seemingly backfires because I think Rachel has started to get a little bit wise to Jai at this point! She takes the initiative and proposes to Sam, making out that she thinks everything is alright.

    "Clearly things aren't alright and Jai knows this. Rachel and Sam are hiding it, but there have been problems between them. Even though he's trying to undermine Rachel, Jai definitely feels isolated and he feels like people aren't telling him the truth. There are a lot of things that have been hidden from him lately."

    It's also fair to say that Jai genuinely loves Archie.
    "Definitely. He wants Archie to live with him and he knows that Rachel and Sam's relationship is unstable - he just can't prove it! They're hiding it, but the audience can see that it's true."

    Why does Jai ask Leyla to spy on Rachel for him?
    "The mediation session doesn't go particularly well and Jai still has his suspicions. He asks Leyla to go and befriend Rachel, suggesting that maybe she could offer her some free wedding advice.

    "Leyla agrees but when she goes round, Rachel and Sam are in the middle of an argument. Leyla relays to Jai that Archie was crying, while Rachel was holding him and apologising. That's a very worrying thing for Jai to hear, given that Archie has already had his arm broken.

    "By that point, Jai is getting very suspicious and uptight about the whole situation and he's worrying about his son."

    How does the secret camera come into play?
    "It's actually Leyla's idea. She comes up with the idea of hiding a camera in a teddy bear. It's a clever idea, because you can't really tell that there's anything in it. Jai plants it to try and get some evidence - it's some eyes and ears inside the house to find out if anything is happening to Archie. Jai knows that unless he can prove it, he doesn't have a case.

    "What Jai suspects is partly true, but it's domestic violence between Rachel and Sam - it's not against Archie."

    Unfortunately, the teddycam soon backfires on Jai!
    "Yes, it's a classic soap storyline and we have to suspend the disbelief that Jai would be stupid enough to leave the teddy bear on when he's cavorting with Leyla! (Laughs.) But he does and he gets caught. People find out about the affair and there are going to be ramifications..."

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