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Thread: Megan Macey

  1. #21
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    Emmerdale businesswoman Megan Macey resorts to blackmail next week as she plots to evict the Spencer family from Brook Cottage.

    Megan's mind goes into overdrive when she starts to see Brook as a dream home for her and son Robbie.

    When Rachel Breckle (Gemma Oaten) finds out what's going on, she is keen to defend her sister Ali and finds herself in a huge row with Megan. However, when Rachel resorts to violence, it seems that she has played into the schemer's hands as Megan threatens to press charges unless she gets the cottage.

    Here, Gaynor Faye - who plays Megan - teases her character's feud with the unruly Spencer clan.

    Why does Megan start trying to get the Spencers out of Brook Cottage?
    "I think Megan has started to see Brook as a potential little cottage which would be a nice place for her and Robbie to live themselves. She wants them to have a lovely cottage to live as mum and son, as she wants them to bond. Megan also doesn't like the Spencers - she has an immediate aversion to them!"

    What sparks the showdown between Megan and Rachel?
    "It starts when Megan goes round to the cottage to do a refit. She's looking into getting a bathroom fitted, along with some other bits and pieces. However, Rachel discovers that this is for Megan herself.

    "Megan really doesn't care whether Rachel knows the truth or not, as it's none of her business. She then decides to bring up Rachel's son Archie being a dirty secret. Rachel just goes for her!

    "Megan doesn't retaliate for two reasons - she doesn't want to stoop to Rachel's level, and she also sees this immediately as a way to get these people out."

    © ITV
    Rachel punches Megan

    What was it like to film the punching scene?
    "It was fine. If you've got a punch scene, my main thing is that I want them to look as real as possible, so I always go for them. Bless Gemma, as she was nervous about doing it but I kept saying, 'Go for it! I'll be going for it when I throw my head back!'

    "In fact, the next day I had severe neckache - I think I'd given myself whiplash by throwing my head back so far! But it's fine, as you don't want scenes to look fake."

    Is Megan serious about her threats to report Rachel for assault?
    "I think Megan has every intention to get Rachel done, but then she realises that she can get something better out of the situation - which is getting the cottage.

    "The threat of phoning the police and getting Rachel banged up for assault is enough for Ali to step in and say, 'What can we do to make this right? I don't want my sister in prison'. Megan uses it to her advantage and says that she wants the cottage."

    Do you think Megan is being a little bit unfair to the Spencers?
    "Well, in the beginning, she literally just tells them to get rid of the dog. That's a simple request, because the dog isn't part of the contract. Megan is well within her rights to do that.

    "Then Sean starts having a go at her and I think Megan gets wound up by the Spencers. Originally it's not her being mean - it's her standing up for herself, but then it turns into something else when they're stubborn and don't back down. I suppose it is a bit nasty when she wants the cottage to herself."

    © ITV
    Megan tells Ali to get rid of the dog

    Will Megan give the cottage a makeover if she gets her hands on it long-term?
    "Well, we'll have to wait and see if she gets her hands on it first!"

    What's it been like working with a dog in your recent scenes?
    "I'm allergic to dogs so it's not great! No, the dog is gorgeous and is only brought in when really needed. It's actually quite a rare breed. I was supposed to complain about the 'skanky dog' in one of my scenes, but I said I didn't think I should say that because it's a rare breed dog!"

    What else is coming up for Megan?
    "Well, she's not just in Home Farm anymore - she's involved all around the village and she's got fingers in lots of pies. I know that her and Declan are working on a project and it turns quite sinister.

    "And who knows where she's going with Robbie? At the moment she's a floater around the village!
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  2. #22
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    I thought Megan had another cottage in Emmerdale or did she leave that and is now living in Home Farm?

  3. #23
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    Gaynor Faye has revealed that she wants her character Megan Macey to find love.

    The actress admitted that she gets her hopes up every time a new man is introduced to the soap.

    Speaking to Inside Soap, she said: "Every time a new man shows up in the village, I wonder if he's for Megan - and I'm always told no! When she first arrived, she had a fling with Carl - but men don't appear to be top of her list right now.

    "It would be nice for her to have a romance at some point. I do wonder if she'll be single forever. Perhaps she's too hard to handle?"

    Despite her alter ego's lack of romance, Faye revealed that she is very fond of her co-stars.

    She said: "We have Home Farm dinners. Me, Sammy Winward, Jason Merrells and Nicola Wheeler get together for them. One of my favourite nights was when we went out for a Japanese meal and ended up in a cellar bar in Leeds. There was a Caribbean band playing and it felt like we were abroad. Those random nights are always the best."

    Faye also added that her 12-year-old son watches Emmerdale and has a particular interest in Chelsea Halfpenny.

    "My son absolutely loves the show. It's strange, because I didn't think it would appeal to a 12-year-old. He says, 'Mum, can we watch Emmerdale?' It's not to do with me being in it, though.

    "He's got a crush on Chelsea Halfpenny, who plays Amy. He's always asking me how she is if he sees her on TV that day."

    Faye recently praised the younger cast in the soap for their 'fantastic' acting.

  4. #24
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    Emmerdale star Gaynor Faye has revealed that her alter ego Megan Macey has her sights set on being queen of Home Farm.

    Megan and her brother Declan (Jason Merrells) will soon be thrown into crisis in the wake of a body being dug up at the glamping site. However, Megan uses the opportunity to get the upper hand on Delcan.

    Faye told Inside Soap: "Megan has her sights set on being queen of Home Farm, as Declan faces losing everything in the wake of the body being dug up at the HomeFields site.

    "It'll be great to see Megan react to Declan being on his uppers - she's always been beneath her brother. There could be a power shift in their relationship.

    "The question is will they build their empire up again, or will they be ruined for good?"

    Emmerdale continues tonight (August 7) at 7pm on ITV.

  5. #25
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    Emmerdale star Gaynor Faye has said that her character Megan Macey is not a real villain.

    Megan and her brother Declan (Jason Merrells) will find themselves in further turmoil tonight (August 21) as the police confirm that the person buried at the festival site was murdered eight months ago.

    However, Faye revealed that the latest drama for the siblings means they have to be on the same side for a change.

    Speaking on Daybreak, the actress said: "At the moment she's being tested because she has to work with her brother as a united front.

    "Usually she's going against him and the undercurrent is that she's going to shaft him in the end. But actually this time she has to work with him.

    "She's not an out-and-out villain. She's basically very cold and calculated and manipulative. I call her 'manipulative Megan', because everything she does is for her. "

    Faye also explained that she would like her alter ego to find romance in the village.

    She said: "Well, I've had a little dalliance. Who knows? Most of my scenes are with Jason at the moment, and he's my brother so there can't really be an interest there. That would be a storyline, but it's not going there I don't think!

    "I'd love to have a lover on the show - it'd be fantastic. It just brings another dimension to the character, I think. But at the moment it's all guns blazing with the Maceys. It's a turbulent time."

    Emmerdale continues tonight at 7pm on ITV.

  6. #26
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    Life at Home Farm takes a dark turn on Emmerdale next week as Declan Macey becomes violent with his sister Megan.

    Declan (Jason Merrells) knows that he is facing financial ruin unless businessman Gil (David Easter) buys up his properties. When the planned deal turns sour, it's Megan who bears the brunt of Declan's fury in a shocking scene…

    Here, Gaynor Faye - who plays Megan - chats about exploring the issue of domestic violence.

    How would you say Megan has coped with Declan's financial difficulties?
    "I think Megan tried to take over the ropes, because obviously Declan's mind is not very stable at the moment with Katie leaving, all the financial problems, the festival and the body. He is just totally losing a sense of purpose, and I think Megan ram-rollered in there and said, 'I'll sort it'.

    "Megan tried to keep Declan upbeat. She's very much been the supportive sister, but also knowing and worrying about her brother's health. She is trying to steer him in the right direction, but he's not very accommodating."

    Would you say Megan copes with stress better than Declan does?
    "I think that's the thing with Megan and that's why she comes across as quite cold. Basically she's ruthless and she'll just steamroller through a problem. She'll always try and solve the problem and she's always thought her brother would do that too - she looks up to Declan.

    "But in this case, I think Declan has just got so much going on in his head that he can't see the wood from the trees. Because Megan is not romantically involved, she's got a clarity of mind, she knows exactly what to do and she is focusing on anything - she wants to turn the propety into a hotel, or do events there. Megan is looking at the bigger picture, really, not just a quick fix. She's trying to stimulate Declan into doing so too, but it's falling on deaf ears."

    How important is it to Megan that Home Farm doesn't go under?
    "Well as we've found out with Megan, she doesn't have anywhere to go. She has no place in London and she's got her son living with her, so for her it's her home too. It's not just Declan's empire, it's part of Megan's empire too now. It's for her brother that she doesn't want it to go under, but also for herself and her son who will be homeless too if Home Farm goes under.

    "Even though it's not her business, Megan would see it as her failing as well as Declan's. Megan wants to be productive and get more and more businesses and things under their belt. She doesn't want to lose them."

    Is there a history of violence between Declan and Megan that we haven't heard about so far?
    "We don't really know much about Declan and Megan's past, and that's something that I'd love to explore. That's great because it leaves it wide open for the writers and the producer Kate [Oates] to develop what happened in their background.

    "We found out, in a small way, what happened to Robbie with his adopted parents. His father was abusive to his mother, so Robbie's been down that path, but we don't know about Declan and Megan's past. However, as far as I know, I can't imagine many people would be able to do something like that to Megan and get away with it."

    How do you feel about Megan being chosen for this storyline?
    "Personally, Megan is not somebody who you would expect to have been abused in any which way, but that is a surface thing. This is the best thing about this - we're going to get to discover more about Megan and actually how she does react to something like this. I think it's in a way that you would never believe somebody as strong-willed as Megan would behave.

    "But that's how domestic violence can show itself, even with women and men who you would never think would stand for that kind of behaviour. To the likes of us, we can't understand it. We all think, 'Why on earth would they stay with that person? You'd run a mile a minute if that happened'. I think it's actually very different - I've spoken to people and it's very different how they are. You always think that they won't do it again or wonder, 'What did I do to make that happen?'

    "Megan very much looks at herself and thinks, 'I must have done something to make him react like that. He's not in the right state of mind'. She makes so many excuses for Declan and this shows how much she loves her brother, and how much she's willing to forgive him for what he does to her."

    Can you tell us about the moment where Declan gets physical?
    "It's fantastic to have this story and to highlight domestic violence within siblings as well. I've looked into it quite a lot and it happens quite frequently, especially when they're younger. I think that we didn't want Declan to just lose it and lash out, because we've invested too much in their relationship. So Megan does get up in Declan's face, because she's passionate about what she wants him to do and that he can't just treat people the way he has done.

    "Megan is trying to help him, but when she gets up in his face, that's when he lashes out. So we wanted to create a scenario where you kind of see it from both points of view, not that there's ever any excuse for domestic violence. We didn't want him to just lash out from nowhere.

    "Then we've got a journey to play for where it will go after that, because some people might go, 'Wow, she was out of order for what she said'. That is me not condoning domestic violence, but it kind of gives you something to play off. There will be two schools of thought on how Megan should have dealt with the situation, and how Declan behaved."

    Did you have a stunt double for this scene?
    "To be honest with you, they brought somebody in and I didn't really understand why, because I've done a lot of my own stunts. I've recently done something and I've got a massive bruise on my bottom, a massive bruise on my arm, and it was kind of a bigger stunt I've done since then!

    "I think they just wanted to be safe because it's quite a dramatic slap and it involves falling onto a table. I pretty much do most of it - she just falls onto the table - so it wasn't needed, but some people might not necessarily want to go though that. I quite understand if somebody doesn't want to be put through that.

    "I trusted Jason enough, and there was a fight person there. There always is for the element of safety - there's always a person there to show you the best way to do it so it looks real."

    How badly is Megan affected by what happens?
    "I think the thing with any sort of domestic violence is that it can only change the relationship. The relationship can never be the same again, because that will always be in the back of your mind, that the other person had lashed out.

    "I think it makes Megan very fearful of Declan. It makes her worry about the state of his mind, what's going on in his head and whether they can actually ever be the same. Can she speak her mind in front of him? I mean, these two are business partners - she has to say what she feels about getting smacked. I think it's irreparable - she is open to them sorting it out, but she'll never forget it."

    Robbie is disgusted by Declan's behaviour and tries to get Katie involved. How does Megan feel about that?
    "The last thing Megan wants is anybody involved. She doesn't want anybody to know. She doesn't even confide in Robbie for a long time, it's only through his persistence and his inability to leave it alone that he finds out.

    "But she certainly doesn't want Katie to know. That would be the worst thing because Katie is at the root of this - that's how Megan feels. Without Katie grassing to the police and without Katie leaving Declan, the problems wouldn't have started. I think that Megan pins a lot of this on Katie."

    Megan is quite determined to stick by Declan. Is that just for business reasons, or is it more than that?
    "Apart from Robbie, who was estranged to her until last year, Declan is her family. That's all she's got. She doesn't have a partner, she doesn't have a mum as her mother's died, and her father's in Ireland.

    "Declan is all Megan has got, really, and I think they have a really strong sibling bond - these two dysfunctional businesspeople who find emotion really hard. They're emotionally crippled in lots of ways.

    "Megan doesn't want to lose Declan in any which way - she doesn't want to lose him mentally, she doesn't want to lose him financially and she doesn't want to lose him as a brother. So I think it's quite a complex relationship they have, but she definitely wants to be there for him through thick and thin."

    Megan even tries to seduce Gil to get him on side, doesn't she?
    "Yes, the main goal with Gil is definitely a means to an end. She wants to get him involved - she wants him to invest in the business or buy the properties. The way she weaves her magic is the way she thinks will attract him to the investment. It's very below the belt for Megan, but I think she's struggling and she's grasping at straws herself. She doesn't know what to do.

    "So Megan has kind of gone for the last resort - low-cut tops, taking appeal to his bad boy behaviour and to try and get somewhere that way. Gil can see straight through her, really. She'll try anything, that's her main function. Where Gil's concerned it's to get him to invest, and when he doesn't I think that's that."

    Gil later asks Megan to work for him. How does she feel about that?
    "Obviously it's after this violence with Declan, and I think this is what really tips Megan over the edge. As much she would never, ever betray her brother by going to work for somebody else, especially while he's in the depths of this depression that he's in, she also realises that she has to get out.

    "She can't stay there, as she's not doing Declan any good being there. Because he's just using her as a whipping boy, he doesn't seem to be taking anything that Megan says with any strength. She's desperately trying to make the business work for all of them, and I think she sees it as a way out. But she doesn't particularly want to go off to London and leave Declan behind."

    If Megan did accept the job, would she still be prepared to mix business with pleasure by flirting with Gil?
    "I think for Megan, Gil hasn't invested in their business. However, there is a job on offer and he's already said he'll pay her more. She's got her get-out, and that's where I think it probably will end, really."

    David Easter is playing the role of Gil. What has he been like to work with?
    "I only realised that David was coming on when I saw the script and it had his name on it. I knew that he'd been on Brookside and Family Affairs, so it was great. Obviously he was very experienced - he knows what he's doing, comes in and knows his lines. It's fantastic to work with somebody who's been there and done it.

    "He played Gil fantastically, very suave and simmering with a glint in his eye. I had some sensitive stuff to do obviously, with going out looking a bit raunchy. So it was great that I could have somebody to play off."

    Will anything else physical happen between Megan and Declan?
    "It is a case of 'wait and see'. Declan is just going down and down and down - it seems like everything he touches is crumbling. There's only one person whom he can take his depression, anger and angst out on - and it's Megan unfortunately. So who knows where it's going to go?

    "It definitely takes some dark twists and turns, and Declan is far from the bottom of where he's going. He's going to hit rock bottom, and we're going to see some horrible twists and turns with Declan and with their relationship…"
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  7. #27
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    Life at Home Farm takes a dark turn on Emmerdale next week as Declan Macey becomes violent with his sister Megan.

    Declan (Jason Merrells) knows that he is facing financial ruin unless businessman Gil (David Easter) buys up his properties. When the planned deal turns sour, it's Megan who bears the brunt of Declan's fury in a shocking scene…

    Here, Gaynor Faye - who plays Megan - chats about exploring the issue of domestic violence.

    How would you say Megan has coped with Declan's financial difficulties?
    "I think Megan tried to take over the ropes, because obviously Declan's mind is not very stable at the moment with Katie leaving, all the financial problems, the festival and the body. He is just totally losing a sense of purpose, and I think Megan ram-rollered in there and said, 'I'll sort it'.

    "Megan tried to keep Declan upbeat. She's very much been the supportive sister, but also knowing and worrying about her brother's health. She is trying to steer him in the right direction, but he's not very accommodating."

    Would you say Megan copes with stress better than Declan does?
    "I think that's the thing with Megan and that's why she comes across as quite cold. Basically she's ruthless and she'll just steamroller through a problem. She'll always try and solve the problem and she's always thought her brother would do that too - she looks up to Declan.

    "But in this case, I think Declan has just got so much going on in his head that he can't see the wood from the trees. Because Megan is not romantically involved, she's got a clarity of mind, she knows exactly what to do and she is focusing on anything - she wants to turn the propety into a hotel, or do events there. Megan is looking at the bigger picture, really, not just a quick fix. She's trying to stimulate Declan into doing so too, but it's falling on deaf ears."

    How important is it to Megan that Home Farm doesn't go under?
    "Well as we've found out with Megan, she doesn't have anywhere to go. She has no place in London and she's got her son living with her, so for her it's her home too. It's not just Declan's empire, it's part of Megan's empire too now. It's for her brother that she doesn't want it to go under, but also for herself and her son who will be homeless too if Home Farm goes under.

    "Even though it's not her business, Megan would see it as her failing as well as Declan's. Megan wants to be productive and get more and more businesses and things under their belt. She doesn't want to lose them."

    Is there a history of violence between Declan and Megan that we haven't heard about so far?
    "We don't really know much about Declan and Megan's past, and that's something that I'd love to explore. That's great because it leaves it wide open for the writers and the producer Kate [Oates] to develop what happened in their background.

    "We found out, in a small way, what happened to Robbie with his adopted parents. His father was abusive to his mother, so Robbie's been down that path, but we don't know about Declan and Megan's past. However, as far as I know, I can't imagine many people would be able to do something like that to Megan and get away with it."

    How do you feel about Megan being chosen for this storyline?
    "Personally, Megan is not somebody who you would expect to have been abused in any which way, but that is a surface thing. This is the best thing about this - we're going to get to discover more about Megan and actually how she does react to something like this. I think it's in a way that you would never believe somebody as strong-willed as Megan would behave.

    "But that's how domestic violence can show itself, even with women and men who you would never think would stand for that kind of behaviour. To the likes of us, we can't understand it. We all think, 'Why on earth would they stay with that person? You'd run a mile a minute if that happened'. I think it's actually very different - I've spoken to people and it's very different how they are. You always think that they won't do it again or wonder, 'What did I do to make that happen?'

    "Megan very much looks at herself and thinks, 'I must have done something to make him react like that. He's not in the right state of mind'. She makes so many excuses for Declan and this shows how much she loves her brother, and how much she's willing to forgive him for what he does to her."

    Can you tell us about the moment where Declan gets physical?
    "It's fantastic to have this story and to highlight domestic violence within siblings as well. I've looked into it quite a lot and it happens quite frequently, especially when they're younger. I think that we didn't want Declan to just lose it and lash out, because we've invested too much in their relationship. So Megan does get up in Declan's face, because she's passionate about what she wants him to do and that he can't just treat people the way he has done.

    "Megan is trying to help him, but when she gets up in his face, that's when he lashes out. So we wanted to create a scenario where you kind of see it from both points of view, not that there's ever any excuse for domestic violence. We didn't want him to just lash out from nowhere.

    "Then we've got a journey to play for where it will go after that, because some people might go, 'Wow, she was out of order for what she said'. That is me not condoning domestic violence, but it kind of gives you something to play off. There will be two schools of thought on how Megan should have dealt with the situation, and how Declan behaved."

    Did you have a stunt double for this scene?
    "To be honest with you, they brought somebody in and I didn't really understand why, because I've done a lot of my own stunts. I've recently done something and I've got a massive bruise on my bottom, a massive bruise on my arm, and it was kind of a bigger stunt I've done since then!

    "I think they just wanted to be safe because it's quite a dramatic slap and it involves falling onto a table. I pretty much do most of it - she just falls onto the table - so it wasn't needed, but some people might not necessarily want to go though that. I quite understand if somebody doesn't want to be put through that.

    "I trusted Jason enough, and there was a fight person there. There always is for the element of safety - there's always a person there to show you the best way to do it so it looks real."

    How badly is Megan affected by what happens?
    "I think the thing with any sort of domestic violence is that it can only change the relationship. The relationship can never be the same again, because that will always be in the back of your mind, that the other person had lashed out.

    "I think it makes Megan very fearful of Declan. It makes her worry about the state of his mind, what's going on in his head and whether they can actually ever be the same. Can she speak her mind in front of him? I mean, these two are business partners - she has to say what she feels about getting smacked. I think it's irreparable - she is open to them sorting it out, but she'll never forget it."

    Robbie is disgusted by Declan's behaviour and tries to get Katie involved. How does Megan feel about that?
    "The last thing Megan wants is anybody involved. She doesn't want anybody to know. She doesn't even confide in Robbie for a long time, it's only through his persistence and his inability to leave it alone that he finds out.

    "But she certainly doesn't want Katie to know. That would be the worst thing because Katie is at the root of this - that's how Megan feels. Without Katie grassing to the police and without Katie leaving Declan, the problems wouldn't have started. I think that Megan pins a lot of this on Katie."

    Megan is quite determined to stick by Declan. Is that just for business reasons, or is it more than that?
    "Apart from Robbie, who was estranged to her until last year, Declan is her family. That's all she's got. She doesn't have a partner, she doesn't have a mum as her mother's died, and her father's in Ireland.

    "Declan is all Megan has got, really, and I think they have a really strong sibling bond - these two dysfunctional businesspeople who find emotion really hard. They're emotionally crippled in lots of ways.

    "Megan doesn't want to lose Declan in any which way - she doesn't want to lose him mentally, she doesn't want to lose him financially and she doesn't want to lose him as a brother. So I think it's quite a complex relationship they have, but she definitely wants to be there for him through thick and thin."

    Megan even tries to seduce Gil to get him on side, doesn't she?
    "Yes, the main goal with Gil is definitely a means to an end. She wants to get him involved - she wants him to invest in the business or buy the properties. The way she weaves her magic is the way she thinks will attract him to the investment. It's very below the belt for Megan, but I think she's struggling and she's grasping at straws herself. She doesn't know what to do.

    "So Megan has kind of gone for the last resort - low-cut tops, taking appeal to his bad boy behaviour and to try and get somewhere that way. Gil can see straight through her, really. She'll try anything, that's her main function. Where Gil's concerned it's to get him to invest, and when he doesn't I think that's that."

    Gil later asks Megan to work for him. How does she feel about that?
    "Obviously it's after this violence with Declan, and I think this is what really tips Megan over the edge. As much she would never, ever betray her brother by going to work for somebody else, especially while he's in the depths of this depression that he's in, she also realises that she has to get out.

    "She can't stay there, as she's not doing Declan any good being there. Because he's just using her as a whipping boy, he doesn't seem to be taking anything that Megan says with any strength. She's desperately trying to make the business work for all of them, and I think she sees it as a way out. But she doesn't particularly want to go off to London and leave Declan behind."

    If Megan did accept the job, would she still be prepared to mix business with pleasure by flirting with Gil?
    "I think for Megan, Gil hasn't invested in their business. However, there is a job on offer and he's already said he'll pay her more. She's got her get-out, and that's where I think it probably will end, really."

    David Easter is playing the role of Gil. What has he been like to work with?
    "I only realised that David was coming on when I saw the script and it had his name on it. I knew that he'd been on Brookside and Family Affairs, so it was great. Obviously he was very experienced - he knows what he's doing, comes in and knows his lines. It's fantastic to work with somebody who's been there and done it.

    "He played Gil fantastically, very suave and simmering with a glint in his eye. I had some sensitive stuff to do obviously, with going out looking a bit raunchy. So it was great that I could have somebody to play off."

    Will anything else physical happen between Megan and Declan?
    "It is a case of 'wait and see'. Declan is just going down and down and down - it seems like everything he touches is crumbling. There's only one person whom he can take his depression, anger and angst out on - and it's Megan unfortunately. So who knows where it's going to go?

    "It definitely takes some dark twists and turns, and Declan is far from the bottom of where he's going. He's going to hit rock bottom, and we're going to see some horrible twists and turns with Declan and with their relationship…"
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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  9. #28
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    Megan does a Charity and tries to flaunt her charms to get Gil to invest. No wonder he sees through it. At least she doesn't sleep with him lol.

  10. #29
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    Emmerdale star Gaynor Faye has revealed that there is romance on the horizon for her character Megan Macey.

    The actress promised a new love interest for Megan and more Macey family dramas as she was interviewed on ITV's Loose

    Megan has experienced a tough few weeks after her near-death experience in the Home Farm fire at Christmas, and she is still blissfully unaware that her brother Declan (Jason Merrells) started the blaze.

    Discussing Megan's future stories, Faye explained: "In her eyes, Declan is a knight in shining armour, so she has absolutely no idea. She never actually blames her brother - it's always everybody around her. It was either Katie or now it's Charity. All of her venom is towards them rather than her 'dear brother'!

    "It's fantastic because Charity and Megan are very headstrong. They're going to lock horns and we'll see a bit of [Dynasty's] Krystle and Alexis coming out hopefully!

    "There's also Home Farm and who owns what, and there might be a little love interest for Megan coming up. Thank goodness for that!"

    How will Megan take the news Charity is not only a business partner but is moving in too?
    © ITV
    Declan, Megan and Charity

    Faye also said that she was pleased with the response to last year's domestic violence story for Megan, which saw Declan turn violent against his sister on more than one occasion.

    She explained: "That was very hard, especially for Jason. He didn't particularly like doing it, but it was great to highlight that somebody who was as strong as Megan could be abused and suffer in silence. She didn't want to tell anyone [but] it got out accidentally.

    "I think she would have continued burying that for the sake of her pride and for the sake of her brother. She didn't want to drop him in it. [The reaction] was so positive and I was so pleased that they'd done such great research on it."

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    Who could her new love interest be? Dom, Jai or one of the Bartons maybe Pete

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