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Thread: Priya Sharma (Fiona Wade)

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    Exclamation Priya Sharma (Fiona Wade)

    Emmerdale's Priya Sharma makes a life-changing decision this fortnight as she resolves to keep her unborn baby.

    Priya is expecting David Metcalfe's child and vows to go ahead with the pregnancy despite her recent split from the shopkeeper.

    Here, Fiona Wade - who plays Priya - reveals why her character wants to be a mum and how David will react when he finds out.

    How is Priya feeling after everything that has happened recently?
    "The siege at The Woolpack was dramatic enough, but with David and Alicia now getting together, Priya's whole world has fallen apart around her. I think she's just devastated by everything."

    How does she feel towards David and Alicia personally?
    "I think Priya's in a very confused, angry state - she's angry at both of them. She still loves David, and this is the problem, but she also has a love/angry/hate thing with him at the moment because she is just so hurt by everything he's done.

    "I think Priya also feels that Alicia literally has stolen her guy. It was the day before the wedding when everything was meant to be perfect, and she's taken her man. So there's a lot of hurt and there's a lot of pain. There's a lot of love there for David still, but equally I think she's just angry and hurt towards them both."

    What is the atmosphere like when Priya and Alicia have to work together at The Woolpack?
    "It's not easy, and I think Priya is literally agreeing to work with Alicia because they both need the job. But other than that, Priya isn't interested. Talking to her, it's very strained. Diane has very much made it clear that they have to get along, or the customers are going to suffer and there's going to be a bad atmosphere.

    "It's very cold and Priya is calling the shots at work. She's got all the control back really, because she's lost everything. So where she can, Priya will keep the control."

    What makes Priya decide not to go through with the termination?
    "I think it's a number of things. It's party because Priya is so confused and so hurt by everything. She's still in love with David, and I think in a way there's a part of him she can still keep in her life really. I actually think it's a control thing again.

    "I'm not sure she's really ready for a baby, but I think she realises that this has happened and it actually has given a bit of her control back. She knows in a way now that she can pull the strings again, and also it's also a way of keeping her and David close."

    Priya keeps quiet over her decision, so is she nervous when Alicia catches her being sick?
    "Yes I think she's very nervous, and also again because she wants to be in control of this. She doesn't really want to tell anyone about it until she's got it straight in her head, because it's a decision she's going to make. I think it's just an awful moment because Alicia is the last person in the world she wants to find out."

    How does David react to the news that Priya might still be pregnant?
    "I think he's happy because he can't have children with Alicia - it's his one chance to have a child. I think he's probably confused because he knows that means him and Priya again - their life can't just go separate ways. You know they're going to be joined forever if they have this child. I think he really wants it, and I think he's very excited by that, so he definitely wants her to keep the baby."

    Will David be torn, as he also needs to consider how Alicia will feel about that?
    "Very torn, yes, because he's in the middle again. It almost seems that he should be clear-cut - he's now with Alicia, and then Priya gets on with her life, but this baby could add another dimension."

    Is Priya happy when David says that he wants the baby?
    "Yes, I think she is. When Priya can see that he really wants the child and he's kind of excited about it, I think she feels that maybe she can do something that Alicia can't. Even before, when Priya was going out with David, Alicia always gave David something that Priya couldn't because of Jacob.

    "Now I think the tables have turned a bit and Priya realises that this is something he's going to really want. Because she's still in love with him, she's sort of holding on to that."

    So Priya hopes this could bring them back together?
    "Yeah, I think so. I think Priya, deep down, has still got a very broken heart and she's confused by everything. But she's hopeful because this is David's child and no-one else has given him that. There's a big hope there with Priya that she might be able to have him back in that way because of the baby."

    How does Priya feel about the fact that Alicia can't give David any children?
    "It's all about the upper hand and control, but Priya has never thrown that in Alicia's face before. I think definitely now it's something that she feels she can give him and Alicia can't, and so that makes her feel better."

    What kind of response have you seen from viewers over the story?
    "It's quite funny because the day Alicia and David got together, I think Twitter went a little bit mad and everyone was just really happy. But this is a soap and there's always twists and turns in everything. This is definitely going to add another little twist and a new dimension to their relationship and Priya's relationship with David. People have also been very lovely about Priya - there's always Team Priya out there, so that's really nice."

    Do you feel sorry for Priya?
    "I absolutely feel sorry for her. I'm a girl - we've all been through heartbreak and I don't think I'd wish that on anyone. Priya really loves David and she really wanted this marriage with him. He's also her best friend and she doesn't really have many other people. He's really been her rock.

    "I think Priya literally has just lost everything and I really feel for her. I love her character and I think she's very vulnerable as well."

    Would Priya make a good mum?
    "Yes and no. We saw the way Priya was with her little niece, Nikhil's daughter Molly. She can be very protective and she has that. She's also a good person. I don't know whether she's ready, though. I think she's still young and she doesn't quite know what she's letting herself in for. I think she'd be a good mum, but I don't think she'll find it easy."

    David loses his temper with Priya.
    © ITV
    Priya and David

    What did you think when you first heard that Priya would end up pregnant?
    "I knew obviously what was going to happen with the David, Alicia, Priya thing. I just thought it was a wonderful twist and a lovely story thread for my character. The writers are so brilliant at that. One sort of story happens and then they've just brought in something else that's added a whole other layer to what was already there.

    "So it's just been wonderful and it's great to play a different side of Priya. For the last year and a half I've played so many different facets of this character and I feel really thankful for that. It's great because I'm challenged, and this will be a whole new thing, whatever happens. I'm really looking forward to it."

    How does Priya deal with all of the Jai and Rishi dramas next week?
    "When Rishi suffers his heart attack, the thought that she might lose her dad is just the worst thing Priya can ever imagine. After losing David, it's just too much. Her hormones are all over the place, so it's really a tough time for Priya. She's very scared, very lonely and very vulnerable."

    Does Priya feel upset when the truth comes out about baby Archie?
    "She's very upset with Jai. She just feels that all of the responsibility is on him, and at that point her dad has had a heart attack, so she doesn't blame him at all. Also, when Priya found out before that Rishi was supposedly Archie's father, she really went to town on her dad. Her and Nikhil really hated him and were so angry with him. She's obviously guilty for all of that, and she really blames Jai."

    How do you feel about Emmerdale being named 'Best Soap' at the Inside Soap Awards last month?
    "It's just such a wonderful thing. We're so happy and so proud. To finally get that recognition that I think the show really deserves, it was just the best feeling. I'm so, so proud of this show and being in it. It's just a wonderful place to work.

    "We're loving it at the moment. The show's in a fantastic place and we're all manically busy. There's such great stories coming out. It's just been a fantastic year for the show, and it just couldn't have happened at a better time."

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    Emmerdale's Priya Sharma considers cutting David Metcalfe out of their unborn child's life next week after he rejects her once again.

    Priya is hopeful of winning back David when they attend their first baby scan together, but when she makes a move on him, he breaks the news that he's marrying Alicia Harding at Christmas…

    Here, Fiona Wade - who plays Priya - reveals how her character reacts to the bombshell.

    How does Priya feel when she sees her baby on the scan for the first time with David there?
    "Priya is really excited. I think at this point, she feels the control is slightly back in her corner. She's still in love with David and deep down she thinks that, as she's having his baby, it's something Alicia can't give him. Priya does seem a little bit confident that this could sway him a little bit. Also it's very nice because they go to the scan together. I'm not so sure Priya is excited about the baby - I think she's more concentrated on her and David actually."

    What makes Priya try to kiss David?
    "It's just that she gets herself back into that state where she just thinks 'my goodness' - this is exactly how she wanted it to be. David is the man she loves, she's having his baby, and he's totally engrossed in looking at the baby scan. I think she just gets things mixed up and hopes he's going to realise that it's her that he loves, not Alicia."

    David actually rejects Priya and drops the bombshell that he's marrying Alicia at Christmas. How does Priya react?
    "I think it's hugely devastating for Priya. When she's at the scan, she's probably the most confident she's been in a few weeks since the break-up. However, then this news about them getting married absolutely crushes her and I think it really is the start of her real pain actually - it's just the worst thing she could have ever imagined.

    "It's not just the rejection, it's just all so soon - one minutes she's supposed to be marrying David and the next he's broken the news that he's getting married. It's probably the worst thing she could ever have imagined."

    Afterwards, does Priya want to cut David out of their baby's life?
    "I think again it's a control thing. For Priya at the moment, the baby is really the only thing she's got to have in terms of control. She's going to use that against David, as she knows he wants the baby. David wants both Alicia and the baby, but Priya says that he can't have both and she will use that against him. It's not because she's being cruel, I think it's just because she has got nothing else to hurt him with."

    Bernice also ends up announcing David's engagement at the pub, doesn't she?
    "Yes, Priya walks into The Woolpack and she just hears Bernice announce it massively to the whole pub. Everyone is looking at Alicia's engagement ring and it just crushes Priya. It's a real vulnerable moment for her. As it's not anything manipulative, I think the viewers will genuinely see her hurt, her pain and just how alone she actually is. She's carrying David's child, she's in love with him and he's there happily getting married to Alicia - it's just absolutely crushing her right now."

    What happens when Jacob learns that Priya is pregnant?
    "Jacob reacts badly because he just suddenly thinks, 'Well you're going to want David back'. He just suddenly turns on Priya. She'd wanted to keep the pregnancy quiet, as she doesn't really know what she's doing in her head with everything. Everything in Priya's world is crashing and falling down around her, so she really doesn't have anyone at the moment."

    So how does Priya feel when the news of her pregnancy spreads around the village?
    "I think she's embarrassed, because Betty overhears and it kind of goes from there, really! When news reaches Betty, I think the whole village knows! Priya had probably just wanted to keep a bit quiet for a while so she could keep her head up high, as it just feels like everything is against her."

    Dom tells Priya that he knew about the engagement before her. Does Priya get upset that she's one of the last to know?
    "Yeah she does. It's gutting to hear that someone you love is getting married, but the fact that everyone else knows and also that he's been planning it for weeks makes it even worse. Priya was still in her head going, 'Oh maybe he's going to change his mind, he's going to come to the scan and it's going to be fine'. Priya is just devastated."

    Do you think Priya can ever accept David's new relationship?
    "I don't know - this is soapland so it's never going to be uncomplicated. I think now it's hard because David isn't ever going to be just out of Priya's life now - he's part of her life and she's having his baby. There are a lot of decisions that Priya is going to have to come up with, but I just know that there's a lot of twists and turns. Everything is not going to be smooth running and I think for Alicia and David now everything has changed."

    Is Priya feeling a maternal pull yet?
    "I think a bit later on we'll see that she definitely cares. She's got a big heart and she knows what it is to be part of a family - she loves her little nieces in the show and she loves her family so she understands, but she's still a young girl that's had her heart broken and been left like this. I'm not sure whether she's really got her head round it yet."

    Will Priya continue to use the baby to punish David?
    "Well the thing with Priya is that you never know what she's going to do. If she has to, for her survival and for her to keep her dignity, I think she'll do whatever she can. It's never spiteful - it's coming from a place where she's trying to keep her sanity, defend herself and keep something for herself, which is control. She's definitely not going to let people take that away from her, and I think her baby is the one thing she has. I think she'll do whatever she can."

    Now that David is engaged, does Priya have any regrets about deciding to keep the baby?
    "I don't think so - I think she still knows that keeping the baby was the right thing to do. I know a lot of the decision was because of David, but she's still a young woman who knows her mind and I think if she didn't want it, she wouldn't have had it. I don't think she regrets it or anything, it's just a scary time for her."

    Do you think there's anyone else in the village Priya could ever date?
    "I'm not sure - I think at the moment she's just got a lot on her plate, but there's some other people there and there's always the Barton boys. I know she has a bit of a flirtation with one of them - I think it's going to be Pete, so you never know down the line. But it's going to have to take a guy who's really going to woo Priya and prove his feelings for her after everything she's been through.

    "I can't think of anything worse than being jilted two days before your wedding, it's just awful. It's just that all the cards are against Priya right now, so we'll see. I hope she does find a love or a nice guy soon."

    We've heard that you're now wearing a baby bump for the scenes you're filming. Is it annoying to wear?
    "No, not at all! It's actually very tiny and very sweet and doesn't really show yet. Because I'm quite small they had to keep cutting it down. They had to keep making it smaller, because I'm really small! It doesn't really look like much at the moment."

    Has the story made you broody?
    "Not really no, because of the context of it. I wouldn't want to be in Priya's position - I don't think anyone would ever wish to be. As a girl, I think we're all broody - I love all the little babies that come in, that work on the show. I always stop and make sure I have a cuddle with them. I want a child of my own one day. I've got lots of cousins, but I can wait for that for a while."
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  4. #3
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    Emmerdale's Priya Sharma considers cutting David Metcalfe out of their unborn child's life next week after he rejects her once again.

    Priya is hopeful of winning back David when they attend their first baby scan together, but when she makes a move on him, he breaks the news that he's marrying Alicia Harding at Christmas…

    Here, Fiona Wade - who plays Priya - reveals how her character reacts to the bombshell.

    How does Priya feel when she sees her baby on the scan for the first time with David there?
    "Priya is really excited. I think at this point, she feels the control is slightly back in her corner. She's still in love with David and deep down she thinks that, as she's having his baby, it's something Alicia can't give him. Priya does seem a little bit confident that this could sway him a little bit. Also it's very nice because they go to the scan together. I'm not so sure Priya is excited about the baby - I think she's more concentrated on her and David actually."

    What makes Priya try to kiss David?
    "It's just that she gets herself back into that state where she just thinks 'my goodness' - this is exactly how she wanted it to be. David is the man she loves, she's having his baby, and he's totally engrossed in looking at the baby scan. I think she just gets things mixed up and hopes he's going to realise that it's her that he loves, not Alicia."

    David actually rejects Priya and drops the bombshell that he's marrying Alicia at Christmas. How does Priya react?
    "I think it's hugely devastating for Priya. When she's at the scan, she's probably the most confident she's been in a few weeks since the break-up. However, then this news about them getting married absolutely crushes her and I think it really is the start of her real pain actually - it's just the worst thing she could have ever imagined.

    "It's not just the rejection, it's just all so soon - one minutes she's supposed to be marrying David and the next he's broken the news that he's getting married. It's probably the worst thing she could ever have imagined."

    Afterwards, does Priya want to cut David out of their baby's life?
    "I think again it's a control thing. For Priya at the moment, the baby is really the only thing she's got to have in terms of control. She's going to use that against David, as she knows he wants the baby. David wants both Alicia and the baby, but Priya says that he can't have both and she will use that against him. It's not because she's being cruel, I think it's just because she has got nothing else to hurt him with."

    Bernice also ends up announcing David's engagement at the pub, doesn't she?
    "Yes, Priya walks into The Woolpack and she just hears Bernice announce it massively to the whole pub. Everyone is looking at Alicia's engagement ring and it just crushes Priya. It's a real vulnerable moment for her. As it's not anything manipulative, I think the viewers will genuinely see her hurt, her pain and just how alone she actually is. She's carrying David's child, she's in love with him and he's there happily getting married to Alicia - it's just absolutely crushing her right now."

    What happens when Jacob learns that Priya is pregnant?
    "Jacob reacts badly because he just suddenly thinks, 'Well you're going to want David back'. He just suddenly turns on Priya. She'd wanted to keep the pregnancy quiet, as she doesn't really know what she's doing in her head with everything. Everything in Priya's world is crashing and falling down around her, so she really doesn't have anyone at the moment."

    So how does Priya feel when the news of her pregnancy spreads around the village?
    "I think she's embarrassed, because Betty overhears and it kind of goes from there, really! When news reaches Betty, I think the whole village knows! Priya had probably just wanted to keep a bit quiet for a while so she could keep her head up high, as it just feels like everything is against her."

    Dom tells Priya that he knew about the engagement before her. Does Priya get upset that she's one of the last to know?
    "Yeah she does. It's gutting to hear that someone you love is getting married, but the fact that everyone else knows and also that he's been planning it for weeks makes it even worse. Priya was still in her head going, 'Oh maybe he's going to change his mind, he's going to come to the scan and it's going to be fine'. Priya is just devastated."

    Do you think Priya can ever accept David's new relationship?
    "I don't know - this is soapland so it's never going to be uncomplicated. I think now it's hard because David isn't ever going to be just out of Priya's life now - he's part of her life and she's having his baby. There are a lot of decisions that Priya is going to have to come up with, but I just know that there's a lot of twists and turns. Everything is not going to be smooth running and I think for Alicia and David now everything has changed."

    Is Priya feeling a maternal pull yet?
    "I think a bit later on we'll see that she definitely cares. She's got a big heart and she knows what it is to be part of a family - she loves her little nieces in the show and she loves her family so she understands, but she's still a young girl that's had her heart broken and been left like this. I'm not sure whether she's really got her head round it yet."

    Will Priya continue to use the baby to punish David?
    "Well the thing with Priya is that you never know what she's going to do. If she has to, for her survival and for her to keep her dignity, I think she'll do whatever she can. It's never spiteful - it's coming from a place where she's trying to keep her sanity, defend herself and keep something for herself, which is control. She's definitely not going to let people take that away from her, and I think her baby is the one thing she has. I think she'll do whatever she can."

    Now that David is engaged, does Priya have any regrets about deciding to keep the baby?
    "I don't think so - I think she still knows that keeping the baby was the right thing to do. I know a lot of the decision was because of David, but she's still a young woman who knows her mind and I think if she didn't want it, she wouldn't have had it. I don't think she regrets it or anything, it's just a scary time for her."

    Do you think there's anyone else in the village Priya could ever date?
    "I'm not sure - I think at the moment she's just got a lot on her plate, but there's some other people there and there's always the Barton boys. I know she has a bit of a flirtation with one of them - I think it's going to be Pete, so you never know down the line. But it's going to have to take a guy who's really going to woo Priya and prove his feelings for her after everything she's been through.

    "I can't think of anything worse than being jilted two days before your wedding, it's just awful. It's just that all the cards are against Priya right now, so we'll see. I hope she does find a love or a nice guy soon."

    We've heard that you're now wearing a baby bump for the scenes you're filming. Is it annoying to wear?
    "No, not at all! It's actually very tiny and very sweet and doesn't really show yet. Because I'm quite small they had to keep cutting it down. They had to keep making it smaller, because I'm really small! It doesn't really look like much at the moment."

    Has the story made you broody?
    "Not really no, because of the context of it. I wouldn't want to be in Priya's position - I don't think anyone would ever wish to be. As a girl, I think we're all broody - I love all the little babies that come in, that work on the show. I always stop and make sure I have a cuddle with them. I want a child of my own one day. I've got lots of cousins, but I can wait for that for a while."
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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  6. #4
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    so she is anorexic and pregnant is that a first for any show?

  7. #5
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    how far along pregnant is she? she has no bump hardly

  8. #6
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    She told David she is pregnant middle of October ... she should be around 5 months now

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    She told David she is pregnant middle of October ... she should be around 5 months now
    She isn't eating the baby wont survive and isn't growing she looks too small

  10. #8
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    Last edited by tammyy2j; 06-02-2014 at 13:56.

  11. #9
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    Emmerdale star Fiona Wade has said that there will be a long journey ahead for her character Priya Sharma.

    Viewers have seen pregnant Priya battle with an eating disorder in recent weeks and in tonight's episode of the soap she will be rushed to hospital after suffering from stomach cramps.

    Despite being told the baby is fine, Priya is forced to face up to her issues as her new friend Leyla Harding confronts her over her behaviour.

    Speaking on Lorraine today (February 7), Wade said: "I think in last night's episode and tonight's episode as well you kind of see certain things happening to Priya and think, 'Is it going to be a bit of a wake-up call for her?' It is something she has been burying for a little while I think.

    "It is definitely a long journey for Priya. It is a serious issue as well so it is not something that is taken likely. Even though she might see that she has a problem, it is really getting through that and who she confides in and who she is going to let help her really."

    Wade also revealed that she has done an extensive amount of research on eating disorders in order to tackle the storyline properly.

    She said: "I have been talking to an eating disorder psychiatrist consultant. I am constantly emailing him and ringing him every time a script comes through. It is an illness and it's serious. It isn't something you can just take lightly and I really wanted to do this properly.

    "I know so many people who can relate to this storyline so hopefully I am doing it justice in that way and the writing has been brilliant. It is just getting those little details and understanding really what is going on in somebody's mind when they are going through something like that.

    "It's really amazing. I feel so lucky and thankful that they are writing for me so well. I had a great storyline last year with the love triangle and everything and this has just been a great follow-through really after that.

    "It's great as an actress to get your teeth into something and I love being able to do that research and work hard on something, so it's been really challenging. "

    Emmerdale airs tonight at 7pm on ITV.

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    maidmarian (08-02-2014)

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    New mum Priya Sharma shocks her father Rishi on Emmerdale next week as she decides that she wants an arranged marriage.

    Priya comes up with the idea after realising that it's finally time to move on from her ex-fiancée David Metcalfe by finding a new man who will look after her and baby Amba.

    Here, Fiona Wade - who plays Priya - reveals how her character comes up with the unexpected plan.

    What is the atmosphere like when Priya finally brings baby Amba home next week?
    "Priya's family are incredibly excited. They arrive home and David is there waiting for them. A couple of days before this, Val has spoken to Priya and reminded her that David isn't going to be with her anymore - putting her in her place a little bit. Because of that, Priya is feeling slightly deflated."

    How are things going with Amba?
    "Priya bonded with Amba straight away. She had a lot of worry while she was pregnant and she was scared that she had to do it all on her own, but actually she has bonded with the baby. Priya does find it difficult and a bit isolating at first, as she doesn't have a partner there to support her - but things are definitely going well."

    Does the situation bring Priya and David closer?
    "It definitely bonds them because they have this beautiful baby together, but it's also sad as it highlights what could have been for the three of them. They're definitely close, and at the end of the day, they both want the baby to be the priority."

    Is David being as supportive as Priya hoped he'd be?
    "Yes, David is very excited as it's probably his only chance of having a baby. David is happy that he and Priya are in a place where he can see the baby whenever he wants, so it's all quite amicable at the moment."

    Is Priya aware that Alicia feels left out?
    "No, I don't think Priya is aware of that at all. She has so much going on in her own head because of the eating disorder and everything she's been through recently. All Priya is thinking is that it's lovely to have David's support and for them all to be together. Priya isn't purposely trying to leave Alicia out - she just isn't aware of how Alicia is feeling."

    Next week, Priya makes sure David misses Jacob's sports day by putting his phone on silent when he falls asleep with the baby. Why does she do that?
    "It's just a moment. Up until then, Priya isn't very aware of how much she loves David being around. She's very vulnerable, she's on her own with this baby and she still has feelings for David. He's been so good with the child and it's everything she wished for.

    "When Priya does switch David's phone onto silent, it's a moment where she's thinking that they have a lovely family dynamic and she wishes she had it for a bit longer. It's not malicious as such - it's just a bad decision that she makes in that moment."

    What are Priya's feelings for David now?
    "I think she'll always love him. Priya probably isn't aware that she still loves him, but when it's brought to her attention a bit more by people like Val giving her home truths, she very much clicks out of her fantasising mode.

    "Priya realises that she's not in love with David anymore - it's just that she liked what he was portraying in that family situation. Priya will always have feelings for David but she doesn't want to get back with him, because she's grown stronger from what happened between them."

    What happens when Alicia finally confronts Priya over her recent behaviour?
    "They have a bit of a face-off together and some harsh words are exchanged. Alicia is fighting for her guy and Priya is genuinely horrified that Alicia thinks she's trying to steal him from her. But Priya is a strong girl and she's also going to fight back, so they clash a little bit because of that.

    "Alicia just says it how it is and says, 'If you don't back off, we'll move away'. That really shakes Priya up."

    Where does Priya's idea of an arranged marriage come from?
    "Priya basically decides that she really needs to get over David now. She doesn't want to rely on him for everything. It's very typical Priya - she's very headstrong and she makes an impulsive decision on what she needs to do.

    "Priya decides that she needs to get over David by finding someone of her own. As she doesn't have time to go on loads of different dates, Priya decides that she wants an arranged marriage and her father Rishi will be great at setting her up with someone. She sees it as the quickest and best way to find a family guy who's going to look after her and Amba."

    Rishi isn't keen and suggests that Priya should just find a nanny instead! How does she react to that?
    "Priya thinks that's absolutely absurd and she's angry at Rishi. She always feels that her family don't really listen to her and they don't understand what it is that she wants. It just makes her very angry and she says that she doesn't want a nanny!"

    Why does Priya feel that a husband will be a good solution?
    "I think Priya is a traditional girl at heart. She has her wilder ways, but she's from a traditional family and she wants that for herself. Priya thinks the only way she's going to get that is if she has an arranged marriage with someone who wants the same things."

    Has Priya given up on love?
    "Priya is a romantic deep down, but I think there's part of her that thinks love will come second now - she just needs this guy to absolutely adore her and Amba! But deep down, Priya will need love and she won't be able to cope without love. It is really important to her, but she's in a situation where she wants it to happen very quickly."

    Is Priya making a mistake?
    "It is a soap so you never know what's going to happen! I would love to see Priya happy, but I think there's always going to be a drama around her and nothing is going to be smooth sailing. Anything can happen, so it's all very exciting - you'll have to wait and see what happens!"
    Last edited by tammyy2j; 03-06-2014 at 00:13.

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