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Thread: Dennis Savage (Joe Tracini)

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    Dennis Savage (Joe Tracini)

    Hollyoaks bosses have cast Joe Pasquale's son Joe Tracini as a new member of the Savage family, Digital Spy can confirm.

    The 23-year-old is about to begin filming with the Channel 4 soap in the role of Denis Savage, a new regular character.

    Tracini revealed the news on his Twitter page, explaining that he starts work at the show's base in Liverpool next week and will also be added into the Hollyoaks title sequence.

    Meanwhile, a Hollyoaks spokesperson confirmed Tracini's casting to Digital Spy today but said that it was too early to reveal any details about the character of Denis.

    However, a show source promised that Tracini has "great comic timing".

    Hollyoaks unveiled the first member of the Savage family last December, when actress and singer-songwriter Abi Phillips took on the role of Theresa McQueen's best friend Liberty.

    Earlier this year, meanwhile, viewers were introduced to Liberty's brothers Dodger and Will, played by Danny Mac and James Atherton, as well as her dad Dirk (David Kennedy).

    Tracini has previously portrayed the roles of Darren "DK" Karrimore in BBC Three comedy Coming of Age and Spike Bannon in Boomerang's My Spy Family.

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    This is what he looks like
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    What Happened to Dad Savage

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    Another brother for Liberty

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    'Hollyoaks' newcomer Joe Tracini talks Dennis Savage role: DS Interview

    Hollyoaks adds another member to the Savage clan next week as Dodger, Will and Liberty's cousin Dennis turns up in the village.

    Dennis's sudden appearance comes as a surprise to his relatives, but it quickly becomes clear that he's keen to stick around in the area after being kicked out by his mum.

    Confident and eccentric, Dennis soon takes a shine to bunny boiler Leanne Holiday - which makes things awkward when he moves in with her and Texas!

    Dennis is played by Joe Tracini, best known for his previous roles as Darren 'DK' Karrimore in Coming of Age and Spike Bannon in My Spy Family. Here, Joe chats to Digital Spy about joining Hollyoaks and the part of Dennis.

    You've been filming at Hollyoaks for a couple of months now. How's it all going?
    "I love it up here. I didn't really know what to expect, as I've never really come into an existing cast before. With everything that I've done over the past seven years, I've joined at the start of the show and then seen it through to the end. So especially as Hollyoaks is so successful, I didn't know how they'd take to a new person and whether I'd be sitting in the corner on my own, not speaking to anyone!

    "But they've been very lovely. I'm quite far away from home up here, but everyone's been really kind to me, they've taken me in and they've shown me how it works up here. I absolutely love working here - I really, really do."

    How did the role come about?
    "Hollyoaks phoned earlier in the year around March, asking me to come in to meet them and have a chat. We looked through the parts they had coming up and there wasn't anything there for me, but then they wrote Dennis for me. Apparently it's the first time they've ever done that, which is nice of them! It's really lovely.

    "What's great is that they've put me in with the Savage family - with Dodger and Will. I think I fit in quite well with them. Not visually - I don't look like I come from the same gene pool as Danny Mac! But I get on with them really well."

    Had you ever watched the show before joining?
    "I had on and off. I've had various friends come into the show in the past few years. One of my best friends, Amy Yamazaki, was in it for two years - I started watching it a lot more when she came into the show. I know the show has really picked up and gone into another league recently - the viewing figures have been going up and up, and for good reason. The cast is so strong at the moment."

    What kind of a character is Dennis?
    "Well, he's certainly got an overinflated opinion of himself! He thinks that he's definitely as good looking as Dodger for a start, which is not true at all! He also loves crosswords and he works in a phone shop. He's relatively intelligent, but even though he's 23, he's lived with his mum for his whole life and he's never really grown up. I don't think he's had many friends to be honest, and I can see why!

    "Dennis has a real tendency to make situations very awkward as well. He does have good intentions, but things often seem to go wrong when he's around."

    Is Dennis just planning to pay a quick visit initially, or does he know from the start that he's there to stay?
    "When he turns up, nobody knows that he's coming and he doesn't seem to have any intentions of leaving anytime soon. Basically, his mum's chucked him out because she's a bit sick of having him around the house, so he decides to go up and see the family. I don't think he's got a particular plan for how long he's going to stay, but he definitely knows he's not just staying for a couple of days.

    "Dodger, in particular, is not very happy about that - so he shifts him off and makes sure that Dennis moves in with some other people as quickly as possible, especially as there's hardly any room in the caravan. Dodger shifts him out of the way as soon as he possibly can."

    What does Will think about Dennis?
    "Well, I think everybody's got that goofy little cousin who you can put up with at Christmas, but that's about it! It's fine when you're 6, but now that you're adults, you don't really want to talk to them! Dennis and Will haven't really got anything in common. Dennis can be quite taxing, too - he's grating after a short period of time. Well, that's the nice way of putting it!"

    Does Liberty like him?
    "Liberty loves him. Liberty tends to just go through life and accept things, so she's a big fan of Dennis's, which is nice. But Dennis is very unaware that he grates on anyone. He thinks that he's just being himself and having a nice time, when actually he's doing everyone's head in!"

    Will Dennis be bringing a lot of light relief to the show?
    "Oh yeah, completely. They've definitely not brought me in to start murdering people or anything like that! So I've been trying to be as vaguely humorous as possible. But what's quite nice - especially as they wrote the character with me in mind - is that it feels quite real and it's not slapstick. There's actually quite a lot of heart to him, and I've been getting as much serious stuff as I have humorous stuff. There's been a really nice balance."

    Dennis is confident but does he actually have any success with the ladies in the village?
    "I don't think he's the best at picking them! He's one of those people who will stay single until someone shows that they're interested and then he'll go for it. He ends up aiming his interest towards Leanne, but it doesn't go particularly well. But he doesn't give up! Dennis moves in with Leanne and Texas and it becomes very uncomfortable for all of them because he's so fixated on Leanne."

    Has it been easy to settle into a new city for the role?
    "I've lived in London for the past seven or eight years, but one of the things that I was most excited about was coming up here, as I've never spent any time in Liverpool before. I love it up here."

    This is the first time that you've done a soap. Has it felt quite different from your previous work?
    "Definitely. I've only really done sitcoms for the past six years. With sitcoms, even if you're doing a six-episode single camera shoot, you'll always get at least a week's rehearsal time. So the main change has been to not have that at all.

    "It's a whole new way of working, but that's really exciting as an actor - especially when they're trying to give me funny stuff. It's a tight timeframe to make it funny which can be difficult, but it's fun and it's exciting. To be honest, I'm just lucky that they pay me for this. I'm waiting for the day where they wake up and realise I'd do this for free!"

    Who are your best friends on set?
    "I really get on well with everyone. Me, Danny and James [Atherton] hang about a lot. All of the new Freshers who have come in are all brilliant as well - I really get on with them. What's great is that even though there are so many different ages here, everybody gets on well with everybody else. We're like a little team up here, which is not what I was expecting to happen at all. I'm really pleased about it and I'm looking forward to staying for a while longer!"
    Last edited by Perdita; 11-11-2011 at 06:37.

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    Hollyoaks star Joe Tracini has revealed that his character's unrequited love storyline will come to a head later this year.

    The actor's alter ego Dennis Savage has been harbouring feelings for flatmate Leanne Holiday (Jessica Forrest) for some time, but has never yet succeeded in winning her over.

    However, Tracini told Inside Soap that Leanne will eventually realise just how much Dennis cares for her.

    He commented: "Dennis and I have a lot in common - he puts his all into any relationship and doesn't take it lightly. He wants to make Leanne happy and will do anything to achieve that.

    "She just thinks he's having a laugh, but in the coming months, Leanne realises that he isn't mucking about - and it's up to her what happens between them."

    Tracini also discussed the on-screen dynamic of the Savage clan, who are expected to have bigger storylines over the summer.

    He said: "I absolutely love being a part of the Savage family. What's nice about it is that we're all on the same wavelength and have a proper laugh.

    "We genuinely spend time together outside of work, too. All of us just enjoy each other's company and hopefully that's reflected on screen too."

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    Hollyoaks joker Dennis Savage finally gets a chance to prove himself to his family next week as they battle to raise funds for a new place to live.

    While Will's idea is to throw an Enchanted Forest-themed music festival in the village to come up with the cash, it's Dennis who is left to save the day as he heads to Liverpool to track down singer-songwriter Maverick Sabre as a headline act.

    Fans will see the story begin in an E4 special titled 'Chasing Rainbows' next Thursday (June 7), before Maverick Sabre pops up on the main 6.30pm show to perform at the Savage Party the following evening.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Joe Tracini, who plays Dennis, to hear about the storyline and his character's future.

    What was it like to film these special episodes with Maverick Sabre?
    "It was really nice and Maverick Sabre was a lovely bloke - he was very friendly and really up for getting involved. I can imagine that a lot of people would come up for this, want to do the music and that's it. But he was really up for having a laugh as well.

    "You'll see that he's in next Friday's (June 8) episode for his performance at the music event, but he's also in the E4 special on the Thursday. We had a really good time filming the episodes and he was so much fun to work with - a really personable bloke."

    The whole story centres around a dispute between Dodger and Will over how to raise some cash. Does Dennis take a side?
    "Dennis is a little bit split - he gets involved in both camps, especially because he's a character who just wants to be loved anyway! He normally rests with Dodger most of the time, but in this case he tries to keep involved with both of them, just so he doesn't upset anybody."

    When Dennis takes control of the situation by finding a headliner for the event, is he trying to prove himself to the Savages?
    "He is! Over the next few episodes, you'll see that Dennis feels like he's really not a part of the family. So when he gets a chance to prove himself, he takes it and runs with it. He doesn't know exactly what he's going to do, but he tries his best because he doesn't feel particularly accepted."

    What can you tell us about the E4 special 'Chasing Rainbows', where Dennis sets off to find Maverick Sabre?
    "The episode only goes out once - it airs on Thursday (June 7) instead of the first-look, and it doesn't go out on Channel 4. We shot it all on different cameras, there's an original script and it's a complete entity of its own.

    "We shot it all on-location in Liverpool in various different clubs and streets. It was really, really good fun - we had a great week doing it and I'm really looking forward to seeing it for myself. I think it's one of my favourite things that I've done since I've got here."

    How does the attempt to track down Maverick Sabre go?
    "Dennis, Leanne, Scott and Barney all go on the trip, and you'll see that there's quite a lot of tension between Scott and Barney - they're doing each other's crackers in quite a lot! There's a bit of tension between Dennis and Leanne, too.

    "It's a tense half-hour, really - lots goes on! But by the end, it's really, really nice. It was a lovely script to work with."

    How do they convince Maverick Sabre to come to Hollyoaks?
    "Well, first of all they have to find him! Dennis says at the start of the episode that he knows Maverick Sabre, and at no point do you find out whether he actually does or not! The whole time, nobody's particularly sure whether he's just winding them up.

    "They need to find out where Maverick Sabre's going to be, and then do their best to get him to come and play at the gig."

    It sounds like you had the most scenes with Maverick, so were the rest of the cast envious?!
    "Well, I have to admit, Calvin who plays Scott had a lot more in common with Maverick Sabre than me! They were chatting about music and I didn't have a clue what they were on about, so I think Maverick probably would have preferred to spend a bit more time with Calvin, to be honest!

    "But what was great about Maverick was that there's a lot of sitting around waiting in this job, and he wasn't one of those people who buggers off with his people and sits in a room on his own. He stayed on set and we just had a really nice couple of days. He relaxed into the whole thing, rather than just concentrating on his performance - which incidentally, was brilliant."

    On a separate note, Leanne recently told Dennis that she has no feelings for him. Was that the end for their storyline?
    "Well, Dennis put an extreme amount of effort into that for quite a while, and I don't think that's the end of it. His feelings aren't going to go away completely and he's still going to give it a bash. But maybe just not as full-on as he's done in the past! I don't think he's going to give up completely."

    As you've had some more serious scenes recently, have you enjoyed exploring Dennis's hidden depths?
    "I really have. Dennis acts like an idiot a lot, but I don't think you can ever laugh at someone if you don't like them, and you can't like them if they're not real. When I first came here to Hollyoaks, I wanted Dennis to be as real as possible and not a caricature - I think that's really important in a show like this.

    "I genuinely really like the fact that they've given us the chance to do more serious stuff, and I've got more of that coming up. It's nice to have a balance and it's nice to have a challenge."

    You've also got the dynamic at the flat with Dennis's housemates…
    "I love that, especially with all the stuff they've got going on at the moment too. They're great to work with, particularly PJ [Brennan] who plays Doug. I always say to Peej that it's like working with a 'proper actor' when I work with him. PJ really thinks about it and he's got his process, whereas I'm just there and seeing what happens - I don't know what's going on! I absolutely love working with him and I think he's brilliant."

    Do you think the Savages are becoming a bigger force in the show now?
    "I think so. Performance-wise, I think Danny [Mac] and James [Atherton] are both bloody brilliant, and I think the dynamic of the family is quite a real one. It's quite a believable group of people and a relatable one at that.

    "It's lovely that they're pushing the family a lot more and they've got a lot more coming up - they've got some really exciting stuff on the way. It's nice to have the chance to play that and make it as real as possible."

    In real life, you're housemates with Emmett Scanlan (Brendan Brady). What's he like to live with?
    "Intolerable! (Laughs) I stand by Emmett being certainly one of the best actors I've ever worked with - I'm sure that'll take a lot of beating in the rest of my career. As a person, he is a wonderful human being, but he is genuinely intolerable to live with - that's the only word I'll use for it!

    "He meditates a lot, but normally when people meditate they come out of it and they're feeling quite relaxed, but he gets angry! He's like the Incredible Hulk - he's always angry!"

    Is it true that there's some Dennis and Brendan scenes coming up?
    "Yeah, we had an episode the other week where we had a couple of scenes - it wasn't too much, but it was a little bit. We enjoyed that immensely.

    "It took us quite a long time to film it, because Emmett calls me 'Funny Little Face Man', and all he has to do is look at my face and he starts uncontrollably laughing! It can go on for anything from ten seconds to five minutes, so that was pretty taxing! Those scenes will be coming up soon, but I'm sure it'll just be a reflection of our real-life relationship, which is me talking and him making me terrified!"

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    Hollyoaks' Savage family are back with a bang later this week as they have finally found somewhere to stay.

    Viewers recently saw the clan bid a sad farewell to the village after the money raised from Will's music festival was stolen, putting them back to square one as they were homeless and broke.

    However, the Savages make a surprise return in the coming days as they begin living on a houseboat right outside the newly-refurbished Dog In the Pond!

    Jack and Darren Osborne are furious over their antics, but is there anything they can do about it?

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    Dennis is back the 21st of June, he wont be back happy his beloved Leanne is in jail

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    he went off to work on the oil rigs to help buy a house for will, forgot about him

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