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Thread: Adam Barton (Adam Thomas)

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    Adam Barton (Adam Thomas)

    Former Waterloo Road actor Adam Thomas joins the ranks of Emmerdale next week as Adam Barton, the middle child of the show's new farming dynasty. Adam moves into the Sugdens' farmhouse alongside his father John (James Thornton), mother Moira (Natalie J. Robb) and siblings Holly (Sophie Powles) and Hannah (Grace Cassidy). Here, we chat to Adam about his first few weeks of filming, what to expect from his character and whether he's ever auditioned for a part alongside his brother Ryan in Coronation Street.

    How did your role come about?
    "I'd just finished Waterloo Road and then I did Doctors quite soon after that. The Emmerdale part was the first audition I'd had in a couple of months. I turned up, did a screen test and luckily, a few days later, I got the call to say that I'd got the part! I'm really over the moon."

    How was the character pitched to you?
    "I only had one scene to read from in the audition, so it was difficult. They briefly filled me in on the character but I didn't really know much about him."

    Now you've started filming, what have you learned about him?
    "I've only just started, so I don't really know that much and there's not really that much going on for him at the moment - the whole family's just bedding in. Adam's a family man, though. He wants to follow in his dad's footsteps and wants to take over the family business. He looks up to his dad a lot on the farm. He's not a farm boy - he's more business-minded. He's a wannabe entrepreneur."

    What's his relationship like with his family?
    "Adam's dad is his best friend and he looks up to him so much. Whatever his dad says, he does. The whole family is really close. Even with his sisters, he's the middle child but he wants to be the older brother and look after them all."

    Where have the family come from? Where have they been prior to Emmerdale? Do they have a dark past?
    "I'm not too sure really. I think you'll have to wait to find that one out."

    How's the family dynamic coming along?
    "We're a big happy family and we've only been filming for a few weeks. We all go to lunch together at Nando's and we're all staying in the hotel learning our lines together. With James [Thornton] and Natalie [J. Robb], it's like having a mum and dad away from home. We all just clicked on set."

    Have you worked with any of them before?
    "I worked with Natalie on Waterloo Road, so I briefly met her while filming that. It was a nice surprise finding out that she was going to be playing my mum."

    How do the Bartons arrive in the village?
    "Our first scene is in the Sugdens' farmhouse and Andy walks in and sees us all moving in! He's not quite sure what's going on."

    The Bartons are being billed as the show's new farming dynasty. They must be quite big boots to fill?
    "Yeah, there's a fair amount of pressure. Whenever I say to anyone that I'm part of the new farming family in Emmerdale and that I'm moving into the Sudgens', they're quite shocked!"

    Is Adam a ladies' man? Does he have a girlfriend when he arrives?
    "Not when he arrives, but I'm hoping he gets one sooner or later! Right now, he's a single man."

    Who do you think he'd go for in the village?
    "I don't know - there are quite a few good looking girls aren't there? Maybe he'll hook up with Debbie Dingle, you never know…"

    Who does Adam forge male relationships with?
    "I think he starts making friends with Aaron Livesy. There's talk that they start bonding and get on well with each other, but apparently something happens with their friendship and it takes a twist."

    Have you had any funny moments on set since you've started filming?
    "Well we've just had a piglet on set squealing about!"

    Were you asked back for another series of Waterloo Road?
    "No, that was it. My character Donte finally had a child with Chlo and moved onto university. They couldn't stay at school any longer, so the characters had to move on. There was nothing else for Donte to do!"

    You must get confused with your brothers? You look identical!
    "I know, tell me about it. Apparently my twin brother doesn't look anything like me. I look more like our Ryan. Everything thinks me and Ryan are twins, but it's the other way around."

    Were you ever asked to appear in Coronation Street alongside your brother Ryan?
    "The amount of times people have said that to me! You know, I've never had an audition for Corrie. It'd have been hilarious, though."

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  3. #2
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    Im looking forward to him joining with the family. I really liked him in Waterloo Road.

  4. #3
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    I am really looking forward to seeing him aswell.

    He was great to watch in Waterloo Road.

    Him and Aaron get on, thats a bit weird bet you Adam makes a move on Vic and thats what causes them to stop being mates.

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    Cool Adam Thomas (Adam Barton) Emmerdale Interview

    Adam Barton makes a risky decision in Emmerdale next week as he finally succumbs to Ella Hart's advances, having a passionate encounter with her at Home Farm after she seduces him in a sexy new dress. Although Adam is initially reluctant to get involved with his girlfriend's mother, he finds himself unable to resist Ella's charms and sleeps with her, marking the beginning of an affair storyline for the pair. While Ella is feeling bored following weeks of Declan taking her for granted, Adam feels that he's living out his ultimate fantasy - but will he end up regretting his fling? Adam Thomas, who plays the young farmer, recently chatted about his new plotline.

    What was your initial reaction when you heard about the Adam and Ella storyline?
    "I first heard about it a few months back, but I was really excited about it when I was told. Until now I've not really had a little storyline for myself, so I was really looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into it. I've been really enjoying myself during the filming and it's just been non-stop. I'm over the moon to be given the opportunity to do a storyline like this."

    Why does Adam decide to go ahead with the affair?
    "It's a number of reasons, really. Ella is feeling neglected and Adam is feeling sorry for her because she's always getting the cold shoulder from Declan. Also, Adam is a young lad and it's every boy's dream to have an older woman coming onto them. He's just going with the flow I suppose, but at the same time, he also has a lot to think about because he's going out with Ella's daughter."

    What would you say Ella's motivations are?
    "I think she just wants the attention, really! She wants attention from Declan, but because he's not giving it to her, she decides that she can get it from Adam instead."

    Could the feelings between them become more serious, or will it just stay as a bit of fun?
    "Well, it does start off as a bit of fun, but as time goes on, Adam's not so sure. He does like Ella and he likes the idea of being with a mature woman - talking to Ella is a big difference from what he's used to when he's having talks with Mia. So Adam is having fun, but later on we'll see events take a turn and it starts to get a little bit out of hand."

    Was it slightly nerve-wracking when you heard that you'd be filming romantic scenes with an older woman?
    "Yeah, it was a bit at first, but you just get on with it - it's your job at the end of the day. When you first read the scripts, you think, 'Oh, it could be a bit awkward, that!', but once we get on set we all have a laugh about it and get on with it."

    Until recently, most of Adam's scenes were with the Bartons, so have you been glad to see him broaden his horizons a bit by sharing lots of screen time with the Maceys?
    "Yeah, it's really good to work with the Maceys. I do love working with the Barton family - they're all great and we all have a laugh, but it was really nice to get out and do something different. You don't always get to work with everyone else in the cast, but here I've been given the chance to get to know Jason Merrells, Corrinne Wicks and Sapphire Elia - that's been really good and I've enjoyed it."

    Does the affair with Ella mean that Adam's feelings for Mia have become less strong?
    "No, he does love her - I think he just doesn't know what's going on as it's all happened so fast and he hasn't really had time to think about it. As time goes on, though, it'll all get a bit too much, everything will get on top of him and he'll have to decide which one he wants. But until then, like I say, he's just a young kid and he's living out every boy's fantasy."

    As Declan has been quite good to Adam by giving him a job at Home Farm, do you think Adam's slightly foolish for putting it all at risk?
    "I think he is, but again, he's not really thinking about it too much. He does consider it, but he's not thinking about it as much as he should do. But there does come a point in the storyline where it all starts to hit home - there's so much at stake with John trying to buy the farm from Declan, as well as Declan being Adam's boss. Adam is playing on really rough territory - his family could lose their business and their home because of this. He'll have to take all of that into consideration and it does all start to come into perspective as time goes on."

    So do you think Adam might live to regret this affair?
    "Definitely! He'll start to wonder how he got himself into this mess and he'll probably want to turn back time and not have gone there. It does go too far and he'll have to face the consequences…"

    As Adam has been replaced at Butlers by Alex Moss, could we see a rivalry develop between the two characters?
    "I hope so - I really do hope so! I really like working with Kurtis Stacey who plays Alex, he's just joined the show and he's a top lad - he's one of the boys now. Hopefully the writers will see that possibility and we can have a lot to do together, but we'll just have to wait and see. I'd definitely like Adam to have a lot more to do with Alex."

    After the Wyldes vs. Lambs storyline last year, do you think the Bartons vs. the Maceys could be the next big Emmerdale war?
    "Possibly yeah, it could go down that route! The way things are going, it's all going to kick off, so we could definitely see something like that."

    As you're so close to your screen family in real life, is it difficult to film the scenes where you're at each other's throats?
    "It can be - I remember doing some scenes where John had to shout at Adam, and it felt a bit weird as I've never seen James Thornton shout at me like that before! It was a bit strange! But we are all professionals and we just get on with it - we always have fun with our scenes and we enjoy it."

    Are you glad that Grace Cassidy, who plays Hannah, is also getting some bigger storylines now?
    "Yeah, definitely - I love Grace to bits. I love all the Bartons to bits, but it's just really nice for everyone to have their own little storylines. Last year Sophie had Holly's drugs storyline which involved James and everyone else, so it's great to see everyone getting their own stories. You just have to wait your turn, really - there's so many people in the cast, so you just have to hold on and hopefully you'll get a little bite. But I'm really excited for Grace and I hope everything goes well for her."

    Do you ever miss Adam's relationship with Scarlett?
    "Yeah, Kelsey who plays Scarlett is a top girl and I loved working with her. It was a good little relationship that Adam and Scarlett had and it was a shame that it had to come to an end, but that's just what it's like in the soap world - Adam has moved on and now he's with Mia! I love the relationship with Mia too and it's all going well - I'm enjoying it and I'm having fun."

    Have you had any discussions with Emmerdale's new boss Stuart Blackburn yet?
    "I've not really had much chance to speak to him yet - it's a massive role to take on, so I don't want to pester him too much! But I'm sure he'll do wonders for the show and I'm sure that Gavin would be happy that he took on the lead. I think he's going to do brilliantly."

    Is there anyone at Emmerdale who you'd love to work with more?
    "Me and Danny Miller used to work together all the time, but we've not really had much to do together in the past few months. Danny's one of my best mates so I love working with him, and recently we have started working together again, so that's great. There's loads of other cast members that I'd love to work with - everyone's fantastic."

    Finally, it's not long until this year's British Soap Awards - why do you think our readers should be voting for Emmerdale?
    "Because it's just come on leaps and bounds - it keeps getting better and better and better. Everyone is putting 110% into the work, and it shows. It shows in the ratings as well - they just keep going up and up, so Emmerdale is definitely worth a vote!"

    (C) DS
    Last edited by alan45; 03-05-2011 at 00:19.

  6. #5
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    Emmerdale star Adam Thomas has revealed that there are bigger storylines on the way for his character Adam Barton in the New Year.

    The actor, who has been playing the role since 2009, said that he is looking forward to being challenged by the material ahead.

    Adam's main plotline in 2011 saw him cheat on girlfriend Mia Macey (Sapphire Elia) with her mother Ella (Corrinne Wicks), sparking fury from Home Farm businessman Declan (Jason Merrells).

    Asked whether Adam has any more romance ahead, Thomas told Take It Easy: "Not at the moment, no. I think he's had his fair share, to be honest. His main priority is looking after his family and helping his dad out on the farm.

    "After his affair with Ella, I think he's grown up a bit and learnt a big lesson and because Moira's gone, he's having to be the man about the house and fill some boots."

    Discussing his hopes for 2012's storylines, the 24-year-old replied: "I would love some nice fit bird to come on the scene! I'd also like to get my teeth into something. There are big things coming up in Emmerdale in the New Year for Adam. So I'm looking forward to that."

    Emmerdale fans will see more changes for the Bartons in 2012 as James Thornton, who plays family patriarch John, is leaving the soap.

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    Emmerdale star Adam Thomas has revealed he is on a mission to get a nomination for a Sexiest Male award.
    The 24-year-old actor - who plays troubled teen Adam Barton in the soap - told Inside Soap magazine he is planning to get a buff body so he can rival his co-stars for the title of sexiest male.
    Adam said: "I keep promising to hit the gym, because all the other lads always get voted for in the Sexiest Male awards - and I don't get a look-in!
    "If there was a 'cute' category I might stand a chance, but I've never got the sexy vote!"
    Adam is happily dating real life girlfriend Caroline, but on-screen Adam Barton has been left single after his fling with cougar Ella Hart ruined his relationship with Mia Macey.
    Adam said: "I hope there's some love soon. But snogging my character is the kiss of death!
    "I've had two on-screen girlfriends - Kelsey-Beth Crossley, who played Scarlett, and Sapphire Elia, who played Mia, and they've both gone.
    "His mind isn't on women now, but hopefully Adam will get a girl in the future, I like screen kisses!"

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    Emmerdale's Adam Barton feels pushed out of his own home next week after Cain Dingle moves in on a permanent basis.

    Adam still can't accept the fact that his mum Moira (Natalie J Robb) is dating Cain, so he tries to split them up by convincing Natalie - one of the farm's suppliers - to seduce the bad boy.

    When Adam's efforts at setting a honeytrap backfire, things turn violent and he realises that he'll have to move out if Cain (Jeff Hordley) doesn't…

    Here, Adam Thomas - who plays Adam - reveals all the gossip on his latest storyline.

    Has Adam tried to come to terms with Moira and Cain's relationship?
    "No, he doesn't want to! He's well against it and doesn't want to let Cain into the family. Adam is basically just out to get Cain and ruin their relationship. He's not going to make it easy, even though he doesn't want to put stress onto his mum. Adam just can't let this relationship happen."

    Doesn't Adam want Moira to be happy?
    "Of course he wants her to be happy, just like any other son would, but this is completely beyond the line. Adam thinks that Moira is in the wrong - of all the people in the village, why has she had to pick Cain?

    "Adam knows that Cain is a bad man, and he still hasn't forgiven him for the affair that happened when his dad was still alive. Adam fears that Cain is only doing this to get back at him, so that's why there's a lot of hatred still there for Cain."

    Has Cain made an effort with Adam?
    "He's not gone out of his way to! Cain is just out for Moira, he's not really bothered about Adam."

    Why does Adam decide to set Cain up with Natalie?
    "It all starts when Moira decides to go away for the weekend. It's pretty awkward, as she's only just moved Cain in and now she's going away! Adam is not happy about it as he wants Cain to stay away, but that never seems to happen.

    "While Moira is away, Natalie comes to the farm and she's very pretty. She comes over and Adam notices a little bit of flirtation between her and Cain. Adam takes this opportunity and wants to play a little game. He wants to make sure that Cain gets off with Natalie, so he places a little wager with Natalie to make sure that it happens. She's up for fun herself as she's a very flirtatious woman. She also wants to earn a little bit of money in the meantime thanks to Adam's bet!"

    What happens next?
    "Adam sets up a party at the farm. Cain is not happy that a big house party is going on, but Adam manipulates the situation by telling him to keep an eye on the place. That gives Adam the chance to put Natalie near him."

    Unfortunately Cain realises what Adam is up to and things turn slightly violent! What were those scenes like to film?
    "It was brilliant filming these scenes. It's great working with Jeff as he's one of the top dogs in the show. You always learn a lot from him because he's just on the ball 24/7. I look up to him in many ways. It's brilliant to have dramatic scenes like this.

    "You'll see that Cain pushes Adam against the wall, because he's clocked on to what's happened. Adam has definitely been caught out…"

    Adam also finds out about Moira's miscarriage during these rows with Cain, doesn't he?
    "He does, and it really shakes him because he didn't know anything about it. Moira and Cain both kept it a secret, so now it all gets blown out of proportion because Zak lets the information slip and Adam wants to know why he wasn't told. Adam then picks another fight with Cain, and then Moira returns!

    "At this point, Adam has got a black eye because Cain has hit him. Adam thinks that because he has this black eye, his mum will turn against Cain - but it doesn't work out like that. Moira actually sides with Cain, so Adam's just had enough at that point. He doesn't want to live with either of them now, and he hates the farm! As Moira won't see sense, there's nothing else for Adam to do apart from leave."

    Has Adam made the right decision?
    "He's got no other option! It's a tough situation, because he has been through a lot. He misses his dad, he doesn't live with his sisters and only has his mum left. Adam is a mummy's boy and he wants to look after his mum."

    As a viewer, do you think Moira and Cain make a good couple?
    "Yeah, I do! I think they're perfect together as they're both feisty characters. Jeff and Natalie are amazing actors and their chemistry on-screen is fantastic."

    On a separate note, how are things going between Adam and Victoria?
    "Things are going really well, but there's some stuff coming up where things get a bit more rocky. I've also been filming some stunts recently, so there's exciting stuff to come for Adam!"

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  10. #8
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    any word on who the older lady he starts an affair with is?

    after ella, adam is another tool who didn't learn his lesson

  11. #9
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    any word on who the older lady he starts an affair with is?

    after ella, adam is another tool who didn't learn his lesson

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizann View Post
    any word on who the older lady he starts an affair with is?

    after ella, adam is another tool who didn't learn his lesson
    Haven't heard anything definite but I think it might be Megan?

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