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Thread: Vanessa Woodfield

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    What is the deal with her, is she after Paddy or Rhona?
    must be rhona

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    What is the deal with her, is she after Paddy or Rhona?
    must be rhona

  3. #13
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    It's been a hell of a year for actress Michelle Hardwick, finally landing her dream role in Emmerdale after two decades of auditions.

    The proud Yorkshire lass signed up to play vet Vanessa Woodfield in her favourite soap six months ago, and since then she has become a huge hit with the fans.

    This week saw her acting her socks off in a drugs storyline – when Vanessa discovered just how far pal and painkiller addict Rhona Goskirk was prepared to go.

    And as if that was not enough, in real life Michelle is also head over heels in love with girlfriend, Rosie Nicholl.

    As she explains, after years of never talking publicly about her sexuality, she now wants the world to know about their “blissful” relationship.

    Smiling nervously, Michelle, who spent nine years playing receptionist Lizzie Hopkirk in ITV drama, The Royal, says: “Life is good – and my life with Rosie is a big part of that, it really is bliss.

    "I’ve not spoken about it sooner because it never seemed like the right time.

    “When I was in The Royal the majority of our audience were older and I would have been nervous of revealing too much.

    “But since joining Emmerdale I’ve been getting asked about my personal life and when people want to know ‘do you have a boyfriend?’ it’s tricky.

    “I don’t want to hide anything. I’ve never actually been able to talk about ‘my girlfriend’ or ‘partner’ – this person that means everything to me, and it feels good to be able to finally do it.”

    Laughing, she adds: “I do tweet, so people can see me and Rosie on there but they probably think we’re mates who share a house.

    "People say, ‘I’d never have guessed you were gay’ because they expect you to look a certain way and I don’t fit their stereotype.”

    The couple met 18 months ago, when Michelle was doing panto and Rosie, 28, a music teacher, was performing in the band.

    Both had other partners so they spent a year as friends before getting together.

    Michelle Hardwick and girlfriend Rosie Nicholl

    Michelle, 36, says: “We just hit it off. Now we live together, I’ve never been happier.

    SHE had never really watched a soap before she met me, but now Rosie watches Emmerdale all the time and she will even help me with my lines.

    “Neither of us are into clubbing, I did all that in my younger days, so if we do go out we like to be at home and in bed for midnight – we’re a right pair of Cinderellas.

    “Further down the line I’m sure a civil partnership would be something we’d consider. I don’t know about children – I’m knocking on a bit, but never say never.”

    While she has only just come out to her fans, Michelle spoke to her family about her sexuality in her 20s.

    She reveals: “I was late coming out to my family – I was 29. I spoke to my dad and I was scared how he’d react but he was phenomenal.

    “He said ‘I love you, you are amazing and I’m proud of you’, then, like a typical Yorkshireman, he said, ‘leave it with me, I’ll tell the rest of the family’.

    “My grandma, Lilian is 89 and she’s fine too, she’s my best friend. The only thing my family were upset about is I hadn’t felt I could come out sooner. I just didn’t want to hurt them.

    “I had told friends because there are times when we all need someone to talk to. I was 18 and at college when I met a woman and thought ‘this feels right’ but I had boyfriends at school, like everyone else.

    “I did have Kylie and Jason posters on my wall and maybe I was looking at Kylie a bit too, but I honestly thought I was going to marry Jason Donovan growing up.

    “As a teenager, it was hard as I had to keep things secret and it shouldn’t be that way. Hopefully things are different now.

    “It’s important to be open, I’m very happy with my life.”

    Michelle’s Emmerdale role is a dream come true. An avid viewer – she was in the fan club from 11 – she tried out for several roles over the years.
    She studied Performing Arts at Park Lane College in Leeds before attending Scala Performing Arts in the city.

    She says: “The first time I auditioned I was still at college, I was 18. It seemed like every few years I’d be up for something but it never quite happened so when the producer offered me the role of Vanessa I couldn’t believe it.

    "Even though I’ve done lots of other stuff, including being two people in Corrie, I was terrified on my first day. I was doing my first scene in The Woolpack!

    “I love the character, Vanessa is fun. We’re different though, I’m more of a city girl.”

    And Michelle is delighted Vanessa is a hit with viewers. She says: “I get loads of fan mail.

    "I’ve just had one guy saying he wants to take Vanessa out for a seafood dinner.

    “But I’m not a sex symbol, that’s ridiculous. In The Royal I never got recognised, whereas now people do know it’s me.

    "I love it – I feel very proud. I have just done my first proper red carpet, at the British Soap Awards. I absolutely loved getting dressed up.

    “It was amazing, having someone to do your hair and make-up.”

    This week viewers will be seeing more of Vanessa as best pal Rhona’s addiction to painkillers ramps up a gear – and the pair fall out.

    Michelle, who lives in Leeds, says: “Rhona keeps asking about this parcel so Vanessa gets suspicious and intercepts it.

    “When she does it’s full of tablets bought online. All Rhona’s talk of getting off the drugs has been lies so they have a massive row.

    "That’s what addicts do, they lie and they don’t care who they hurt. I heard that first-hand when I spoke to a guy who had been through this kind of *addiction.

    “He had a bad back and was prescribed some strong painkillers but he got hooked within three weeks.

    "By the end he was taking about 80 a day. He was very lucky not to have killed himself. But he lost everything, his partner, his job. It’s very sad.

    “Rhona is the same – she’ll do anything to get what she wants and she isn’t thinking about the consequences.

    “Vanessa is at the end of her tether and things get a lot more complicated between her and Rhona as things get worse.

    “Because it’s painkillers she thinks she can handle it herself and help Rhona. She wouldn’t be like that if it was heroin, but as this story shows, painkillers can be just as serious.

    “Addicts get in this safe bubble but when the *withdrawal starts, that’s when they need more.

    "It can be hard to watch but it is a fantastic story. I’m so proud to be part of it. It’s one of the reasons I wake up smiling every day.”

    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

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    Emmerdale star Michelle Hardwick has predicted that there will be a "backlash" against her character Vanessa Woodfield if she causes trouble between Rhona Goskirk and Paddy Kirk.

    A new storyline on the ITV soap sees Vanessa start to become confused about her feelings for Rhona (Zoe Henry), realising that they could be going beyond friendship.

    Rhona initially remains oblivious to how Vanessa is feeling as she is too distracted by her painkiller addiction to notice.

    Hardwick told Inside Soap: "Their relationship has become so intense while Vanessa's been harbouring Rhona's secret, and she's 100% committed to helping her.

    "Vanessa's feelings are developing at quite a pace, but they're new to her. She's not a lesbian and she doesn't think she's a lesbian. She's fighting her feelings and really doesn't want to admit them."

    She continued: "I really don't know if there's any possibility of an actual relationship between Rhona and Vanessa. At the moment, I don't think Vanessa can see past the fact that Rhona is ill. I'm not sure whether she can envisage them being a couple - all she wants right now is for Rhona to get her life back on track.

    "If Vanessa did come between Paddy and Rhona, though, I know there'd be a backlash! Paddy is one of the most popular characters in soapland, so I'd get a terrible time of it from the viewers, particularly since Vanessa is a relatively new character. I'm getting my armour ready just in case!"

    Hardwick recently spoke about her own sexuality for the first time, confirming that she is in a happy relationship with girlfriend Rosie Nicholl.

  5. #15
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    Emmerdale star Michelle Hardwick has revealed that her character Vanessa Woodfield's judgement is being clouded by her feelings for best friend Rhona Gosirk.

    Viewers of the ITV soap will have noticed Vanessa start to become confused about her feelings for Rhona (Zoe Henry), realising that they could be going beyond friendship.

    Despite trying to support Rhona through her drug addiction, the pair come to blows next week after Rhona fails to collect Leo from nursery as she was meeting her new pills dealer.

    Hardwick told Inside Soap: "Rhona claims she got held up in traffic, and when Vanessa claims to believe her, it's clear her feelings for Rhona are clouding her judgement.

    "Even Marlon and Paddy aren't sure if she is telling the truth and if Vanessa wasn't falling in love with Rhona, she would be a lot more ruthless.

    "There have been times before when Vanessa has felt that she should just tell Paddy everything, but now she is too terrified of losing Rhona, so she wants to believe her. It's all very confusing for Vanessa."

    When Paddy realises his wife is shivering, he assumes she is unwell and so offers to fetch her something from the chemist. Unsurprisingly, Rhona agrees but tells him not to mention it to Vanessa or Pearl. However, Vanessa then spots Paddy in the cafe armed with tablets.

    Vanessa rails into Rhona for her behaviour.
    © ITV
    Vanessa rails into Rhona for her behaviour.

    Hardwick said: "That gets Vanessa's heckles up, particularly when Paddy admits that Rhona asked him not to say anything.

    "Vanessa offers to drop them off on his behalf so she can confront Rhona about it, and once she gets over there, they end up having a massive heart to heart. A lot of emotional stuff comes out in the wash.

    "Vanessa's very angry but also very confused. This whole situation is becoming a much bigger deal than she ever thought it would and with everything spiraling out of control, there really is no going back for her."

  6. #16
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    Emmerdale actress Michelle Hardwick is currently taking centre stage in one of soapland's most compelling stories, as her character Vanessa Woodfield has fallen for best friend Rhona Goskirk.

    With Rhona (Zoe Henry) still at rock bottom due to her painkiller addiction, Vanessa's feelings have become confused after spending so much time worrying about her.

    In real life, Michelle is up for the 'Best Newcomer' prize at this year's Inside Soap Awards, which take place in October.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Michelle to hear her reaction to the nomination and what's ahead for Vanessa.

    How do you feel about being in the running for an Inside Soap Award?
    "I couldn't believe it when I found out! It's lovely and such an honour to be up, especially being in there with Laura Norton, who does a fantastic job of playing Kerry in Emmerdale. There's a lot of other tough competition out there, too. I've only been on screen for about eight months, so it's absolutely lovely to get some recognition."

    How do you rate your chances?
    "I haven't thought about it at all yet! Obviously it's just the longlist that's been revealed at the moment and then the shortlist will be revealed further on down the line, so I haven't thought that far ahead at all. But it is nice to rally round friends, family and people on Twitter if they do want to vote for me. My grandma said that she'd go out and buy a magazine for the voting form, as she hasn't got a computer!"

    You must be pleased to see Zoe Henry up for the 'Best Actress' award too…
    "I'm more than pleased! I think I've been voting for her more than anyone else. The painkiller addiction plot is also up for 'Best Storyline'. It would be absolutely fantastic and so deserved for Zoe to win this, without a shadow of a doubt. I'm so proud of the work that she's been doing and it'd be brilliant if she won."

    It's been a big few weeks for Emmerdale and it really seems to be standing out among the other soaps at the moment. Do you think it's in with a good chance at the awards?
    "Absolutely. Since the live episode, Emmerdale has just gone from strength to strength. In the past few years, the show has really been growing and you can see that with the viewing figures. A lot of programmes dip during the summer months because a lot of people are away on holiday, but we've had some big episodes with Gennie and the car crash. There's also so much hype with Cameron at the moment. I think people are addicted to the show and it's fantastic to be part of it."

    Your character was a real mystery for a long time!
    "I know, it was a bit of a mystery to me for quite a while, too! Obviously you come into the show as a new character and you have some basic knowledge of the background and what may happen in the next few months. Now a lot more is being revealed about Vanessa.

    "One thing I keep saying to people is that Vanessa isn't gay. She's just fallen in love with her best friend because she's trying to help her, and her feelings have become very confused. Vanessa is now infatuated with Rhona and she just needs to be near her. Apart from work, Vanessa has had no other focus in the past few months."

    How are the fans reacting now that Vanessa's feelings have been revealed?
    "I've been pleasantly surprised by the reaction. I must admit that I was waiting for a bit of a backlash against Vanessa, as Paddy is such a well-loved character. But a lot of people out there actually seem quite up for Vanessa and Rhona getting together! I don't really know about that, but I'm pleased that they've not been too horrible with me!

    "Also, now that Vanessa's feelings are becoming clearer, the viewers seem to be understanding her more and the journey that she's going on. They can see why she's reached this stage."

    Are you glad that she isn't being portrayed as a villain?
    "I am, because it's not like she's just entered the village and set out to destroy Rhona and Paddy's marriage. We have to remember that it was only a few months ago that Vanessa was actually helping Paddy and Rhona when they were having problems. It's not Vanessa who's destroyed the marriage, as Rhona has done that herself with the painkillers."

    Have you had much feedback over the addiction storyline?
    "There's been a lot of feedback, yes. Zoe has probably received more than me, but we all did our research for it, both individually and as a group. I've had people come up to me in the street saying they can really identify with the storyline.

    "It's such an eye-opener to hear about people's experiences with painkiller addictions, because it's something that I really didn't have any idea about before this. It's unbelievable how many people's lives that it affects. Because of that, it's been really important to do it justice and not rush the storyline."

    It's been suggested that Rhona will stoop to new lows to get her fix in the near future. Will the viewers be shocked by what's coming up?
    "I think they will, yes! As we've seen, addicts will stoop to any levels and will do anything to get their next fix, so there's a lot of manipulation that starts to come from Rhona now. Poor Vanessa will be on the end of that, so there's quite a bit more of that to come."

    When Paddy finds out the truth about the addiction, do you think he would blame Vanessa or would they unite for Rhona's sake?
    "It will definitely go one way or the other! I think possibly because of their history, Paddy may blame Vanessa for everything, but we'll have to wait and see. For a while, some people actually thought that Rhona's addiction would throw together Vanessa and Paddy for one night! Obviously that's not the way it's gone, so a lot of people have been surprised, although some did see it coming!"

    Are you hoping for a long-term future with Emmerdale?
    "I'm mid-contract at the moment so I'll be there until March at least. There's quite a bit of time to go yet, and after that, we never know what's round the corner!"

    You've also recently spoken about your own relationship with girlfriend Rosie for the first time. What kind of reaction have you had?
    "It's been very positive and I've had wonderful comments. A lot of people have even said that I've been an inspiration to them, so it's amazing to be helping other people. It all happened at the right time for me and I'm so glad that I did it. I've not had one negative comment at all, which is lovely!"

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Perdita For This Useful Post:

    tammyy2j (09-08-2013)

  8. #17
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    Emmerdale actress Michelle Hardwick is currently taking centre stage in one of soapland's most compelling stories

  9. #18
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    "I'm mid-contract at the moment so I'll be there until March at least. There's quite a bit of time to go yet, and after that, we never know what's round the corner!"

    She better stay after that!!

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Jess Morris For This Useful Post:

    crystalsea (01-12-2013)

  11. #19
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    "I'm mid-contract at the moment so I'll be there until March at least. There's quite a bit of time to go yet, and after that, we never know what's round the corner!"

    She better stay after that!!

  12. #20
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    [QUOTE=Jess Morris;795786]
    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    "I'm mid-contract at the moment so I'll be there until March at least. There's quite a bit of time to go yet, and after that, we never know what's round the corner!"

    She better stay after that!!
    You want her to stay

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