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Thread: Jai Sharma ( Chris Bisson )

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    Cool Jai Sharma ( Chris Bisson )

    Emmerdale businessman Jai Sharma must face the reality of his double life next week as Rachel Breckle goes into premature labour.

    Jai is horrified when Rachel (Gemma Oaten) suddenly starts experiencing contractions and has to be rushed to hospital, but he knows that he can't get involved in the situation without wife Charity (Emma Atkins) discovering his secret.

    Feeling helpless as his baby may not pull through, will Jai be able to cope with the mess he finds himself in?

    Here, Chris Bisson - who plays Jai - reveals his take on next week's big episodes.

    How is Jai feeling about Rachel's pregnancy at the moment?
    "It's been very, very difficult and stressful trying to keep the truth about Rachel's pregnancy under wraps. Obviously Jai has put himself in an extremely difficult position and it's now starting to unravel for him."

    What happens when Rachel goes into premature labour?
    "Jai is very much under pressure throughout this whole period and he's facing the consequences of leading a double life. He's very worried about Rachel, but he's also very worried about his relationship with his wife Charity!

    "It kicks off on the day of the auditions for the nativity play. Jai arrives to watch Noah and when he opens the door to the church, Rachel and Charity are in the middle of a blazing row about the play. At the end of that, Rachel starts to feel twinges and goes into labour very prematurely.

    "Charity doesn't help matters because she says, 'This is so early that it's dangerous'. So Jai immediately starts panicking and it's very traumatic for him. Rachel breaks down, an ambulance comes and she gets taken away in it."

    © ITV

    Does Jai find a way to be there for Rachel?
    "Well, obviously he can't go with her, so Ruby goes with her and Sam is left hanging around. Jai then thinks on his feet and says that he'll give Sam a lift, which means that he can get away from Charity and manage to get himself to the hospital.

    "Because Jai and Sam explain that they're not relatives, the hospital refuses to give them any information. Obviously Jai can't blow his cover, so he can't get any information whatsoever from the hospital."

    Is it difficult for Jai to hide his panic and not arouse suspicion?
    "Jai manages to hide his panic quite well at first, but he finds it more difficult when he's at the hospital with Sam. Sam is trying to send Jai home because he doesn't really need to be there anymore, but Jai obviously doesn't want to go. At the same time, though, he doesn't want to hang around too much in case he makes people suspicious.

    "The situation runs on for a few episodes, because Jai is constantly badgering people for information on Rachel and the baby. He calls Dan into the office at the factory and also tries to get hold of Ali. Basically, he wants to get hold of anyone who could give him some news. But Rishi keeps warning him that he's at risk of blowing his cover."

    How does Jai react when he finds out that the baby has arrived?
    "When he finds out, he has mixed emotions. He's elated that the baby has been delivered safely, but he knows that the situation is still critical and he's extremely frustrated that he can't be there.

    "Later, there's a point where Rishi comes into the factory and reveals that Rachel's baby is a little boy. That's the first that Jai has heard of it. So all the way through it's second-hand information for him, because he can't be at the hospital and he can't see the baby."

    Did you feel sorry for Jai when filming the scenes?
    "Well, it's a very, very difficult position, because Rachel isn't answering her phone and Rishi is telling him to stay away. In some ways, you feel for him because he can't see his son and doesn't know whether the baby is going to survive or not.

    "But on the other hand, it was always going to be this way. Jai has tried to play this game and keep it all a secret, so this is the price that he has to pay for that. He's been incredibly selfish because he wants to keep his marriage with Charity, but he also wants to keep the baby. Those two scenarios are really incompatible!"

    Does there come a point where Charity realises that Jai is behaving strangely?
    "Yes, Jai needs a cover story in the end, because he's absolutely going crazy and Charity knows that something is wrong. Charity thinks that he might be having an affair, so eventually Rishi has to intervene and tells her that Jai is still upset about her not wanting to have a baby.

    "Charity can't take it anymore - she can't live with the pressure of Jai wanting a baby. She makes it clear that she's never, ever going to have a child for him. In some ways, this makes Jai realise why he wanted Rachel to keep his baby in the first place. If it was left to Charity, he'd never have a son. But obviously his behaviour is very deceitful."

    Does Charity believe Rishi's cover story?
    "I think she does believe the cover-up, because they've argued about this so many times before. In an ideal world, Jai wouldn't have ended up in a marriage without having discussed whether they were going to have a kid in the future. But it's a soap and that's not how things work out!

    "In the end, it's one lie after another and each one compounds the last. Personally, I have no idea how Jai could possibly live through something like this! The pressure he's under is absolutely unbelievable and unbearable."

    Jai finally gets a chance to meet his baby in the end, doesn't he?
    "He does, as Rachel finally responds to him. But she says that this is the first and last time Jai is ever going to see baby Archie, which completely breaks his heart. The one thing that Jai wanted was a child, and now he's got one, he can't have it. He didn't see that one coming!"

    What will happen next to Jai?
    "He'll probably go on a downward spiral. Jai is absolutely at his wits' end. It's chaos and he's in absolute turmoil. He's being horrible to everybody because he can't see his son.

    "Jai does think about coming clean. He tries and fails, and there's a few times where he's about to tell Charity. But for one reason or another, it doesn't happen!"
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    Emmerdale businessman Jai Sharma makes a temporary exit from the village next week as the pressure of his baby secret becomes too much to bear.

    Jai reaches breaking point in the coming days as Rachel Breckle (Gemma Oaten) leaves him out in the cold when she finally brings young Archie home from the hospital.

    With Sam Dingle (James Hooton) seemingly becoming a father figure in his place, Jai cannot cope any longer. Needing space, he decides to head off on an extended business trip to France - but does this mean the end of his marriage to Charity?

    Here, Chris Bisson - who plays Jai - chats about the build-up to his character's two-month break from the show.

    How would you describe the current situation between Jai and Charity?
    "Things have become very difficult for Jai with baby Archie soon coming back to the village. On top of that, his relationship with Rachel is permanently difficult because of the big secret they're hiding! Charity is picking up on his tetchiness and his uncharacteristic behaviour, so he's in a really bad place and he's not the Jai that we know."

    Jai must be relieved when he hears that his son can finally come home from hospital, though…
    "Jai had planned for his son to come home and he bought the house for Archie and Rachel in the village for that. However, Rachel doesn't communicate with Jai at all, so all of the information he gets is second hand.

    "Jai only finds out that Archie is coming home because Ali and Ruby come to ask him for the keys to Rachel's house. That's the first he's heard of it. He's not in charge of the situation and there isn't any communication from the mother at all."

    Does Jai worry about how Rachel might cope with motherhood?
    "I think he naturally does have reservations. These are the things that Jai didn't think about when he asked Rachel to keep the baby! Rachel is the village chav, so she wouldn't be his first choice for the mother of his child! It's a problem.

    "Rachel's lack of experience shows through in some ways, and Jai is also a lot older than her so they're communicating on a very different level."

    How does Archie being brought into the village affect life for Jai?
    "It's a very difficult time for Jai. He doesn't really know what's going on and because Rachel won't communicate with him, it makes things even more tricky. Jai and Rachel only ever come together at points of friction. There's never anything nice about that relationship, because Jai is trying to force his way in and Rachel is trying to push him out.

    "Jai has never even been able to hold his baby, and it's driving him insane. When Archie does come home, Jai notices that Sam is stepping in, he's looking like the father and holding the baby. It's driving Jai crazy."

    What happens next?
    "The image of Rachel, Sam and Archie as a family is killing Jai. Sam spends a night at Rachel's helping her look after Archie and although it's innocent, Jai can tell that it's pushing in another direction. That's where Jai would like to be - looking after his baby.

    "Things then get even worse when Jai is at The Woolpack and we see Rachel and Sam bring Archie inside. This is a big problem for Jai, because the baby was born prematurely just a few weeks ago. Archie still isn't even full-term, and Rachel is bringing him into a pub.

    "Jai confronts Rachel about this, but she's very resistant and adamant that she's doing nothing wrong, although clearly a well-advised parent wouldn't take a 36-week old baby into a pub! It drives Jai mad and it hits home that he has absolutely no control over this child."

    Why does Jai and Rachel's argument become so public at The Woolpack?
    "Rachel is quite resolute and tells Jai not to give her any grief about this. He turns round biting his tongue but then he bumps into Sam, who spills a couple of pints on him.

    "Jai just snaps and lets rip. He calls Sam all the names under the sun and Rachel ends up defending Sam by slapping Jai, which Charity witnesses. The whole pub comes to a standstill!"

    Does Charity get suspicious?
    "It's a strange one, really. Charity thinks Jai is making a scene because she still won't give him what he wants - a child of their own. But it just reaffirms to Jai that he can't stick around in the village anymore. He can't handle the lies, the deception and the fact that his baby is kind of being mistreated. He has no control over that, so he's fighting a losing battle."

    How far can Jai realistically go in his arguments with Rachel, given that she could cause a lot of trouble for him?
    "Rachel always has the upper hand. She has the baby which is what Jai desperately wants, and she also keeps threatening to tell the secret. Why she doesn't tell the truth is a judgement for the audience to make at this stage, because she may threaten it, but actually going through with it would have pretty serious consequences for her and the baby!

    "If Rachel told the truth, she wouldn't have an easy ride from Charity. The house and the maintenance and all of those things she's enjoying would probably be in doubt. She may well get them back, but in the short-term, it would be a big risk. But we haven't really seen what the big risks are on Rachel's part."

    Why does Jai decide to leave for the extended business trip to France?
    "He's got a baby that he can't see, he has surrounded himself with layer upon layer of lies, and he is constantly dodging bullets. He's in a terrible place and he can't handle it.

    "The audience will probably see that the situation is of his own making. Part of me does feel for him because he's in such a tight spot, but then part of me thinks he's got what he's deserved. I think the story team here have managed to weave the story, make it complicated and muddy the water significantly.

    "It's not clear who's right and who's wrong. I think some people will sympathise with the fact that Jai's desire to have a baby has put him in a terrible spot. He should have been honest and told the truth, but it's a soap and that wouldn't be any fun!"

    Charity warns that she won't wait for Jai while he's away. Isn't he tempted to just tell her the truth as their marriage is in trouble anyway?
    "Their relationship is certainly hanging by a thread. Why he's holding onto it, I don't know - maybe because he loves his wife and he loves Noah.

    "Jai has always been the nice guy, and he still is that person underneath. I've had to work out a reason why, and I think Jai believes he's protecting people in some ways. It'd be much easier if he just came clean, but it's a ticking timebomb. The audience wouldn't want Jai to come clean just yet!"

    Is your on-screen break connected with the recent arrival of your baby son Harry in real life?
    "Yes, this is why Jai has hit rock bottom, because he needs to leave the show for a while! I'll be back filming in February and I'll be back on screen at the end of March. You've got a two-month break from me!"
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    Emmerdale's troubled businessman Jai Sharma will soon make a decision that might come back to haunt him, abandoning plans to tell wife Charity the truth about his baby son Archie.

    Jai considers coming clean with Charity (Emma Atkins) after she confesses to her one-night stand with Declan Macey, hoping one betrayal will cancel out another.

    However, when Jai shares his intentions with Archie's mother Rachel Breckle (Gemma Oaten), she convinces him to carry on keeping quiet about their secret - fearing that it could break up her own relationship with Sam Dingle.

    Here, Chris Bisson - who plays Jai - chats about his character's choice.

    What happens when Jai tells Rachel about his plan to tell Charity the truth??
    "Well, Jai goes round to see Rachel and says, 'Look - you've got what you've always wanted. No more dirty secrets, it's all going to be out in the open'. He promises that they can both face the consequences.

    "But Rachel panics! She's spent the last six months really turning the screw on Jai, and we've never really seen what Rachel gets out of the arrangement, but now it becomes clear. Obviously she's got the house and she has the financial support, but also she now has something to lose because she's in a relationship with Sam.

    "It's new pressure on Jai, because now Rachel doesn't want him to tell Charity either. She knows that it's a risk because she doesn't know how Sam would react, especially after she's been deceiving him over this. So we see Rachel squealing a little bit!"

    How are things between Jai and Declan at this point?
    "Jai has decided that he's going to get on with his marriage and try to get over the Charity/Declan thing, but he's still very angry with Declan! He really gets himself worked up into a bit of a state about this.

    "Jai heads round to Declan's house to have it out with him. Declan's horrified, because Jai's saying things out loud that Katie shouldn't be hearing! Fortunately for him, it turns out that Katie's not actually in earshot."

    Does Jai want to tell Katie the truth about Declan and Charity?
    "Well, he's leaving it open to chance because he's saying things loud enough for her to hear if she happened to be in earshot. He's actively gone round to Home Farm to look for Katie and tell her. Then there's a bit of a scuffle! Jai tries to go and tell Katie what Declan has done, but Declan stops him and Jai throws one punch.

    "It doesn't turn into a full-on fight, because Declan takes the punch - he knows that he shouldn't have slept with Jai's wife! Then in walks Katie, and it's a question of whether Jai will go through with telling her now that they're both in the same room…"

    Jai later hears that Sam will be moving in with Rachel. Is he unhappy about that?
    "To be honest with you, Jai has come to terms with the fact that Rachel's going to have a relationship and someone's going to move in at some point. It just happens to be Sam, and there is some bad blood there because Jai had a stand-off with him just before leaving for France.

    "It still narks Jai slightly, because he's still keeping quiet about Archie. Sam is telling Jai that he looked after Archie when he had colic and is talking like he's a big expert, and that upsets Jai. But it's just a consequence of the secret!"

    Does Sam realise anything is amiss?
    "There's one point where Sam comes in at the end of another Jai and Rachel stand-off. He doesn't hear the conversation, but when they cover for what they've been talking about, he gleans that it's a question of rent. Sam later comes round to offer to pay some rent, and he brings Archie with him! Jai doesn't want to take any money from him, especially if the consequence is him being pushed out even further by Rachel.

    "When it comes down to it, this storyline is still a love story between a man and a boy. Archie is the child Jai has always wanted, so Jai's constant motivation is to try and keep Archie close. Obviously the selfish part of that is that he wants to keep his marriage too."

    For that reason, Jai carries on keeping quiet about Archie…
    "He does, but this is the opportunity where he really should have told Charity. He hasn't done that, so things are only going to get worse!"

    Jai also has another idea - Rachel should start cleaning for him again and bring Archie with her, allowing them to spend time together!
    "It's quite a good idea, because Charity's never going to turn down a cleaner! She's certainly not suspicious about it.

    "In terms of Jai and Rachel, he's pressing for the things that he wants, and she's pressing for the things that she wants. He just wants to see the baby, and the bottom line is that Rachel will always have the upper hand because she has control of Archie. She'll be able to manipulate him in any way she wants."

    Rachel does have another demand for Jai…
    "Yes, on this occasion, she forces Jai to give Ali the supervisor's job at the factory, against everyone else's wishes. Ali doesn't even apply for the job, Jai just offer her an interview and gives her the position. It's a surprise for everybody, but nobody knows the reason why. There's also a bit of a rift between Nikhil and Jai over this."

    Can Jai juggle all of his commitments by being a good father to Archie and a good husband to Charity?
    "I think Jai has the potential to do that, but only if he comes clean. I don't see how it will ever be possible for Jai to maintain any sort of relationship with Archie with Charity in the dark.

    "Jai really has to make a decision on what to do, and I think ultimately he would have to come down on the side of the child and tell Charity the truth. He's clearly never going to give up his child - there's more chance that he'll give up his wife!"

    How do you think Charity will react when she finally finds out Jai's secret?
    "I think everyone's expecting fireworks when Charity finds out. I'm sure that there will be, and I'm sure that there'll be a bit of revenge, too! But we have discussed it, and people do react differently to how you think they might under extreme circumstances.

    "I suppose there is potentially a part of Charity - amid all the shouting - that will realise how important this baby is to Jai. Fatherhood is the only thing that Jai ever wanted, and if Charity had agreed to have a baby with him, we wouldn't have a soap storyline would we? They'd be happily ever after!"

    Is the storyline still fun to play?
    "It is fun to play, yes. I think before Jai went off to France, it was a very one-sided situation, because he was being pushed about and we only ever saw his reaction to what was happening to him. He was getting into a state!

    "Now there's more of a balance, because we've now actually realised that Rachel has something to lose, too. She's now complicit in the big secret, because she's prevented Jai from telling Charity the truth. We're starting to get a better understanding of what's going on here and where these two characters are positioned.

    "It's a great soap story and there are lots of twists and turns. In the episodes coming up, there are hints that Jai is maybe finding a bit of his old self as things settle a bit. We start to see him a little bit happier, but of course, it's always going to be very difficult for him to be the person he was when he first arrived in the village.

    "I do miss the old Jai sometimes, as it's all been doom and gloom. For weeks and weeks before Christmas, I was coming into work and Jai was full of angst, so I'd spend all day crying and shouting. It was absolutely killing me, so a bit of light relief is nice!

    You've recently become a father in real life. Has that affected your performance?
    "Yeah, I think so. It's been a strange coincidence, as the timelines have been pretty close. Had Archie not been born prematurely in the show, Jai probably would have become a father at the same time as me in real life. That made things real and easier to play in some ways, because I instinctively knew how I would feel in real life.

    "Obviously it very much informs the performance as you consider the way you feel about your own child. Being a father, I can understand how difficult it would be to be pushed away and excluded from seeing your child. That's a very difficult and real situation for a lot of people. I suppose my performance is more informed now."

    Do you think Charity and Jai's marriage can survive?
    "The truth will out, obviously. I think Jai's marriage would have more chance of surviving if he just told Charity the truth. I think if we hit the point where she just finds out herself, that'll be it and it'll be curtains for the relationship.

    "But I genuinely don't know how this is going to resolve itself, and it looks like we're set to play this storyline for a little bit longer still. Each time we get to a point where Jai could reveal the truth and it doesn't happen, it gets that little bit more tense. The stakes are raised a little bit higher each and every time!"
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    Emmerdale's troubled businessman Jai Sharma will soon make a decision that might come back to haunt him, abandoning plans to tell wife Charity the truth about his baby son Archie.

    Jai considers coming clean with Charity (Emma Atkins) after she confesses to her one-night stand with Declan Macey, hoping one betrayal will cancel out another.

    However, when Jai shares his intentions with Archie's mother Rachel Breckle (Gemma Oaten), she convinces him to carry on keeping quiet about their secret - fearing that it could break up her own relationship with Sam Dingle.

    Here, Chris Bisson - who plays Jai - chats about his character's choice.

    What happens when Jai tells Rachel about his plan to tell Charity the truth??
    "Well, Jai goes round to see Rachel and says, 'Look - you've got what you've always wanted. No more dirty secrets, it's all going to be out in the open'. He promises that they can both face the consequences.

    "But Rachel panics! She's spent the last six months really turning the screw on Jai, and we've never really seen what Rachel gets out of the arrangement, but now it becomes clear. Obviously she's got the house and she has the financial support, but also she now has something to lose because she's in a relationship with Sam.

    "It's new pressure on Jai, because now Rachel doesn't want him to tell Charity either. She knows that it's a risk because she doesn't know how Sam would react, especially after she's been deceiving him over this. So we see Rachel squealing a little bit!"

    How are things between Jai and Declan at this point?
    "Jai has decided that he's going to get on with his marriage and try to get over the Charity/Declan thing, but he's still very angry with Declan! He really gets himself worked up into a bit of a state about this.

    "Jai heads round to Declan's house to have it out with him. Declan's horrified, because Jai's saying things out loud that Katie shouldn't be hearing! Fortunately for him, it turns out that Katie's not actually in earshot."

    Does Jai want to tell Katie the truth about Declan and Charity?
    "Well, he's leaving it open to chance because he's saying things loud enough for her to hear if she happened to be in earshot. He's actively gone round to Home Farm to look for Katie and tell her. Then there's a bit of a scuffle! Jai tries to go and tell Katie what Declan has done, but Declan stops him and Jai throws one punch.

    "It doesn't turn into a full-on fight, because Declan takes the punch - he knows that he shouldn't have slept with Jai's wife! Then in walks Katie, and it's a question of whether Jai will go through with telling her now that they're both in the same room…"

    Jai later hears that Sam will be moving in with Rachel. Is he unhappy about that?
    "To be honest with you, Jai has come to terms with the fact that Rachel's going to have a relationship and someone's going to move in at some point. It just happens to be Sam, and there is some bad blood there because Jai had a stand-off with him just before leaving for France.

    "It still narks Jai slightly, because he's still keeping quiet about Archie. Sam is telling Jai that he looked after Archie when he had colic and is talking like he's a big expert, and that upsets Jai. But it's just a consequence of the secret!"

    Does Sam realise anything is amiss?
    "There's one point where Sam comes in at the end of another Jai and Rachel stand-off. He doesn't hear the conversation, but when they cover for what they've been talking about, he gleans that it's a question of rent. Sam later comes round to offer to pay some rent, and he brings Archie with him! Jai doesn't want to take any money from him, especially if the consequence is him being pushed out even further by Rachel.

    "When it comes down to it, this storyline is still a love story between a man and a boy. Archie is the child Jai has always wanted, so Jai's constant motivation is to try and keep Archie close. Obviously the selfish part of that is that he wants to keep his marriage too."

    For that reason, Jai carries on keeping quiet about Archie…
    "He does, but this is the opportunity where he really should have told Charity. He hasn't done that, so things are only going to get worse!"

    Jai also has another idea - Rachel should start cleaning for him again and bring Archie with her, allowing them to spend time together!
    "It's quite a good idea, because Charity's never going to turn down a cleaner! She's certainly not suspicious about it.

    "In terms of Jai and Rachel, he's pressing for the things that he wants, and she's pressing for the things that she wants. He just wants to see the baby, and the bottom line is that Rachel will always have the upper hand because she has control of Archie. She'll be able to manipulate him in any way she wants."

    Rachel does have another demand for Jai…
    "Yes, on this occasion, she forces Jai to give Ali the supervisor's job at the factory, against everyone else's wishes. Ali doesn't even apply for the job, Jai just offer her an interview and gives her the position. It's a surprise for everybody, but nobody knows the reason why. There's also a bit of a rift between Nikhil and Jai over this."

    Can Jai juggle all of his commitments by being a good father to Archie and a good husband to Charity?
    "I think Jai has the potential to do that, but only if he comes clean. I don't see how it will ever be possible for Jai to maintain any sort of relationship with Archie with Charity in the dark.

    "Jai really has to make a decision on what to do, and I think ultimately he would have to come down on the side of the child and tell Charity the truth. He's clearly never going to give up his child - there's more chance that he'll give up his wife!"

    How do you think Charity will react when she finally finds out Jai's secret?
    "I think everyone's expecting fireworks when Charity finds out. I'm sure that there will be, and I'm sure that there'll be a bit of revenge, too! But we have discussed it, and people do react differently to how you think they might under extreme circumstances.

    "I suppose there is potentially a part of Charity - amid all the shouting - that will realise how important this baby is to Jai. Fatherhood is the only thing that Jai ever wanted, and if Charity had agreed to have a baby with him, we wouldn't have a soap storyline would we? They'd be happily ever after!"

    Is the storyline still fun to play?
    "It is fun to play, yes. I think before Jai went off to France, it was a very one-sided situation, because he was being pushed about and we only ever saw his reaction to what was happening to him. He was getting into a state!

    "Now there's more of a balance, because we've now actually realised that Rachel has something to lose, too. She's now complicit in the big secret, because she's prevented Jai from telling Charity the truth. We're starting to get a better understanding of what's going on here and where these two characters are positioned.

    "It's a great soap story and there are lots of twists and turns. In the episodes coming up, there are hints that Jai is maybe finding a bit of his old self as things settle a bit. We start to see him a little bit happier, but of course, it's always going to be very difficult for him to be the person he was when he first arrived in the village.

    "I do miss the old Jai sometimes, as it's all been doom and gloom. For weeks and weeks before Christmas, I was coming into work and Jai was full of angst, so I'd spend all day crying and shouting. It was absolutely killing me, so a bit of light relief is nice!

    You've recently become a father in real life. Has that affected your performance?
    "Yeah, I think so. It's been a strange coincidence, as the timelines have been pretty close. Had Archie not been born prematurely in the show, Jai probably would have become a father at the same time as me in real life. That made things real and easier to play in some ways, because I instinctively knew how I would feel in real life.

    "Obviously it very much informs the performance as you consider the way you feel about your own child. Being a father, I can understand how difficult it would be to be pushed away and excluded from seeing your child. That's a very difficult and real situation for a lot of people. I suppose my performance is more informed now."

    Do you think Charity and Jai's marriage can survive?
    "The truth will out, obviously. I think Jai's marriage would have more chance of surviving if he just told Charity the truth. I think if we hit the point where she just finds out herself, that'll be it and it'll be curtains for the relationship.

    "But I genuinely don't know how this is going to resolve itself, and it looks like we're set to play this storyline for a little bit longer still. Each time we get to a point where Jai could reveal the truth and it doesn't happen, it gets that little bit more tense. The stakes are raised a little bit higher each and every time!"
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    star Chris Bisson showed off his baby son Harry on ITV's This Morning today (April 25).

    The actor introduced the 15-week-old youngster as he appeared on the daytime show with partner Rowena Finn. Harry is the couple's first child.

    © Rex Features / Ken McKay
    Chris Bisson with his family on 'This Morning'

    On screen in Emmerdale, Bisson's character Jai Sharma is experiencing parenthood from a very different perspective, as he is the secret father of Rachel Breckle's son Archie. The businessman has had little contact with Archie since his premature arrival in December.

    Reflecting on being a father in real life and on screen, Bisson said today: "It was difficult at times, because we were dealing with premature babies, and then it was going home to see your girlfriend and thinking, 'I've just been crying all day about what happens when things go wrong'.

    "But also it does give you that knowledge of what that love is like when you've got a baby of your own, and what lengths you would go to in order to protect the baby. I suppose it all affects how you play it."

    Jai's storyline reaches another peak tomorrow night (April 26) as his suspicious wife Charity catches him with baby Archie at the factory.

    Bisson continued: "Twitter's been going mad, because everyone's desperate for Charity to find out and come and catch me. She actually catches me with the baby in my arms tomorrow night, so it just gets progressively worse.

    "We've just been filming some of the fallout, and then I've had a bit of a quiet period. We'll come back to it."

    Asked whether things will get better for Jai, he replied: "I'm hoping so. It's funny, actually, because Jai's become more horrible to play - he's become more devious. Actually that's more interesting for me, but it's hard playing a storyline where you're always depressed. A bit of lightness would be nice!"

    Emmerdale continues tonight at 6.45pm on ITV.

  6. #6
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    Emmerdale's Jai, Rachel and Charity storyline took a shocking twist this evening (April 26) as Rishi Sharma made a desperate attempt to cover for his deceitful son.

    With Charity on the warpath after finding out that Jai is the father of Rachel's baby, Rishi suddenly intervened by claiming to be the dad.

    Emmerdale bosses decided to keep tonight's twist under wraps to provide an element of surprise for viewers, and fans will now have to wait until Monday to see whether Charity believes Rishi's false claims.

    Earlier today, Digital Spy caught up with Chris Bisson - who plays Jai - to hear his reaction to tonight's episode and where things might be heading next.

    What are your thoughts on tonight's big twist?
    "First of all, I think it's great that we don't give away all soap storylines all the time. It's always nice when there's a reason to tune in and watch the episode, rather than reading every detail in the magazines.

    "There's been so much hype around this and everyone was just expecting Charity to go absolutely ballistic in tonight's episode. Of course that did happen, but then there was another twist that you just didn't see coming. It's a jaw-dropper. Whether Charity buys this or not is another matter, and you really will just have to tune into Monday's episode to find out how the story unfolds."

    How long have you known this was coming?
    "I've known this was coming for months. We filmed this episode six weeks ago now, but from chats with the producers, I knew that this story would lead up to Rishi trying to cover for Jai.

    "As an actor and someone who's enjoying the story, I quite like the idea that this big lie could get compounded by an even bigger one. As I said before, you'll have to wait to see whether Charity believes it - but the longer it goes on, the worse it gets!"

    You and Gemma Oaten (Rachel) have both done live TV interviews this week to promote the storyline. Has it been difficult not to give tonight's twist away?
    "Yes, I was on This Morning yesterday and I felt so guilty! I get on well with Schofe and Holly, so I felt like a bit of a cheat having to dodge some of their questions! I didn't lie, but I didn't go as far to reveal what would happen. I'll have to tweet them to apologise!"

    What kind of a reaction are you expecting from the viewers?
    "I'm hoping that the twist was jaw-dropping and that everyone will be discussing what might happen next. We've got the whole weekend to wonder what will happen if Charity believes it and what might happen if she doesn't accept what Rishi is saying. There's also the question of whether Jai would go along with it and whether Rachel would go along with it.

    "What happened tonight was Rishi standing up to save Jai's marriage. Now Charity has to buy it, Rachel has to go along with it and Jai has to buy into it too! Rishi may have created a whole world of problems, because if Charity doesn't believe what he's saying, then she'd never look at him in the same way either. She'd see him as a liar who's just trying to protect his son."

    When Charity confronted Jai, was her reaction as bad as he'd feared it would be?
    "Well, she didn't come in and start a physical fight immediately! (Laughs.) That was probably because Jai was holding the baby, but also because she was in shock. Nobody usually pulls the wool over Charity's eyes - she's very smart and savvy.

    "But in some ways, I think the audience might quite like seeing Charity get taken for a ride, as some people don't like Charity's character! What's been interesting with this storyline is that people have sided in different ways all the way through - some viewers are supporting Jai, some are supporting Rachel and some are supporting Charity. Everyone's been in the wrong in some ways and there is no clear victim."

    If Rishi's scheme works, will Jai be hugely grateful to his father?
    "You'll have to tune in on Monday to find out! It's very, very interesting and it's complicated whichever way it goes. Another lie to compound the previous deception would only make everything worse. It may or may not work, but whether it's a good move or a bad move I'm not sure!

    "Unfortunately, as I had to dodge questions from Holly and Phil yesterday, I'll have to dodge some of yours as well as I can't give away what happens next! I apologise to Digital Spy readers in advance, but you'll just have to tune in on Monday to see the outcome!"

    Are you excited for what's coming up on Emmerdale with new producer Kate Oates on board?
    "Absolutely, it's a really exciting time to be part of Emmerdale. We're doing fantastically well in the ratings and the storylines are really good. Kate was with us before as a story producer, and it was Kate who first got the Jai baby story up and running."

    Do you disapprove of Jai's antics, or do you find yourself justifying his behaviour in order to play him?
    "You always have to believe the words that you're saying on screen, otherwise nobody else will believe them either. It can be difficult sometimes, because Jai is so hypocritical at times with what he says. In trying to understand your character, you do have a degree of sympathy for their situation.

    "It's quite funny, as sometimes we sit in the green room and make comments about the characters, but the actors in question can get very defensive about their character! I'm not so defensive when it comes to Jai, as people are bound to have opinions on what he does."

    We've seen more of Georgia recently. Is Trudie Goodwin with the show full-time now?
    "Trudie is back and has been around the building, so there's a lot more to come from her. I'm definitely hoping that she sticks around, because she's a great addition to the Sharma family. Georgia is such a great character and I think the Sharmas were missing that strong female character at the head of the family."

    In real life, you welcomed baby Harry earlier this year. How are you finding being a new dad?
    "I absolutely love it. We had Harry on This Morning yesterday, but that was a bit impromptu, to be honest! We were going to London for the day as a family as I was down to do the interview, so he made a little appearance on screen.

    "We had loads of feedback yesterday - my Twitter feed went barmy with people sending really nice messages about how cute he is. I'm grateful for those and it's always nice to hear. I'm a very proud dad in real life, and I'm just glad my life isn't as complicated as Jai's!"

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    Emmerdale's Charity Sharma will be out for revenge after she discovers the truth about baby Archie's paternity next month.

    Viewers know that Charity's husband Jai fathered Archie with Rachel Breckle when they had a one-night stand last year. However, the long-running storyline saw Jai's dad Rishi cover for his son, falsely claiming the child was his, after Charity became suspicious.

    The paternity plot will reach its climax next month when Charity finds out the truth after Rachel comes clean with her boyfriend Sam Dingle, reports the Daily Star Sunday.

    Charity is out for revenge after confronting the pair, furious that they used Rishi to cover up their deceit.

    Bhasker Patel - who plays Rishi - recently told Digital Spy that he would have to hide out "in a bunker" when Archie's paternity was finally revealed.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  8. #8
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    Emmerdale's Charity Sharma will be out for revenge after she discovers the truth about baby Archie's paternity next month.

    Viewers know that Charity's husband Jai fathered Archie with Rachel Breckle when they had a one-night stand last year. However, the long-running storyline saw Jai's dad Rishi cover for his son, falsely claiming the child was his, after Charity became suspicious.

    The paternity plot will reach its climax next month when Charity finds out the truth after Rachel comes clean with her boyfriend Sam Dingle, reports the Daily Star Sunday.

    Charity is out for revenge after confronting the pair, furious that they used Rishi to cover up their deceit.

    Bhasker Patel - who plays Rishi - recently told Digital Spy that he would have to hide out "in a bunker" when Archie's paternity was finally revealed.
    Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe

  9. #9
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    I wonder why Rachel tells Sam now? Does something happen to encourage her to do it?

    As for Charity, I have zero sympathy for her. She's not exactly an angel after she slept with Declan. As for him, I can imagine the smug look on his face when he sees Jai is not innocent in all this. He did have suspicions for a while, after all.

    I don't think Katie needs to get revenge on Charity, as some magazines pointed out a few months ago.

    And Priya? Another excuse for her to mope some more.

  10. #10
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    I wonder why Rachel tells Sam now? Does something happen to encourage her to do it?

    As for Charity, I have zero sympathy for her. She's not exactly an angel after she slept with Declan. As for him, I can imagine the smug look on his face when he sees Jai is not innocent in all this. He did have suspicions for a while, after all.

    I don't think Katie needs to get revenge on Charity, as some magazines pointed out a few months ago.

    And Priya? Another excuse for her to mope some more.

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