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Thread: Further Oz spoilers

  1. #1
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    Further Oz spoilers

    Revenge is sweet for the Three Witches of Ramsay Street.
    Bobby’s downfall breaks Izzy's heart.
    Connor has disturbing dreams about Toadie!

    Steph wants pregnant Kayla to move in with the Hoylands.
    Cowardly Bobby breaks his family’s heart.
    Sky gains an appreciation of Dylan’s eclectic interests.

    Crazed David tries to run Paul down but almost kills Serena in the process.
    Max is shocked by Kayla’s desperation.
    Paul assuages Lil’s doubts about him.
    Penny uses creative measures to replace Bree’s broken computer.

    Janelle and Janae clash over Karl’s continued counselling.
    Paul pays a terrible price for his schemes.
    The Timmins family are on a new car high.

    People-power beats the might of Affirmacon.
    Paul is disgraced in Erinsborough, but faces his final end alone.
    Boyd and Janae grow closer, as do Toadie and Connor!

  2. #2
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    TV WEEK Spoilers June 20-24, 2005

    In the balance
    Suffering shocking injuries, Paul Robinson is rescued and resuscitated by Sky and Dylan this week. Rushed to hospital, it's clear the sneaky businessman is on the brink of death. "Dylan convinces Sky to go with him to look for Paul in the bush," says Stephanie McIntosh, who plays Sky. "Out of pure luck, they do find him and Sky gives him CPR and saves his life."

    Later, Paul's lover, Lil, rushes to the hospital to see him, but it seems she's fighting conflicting emotions about Paul. Now aware of his underhand business dealings, Lil feels deeply betrayed. But seeing Paul - who is suffering from hypothermia and internal injuries - in such a vulnerable state leaves Lil speechless. And as the days go by, Paul's condition continues to deteriorate.

    Darcy wakes
    Troublemaker Izzy Hoyland is set to get the fright of her life! Darcy finally wakes from his coma this week, sending the Ramsay Street bad girl into a state of complete panic.

    After all, as viewers will recall, Darcy knows that Izzy lied to her lover, Karl, in telling him he was the father of the baby she later miscarried. What’s more, it was Izzy’s altercation with Darcy that caused him to slip down a flight of stairs and fall into a coma!

    But it seems Darcy has no memory of the events that led to his injury. “He has changed,” Mark says. “The guy has certainly been through a bit of a physical ordeal and mentally he’s not quite there – initially, anyway.” Mark is thrilled to be back on our screens in the role of Darcy. “I’ve never really seen Darcy as a bad guy,” he says. “I think he has many layers, which is why I love playing him. I think the scriptwriters have an affection for the character as well and they definitely conjure up interesting situations for him. Those situations are always a joy to play and this return is no different.”

    Meanwhile, when Izzy sees her old nemesis awake, she faints from the shock!

  3. #3
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    Spoilers from Ch10 website

    These are in addition to the ones from TV AUS.

    *The police are sceptical of Darcy's memory loss and get him to take a lie detector test while Izzy discreetly monitors Darcy for any sign of his memory returning. To her relief, Darcy passes the test with flying colours - clearly he's telling the truth about his lost memory. Darcy turns the tables, however, when he privately reveals to Izzy that he remembers everything about the day she tried to kill him. Now it's time for Izzy to pay.

    *Karl makes it clear to Paul that amputation of his leg is the only thing that can save him. Paul's spirits decline and he refuses to sign his consent for the life-saving operation - without Lil, what's the point of living? Karl persuades Lil to talk to Paul again, but he demands too much of her and she angrily accuses him of emotional blackmail. Later, Lil admits to Susan that, despite the improvement of her relationship with David, she's still in love with Paul. Karl reaffirms his commitment to saving life at all costs, but Paul says he's instructed his lawyers to fight the hospital every step of the way. It seems he's now just signed his own death warrant.

  4. #4
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    sounds good

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Oooh... sounds interesting... i can't wait... yey more excitment...
    Dennis Rickman 28/08/1974 - 31/12/2005

  6. #6
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    Is Izzy finally gonna get her comeupance, I wonder!!

  7. #7
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    yeah she does during the anniversary week all is revealed about her relationship with paul and her lies with karl and the baby

  8. #8
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    when Izzy realizes that Darcy does remember everything she tells Paul who gives her the phone number of a hit man. She phones him but he's not who she thinks it is (I think it's probably the police or even Karl ?) After Darcy turns up at the Scarlet bar Izzy leaves town in a hurry

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Ch10 Website Spoilers
    Thanks to tinlegs

    Given the all-important contact number by Paul, Izzy battles her conscience – can she really have Darcy ‘taken care of’? When Karl reveals he’s organised a European holiday for them, she’s reminded of all that she has to lose and when Darcy makes a provocative appearance at Scarlet Bar, it’s the final straw – Izzy makes the call. But Paul has cruelly duped Izzy and the hit man she expected is not all that he appears.

    Despite Max’s warnings, Boyd continues to visit Kayla and her new baby. It’s obvious to him that Kayla is having severe reservations about going through with the adoption and while he knows it will break their hearts, Boyd urges Max and Steph to give up on the idea. Max and Steph are shattered and, when they finally meet Kayla and little Ashley, ask if she is really having second thoughts. Can Kayla be honest about her feelings?

    Stuart vows to Sindi that he will confront his paranoia – either his job is getting to him or it’s a sign that subconsciously he has doubts about going through with the wedding. As Stuart confides his problems to Steiger, his cop sense alerts him to some criminal dealings happening nearby. To Steiger, this is confirmation that Stuart isn’t paranoid – he’s just a good cop. Can Stuart control his suspicious mind and stop it undermining his relationship with Sindi?

    Susan suggests that Summer’s burgeoning musical talent may be best served by her attending a specialised music school. But Summer’s aghast – attending the school would mean leaving Erinsborough.

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