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Thread: Val Pollard (Charlie Hardwick)

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    Val Pollard (Charlie Hardwick)

    Emmerdale's Val Pollard - played by 48-year-old Charlie Hardwick - attempts to show her former flame Rodney Blackstock (Patrick Mower) who's boss next week when she tries to seduce him and show him up as the "dirty dog" of the village. As ever, though, Val's plot doesn't quite go to plan when Rodney threatens to expose her advances to her husband Eric (Chris Chittell). How will Val worm her way out of her latest predicament? We gave Charlie a call to find out more.

    Why does Val start interfering when she sees Diane and Rodney getting on well with each other?
    "Val's first thought is 'aye aye, he's trying to get into the back room'! [Laughs] You know what I mean! Then Val thinks that he's trying to get into Diane's heart, before thinking that Rodney wants Val out of the pub. That's the killer. She thinks he's a dirty dog. Then when she sees Diane give Rodney a kiss on the cheek, she immediately thinks that there's trouble afoot. Val knows Rodney - she's been there, done it, had the child and been the babysitter. And when Val originally turned up in Emmerdale, she went back to drink from the same pool, so she definitely knows what he's like."

    Do you think Val's jealous?
    "Whenever Val's getting attention and she isn't, there's some kind of jealousy! But on this occasion, though, Val just thinks, 'he's not getting my pub'. Consciously, she's worried about Diane but subconsciously, she's only ever totally concerned about herself. I've said this before, but I wrote a list of quintessential characteristics of Val on a post-it note when I first arrived at Emmerdale and I keep them in my script file. She's glamour and sex, she always tells the truth - even when she's lying - and everything she does, she does for Val."

    What lengths does Val go to in order to stop Diane and Rodney being together?
    "Well, she comes up with a plan. Val always comes up with plans - this is another characteristic that's emerging with her! What Val, of course, has to do to scupper their potential relationship is to prove to Diane that Rodney's a no-good dirty dog so she can kick him into touch."

    How does she go about it?
    "She can't do it verbally because Diane would think she's jealous. So Val sets about proving her point on a much grander scale. She sacrifices her virtue to show her sister how low Rodney will go…"

    What was it like filming the scene when you were effectively mounting Patrick Mower?!
    "I had him slammed up against the wall with Val saying: 'I remember the first time you took me in the pantry!' Honestly, when I first read the scripts, I laughed and laughed. The dialogue's fantastic. Patrick was absolutely game for the scene, it was just so funny. Val ends up chasing Rodney from kitchen to living room and back again. He's like a Greek pig! But then Val changes tactic and starts crying and he feels sorry for her. Before he knows it, he's kissing her."

    What happens in the aftermath?
    "Well, of course, to Val, she's got Rodney exactly where she wants him and she plans to tell Diane exactly what's happened. But, of course, he shouts at her something like: 'I bet Eric will like this when I tell him.' The consequences hadn't occurred to Val - she hadn't thought about how it could all be misconstrued. Val and Diane have a big row, too. Me and Liz [Estensen] really didn't want to do it! Work-wise, it was great - they were great scenes to do. But for us as [real] people, we like working together! We didn't want them to fall about again. We're hoping that their situation's going to rectify itself, but we don't know at the minute…"

    Who finds out?
    "Everyone finds out. Rodney and Val are staring each other out in the bar until Diane drags them into the back room to find out what's going on. And then loose-lipped Rodney spills the details and it all pours out. Pollard overhears, too. It's Val's worst nightmare. She goes to bed crying and playing the victim, but then the next morning she wakes up and comes up with a plan. She goes back to the pub and asserts that half the pub is hers. She's not going to let that one go."

    Val does a My Name Is Earl the following week, too…
    "Yeah, she must watch it when she's at the bed and breakfast one night. She makes a long list - and it gets a bit dog-eared because she doesn't take care of it - and on it, she writes down everyone who she's offended over the years. She has to go around the village asking people if she's ever offended them. The top of the list, of course, is Eric following by Diane. It's a sweet list and she thinks that if she can apologise for it all, everything will be okay."

    Is there anything you've not seen Val involved in that you'd like to see her do?
    "I have to say, when the funeral parlour storyline came out, I couldn't believe it when I read about it! What I did see very clearly [in my head] was Val putting makeup on the deceased. She would have done Michael Jackson. She'd have had a go anyway. I could also see her in a top hat walking in front of the hearse with a tight pencil skirt, black jacket and a Dickensian bow as the funeral director. I thought that there was great mileage in the funeral parlour, but then they said they weren't going to do it!"

    Are you looking forward to Charity's return?
    "She's fab, I can't wait. She's the bee's knees. I'm really looking forward to Emma coming back as well as the character."

    What's the feeling on set about the revamp?
    "That's a difficult one really because it's so subjective for us. My storylines remained consistent throughout. If it dipped, it was a gradual dip. The most noticeable thing for us is the new cast coming in, especially over the last few weeks. That's definitely had a positive effect on us all."

    Do you miss your screen son Mathew Bose?
    "Aww, I saw him a few weeks ago and had a curry with him and the lad who played Ivan the dustman, Daniel Brocklebank, he was in town! It was all left wide open with Paul - he's only in Australia."

    Maybe you could do a DVD spinoff where Val and Diane go out to Australia to see him?
    "Set it up! I've got my passport ready and my bag packed already! Would I?! That'd be great!"

    What are your thoughts about Emmerdale's move to a double bill on a Thursdays?
    "To be honest, I was really shocked! I originally thought, 'we go on at 7pm, what are you talking about?!' It's still light in the autumn when we're on - it can't be dark when we're on! We were all told together as a cast and afterwards, our first question was, 'oh my God, is it going to be late-night Sex and the City?!' I wondered whether I was going to have to go to the gym because I thought we'd be seeing a bit more of Val in the great seduction scenes. No, I joke… It just means that we'll be able to reach a wider audience, especially in the South. I've lived in London for many years and you don't get home from work until 7pm and you're sat watching the television by 8pm. We'll now have a chance to reach a lot of people who weren't there before. I think because of circumstance, there are a lot of people who can't watch at the moment but will now have an opportunity to. I don't think it'll ruin our loyal viewers, either."

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    Val Pollard

    Emmerdale star Charlie Hardwick will tread the boards next year after landing a role in new comedy play The Awkward Squad.

    The actress, best known for her part as Val Pollard on the ITV1 soap, will appear as Sandy in the touring production from late February.

    The Awkward Squad is billed as a "state-of-the-nation" play which takes a humourous look at the unexpected challenges faced by women of all ages. Emmerdale's BAFTA-winning writer Karin Young has penned the play.

    Hardwick will take a 12-week break from Emmerdale in order to take on the new project, Digital Spy can confirm.

    The Awkward Squad tells the story of a woman named Lorna, who is looking forward to receiving an honorary PhD. However, she soon has difficulties to deal with when her daughters and granddaughter descend on her with a series of problems.

    The play's synopsis reads: "A BAFTA, impending divorce, redundancy and a very upmarket caravanette force Lorna to reconsider both the past and the future - for everyone. What's a woman to do? Accept everything that's thrown at her, or become a fully paid-up member of the 'awkward squad'?"

    Ex-Casualty star Barbara Marten and former The Bill actress Libby Davison also star in the show.

    The Awkward Squad will open at The Customs House South Shields on February 28. It will then be performed at London's Arts Theatre from March 6 and York Theatre Royal from April 9.

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    Emmerdale star Charlie Hardwick has revealed that she filmed two different versions of her upcoming exit from the soap.

    The actress's character Val Pollard heads out of the village alone in tonight's episode, wanting time to herself following her recent rows with husband Eric (Chris Chittell) and foster daughter Amy (Chelsea Halfpenny).

    Hardwick told This Morning that she is unsure of what will appear on screen this evening as there were two different scripts for Val's goodbye scene with Eric.

    She explained: "It's not like, 'Does she fall into the Tyne?' or 'Does she fly off in an air balloon?' It's not anything like that. But there were two very different speeches at the end.

    "One was more hopeful about how she felt about Eric, while the other one was, 'I need to get away from you, you pig'. I don't know which one they've used. The director said, 'I'll decide which one is best in the edit'."

    In real life, Hardwick is taking a three-month break from Emmerdale to star in comedy play The Awkward Squad.

    "It's a risk. I'm going out to do a play, and I might write myself out," she admitted. "I don't know who's going to move up there [to the barn]. I think Brenda from the café will be sniffing around!"

    Emmerdale airs Val's exit tonight at 7pm on ITV1.

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    Emmerdale's Charlie Hardwick has revealed she would love her character Val Pollard to have a lesbian affair.
    The 51-year-old actress is taking a break from the show at the moment, but told Inside Soap she would like Val to do something wild when she returns.
    Charlie said: "Wouldn't it be good if Val had a one-night stand with a woman? That'd definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons!
    "And knowing Val, she'd tell Pollard it's not really cheating if it's with a woman! I think Val would go for anyone who flashed her the eye."
    But the actress admitted she'd be furious if Val and Eric Pollard split up and said she already misses working with co-star Chris Chittell.
    Charlie said: "It may be good for the storyline, and more dramatic, but on a personal level I'd be gutted if they split! I love acting with Chris, so I'd really hate to see someone else working with him. I'm territorial!
    "I've seen Brenda sniffing round Pollard, so she's better not try getting her claws into him while Val's away, or I'll be flaming furious!"
    Charlie is touring in play The Awkward Squad while she is off screen in Emmerdale.


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    Emmerdale's Lesley Dunlop has said she would love to see a catfight between her character Brenda and Eric Pollard's wife Val.
    Val has run off to Portugal with her husband's money, but Dales schemer Eric has already begun a secret affair with Brenda Walker, and she wants them to go public. Lesley told Inside Soap she thinks Brenda will fight for her man.
    She said: "I'd quite like it if Val comes back to the village fuming.
    "It would be good to see how Eric reacts - whether he drops Brenda like a hot potato or tells Val where to go.
    "And since Brenda is secretly hoping all the things Eric's been telling her are true, she'd most likely be prepared to stand her ground and fight."
    And the soap star revealed if she had her way with the script, Brenda would be taking over the village.
    She said: "Whatever happens, I've got high hopes for Brenda. I'd like to see her win millions and buy Home Farm from Declan.
    "Then she could buy the cafe and call it Brenda's Baps!"

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    Emmerdale star Charlie Hardwick has hinted that her character Val Pollard will remain estranged from husband Eric for the foreseeable future.

    Val returned to the village last week following three months in Portugal, but was stunned to discover that Eric (Chris Chittell) is now dating Brenda Walker (Lesley Dunlop).

    Speaking on Daybreak today (May 31), Hardwick revealed that Val and Eric have not reunited in the material she is filming at the moment.

    Asked what is coming up for Val, Hardwick replied: "Do you know, I don't know how it's going to pan out. I daren't look at what's coming next! But I know that I'm not with Eric.

    "I think Val just assumed that she would just swan back in, there'd be a bit of an argument and then everything would be fine. But he's got a new lady friend!"

    Confirming that she is thrilled to be back at Emmerdale, the actress added: "I thought that I was going to be a bit like, 'Oh, I don't like getting up in the mornings' - which I don't! But I like being back very much - I've surprised myself."

    Hardwick also praised co-star Natalie Anderson for her performance in Val and Alicia's recent altercation scene.

    She said: "I'm rubbish at stage fighting so I'm surprised that came out so well! But Natalie who plays Alicia, she's great - she timed it brilliantly."

    Emmerdale airs weeknights on ITV1.

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    Glen1 (01-06-2012)

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    Any truth to the rumours she is leaving?

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    I hope not, I like Val with Eric

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    lizann (18-02-2014)

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    I hope not, I like Val with Eric
    So do I they are fab together. I like Val & Victoria together it's a shame she has left the b&b to go and work in the pub.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdita View Post
    I hope not, I like Val with Eric
    So do I they are fab together. I like Val & Victoria together it's a shame she has left the b&b to go and work in the pub.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Chloe O'brien For This Useful Post:

    Perdita (03-01-2014)

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