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Thread: Heath Braxton (Dan Ewing)

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    Cool Heath Braxton (Dan Ewing)

    Home and Away's River Boys have been at the centre of a dramatic, action-packed and romantic few months in Summer Bay and have become some of the most talked-about characters since making their on-screen debut at the beginning of the year. The gang's most volatile member Heath Braxton now looks set to play a bigger role in storylines, so when his portrayer Dan Ewing recently paid a promotional visit to the UK, Digital Spy caught up with him for a chat about what's to come for his alter ego over the next few months.

    Have you enjoyed your time in the UK?
    "Of course - I love the UK! It's extremely different from Australia but it's amazing and everyone here has been really, really friendly. There's certainly been no shortage of people coming up and asking for pictures, so it's been great."

    Is this the first time that you've visited the UK?
    "No, I dated a lovely Brummie lass for three years or so, so I've visited before. I did the touristy thing last time I was here - I did the tourist tours and took photos of the landmarks. But this is my first time as a work trip, although it's a bit of a social trip too."

    You've been part of the Home and Away cast for quite a few months now. How have you found the experience?
    "It's been great. It's just such a friendly cast to come into, and we probably had about six or seven 'Welcome to the Bay' drinks - it's the Australian way! It's just non-stop fun - I wake up every day and I really count myself lucky that I'm going off to a beautiful location and working with lovely people. It's fantastic."

    Did you ever imagine that the River Boys would make such an impact?
    "No! But I knew that they were really trying to grit up the show, and I thought that was great because it would make me, as a 26-year-old bloke, want to watch the show a lot more. I had no idea how huge the response would be, though - it's been massive. I think that's just the way drama and movies are going now - they're a lot more real and intense. I think the more you can do that in an earlier timeslot, the better."

    There seemed to be a lot of hype and promotion surrounding the River Boys before they came on screen, so did that put the pressure on slightly?
    "I'm not sure what it was like in the UK, but in Australia there was plenty of promotion and lots of excitement months before we even came on air! So of course you feel that pressure, because if it doesn't work you kind of look like a goose! But luckily it did seem to work and that's a team effort - it's thanks to the writers, the producers and right down to the make-up team who do all of the tattoos and things like that. It's really good to see that team effort pay off."

    Heath seems to be the baddest of the Braxtons, doesn't he?
    "He's certainly the biggest hothead at the moment! But I think each of them takes their turn to do stupid things, and the great thing about playing brothers is that you have that great family dynamic as well."

    Would you like the show to explore a nicer side to Heath more often?
    "I think with Heath it's going to be one step forward and two steps back. So we will be carrying on with the tough guy thing, as that's what you need to do to keep the character fresh and interesting. But the toughest guys in the world still love their mothers and still love their sisters, unless they're complete sociopaths! You'll see bits and pieces of sensitivity from Heath and you'll see how things affect him, but I don't think he'll ever fully be a caring and understanding type."

    At the moment we don't know a great deal about Heath's background and why he is the way he is. Could that be explored in the future?
    "For sure! All we know at the moment is that the father figure left - that was when Heath and Brax were very young, and Casey never really knew the old man. And if you watch what's on screen, obviously the mother is not the best mother! There are some things in Brax and Heath's pasts that we haven't discovered yet - that I don't even know. The writers are just starting to delve into it now in the think tank upstairs. It's going to be really exciting and that's the great thing about these sorts of characters - discovering why they are the way they are, and why they make the choices that they do. I'm really looking forward to that."

    Do you share any similarities with Heath?
    "I think the humorous side is similar. Heath often gets written as a typical tough guy, so I always try to make a few humorous choices in the performance. I think that's what America does very well - they find the humour in drama series, it's not all doom and gloom and they try to inject levity, which is what life's about - people try to hide stress and fear with humour. So that's similar. Heath is also a very active and outdoorsy type of guy, and I'm like that so we're similar in that way too. But obviously dealing with narcotics and having a marijuana crop is not what I'm about in real life, so not the illegal side!"

    What have Steve and Lincoln, who play Brax and Casey, been like to work with?
    "They've been great. I couldn't have picked two more perfect guys to play my brothers. We hang out, we have steak nights and we're always down the pub watching footie together - it's really great. There is that family dynamic, and we're always bagging on Lincoln because he's the youngest! We call him 'little Lincoln' and he hates it - the kid's the tallest one, he's about 6'3'' and he's got these flippers for feet! And Steve is definitely the older, wiser one - he's 29 and I'm 26. It's funny when the family dynamic seems to slip over into real life as well."

    We've seen that Heath wants to lead the River Boys himself, but do you think he's cut out for that?
    "I think Heath certainly thinks he can manage things the way Brax does, but obviously he hasn't had to use any sort of brainpower as of yet. It'll be a learning curve for him - Brax has been in charge for a while and he's one of those characters who would go home and read a book, while Heath would go to the gym or watch the footie. Heath certainly has a lot to learn about leading - leading by example and making smart choices as opposed to the brash, quick-fix or quick-dollar choice. I dare say that Heath would have to learn the hard way."

    Heath is currently credited as a guest character in the Home and Away closing titles. Does that mean he's only around for a specific amount of time?
    "Initially Heath was only around for a certain amount of time - basically about six months to go in there, do a job and leave. But that was just a technicality and Heath is definitely around for a lot longer. I think as you see the episodes go on, Heath will be listed in the regular cast. But well spotted, that's amazing that you've picked that up as those credits are really quick!"

    As there's been such focus on the characters of Brax and Casey, do you think we could see Heath come to the forefront more in the future?
    "Oh, definitely! There's a big Heath focus that's about to happen on air. Initially it can be hard with airtime and, like I said, I was supposed to go in, be the tough guy, get the blame for stuff and go to jail. But the Heath swing is about to occur on screen here in the UK. It's been non-stop, so there's definitely going to be a lot more Heath stuff."

    You mentioned how great the Home and Away cast were when you joined - is there anyone in particular who really made you feel welcome?
    "Luke Jacobz, who played Angelo, was great - he was always taking us out for drinks and making us feel welcome, and it was great to have someone like that on set. We're very fortunate to have such a friendly cast. Everyone was so welcoming, they asked questions to get to know us and they offered their assistance - there was nobody who wasn't lovely."

    Do you and the River Boys have any scenes coming up with Alf Stewart?
    "That was the one thing I was looking forward to - Heath and Alf having a conversation. I've just shot a scene where Heath is basically repeating some of Alf's choice phrases back to him, and it is the funniest thing that I've ever seen! I was deliberately trying to stir Ray up, because he's a Queenslander and I'm from New South Wales, so there's a bit of a rugby rivalry there! It was one of the most fun scenes that you could ever put together. Alf certainly attempts to let the River Boys know how he feels about the situation, that's for sure."

    Do you think Heath could ever find true love in the Bay?
    "Heath has certainly found true love in the Bay with his surfboard and with his criminal activities! I think anybody is capable of true love, but Heath needs to learn how to deal with emotions first as that's what he struggles with. He struggles with rejection from Bianca - he's never met anyone like her and he's never felt the way that he does about her. I think that's going to be an interesting thing - to see how Heath deals with real-life situations and emotions. I haven't shot any 'true love' at the moment, but there's certainly going to be more love scenes and more romance."

    Have you had a favourite scene so far?
    "I think definitely when we were up at the marijuana crop and chasing Angelo around the fields. We were on the back of the truck and even though they were blanks, we were using real rifles to shoot at him. That was amazing - us on the back of a truck, chasing this poor guy around the bush! When you shoot scenes like that, it makes you realise that this isn't just some studio-based soapie - it's a drama and it's fantastic."

    Did you enjoy your recent stint on Dancing with the Stars in Australia?
    "It was amazing. It broke down a social fear that I'd always had, because I was never a dancer. I was so scared even just dancing in a packed nightclub where people can't even tell what you're doing. It freed up something within me that was amazing. As a performer, 20 years ago you had to be able to sing, dance and act otherwise nobody would look at you, so 'TV chumps' like me get it easy these days! It's really good to add that tool to my box and I've definitely made some life-long friends. And it's a life-long skill now - I'm not afraid of dancing and I'd like to develop my skills further."

    What do you get up to in your spare time?
    "I'm a huge, huge basketball fanatic so I love to play a bit of that. I'm into the Sydney Kings big-time - they're my team at home. I'm also pretty outdoorsy so I love going to the beach. I'm very social too, so I love going out with mates and having a drink or watching a game. And to be honest with you, just sitting down and watching DVDs or a bit of telly, because you don't get much time to yourself when you're doing a show as big as Home and Away!"

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    Home and Away actor Dan Ewing has been charged with allegedly assaulting his fiancée Marni Little.

    The actor, who plays bad boy Heath Braxton on the soap, was said by officers to have left Little "in a distressed state" and "suffering superficial injuries to her arm" when they arrived at the couple's Sydney apartment last Tuesday night (December 6).

    When asked to comment yesterday (December 11), Ewing claimed that he and Little have resolved the situation and are still planning on getting married.

    "It's a police matter - my fiancée3 and I are dealing with it and we're still very much in love," he told the Herald Sun. "We haven't been apart since, we're getting married and we're very happy - we're fine."

    A spokesperson for the Seven Network, which broadcasts Home and Away in Australia, said: "It's a private matter between Daniel and his fiancee, and the network won't be making any further comment."

    Ewing is scheduled to appear in court later this month.

    He and Little have been engaged since September.

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    Dan Ewing will reportedly keep his job on Home and Away despite his recent assault charge.

    An insider has said that the actor will continue in his role on the Channel Seven show following the alleged fight with fiancée Marni Little.

    "Nothing has changed," the source told Australia's Daily Telegraph.

    "As far as I'm aware it's business as usual - there's always [controversial] stuff happening around here. It will all depend on what happens in court."

    Ewing was removed from the couple's apartment by the police hours after the pair had attended the opening of the Hard Rock Cafe in Darling Harbour, Sydney.

    Officers said that Little was "in a distressed state" and "suffering superficial injuries to her arm" when they arrived.

    Ewing and Little have been engaged since September.

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    Allegations of assault against Home and Away star Dan Ewing may be dropped, a source has claimed.

    The actor, who plays Heath Braxton on the soap, was charged with the alleged assault of his fiancée Marni Little earlier this week following an incident on December 6 - almost three months after the couple became engaged.

    The couple had been to the opening party of the Hard Rock Cafe in Sydney's Darling Harbour on the evening that the incident is alleged to have taken place.

    Police are believed to be waiting on a statement from Little, according to the Herald Sun.

    A law enforcement source told the paper: "It's unlikely any of it will go before a judge." However, the police have officially refused to comment on the case.

    Seven Network insiders have claimed that Ewing's job on the soap is safe in spite of the allegations.

    When asked for comment earlier this week, Ewing said that the matter was in the hands of the police and that he and Little were still "very much in love".

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    Home and Away star Dan Ewing's assault charges have been dropped, it has been announced.

    The 26-year-old actor, who plays River Boy Heath Braxton on the show, was arrested and charged with common assault last month following an alleged domestic dispute with fiancée Marni Little.

    Police officers reportedly found Little "in a distressed state" when they arrived at the couple's Sydney apartment on December 6.

    Ewing later pleaded not guilty to assault and Little has supported him in recent weeks. Her lawyer told a court on December 20: "There was never any assault, there was never any touching."

    The Herald Sun reports that Little's official statement is the reason that the matter has now been dropped.

    A police spokesperson commented: "NSW Police can confirm that common assault charges against a 26-year-old will be dropped as it is no longer a police investigation."

    Ewing joined the cast of Home and Away last year as the River Boys descended on Summer Bay.

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    Exclamation April and Heath

    Home and Away star Rhiannon Fish has confirmed that her character April Scott will continue her pursuit of bad boy Heath Braxton in upcoming episodes.

    April and Heath had a one-night stand in the soap's 2011 season finale, as they sought comfort in each other during troubled times for their respective personal lives.

    As Home and Away returns to screens in Australia next Monday, April is keen to keep seeing Heath (Dan Ewing) - but is left disappointed when he doesn't seem interested.

    Fish told TV Week: "As soon as April sleeps with him, she can't get him out of her head. [But] he wants absolutely nothing to do with her. So it's a really hard situation she's found herself in."

    Revealing that April tries to win back Heath's attention at her sister Bianca's engagement party, the actress continued: "April's a really smart girl, and to put it nicely, Heath isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. So she gets really dressed up and basically looks as hot as she possibly can in order to win him back."

    The pair later share a steamy encounter on the beach, but when this is witnessed by a shocked Bianca (Lisa Gormley), viewers will be left to wonder if the blonde will put a stop to their relationship.

    Home and Away airs these scenes next week on Network Seven in Australia and in February on Channel 5 in the UK.

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    Heath Braxton's love life will take another twist on Home and Away when an old flame turns up in Summer Bay, it has emerged.

    The bad boy, played by Dan Ewing, is enjoying an affair with April Scott (Rhiannon Fish) when one of his ex-girlfriends arrives in the area, TV Week reports.

    Full details of the character have yet to be revealed, but it is thought that April fears she will lose Heath once she learns of the new arrival.

    Home and Away's new series producer Lucy Addario recently teased: "There's a juicy love triangle [coming up] between April, Heath and a gorgeous woman from Heath's past."

    With the Bay's residents also suspecting that April's sister Bianca (Lisa Gormley) isn't over Heath, it sounds like the River Boy will be at the centre of gossip for some time to come!

    Home and Away airs these scenes next week on Network Seven in Australia and late February on Channel 5 in the UK.

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    All the ladies love Heath, hard not see why

    Heath needs a Cathy
    Last edited by tammyy2j; 31-01-2012 at 11:39.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    all the ladies love heath, hard not see why

    Heath needs a cathy

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tammyy2j View Post
    All the ladies love Heath, hard not see why
    Heath doesn't do anything for me. Now, Liam's another matter...

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