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Thread: Brendan Brady (Emmett J. Scanlan)

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    Cool Brendan Brady (Emmett J. Scanlan)

    First of all, congratulations on your British Soap Award wins! What's your reaction to winning the prizes for 'Best Newcomer' and 'Villain of the Year'?
    "To win both a public and industry category going shoulder to shoulder with great shows and great actors who are equally deserving of the awards is slightly embarrassing, but utterly flattering. I owe a lot to Kieron and Bronagh, with whom the vast majority of my work has been with. You're only as good as the team around you and these guys make me look like I know what I'm doing. Our viewing figures are dwarfed in comparison to the big boys, so to get the nod for 'Villain of the Year' is David and Goliath stuff. To the panel, I salute you. Getting the nod from these veterans of the industry is like getting approval from your parents, which growing up for me was few and far between - I was a nightmare… To Britain, I thank you for welcoming me into your home with open arms - duly noted, never forgotten."

    We'll soon see Brendan joining the spa and spending time with Noah. What's going through his mind?
    "Brendan's a very territorial animal - he doesn't like anybody else coming in on his turf. So Noah's come into Stephen's life, but in Brendan's eyes, Stephen belongs to him. The fact that Stephen would spend time with another guy and be happier isn't something that Brendan is going to accept lightly. He's a king manipulator, he likes to toy with people and so he decides to take on Noah in his own turf by joining the spa. Once he's done that, Brendan starts trying to seduce him. Brendan is trying to reclaim the prize. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are, Brendan can get you no matter what - I think that's the point that he wants to prove as a completely irrational human being!"

    What was it like to film the Brendan and Noah scenes?
    "It was so much fun to shoot. I've seen some of it in the edit - it gets really dark and there's some great scenes. With the boxing scenes, it almost has a Rocky and Footloose feel to it. God knows why Footloose comes into my head, but it just does - it's got that comical, camp value to it as well. It's also a seductive few episodes as Brendan is playing the game, and it's fascinating to see someone like Noah - who despises the ground that Brendan walks on - slowly but surely realising that he has feelings for him, no matter how strange they are. I think that's because of Brendan's confidence and arrogance of knowing that he's in control, as that can be quite an attractive quality in some ways. Brendan is trying to turn Noah to the dark side."

    Is this all a plot to win Ste back?
    "I'm not sure whether Brendan is planning to win Stephen back so they can have a normal relationship, so to speak, as I don't think there's anything normal about Brendan - it's not the way he rolls. But he sees Stephen as a person that he cares for, a person that he's killed for - and in doing so, he's shown his love for him in that way, however different or perverse his love may be. What turns Brendan on most of all is power and manipulation, so if he can't have Stephen, he's going to make sure that nobody else can have him. Whether he wants to get back with Stephen is another question altogether, but he thinks he owns Stephen and that's quite frightening due to the type of individual that he is."

    There's often some debate about whether Ste and Brendan's story is a domestic violence storyline or whether it's now become a love storyline. What are your thoughts?
    "It's an incredibly complex relationship and it can't be pigeon-holed. When you try to classify something as a love story or a domestic violence case, you're putting it into your own personal perceptions of how society should be and what reality is. The real reality is that there is such thing as a love story where people hit each other, so it's both those worlds combined. People can try to rationalise things that aren't politically correct, because it doesn't fit with their way of thinking, but Brendan is what he is. Look at Hannibal Lecter - people always try to psychoanalyse him to see why he kills people and what triggers it, when the fact is that he kills people because he likes to do it! People can't accept that, but the most frightening thing to accept is that it is what it is. Is it a love story, is it a domestic violence story? It's both, in my opinion."

    The domestic violence aspect of the storyline disappeared for a while but has been revisited recently. Are you glad about that?
    "I think it's really important. I think sometimes in soap you can hit into a storyline but not give it time to breathe and germinate. It has a gestation period and you need to allow that to grow over the coming months. It's so easy to just forget about things and throw them under the carpet. So I think it's really important that Brendan once again lashed out, because this is who he is. At the end of the day, Brendan is a dangerously caged animal who's fighting with his demons. When he learns to dance with those demons, that's when he becomes a person to be reckoned with. I don't think we should forget who Brendan is and what he's capable of."

    Mixed in with that, we do sometimes see a lighter side to Brendan…
    "Yeah, Brendan's a contradiction in terms because he's also a loyal father and a loving brother. He loves Cheryl and he also loves Stephen, but in a strange way. Brendan has those human, quirky qualities that sometimes make him funny and that people can relate to, but then he'll do something left of field and people will ask, 'Why do I like this guy? What just happened?' Actually, it's more that people think, 'He does this kind of thing, and yet I still like him'. It gets people thinking about their feelings about a character as complex as Brendan, and then when you get people questioning themselves, that's when you get into dangerous, unchartered and uncomfortable territory, but it's something that hard-hitting TV needs to explore more often."

    Brendan has built up such a big fanbase. Has the reaction differed from what you expected when you took on the role?
    "When I went in for the audition, I realised that Brendan was a messed-up, mashed-up character and to play someone like that takes me completely out of my comfort zone. That's what turns me on as an actor and makes me hungry every time I step on set. I had no idea that it was going to take the path that it has - to be honest, I never even gave it a second thought as the viewer reaction is out of my control. I just try to go in, play the truth of the scene and push it a little bit further each time. The fact that people have related to the performance is a fantastic feeling for any actor. The people on Digital Spy have been ridiculously kind to me in ways that I don't deserve. I remember the first time I was told that there were always people talking on there about Brendan Brady and Stephen Hay's relationship, and that's fascinating for me. I hope I'm giving them what they want, because I'm sure as hell enjoying it!"

    Brendan was originally supposed to stick around for six or seven months, but did you always have a feeling that he could be there for longer?
    "Well, I'm very much a moment-by-moment type of person. I originally got a six-month contract and it started on May 19 last year, for scenes that wouldn't go to air until August. But to me, contracts are only as strong as the actor who comes in to play the scenes every day. It's like Premiership League football players - they can sign a five-year contract and leave in the summer, so there's no security in a contract and I like that, I embrace that. It forces you to bring your A-game to set every day and forces you to deliver. I'd been filming for four weeks when I was told that I'd be staying for longer, and I was floored by that. I'm not one for assumptions as we don't know what's going to happen, but I thought that I'd come in, cause trouble and get killed off. But staying for longer helped to develop my character even further and that's what I want. I want to take Brendan full-circle on a character arc, and I've been allowed to do that in spades."

    In your last interview with us, you said that you wanted Brendan to be the most hated man in Britain…
    "I did want Brendan to be the most hated man in Britain and I was going to make sure of that, but in an ironic twist of fate, the viewers started liking him! I embrace both, as there's a fine line between love and hate and it can flip either way."

    Last December seemed to be a turning point for Brendan as we saw a different side to him and heard about his history with Danny Houston and Vinnie's death for the first time. Was that always planned or was there a conscious decision to do something different with the character?
    "I think you play it by ear a lot of the time and the writers and the producers may see something on screen and say, 'That's interesting - let's explore why Brendan is the way he is'. I've had lots of people come in from Brendan's past - you learn the backstory as you go along, and then incorporate it into your way of thinking. It's a compliment more than anything that they want to invest their time into giving me a backstory, which I'll then revel in. I've been spoiled. If you really want to invest more time in the character, it has to go down different avenues, and I love that."

    The character of Brendan Brady and his relationship with Ste was all masterminded by Paul Marquess. Is the new boss Gareth Philips as passionate about the storyline?
    "I hope so! He's reassured me that he is equally as passionate. Paul Marquess is a beautiful man and I owe my career in England to him. I came in for that audition, he cast me straight away and he was the one who invented Brendan Brady - this dark, twisted man. Paul did superb things here at Hollyoaks. Now Gareth's come in and he's also a beautiful man who I've had many conversations with. He's given me future storylines and assured me that there's going to be an interesting time ahead for Brendan. There's going to be a lot of things happening and that's very comforting. He's given it a lot of thought."

    What's next for Brendan?
    "Brendan's main fear was people finding out about his homosexuality, but now that secret's out, he has no fear. So what happens to a crazy, sociopathic man who has no fear? He becomes a different breed of animal. He has absolutely nothing to lose. I'm very interested to see what Brendan does next and myself, Gareth and the writers are all singing off the same hymn sheet. I'm hoping that it will take a path of its own and that if you thought Brendan was bad now, he'll just be Satan incarnate in the next few months. If you thought he was bad now, watch out. It's very exciting to think what could happen at the close of this year, but I never have any expectations. Hopefully we can all create some crazy storylines together."

    Brendan and Amy's tea-drinking scene seems to have gone down as one of the most memorable! Will they be meeting up again soon?
    "I would love it! I remember we were rehearsing that scene and I asked for a cup of tea and a saucer, as I just felt that he should have them. The thing that made that scene work was that it was so close to people finding out about him, so he was borderline psychotic. I think people reacted to that scene the way they did because it was given time to breathe. So many times in soap, your best scenes end up on the cutting room floor because they have to fit so much into 22 and a half minutes. But they let that scene breathe with the pregnant pauses and the tension.

    "I actually remember when I watched it back, I thought, 'Oh no, I think I might have gone a little bit too far with that' - I didn't give the trust to what I'd done. But the response to that scene was breath-taking - even [executive producer] Tony Wood came up to me in the corridor and told me that he loved it, and that's a massive compliment as he invests so much time into this company and watches all of the episodes. Will there be any more of those crazy scenes? I don't know, everyone should just write in and ask for them. I personally will ask for them! It's worth taking risks and it's great when you have directors who trust you enough to add in your own quirks."

    We've recently heard about a movie you starred in called Charlie Casanova, which you won the 'Best Actor' prize for at the European Independent Film Festival in Paris. What's the film about?
    "Charlie Casanova was a movie that I shot just before I came here. It was the best script I've ever read, by a genius of a man called Terry McMahon, who wrote and directed it. We shot it in 12 days - the cheapest film ever made and it's been killing it all over the place. It's about another sociopath who makes all of his decisions based on the draw of a card. Anything from pushing you off a cliff or making you a cup of tea, he completely abdicates all responsibility. He's more cowardly than Brendan Brady, but ten times more dangerous. It's a hard-hitting, very Marmite kind of script - you either love it or you hate it. But no matter what, you walk out of there feeling something."

    How long do you see yourself staying at Hollyoaks for?
    "I have no idea what the future holds with me and 'Oaks. I can tell you right now that I'm very much a moment-by-moment type of guy. I think I'm still on my honeymoon period at Hollyoaks and I've been here for a year now. I love the people, I love working on set and I'm very interested to see where Brendan is going to go… You never know what the future holds."

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    This is totally off topic but I know 2 guys called Emmet Scanlan and Brendan Brady hahahahaha
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    Hollyoaks star Emmett Scanlan has teased fans that Brendan Brady may shave off his famous moustache.

    The soap star - whose hardman character is famous for his facial hair - has grown a beard while Brendan is behind bars, wrongly accused of committing the killings of serial killer Silas, prompting fans to launch a #FreeBrendan petition on Twitter and Facebook.

    Emmett hinted at the Inside Soap awards: "It's Brendan's beard. It's part of the storyline, coming out of prison with a beard. Will the tache be back - that's the question?!"

    Meanwhile, co-star Bronagh Waugh, who plays Brendan's sister Cheryl Brady, admitted she is missing Jay Duffy, who played Brendan's teenage son Declan.

    Bronagh said: "He tweeted us both and said 'I really miss my auntie and my dad'.

    "I really hope he comes back to visit us soon. He was really popular, so hopefully he'll come back. Lovely kid, really nice guy, and a little heartbreaker. Our very own Justin Bieber - got all the teenage girls hearts a flutter."

    Bronagh revealed life is going to get even harder for the Bradys in the coming months, but that made it more exciting.

    She said: "It's a tough time for the Brady bunch but we're working hard and we're going to get back on top. It's going to hot up. So I think next year we've got something really exciting for the family.

    "Emma Smithwick our new producer is so fantastic - she's so edgy and forward thinking. I think you're going to see a real change to Hollyoaks, something really fresh, exciting new and different. We're really going to push the boundaries with it."


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    Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson has enjoyed another busy year on the show as his character Ste Hay has had more turbulent times in his on-off relationship with Brendan Brady (Emmett Scanlan).

    Following the news that Ste may be finding his own path away from Brendan in the New Year, Digital Spy recently caught up with Kieron to hear what's ahead for his character in 2012.

    What have been your highlights from the past 12 months at Hollyoaks?
    "I think my main highlight from the past year goes without saying - it's been working with Emmett. He's been a great addition to the show, and it's also great for me as an actor to work with someone like him. Emmett's helped me and challenged me, which has been really good.

    "It's been another good year, and touch wood, every year I've been here I've had really good storylines - so it's been fantastic to have another successful year on the show."

    What do you think of the decision to keep Ste and Brendan apart for the time being?
    "I think the two characters definitely needed to split off from each other and do their own thing. I think if you push it in the audience's faces too much, then they'll get bored of it, so I think it's nice that they've stopped that for a bit now and they can both go their separate ways.

    "Knowing the relationship that they've got and their past, they will always come back together at some point. But I think it is important that they go off and do their own things. It's nice for us to work with some different people too."

    Even if Ste and Brendan are apart for now, could there be a light at the end of the tunnel for their fans in the long-term?
    "I don't know whether there's any future in the relationship, but I can definitely see them working together again - whether it'll be in Chez Chez, or Brendan getting Ste to do something dodgy for him. Brendan's obviously that type of character, and Ste's so gullible that he'll just go along and do anything! I can definitely see them having scenes together but as for specifics, even we don't know yet."

    It sounds like the writers are planning to explore Ste more in his own right in 2012. Are you excited about what's ahead?
    "Definitely. I think this year Ste was very much the victim in every sense - in his career and in his relationship with Brendan. I think in 2012, you're going to see a very different side of Ste and we're giving him a bit of power. He's going to have a new job, he's going to get a new love interest, and he's going to be a brand new person - which is going to be interesting after the year that he's just had!"

    Can you tell us about his new job?
    "I'm not allowed to say what it is yet! But Ste's always been known as the down and out - he's never had money, and he's never had luck in his relationships. So I think the career choice that he makes is something that you wouldn't expect him to do. Well, you would kind of expect it from him - but it's quite a powerful position as well.

    "He's been a binman, he's been a chef, he's been a barman, and an ex-convict! So his CV's not great, but the audience will be surprised by what he ends up doing."

    With Ste getting a new love interest, how do you think he'd react if Brendan ever followed suit and did the same?
    "I think if Brendan got a new love interest, then Ste would be absolutely devastated and gutted! He likes to put on a bravado and say that Amy was the love of his life because he's got the kids with her, but Brendan is definitely the real love of his life. It's like in real life - if you see somebody with your ex, it absolutely kills you inside."

    Will there be more Ste and Amy scenes in 2012?
    "Yeah, there's a lot of scenes coming up with Ste and Amy actually. I think that's really nice after everything that they've been through. Ste is gay, they have the kids together - and it's nice how accepting Amy is of it, because situations like this do happen in real life. It shows that you can still be a dad to your kids even if you're gay and you can still get on well with the mother of your children."

    Do you think the domestic violence aspect of Ste and Brendan's story could be explored more, or have we seen the last of it?
    "My personal opinion is that, yes they've kind of dropped it for now, but because it's such a huge topic and gay domestic abuse had never been done on British television before, it would be a shame if we never went back to it at all.

    "But it's a tough one. As it's domestic abuse, the perpetrator needs to get their comeuppance to show the audience that it's not accepted. But then you've also got to look at the character of Brendan. What do you do - put him in prison and lose him from the show? I think we need to find a way of doing it that's right."

    What do you think it is about Brendan that attracts Ste time and time again?
    "I think it's because Ste never had a dad - and the stepdad figure he did have in his life used to physically abuse him. So he was brought up alone, he fended for himself and his mum was an alcoholic.

    "When Brendan first came on the scene he was this powerful man - a very manly man. Even though it's weird that they ended up having a relationship, I always played it so that Brendan was a bit of a father figure to him. But obviously he fancied him at the same time!"

    Cheryl is Ste's other main friend on the show, so will they have more to do together?
    "I've been working with Bronagh [Waugh, who plays Cheryl] a little bit, but not massive amounts. Bronagh has also got a new storyline in 2012, so it's nice that everyone's doing their own separate things.

    "But I think what you'll see more of in the show in general is that we'll be passing each other in the village, saying hello and having little chit-chats. Everyone's doing their own individual storylines, but then we'll meet up in the middle and discuss what's going on - as would happen in real life."

    If Ste could build up a friendship with any other character, who would you choose?
    "I'd like him to be friends with Darren. I think Ashley Taylor Dawson is one of our strongest actors, and every time he's on screen I just want to watch him. He makes me laugh, he does comedy really well and he does vulnerability really well. He's been in the show for years and years, but I don't really get to work with him that much - I've probably only done about three scenes with him. So I'd like Ste and Darren to be friends!"

    Have you had many scenes with Dan O'Connor, who's just joined the show?
    "Quite a few actually. I'm very heavily involved in the beginning of his first storyline, when he first starts."

    What would be a dream storyline for you?
    "I'd love it if Ste and Amy took the kids to Benidorm, so we could film there. And then something bad would happen, so that we'd have to stay there for a quite a while!"

    Apart from your own, what was your favourite Hollyoaks story this year?
    "Definitely the Silas storyline - it didn't just capture everybody here, it captured the whole country. The ratings went through the roof, the performances were incredible and the whole team pulled together with some brilliant writing. To me, it was us sticking our fingers up to all the negative people out there who thought that we couldn't do it. I'm very pleased to be working where I am!"

    Away from Hollyoaks, you and Bronagh have recently started your own radio show on Gaydio each Sunday. How's it all going?
    "It's weird, actually! Myself and Bronagh are best friends in real life - we get to work together at Hollyoaks and now we have a radio show as well! We went in the other day and found out that it's the number one downloadable radio show on the station. Apparently so many people log on to listen to it on a Sunday that the system crashes. We get to be ourselves, have a laugh, interview people from work and other celebrities. It's a really fun Sunday."

    Your birthday is coming up in January and you had a huge party for your last one. How are you going to top it this time around?
    "You haven't even heard anything yet! Because my birthday's in January, I'm having my party in March because of the weather. Basically, I've hired out a full holiday camp, so everybody who comes will get a caravan each. You turn up at 2pm and get a buffet lunch, and then everybody's going to be on Segways and go-karts.

    "Then in the night, there'll be a Great British holiday theme with a fish and chips stand, a candy floss stand, an '80s and '90s disco with popstars including S Club 7 - but there's only three of them, so it'll be S Club 3! There'll be some others too, but I don't want to say as it'll ruin the surprise. But it's going to be massive."
    Last edited by alan45; 30-12-2011 at 02:48.
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    Hollyoaks star Emmett Scanlan is in the running for the 'Rising Star' prize at the 2012 Irish Film & Television Awards, it has been announced.

    The actor, best known for playing Chester's Brendan Brady, received the nod for his lead role in dark Irish film Charlie Casanova.

    IFTA's 'Rising Star' nominees are selected by a panel and the award aims to highlight "exceptional new and breakthrough talent working in all areas of the Irish film industry".

    Scanlan is in the running for the prize alongside actor Chris O'Dowd and writer-directors John Michael McDonagh and Rebecca Daly.

    Writing on Twitter today, he said: "Am truly honoured in receiving the @IFTA Rising Star nomination! And in ridiculous company too - massive thanks."

    The Hollyoaks favourite filmed Charlie Casanova in 2010. Billed as "A Clockwork Orange meets American Psycho", the film tells the story of a ruling class sociopath who kills a working class girl in a hit and run - before using a deck of playing cards to determine his fate.

    Scanlan was named 'Best Actor' at the 2011 European Independent Film Festival for his role in the movie last April.

    The 2012 Irish Film & Television Awards take place in Dublin on February 11.

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    Hollyoaks star Emmett Scanlan has said that his character Brendan Brady still harbours strong feelings for ex-lover Ste Hay.

    The pair have been apart for some time, with Ste (Kieron Richardson) currently concentrating on his career ambitions and Brendan busy training up Joel Dexter (Andrew Still) as a protégé at Chez Chez.

    However, Scanlan told All About Soap that he believes there is still unfinished business between Brendan and Ste.

    "Regardless of what's happened, Brendan still loves Steven," the actor commented. "He wants a relationship with him, but only on his terms. There's some big stuff coming up for them."

    Discussing other upcoming plans for his character, Scanlan added: "It's going to be an absolutely huge year for Brendan. He's top dog in the village once more, and I hope he stays that way.

    "I want Brendan to be utterly and completely unapologetic for everything he does from now on."

    Next week's Hollyoaks episodes see Brendan try to interfere in Ste's business plans with Doug Carter (PJ Brennan), as he misses having control over his ex.

    Scanlan spoke to All About Soap after being voted 'Best Actor' in the magazine's 2012 reader awards.

    Read the full interview with Emmett Scanlan in the latest issue of All About Soap, out today (March 27).

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    Hollyoaks star Emmett Scanlan has said that there are still strong feelings between Brendan Brady and Ste Hay.

    The ex-lovers have been apart for some time, and things are about to get more complicated as Ste (Kieron Richardson) looks set to embark on a relationship with Doug Carter (PJ Brennan) in the coming weeks.

    However, speaking to Digital Spy's Anna Williamson at the British Soap Awards, Scanlan expressed his belief that 'Stendan' remains a love story.

    Scanlan commented: "It ain't over, I can guarantee that. I really appreciate how much people are into the whole 'Stendan' thing - invented by Digital Spy I'm pretty sure!

    "As messed up and damaged as it is, [it's] essentially a love story. Brendan loves Steven, and Steven loves Brendan."

    Discussing the future of the current story, he continued: "What's going to happen? Bad boy Brendan's going to come out, I guess. Essentially Brendan, he loves Steven. There's an element of control and there's an element of possession that, as perverted as it may sound, is just the way that Brendan is and you have to accept that sort of stuff without judging it.

    "But I can guarantee that if anybody's going to stand in his way… if somebody's going to stop Brendan, it ain't gonna be Doug!"

    Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4 with a first look screening at 7pm on E4

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    Hollyoaks star Emmett Scanlan has promised that there are "exciting" new storylines on the way for his character Brendan Brady.

    The actor revealed that his unpredictable alter ego will be back at the forefront of the Channel 4 show in the coming months.

    Scanlan told Inside Soap: "A massive storyline is going to kick in later this year. I've already seen a few of the scripts which are coming up, and some new people are going to come into Brendan's life and change it forever.

    "His main motivations will remain the same, though. Power, possession, Ste - we'll be exploring each of those aspects of him. It all looks very exciting, actually."

    In the meantime, a new rivalry kicks off for Brendan this week as bad boy Walker joins the village.

    Scanlan said: "They met in prison while Brendan was doing time on suspicion of the murders that Silas committed. Walker looked out for Brendan, so he turns up asking for a favour in return. Brendan is aware he's a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but there's this unwritten criminal code that he knows he has to honour.

    "Neil Newbon, who plays Walker, is a fascinating character on and off the set. We get on very well, but we both want to make Brendan and Walker's rivalry so palpable that the audience will be salivating while watching!"

    Hollyoaks airs weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4 with a first look screening at 7pm on E4.

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    Emmett Scanlan has said his upcoming scenes in Hollyoaks Later will take his bad boy character Brendan Brady "to a new level of darkness".
    The actor's shady alter ago has a key role in the post-watershed show, to be shown across five nights on E4 this autumn.
    And Emmett revealed: "It builds very, very nicely throughout all five episodes. Come episode four and five it takes the storyline to a new level of darkness and black comedy.
    "There's some very daring stuff, very ballsy stuff that I don't think has ever been done on Hollyoaks before, so for that reason alone I'm excited as hell."
    The Irish soap star has been flying to and from Belfast filming the BBC crime drama The Fall, alongside his Hollyoaks colleagues Karen Hassan and Bronagh Waugh.
    Emmett, who plays a detective searching for a murderer, said: "I've had about 10 flights in the last 9 days - that's not an exaggeration. I've been back and forth, back and forth, it's been immense."
    He added: "For the first time in a long time I've been cast as a good guy. I'm going from hunting a serial killer to being hunted myself when I'm back on Hollyoaks. It's a massive change."

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