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Thread: 'Neighbours' actor James Mason on Chris's future: DS Interview

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    'Neighbours' actor James Mason on Chris's future: DS Interview

    Neighbours mechanic Chris Pappas became a permanent fixture on the soap this year after previously being introduced as a guest in early 2010.

    Chris has proved popular with Neighbours fans and Erinsborough residents alike since his introduction and now has a major storyline on the way as he embarks on a romance with nurse Aidan Foster (Bob Morley).

    Here, actor James Mason chats to Digital Spy about playing Neighbours' first ever gay male regular and also reveals details of what the future holds for Chris.

    How have you found the transition of going from guest to regular on Neighbours?
    "I'm lucky because I've had time to blend into the Neighbours world, instead of being thrown into the deep end. So from that perspective, it's been a really comfortable transition. And it's great to see the character evolve more now, there's more depth to Chris. Prior to this, Chris was part of a storyline, more in the background, and now he is in the forefront which is fantastic as an actor. I'm loving it."

    We recently saw an interesting storyline where Chris was faced with a homophobic customer at work. What did you make of that plot?
    "The hard thing for Chris was that he just didn't know how to respond to the situation, and he has never had an adult speak to him about gay people like this guy did. It was very confronting for him. And because the guy wasn't pointing his remarks directly at Chris, Lucas didn't understand why Chris was so offended. At first, he didn't have an appreciation of how deep those comments hurt Chris."

    The storyline also seemed to divide opinion quite a bit, as some viewers could understand why Lucas wouldn't want to rock the boat with a customer, while others were on Chris's side. Are you pleased it got people talking?
    "I'm really pleased that there is discussion about this storyline and I can appreciate both sides. Lucas wasn't there when the customer was saying these things, so he didn't understand Chris's point of view. However, as the story went along, we saw Lucas change and his respect for Chris grew.

    "They both had their own opinions, and to a certain extent, they were both valid under the circumstances. But that storyline was basically about understanding where the other person is coming from and being willing to change your ideas, as it isn't always easy to admit you are wrong."

    We've seen on a number of occasions that Chris's relationship with his dad is quite strained. Will that continue or could they find some common ground?
    "A bit of both. This sort of relationship isn't going to mend itself overnight - however, I can say that there are events coming up where Chris's father supports him and realises there are more important things in life than the constant bickering."

    Chris's scenes with Tash often seem to show a different side to her character. Do you enjoy portraying their strong friendship?
    "Yeah, I do. I think Tash brings another side out in Chris and he feels really comfortable with her. Now that Summer and Andrew are in a relationship, Tash is the one he gravitates to. Tash leans on Chris and to a certain extent, he does the same with her."

    Australian soaps often seem to be a bit more hesitant when it comes to gay characters compared to the UK. Has the reaction to Chris been positive among the Australian audience?
    "Personally, I've had absolutely no negative feedback from fans, which is outstanding. With most storylines you generally get those for and against, but for me, it's only been positive."

    Thanks to Twitter and fanmail, do you get much chance to interact with fans in the UK too?
    "Yes, most definitely. I have a pretty Twitter account which I should devote more time to, but I try to get back to most people who ask questions and give some feedback. I love the immediacy and the fact that people take the time to make contact."

    As Chris is the first gay male regular on Neighbours, is there any pressure when it comes to representing what members of the audience may be going through in real life?
    "Yes, absolutely. I'm very lucky because our writers and producers are incredibly committed to all the storylines we do, and there is a lot of discussion around whatever we do to ensure it's realistic to our viewers. The great thing about Chris becoming a regular is the development of the character and there is time to explore his reactions."

    Is it true that you were inspired by a friend of yours when you were portraying Chris's coming out storyline?
    "Yes, I do have a friend who went through a similar situation, plus some of the writers and their friends have been there as well, so it's a collaboration of real experiences which is what I enjoy about the storyline."

    Chris will grow closer to Bob Morley's character Aidan in a future storyline. What can we expect from Chris and Aidan's scenes?
    "Their relationship will be treated just like any other heterosexual relationship. It's a very slow build-up for these two because Chris isn't someone who shows his feelings openly, this is all new to him, so in terms of seeing them as a couple as such, that will happen early next year."

    Will they have a proper relationship or just a close friendship?
    "It's definitely a romance, however whether it's long term, that's up to the writers. You'll have to wait and see!"

    What has Bob been like to work with on the storyline?
    "Fantastic. As actors, it is very challenging and exciting at the some time, and because of this, we have developed a connection. We're rapt that the characters are going down this path and based on the feedback I've had to Chris coming out, I think viewers are going to like why the relationship unfolds. Well, I hope they do."

    You mentioned on Twitter that Chris could be involved in Australia's end-of-year cliffhanger. Can you tell us anything about this?
    "Let's just say that Chris is involved in a potentially life-threatening experience which will also have a major impact on some of the other characters. And through this incident, he meets Aidan."

    Finally, what's it like to have Chris Milligan (Kyle) back on set following his recent absence due to injury?
    "Chris is a very funny guy, so it's great to have him back in the green room. We just have to remember not to kick his foot!"

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    Neighbours star James Mason has revealed that he is happy playing a gay character.

    The Australian actor, who portrays Chris Pappas in the soap, said that he saw "potential" in the character from the moment he got the part.

    Mason told The Daily Telegraph: "I really liked the character from the beginning and could see there was huge potential for him. I have a friend who went through what Chris did when he came out, so it's really important to me that there is realism to the stories.

    "The good thing about Chris is that he is an ordinary person who is a mechanic and happens to be gay."

    In a recent storyline, Chris was threatened by homophobic Warren Burrell and then beaten up. Mason said of the incident: "Chris is embarrassed that he thinks he was gay bashed and he doesn't want to tell anyone. He is trying to build a relationship [with his father] but this incident happening, if it revolves around him being gay, just causes more chaos around the fact that he is gay.

    "He wants to forget about it. He tells everyone he's fine and that it's not a big deal. Once Chris is in hospital [however, dad] George shows his support and his love. It makes Chris realise that no matter who he is, the people that love him will be there no matter what."

    Neighbours boss Susan Bower previously said that she expected the show's first regular male gay character to cause controversy among viewers, saying: "I do believe homophobia is alive and well, and I have no doubt that we will get complaints about it."

    However, there have been few complaints since Mason started on the show last year.

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    Neighbours' UK viewers will see Chris Pappas's new romance storyline kick off next week as the mechanic realises that he's attracted to nurse Aidan Foster.

    When Aidan (Bob Morley) pays a visit to the garage to get his car serviced, he is clearly interested in Chris (James Mason) and later buys him lunch at Charlie's Bar.

    Back at the garage later, Aidan tries to ask Chris out properly - but Chris denies his feelings by turning the offer down, not wanting to upset his disapproving dad George.

    Fans know that there is a relationship ahead for the pair, but how difficult will it be to get to that point?

    Also ahead next week, Rhys Lawson (Ben Barber) puts his nasty career plan into action at the Erinsborough Hospital - hoping to get new intern Erin (Elise Jansen) kicked off the surgical programme so he can take her place.

    Rhys hopes to distract Erin from work by romancing her, but things get complicated when Kate Ramsay (Ashleigh Brewer) discovers what he's up to.

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    Neighbours' Chris romance story, Rhys scheme - Spoiler Pictures

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