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Thread: Desperate Housewives Series 8

  1. #11
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    ABC is looking a "forty-something Kate Walsh-type actress" to join the Desperate Housewives cast as a love interest for Tom Scavo, it has been revealed.

    Following the break-up of Tom (Doug Savant) and Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman) at the end of the seventh season, producers are now casting a character called Jane to play Tom's new girlfriend.

    Executive producer Bob Daily confirmed that both Tom and Lynette will be dating new people when the eighth and final season kicks off, reports TV Guide.

    Jane's character will be a threat to Lynette and will have a daughter called Chloe, who is billed as "a hard-bodied yoga instructor in her early twenties".

    Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry confirmed at the weekend that the upcoming eighth season will be the show's last. Huffman has since confessed that she broke down in tears when she heard the news.

    The final season of Desperate Housewives premieres on September 25 on ABC.

  2. #12
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    Nicollette Sheridan has ruled out a return to Desperate Housewives in the show's final season.

    The 47-year-old starred in the ABC comedy drama until 2009, when her character Edie Britt was killed off part-way through the fifth season.

    Sheridan went on to file a lawsuit against the network and Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry, claiming that she had been unfairly dismissed from her role and was physically assaulted by Cherry when she first voiced her complaint.

    A judge ruled in May that Sheridan had a strong enough case against the two parties to warrant a full trial by jury.

    Despite the ongoing legal battle, Cherry suggested after the confirmation of Desperate Housewives' end this weekend that he wants Sheridan to return for the show's final episode next year.

    "I don't know how I would do that," he told a TCA meeting this week. "But I have an idea for the last episode in which I want to pay homage to everyone who's been on the show before. So, we'll see what happens with that."

    However, Sheridan expressed surprise at Cherry's proposal during an appearance on the Today show on Monday, going on to claim that she had already come to terms with Edie's demise.

    "That's news to me," she said. "I had an amazing time playing that character. I loved her dearly, but they killed her. She's dead."

    Former Desperate Housewives star Dana Delany claimed yesterday that she had been invited to reprise her role as Katherine Mayfair in the final season.

    Desperate Housewives returns to US TV screens on September 25 on ABC.

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    I'll miss Mike the plumber he can fix my pipes anytime

  4. #14
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    Sarah Paulson has signed up to return to Desperate Housewives.

    The actress first appeared in the show in 2007 as Lynette's (Felicity Huffman) troubled sister Lydia.

    However, Desperate Housewives' executive producer Bob Daily explained that Lydia will now be in a much better place than Lynette.

    "Lynette always helped put the pieces back in Lydia's disastrous personal life, but she is now engaged and shows up with her new fiancé," he told TV Guide.

    "We'll hear her say, 'Oh Lynette, I'm so sorry [about your separation from Tom]. What can I do to help?' The seeds of sibling rivalry are planted as the roles are reversed."

    Paulson has previously worked on shows including Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Deadwood and Jack & Jill.

    Daily also revealed that the producers are hoping to bring back characters including Julie (Andrea Bowen), Andrew (Shawn Pyfrom) and Danielle (Joy Lauren) for the upcoming final season of Desperate Housewives.

    The show may also introduce an older version of Tom's daughter Kayla.

    Dana Delany has already said that she would be interested in returning to the show but Nicolette Sheridan, who is suing Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry, has ruled out any appearances in the final season.

    The final season of Desperate Housewives will kick off on September 20 on ABC.

  5. #15
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    Marcia Cross has said that she wants all Bree Van de Kamp's former love interests to return for the final season of Desperate Housewives.

    Last month, creator Marc Cherry confirmed that the ABC show will end with its upcoming eighth run. Speaking to Patch, Cross revealed that she had submitted some ideas for how to wrap up her character's story.

    "Well, I didn't want to say too much because I'd like to pitch a few ideas to Marc," she said when asked how she would like to see the show come to a close. "Although I'm sure he's already figured it out.

    "But the other thing is I definitely want to see all my men again. I've had a lot of men. There's a lot of fabulous men. I want them to come back. Everyone. There's just so many of them. Steven Culp to Kyle [MacLachlan] and Brian Austin Green and Roger Bart and I'm probably missing people, but I've had a lot of fellas."

    Cross said that she hopes the ending is "something that I couldn't dream up", praising Cherry for knowing "how to spin things".

    "[Bree's] definitely come a long way so I'll be curious to see what he has in mind," she added, admitting that she does not want the character to be killed off. "I don't know happy or not happy [ending], but I do think open ended in the sense that these people's lives go on.

    "I hope we're not all dead. I hope it's something where you think, 'Huh, where is that person ten years from now?'"

    The final season of Desperate Housewives begins on September 25 on ABC.

  6. #16
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    TERI Hatcher, Eva Longoria and Felicity Huffman were "in denial" over the news that Desperate Housewives was getting the axe, according to co-star Marcia Cross.
    Marcia — who plays Bree Van der Kamp in the Channel 4 show — said it was left to her to break the the news to her co-stars.

    While last month's announcement by US network ABC came as a shock to the cast, Marcia, right, said she knew it was coming.

    She said: "I said to all the girls, 'they are making an announcement about the show and they don't make an announcement unless there is something to announce'. I don't know why, but everybody else was in denial.

    "I immediately texted Felicity Huffman (who played Lynette) as soon as it was confirmed.

    "She found out the news through my text," she told Digital Spy.

    She added that it will be hard to say goodbye to the Wisteria Lane series.

    She said: "I will miss Bree immensely. We've been through so much together. We've tackled marriages, babies, deaths, cancer.

    "It's been a long, interesting journey on Desperate Housewives so it is going to be difficult to say goodbye."

  7. #17
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    Felicity Huffman has admitted that she has started arguing with her Desperate Housewives co-star Doug Savant.

    The pair's characters Lynette and Tom recently decided to separate and Huffman explained that the storyline has had a big effect on them.

    Huffman told TV Guide: "I have to tell you, I can't love anyone more than Doug Savant, but life's been imitating art.

    "You spend so many hours acting a certain storyline that it bleeds into real life. Dougie and I have been fighting for real. Not huge things, but little barbed comments. A little rough around the edges."

    Savant also admitted that he has snapped at Huffman, saying: "I'm still in mid-conflict with her at the moment. She and I seem to take on the emotions of our scenes."

    Andrea Parker recently signed up to play a new love interest for Tom, while Huffman has joked that she would like Lynette to get a girlfriend.

    Desperate Housewives airs on Sundays at 9/8c on ABC.

  8. #18
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    Dana Delany, Kyle MacLachlan and Andrea Bowen have all signed up to return to Desperate Housewives.

    The show's three former stars will reprise their roles for the final season, TV Line says.

    Delany, who is now starring in Body of Proof, played Katherine Mayfair for three seasons before leaving the show in 2010.

    MacLachlan played Bree's former husband Orson in the drama, while Bowen starred as Susan's daughter Julie.
    It is not yet clear when the stars will return or how many episodes they will appear in.

    Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry announced in August that the show will come to an end after its current eighth season.

    Jesse Metcalfe has previously revealed that he would "definitely be open" to returning to the series.

  9. #19
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    As Lynette in Desperate Housewives, Felicity Huffman has struggled with marital woes. But in real life she couldn’t be luckier in love. As the show’s final season hits our screens, she describes why her actor-and-DIY-fiend husband William H Macy is the perfect partner, and why she adores her Desperate Housewife co-stars even if they do make her feel like an ‘elephant’

    'What I'm looking forward to most after Desperate Housewives is eating bread and cheese and ice cream,' says Felicity
    Felicity Huffman snorts with laughter at my suggestion that she is as much a beauty as any of the other Desperate Housewives stars. Dressed to kill for the YOU photo shoot, and made up to match, the 49-year-old actress looks far more stunning than her alter ego Lynette Scavo has ever been allowed to in the show that begins its eighth – and final – season on E4 tonight.
    In London with her husband, actor William H Macy, 61 (currently starring in the US version of Shameless), and their two daughters, Sofia, 11, and Georgia, nine, she talks about the demise of her on-screen relationship, her real-life marriage, and her Desperate Housewives ‘community’ – friends Eva Longoria, Teri Hatcher and Marcia Cross.

    I have always liked the fact that Lynette was the mum and the other girls carry the glamour quotient for the show. When we started I was still nursing my younger daughter, so when it came to dressing Lynette it was just her husband’s jeans, button-up tops and Birkenstocks. She made her entrance as a not-glamorous, tired and overwhelmed mother, but eight years on they have promised me that she will get her groove back and maybe she’ll make her exit in a dress and heels.

    I have to say that the writers are excited and rejuvenated this year and I think the storylines reflect it – I have some wonderfully challenging scenes. I don’t have any input except to say to wardrobe, ‘Isn’t it time for me to throw away the big slacks and sandals?’ As Tom and Lynette are now separated the big question in series eight is, ‘Will they or won’t they get back together?’ There is a lot of fertile ground for Lynette, who is having a hard time coming to terms with her separation. She’s struggling with the children, she’s worried about who Tom might or might not be dating, and then, of course, all the women have to deal with the consequences of the murder that ended series seven. It’s brilliant.

    Beauty could never have been my currency. I look OK. I look better in person than I do on film, which is bad because it’s how I make my living, but I am not a beauty and on balance I am glad. Beauty can make you powerful in a way that isn’t good for you. Being OK is better for the person I have become.
    From left: Felicity and co-star Daran Norris in the final series of Desperate Housewives; with her husband William H Macy. They have been married for 14 years

    I am all for plastic surgery, I can’t wait to get my face lifted but my husband says, ‘No, don’t do it.’
    I think if it makes you feel better, go for it, but it would be nice if it looked good. There are a lot of people out there who are disasters and you think, ‘Why did you do that?’ and I do think it’s a slippery slope. Like cola and crisps, it’s addictive – you can’t have just one face-lift.

    I am so out of the limelight that I haven’t had to deal with too much scrutiny or paparazzi interest. Marcia is a world-class beauty, the whole world is in love with Eva and Teri looks amazing – and I have always been very happy for them to be the cover girls. I could never compete with them but I am looking forward to Lynette dressing up a little bit and maybe going a little wild now that she and her husband Tom have finally – after five children together, her cancer and endless other intrigues over eight seasons – parted.

    I am the biggest one on the show. When I go into the wardrobe trailer the rest of the cast are all there with their 25-inch waists and their tiny little jeans, and I come in and I feel like an elephant.
    I am a normal weight – and I feel huge, like, ‘Let’s play field hockey.’ It sounds like I am being
    self-deprecating but I am just giving you the truth.

    The pressure on women to be thin is like a plague. I have gone through my life, like a lot of women, rating my experiences on the basis of, ‘Was I thin at that time or fat?’ And it doesn’t seem to let up. In her 70s and 80s my mother was still saying, ‘I’ve got to lose weight.’ I would do anything to save my daughters from that pain. I know they will probably have to go through heartbreak but I would just love it if they didn’t hate their bodies.

    My daughters are 11 and nine now and they are still little girls. I would love to have a third but my husband says, ‘No, we are just getting to the place where you can say, “Put on your shoes and get in the car,” and they actually put on their shoes and get in the car.’

    I have such a hard time saying no to my children. I do the worst thing – I don’t say no and then they go on and on about whatever it is they want and finally I break. My friends say to me, ‘You have got to set the boundaries early with your children.’ And I say, ‘You’re right.’ But I still can’t say no.

    Home is the best place on earth. Our house in California is set in almost three acres and we aspire to self-sufficiency – and I love to get the girls involved. I like it when Georgia brings in strawberries from her patch or when Sofia collects the eggs from our chickens or goes and fetches me some mint. We have dogs, too – a rescue dog that you might call a collabrador because he has a bit of labrador in him but he’s a complete mongrel.

    Bill loves to build and fix things – if the fridge is broken, he’s there. Our friends next door don’t call the emergency services, they call Bill. When their two-year-old was locked in the bathroom at ten o’clock at night, Bill went round with his tool box and rescued him. He has a very male energy. The other day he came home from the set of Shameless and told me that the actress who plays his estranged wife, Chloe Webb, with whom he has been doing these wild sex scenes, had told him that she loved acting with him because he was ‘such a man and usually I am acting with boys’. He loved that.

    My husband says that when he sees me in a sex scene he closes his eyes and hums, but when I see him – and boy has he had some scenes in Shameless – I do that thing that women do, I will quiz him afterwards: ‘What was she like?’, ‘Do you think she’s pretty?’ and ‘How big was her butt?’ But it’s all fine – we both know that having sex on set is the least sexy thing you could ever do in your life because there are 20 people in the room and 100 more watching and all I am ever thinking is, ‘I hope I don’t look disgusting.’

    I was against our daughters becoming actors and then Bill turned to me and said, ‘It’s been a great life for us, why deny them?’ So I have compromised and said OK, but they have to go to college first. They are interested in acting – along with lion-taming…

    ‘I don’t get to see much of the Desperate girls away from work because we are all so busy. But I adore Eva, she is a friend for life’
    Being the baby of a big family – I have six sisters and one brother – is like being in a little golden cradle. To my mother, I was always her last treasured baby and then I had all these great elder sisters who were like mini mothers. But the downside of that is that I can’t make decisions, I do everything by committee. Bill jokes that whenever my sisters and I decide to get together for a meal or a movie, it takes ‘13 phone calls and two people will cry’.

    Female friendship is very important and sometimes you forget that when you are busy with work, family and marriage. When my children were small my woman friends fell by the wayside, but now when I spend time with them I come out rejuvenated and laughing and happy. I don’t get to see much of the Desperate girls away from work because we are all so busy, but I adore Eva, she is a friend for life, but she is such a star and so busy now that I might have to continue my friendship with her from a distance.

    The future is open, which is exciting. I have signed up for a movie that I hope comes off and
    I am starting an online magazine called What the Flicker? which is taking up a lot of my time, and hopefully I will be producing a little bit. What I am looking forward to most – apart from seeing more of my girls – is eating bread and cheese and ice cream. I can never eat those things when we are shooting. I have to watch everything, which is such a bore.

    Desperate Housewives is a community, a family. The other day we were doing a big scene in a church and one of the crew decided that he was going to make a surprise proposal to his girlfriend – another crew member – on the set. Everyone was in on it except his girlfriend, and the cameras were rolling when he suddenly got down on one knee and proposed, and she burst into tears and we all cried and it was wonderful. Over the eight years, we have had babies, weddings, deaths and now a proposal. It has been the most amazing job ever, and I do wish it could go on, but all good things come to an end.

    I can’t think about the end of Desperate Housewives; it’s going to be emotional. I can’t face the idea of going in for the last day of shooting. I would like to send a letter saying, ‘Goodbye! Thank you so much!’

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  10. #20
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    Life-changing events on Desperate Housewives this March inspire one last flashback-filled episode before the series finale in May. This time, look for reappearances from Steven Culp as Bree's dead husband, Rex Van De Kamp, and Rob star Lupe Ontiveros as Carlos' late mama, Juanita Solis — you remember, the one who got plowed down by Bree's son Andrew.

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