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Thread: Amy Wyatt

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    Amy Wyatt

    Emmerdale star Chelsea Halfpenny has admitted that her troubled character Amy Wyatt may be driven to desperate measures as her pregnancy storyline continues.

    Earlier this week, viewers saw Amy discover that she is expecting Cain Dingle's baby following the one-night stand they had in April.

    Meanwhile, episodes airing next week see Amy head to an abortion clinic following pressure from Cain (Jeff Hordley). However, she soon decides to keep the baby without telling the village's bad boy.

    Halfpenny told All About Soap: "The nurse does an ultrasound to detect how far gone Amy is, and Amy asks her if she can see her unborn baby. It's when she sees her unborn child on the screen that she realises she wants to keep it. Amy hasn't had the easiest of lives, but she's desperate to be a good mum."

    However, Halfpenny added that Amy may change her mind again in the coming weeks.

    "She's going to start having second thoughts about continuing her pregnancy," the actress confirmed. "Amy's in a really dark place and she's so young to be coping with something this huge by herself.

    "Amy's preoccupied with the fear of Cain finding out, and it might push her to do something dangerous. Watch this space."

    Halfpenny joined the cast of Emmerdale late last year.

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    The tearaway teen, who had a one-night stand with bad boy Cain Dingle, is shocked when he turns nasty and is scared to go to her adoptive parents, the Pollards, for fear of letting them down again.

    Chelsea revealed to the Emmerdale website: "When Amy found out she was pregnant it was a massive shock and devastation because this is the last thing she wants.

    "Her and Val and Eric are just getting close again and she doesn't want to have to tell them that she's pregnant, so she's gutted really.

    "At this point Val, Eric and Amy are in a good place. They think that Amy's all happy and she's helping out with the housework and the work in the B&B. But they don't realise it's because she's trying to butter them up to explain to them everything that's happened. So they're in for a big shock.

    "I think Val thinks she's got a really good relationship with Amy, but Amy obviously knows that there's some things she needs to tell her."

    Chelsea revealed Amy had been relying on Cain to help her through it.

    She said: "She really cared what Cain thought because she needed the support and I think she expected him to act like an adult and take responsibility for what both of them had done and he didn't.

    "The fact that he just says 'I want you to get rid of it and I don't care about you or this baby' and he gets really violent with her. It's a real shock to the system."

  3. #3
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    I find her very annoying and what is up with her make up?
    Last edited by tammyy2j; 24-08-2011 at 10:59.

  4. #4
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    and if the one night stand was in April, that makes her 4-4.5 months pregnant? how come she has only now found out?

  5. #5
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    6018/19 Wednesday 7 September 2011 7:00pm – 80pm

    • Amy is horrified to learn she's too late to have an abortion

    YES because it has taken her 4 months to notice!!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarah c View Post
    and if the one night stand was in April, that makes her 4-4.5 months pregnant? how come she has only now found out?
    Yes this dont make sense to me either

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizann View Post
    Yes this dont make sense to me either
    If you have irregular periods, you might not become aware straight away. You read all the time that women give birth without knowing they have been pregnant

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    Emmerdale star Chelsea Halfpenny has admitted that she feels "a lot of responsibility" with her ongoing teenage pregnancy storyline.

    Viewers this week saw Halfpenny's character Amy Wyatt decide to keep the baby she is expecting with Cain Dingle following their one-night stand in April.

    Speaking to the Daily Star, Halfpenny revealed that she felt a lot of pressure to tackle the "sensitive subject" of teenage pregnancy, especially since she herself was born out of one.

    "My mum had me when she was a teenager so I know it's a sensitive subject," she said. "I'm not here to judge, but to reflect what happens. After all, despite the fact mum was 19 when I was born I've had a great life.

    "I feel a lot of responsibility to portray the teen pregnancy story well because it's faced by so many young people. I know I can make the audience believe everything Amy is going through... She's a bit misunderstood, but she's very honest and doesn't care what she says to people."

    Halfpenny added that she was hoping to see Amy mature and mend her rocky relationship with foster parents Val and Eric Pollard as her pregnancy continues.

    "She's got a softer side. She has a heart deep down behind all that make-up," Halfpenny said. "I'd like to see Amy grow up a little bit and be honest. I'm excited to find out why she acts the way she does to help people sympathise with the way she behaves."

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    'Emmerdale' star Chelsea Halfpenny on Amy's baby arrival: Interview

    Emmerdale's troubled teen Amy Wyatt is about to face a terrifying experience when she goes into labour early.

    Amy had always planned to give birth away from the village, but when her waters break unexpectedly, she panics and heads to the local cemetery so that she can have her baby in secret.

    Scared and all alone, Amy's ordeal continues when her little boy arrives and he doesn't seem to be breathing. She tries to wrap him up and get him somewhere warm, but fearing that she has killed the newborn, Amy abandons him in a telephone box before rushing off.

    When Amy confides in David, he is a huge source of support to her and later informs her that the baby is still alive after Hazel found him in the telephone box. How will Val and Pollard react and will Amy keep her baby?

    Here, Chelsea Halfpenny - who plays Amy - chats to Digital Spy about the storyline.

    What was it like to film Amy's labour scenes?
    "The whole pregnancy storyline has been amazing and I've really enjoyed it. For Amy going into labour, a lot of it was night shoots which was exciting as we were out of normal hours. We filmed for about four nights altogether - at first we did the labour scenes and then we filmed what happened afterwards, with scenes in the ambulance and things like that."

    How did you prepare for such big scenes?
    "It was daunting at first because obviously I've never given birth, so my main concern was that I wanted it to look realistic. So I did a bit of research so I'd know what Amy would be going through. The research was more for the medical side of things rather than the situation itself, as obviously it's very rare that anyone would be giving birth by themselves in a graveyard! They also had a midwife on set for the scenes to make sure it was as realistic as possible."

    How was the weather for the night shoots?
    "It wasn't too bad - it was actually quite calm! It was October when we filmed it, but we were quite lucky because it wasn't raining and there wasn't much wind or anything. But it was cold!"

    What goes through Amy's mind when she goes into labour?
    "When Amy goes into labour, she's feeling a lot of fear. She hasn't planned for this as she didn't expect it to be so early, so she's really scared. In Amy's mind, the baby was going to arrive on the due date, so she'd be able to go away somewhere, have the baby and then give it away - so she's totally unprepared when she realises the baby is coming now.

    "She's never felt this kind of pain before, but due to the predicament that she's in, she can't really tell anybody about it so she's all on her own. Her waters break while she's at the café, so she heads over to the cemetery as that's the closest place where she knows nobody will be."

    Doesn't Amy consider asking anyone for help?
    "Somebody does drive past at one point and Amy is desperate to get help, but she's so weak that they don't hear her. Amy is in too much pain to actually stand up. She also tries to ring the midwife, but she doesn't answer - so Amy is totally alone and out of her depth. She's terrified."

    Why does Amy end up abandoning her baby?
    "Amy's main aim is to get the baby somewhere warm, because she fears she might have killed him because it's so cold. He doesn't seem to be breathing. She goes to take the baby to the B&B, but then she sees Hazel and Bob come out of the shop, so she gets a fright and jumps behind the telephone box. After that, she takes a look at the baby one last time and thinks he's dead, so she places him in the telephone box and walks away."

    Why does Amy choose David to confide in?
    "I think Amy knows that David has always been quite supportive of her. He's kind of like a brother to her. I think in a situation like this, siblings are usually the people who you go to, because you know they're not going to tell. Amy and David have always been close. Also, she's never wanted Val and Pollard to find out - even though in the long-run, they've got to somehow. Amy just feels safer with David."

    How does Amy feel when David tells her that Hazel has found her baby and he's still alive?
    "She's still panicking, but the fact that he is alive is a massive relief to her. It's a big weight off her shoulders, because she never intended to harm the child at all - she's always wanted to give her baby to someone who would look after him properly."

    Despite all the fears she has, Amy actually gets a lot of support from Val and Pollard. How does she feel about their reaction?
    "I think she's completely surprised! She didn't want them to know at all, so she can't believe it when they act the way they do. That then starts to influence how Amy feels about the baby afterwards too."

    Do Val and Pollard agree with Amy's plans to have the baby put up for adoption?
    "Pollard just wants whatever Amy wants. He knows that Amy is a young child and that it can be difficult when you have kids so young. It's not always a bad thing, but I think Pollard is being quite rational. Val is being a bit more selfish - she just wants to keep this baby because she'll get the chance to give him what she didn't give to her own kids. So Val is a lot more maternal when it comes to Kyle and wants Amy to keep him, while I think Pollard is happy with whatever Amy wants to do."

    Do you think Amy has the potential to be a good mum?
    "At the moment, I'm not sure. I think Amy might be too childish and I'm not sure she's stable enough to look after somebody else. She's had such a dysfunctional family life herself. At the moment she has quite a solid life, but when she's older and she's not being fostered by Val and Pollard, what would happen then? You have to think of all those aspects too. We'll have to wait and see what happens."

    It was recently revealed that Amy will be one of the suspects in the Cain attack storyline. Do you think Amy is capable of doing something like that?
    "I think she could be, because she's had such an unstable life and Cain has hurt her a lot - he's totally messed up her life. He hasn't stood up to the plate and he hasn't looked after his child like he should. He should be behaving like an adult, because it's taken two of them to make this baby. Cain has threatened her and called her all the names under the sun, so I think there's a lot of motive for Amy to do this."

    What is Jeff Hordley, who plays Cain, like in real life?
    "He's so cool in real life. He's really easy-going and a nice guy. He loves music, he's really chilled out - and he's nothing like Cain at all!"

    After your first year at Emmerdale, how are you enjoying the show in general?
    "It's been amazing - for someone of my age, it's an amazing platform to suddenly be on TV six times a week. I've absolutely loved it and everyone's been really welcoming - the cast and crew. It's a perfect job!

    "The other great thing has been being able to learn from the show. I always thought that the only way was to go to a drama school and learn, but being out here, I've learned so much about TV. You learn so much more being here and learning from actors who have done so much."

    Have you become quite close to Chris Chittell and Charlie Hardwick, who play Pollard and Val?
    "Yeah, they are just like my second mam and dad. It's a proper family unit. The people who are your on-screen family on the show become a bit like a comfort blanket. If I'm going to do scenes in the B&B or at the barn, it really feels like I'm going home."

    Your aunt is Jill Halfpenny, so has she been a good source of advice and support?
    "Yeah, because she's so experienced and had such a great career, I've always looked up to her. She's always been there with anything that I've asked - she's always at the end of the phone. It's really nice to have someone who knows so much. It makes me feel like I'm not by myself and there's always somebody to talk to."

    What would be a dream storyline for you to play as Amy?
    "It's hard to say, as I think I've been quite lucky and I've been able to do a lot! I've been able to play quite a happy-go-lucky character at first, and then I've had this storyline, which has probably been one of the hardest things that I've done. I'd love to do some sort of stunt - that would be exciting. It'd be great to be involved in a fire or jumping off a cliff or something! (Laughs) Something really gritty would be great."

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    sounds a lot like when Debbie had Sarah

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