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Thread: Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson)

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    Kieron Richardson to stay at 'Hollyoaks'

    Kieron Richardson has revealed that he has signed a new contract with Hollyoaks.

    Following speculation that he would be departing the teen soap, the 24-year-old actor - who plays Ste Hay - denied the rumours to fans on Twitter.

    He said: "In answer to ur questions im goin nowhere iv signed a new contract, plus iv been watching these past 2 wks an the show is ace rite now x (sic)"

    Richardson previously affirmed his loyalty to the programme back in January this year, after he joined Dancing On Ice.

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    Ste/Brendan Spoiler

    Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson has confirmed that Ste Hay's ongoing deception will be uncovered by his girlfriend Rae Wilson in a forthcoming episode.

    The actor's troubled alter ego is currently expecting a baby with Rae, having downplayed his previous passion with boss Brendan Brady (Emmett Scanlan) and convincing her that he is not gay.

    However, in scenes due to air in a fortnight's time, Ste and Brendan find themselves drawn back together while at work - only for Rae to walk in on them.

    Speaking in an interview with Soaplife, Richardson explained: "Ste loves Brendan. He's addicted to him. He's in the most obvious clinch with Brendan in the nightclub office when Rae walks in on them. Ste's naked apart from his boxer shorts. I had to have a spray tan for that scene!"

    Asked how Rae reacts, he replied: "She's shocked and angry. She'd believed Ste when he assured her he wasn't gay and now she knows he was lying to her."

    Richardson also predicted that the surprise moment could have big consequences for Ste and Brendan's relationship.

    He said: "Being discovered will have an impact on their affair because Brendan's desperate for it to be a secret… Brendan might decide to stay away from Ste now. It's such a mess."

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    Brendan Brady has kept many secrets from his sister Cheryl since arriving in the village last summer - but in an episode airing early next month, it's the moment that fans have been waiting for as she finally makes some shocking discoveries.

    When Cheryl pays a visit to Ste, the barman realises that she still doesn't know he was the person who put Brendan in hospital. Bracing himself for a backlash, Ste tells Cheryl everything.

    Later, Brendan is shocked when Cheryl is aggressive towards him and wonders what's going on. But she can't handle his lies for any longer and flies into a rage.

    Soon afterwards, Pete turns up and adds fuel to the fire by revealing something else about Brendan's past. Cheryl can't believe that she hasn't seen the real Brendan sooner, but how will she react when her beloved brother goes missing?

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    'Hollyoaks' star Kieron Richardson teases Ste, Brendan future

    Kieron Richardson has hinted that Hollyoaks' gay domestic abuse storyline could return to the forefront of the soap in the coming months.

    The actor's troubled character Ste Hay embarked on a violent relationship with nightclub boss Brendan Brady (Emmett Scanlan) last year, but he is now in a new romance with fitness instructor Noah Baxter (Law Thompson) after dumping the sinister Irishman.

    Ste, Brendan and Noah's love triangle reaches its climax in next week's episodes, leaving the path open for Ste and Brendan's dark relationship to be further explored in the weeks ahead.

    Speaking to BBC Radio Manchester, Richardson commented: "Obviously we don't want to rush this storyline because it is quite sensitive. We're not trying to drag it out, but make it as realistic as possible.

    "Ste really loves Brendan and he's gone through the domestic abuse thing so far, and he wants to try and get away from that. So instead of reporting it and going to the police, his decision was to just leave him and move on in another relationship - which is with Noah. Obviously that relationship isn't going too well and on-screen in the next couple of weeks, you'll see the result of that.

    "So over the next couple of weeks, there's going to be lots more fireworks in the Ste and Noah relationship and Brendan will very much be at the centre of that.

    "And then hopefully we'll pick up on the domestic abuse [again]. There will be a result at the end - that people might be happy with, or they might not be happy with. We'll have to keep watching."

    Brendan's son Declan Brady, played by Jay Duffy, makes his arrival on screen at the beginning of next month.

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    So Ste gets back with Brendan

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    Noah is leaving Yay!

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    Emmett Scanlan reveals to Soaplife how Brendan hides his real life from his newly arrived son Declan...

    Brendan has sneakily put an end to Ste's plans to move away with Noah. But his fight to win back his former lover has to be put on hold when his teenage son Declan comes to stay. "Family comes first for Brendan," says Emmett. "He's not the sort of person who'd want his son to know he's gay." So, more secrets and lies...

    What are Brendan’s feelings for Ste?
    "They haven't changed. There's still this deep attraction and love there but Brendan's very territorial about him, too. If he can't have him he doesn't want anyone else to..."

    Which is why he splits up Ste and Noah. Will he try to build a proper relationship with Ste now?
    "Can a leopard change its spots? Brendan carries this inner rage and I think his relationship with Ste will be as it always has been. I can't see them walking around Hollyoaks hand in hand."

    Nor can we after Brendan's son Declan turns up out of the blue! Is he staying?
    "At least for a bit. Brendan's ex-wife Eileen shows up unannounced and says she's going away for a fortnight to a wedding and Declan needs somewhere to stay."

    Is Brendan close to his son?
    "He wants to be, but he hasn't been around for a lot of the time. He's determined to make the most of this fortnight and use it to get closer to his son."

    Will he hide his gay side?
    "That - and he'll want to hide the fact that he's a psychopath!"

    Will we see a different side to Brendan?
    "Yes, a much softer side. My own daughter is in Ireland and I don't see as much of her as I'd like. It hasn't been hard to put myself in Brendan's shoes."

    Will Brendan ever be ready to reveal himself as gay?
    "I can't imagine it. Brendan doesn't see himself as a gay man. He's been married with kids. He just sees himself as somebody who sleeps with men.."

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    Hollyoaks star Kieron Richardson has shared his hope that the soap's gay domestic abuse storyline will have a "positive" effect.

    Viewers have seen the 25-year-old's character Ste Hay embark upon a violent relationship with villainous bar owner Brendan Brady (Emmett Scanlan) in a plot that has since come to the fore of the Channel 4 soap.

    Speaking to Pink News, Richardson declared his aim to dispel the myth that homosexual men "should be able to handle" aggressive partners.

    "The thing is, some people think just because two guys love each other, [if there's domestic abuse] they should be able to handle it," he said. "That's not the message we're trying to give, we're trying to give a positive one out that, if you are going through it, no matter what, you should go to the police and get something done about it.

    "Whether you're gay, straight, whatever, and you are going through it, it's just about finding the courage to go and tell someone about it. I know it's hard and I can't really give advice or say, 'Go and do this', so I just hope the storyline is making an impact."

    Richardson previously described the Ste-Brendan romance as "a cracking storyline" that could "make a difference to others who are suffering".

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    Exclamation Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson)

    Hollyoaks has a big week lined up for Ste Hay as his mother Pauline makes a surprise return to the village, sending him into turmoil.

    Thrown by Pauline's arrival and the fact that his boyfriend Doug Carter (PJ Brennan) invited her, Ste finds his bad temper returning and ends up trashing the deli in a rage - only for ex-lover Brendan Brady (Emmett Scanlan) to unexpectedly come to the rescue.

    Digital Spy recently caught up with Kieron Richardson, who plays Ste, to hear about this week's storyline and the latest on the 'Stendan' and 'Stug' love triangle.

    How does Pauline's return to the village come about?
    "In the build-up to Pauline coming back, Ste is feeling quite low as he thinks that he hasn't really got any friends. There's been a memorial for Riley with a lot of lad banter, which Ste can't join in with. He ends up feeling quite isolated and he turns to drink after that. Ste is just a bit depressed in general, because he doesn't have family he can rely on like Doug does, and Amy has left now too.

    "Doug's answer to all of this is to ring up Ste's mum, as he thinks Ste must be missing his family. Doug isn't really aware of the past between Ste and Pauline so he thinks he's doing a good thing, when in actual fact he's opening a big can of worms that Ste thought he'd got rid of.

    "When Pauline turns up, it's a complete shock to Ste because they've had no contact at all in the past three years. But all of a sudden, she's there on the doorstep!"

    For the benefit of newer viewers, can you remind us of Ste's relationship with his mum?
    "What regular viewers will know is that Ste was brought up in an abusive background, with his stepdad beating him up. His mum was an alcoholic, so he's never really had any loving family whatsoever. That explains why he went off the rails, stole cars and beat up Amy - he'd only ever known abuse in his life.

    "The last scenes we saw with Pauline involved her stealing money from Il Gnosh, where Ste used to work with Tony. Her parting words were that she wished Ste had never been born, so there's certainly no love lost between them!

    "They haven't spoke at all since then, so Pauline doesn't know about Ste's sexuality, she's never met baby Lucas, she doesn't know about Brendan and she definitely doesn't know about Doug. She's got a lot to find out about!"

    It soon becomes clear that Pauline hasn't changed her nasty ways. Does Ste stand up to her, or will we see her walk all over him?
    "Pauline definitely gets under Ste's skin and she gets him in an emotional state, but I don't think he's afraid to say exactly how he feels about her. It's an interesting situation because the way Ste reacts is something that Doug has never seen before. She takes him back to a place from his past - a bit of a dark place.

    "As Ste is struggling to cope, he goes to the deli and smashes up the shop. So I think it's nice that we're keeping bits of the old Ste, and now introducing it into the 'Stug' and 'Stendan' relationship storylines."

    How did you find getting into such an angry state for those scenes at the deli?
    "I actually think it's great for any actor to get themselves into that place. It's not every day you can come into work and have someone say, 'Here you go - smash up a shop and throw some plates at the walls!' If you've had a bad day or a bad week, it's great to get all of your anger out!"

    How does Brendan react when he sees Ste smashing up the deli?
    "Well, what's nice is that recently we've understood a lot about Brendan's past and how he's been treated, and now we're revisiting Ste's background. When Brendan finally sees Ste in such an angry state, they have this really nice heart-to-heart in the deli where they're both sitting on the floor.

    "Ste says to Brendan, 'We're both the same, really. I've given you a hard time over these past two years for your behaviour, when in actual fact I'm the same as you'. So they have this nice conversation, but then Doug walks in and automatically thinks that something has gone on between Ste and Brendan.

    "It actually hasn't, though! If anything, Brendan says to Ste, 'If there's anyone you should be with, it should be Doug'. So we get to see a nice side of Brendan too."

    Does Doug see Pauline's true colours, or is he fooled by her?
    "I think Doug can pick up on what's going on, but he doesn't fully understand at first. The more that Pauline is there, he does see the way that she's speaking to Ste, and he tells her to watch her behaviour in a few scenes."

    Brendan ends up paying Pauline to leave the village. Does Ste know about that?
    "No, Ste is completely unaware of that. Recently we've seen Brendan say that he's bought the shop for Ste, he's bought the flat for Ste - and I think this is another example of Brendan trying to control Ste's life without him being aware.

    "Brendan is making sure Ste is alright and he obviously sees that Pauline is a problem, so he pays her off to leave him alone."

    After so many arguments and problems between Ste and Doug, do you think maybe they're not as well-suited as they thought?
    "I think it's just teething problems - as with any relationship, you're going to argue at the beginning. You have a loved-up period, but then there'll be little squabbles. The only thing that's different about this relationship is that Brendan is always looming. It's like there's always three people in the relationship, so it'll be interesting to see how it unfolds."

    Could you give a definitive answer over who Ste loves more?
    "I still always sit on the fence with this question, because I love working with both Emmett and PJ individually, and they're both very talented actors. The characters of Brendan and Doug have also got completely different qualities in their relationships with Ste.

    "With Brendan, I always envisage that they have amazing sex, but they're just not good for each other because there is domestic violence involved. Then with Doug, I always feel that Ste can be himself more, he can have more of a laugh and it's a less controlling relationship. I'd also say Doug is more of a gentle lover towards him.

    "So they both have different qualities, and I think Ste is definitely in love with both of them. But I guess it's up to the audience to decide which one he loves the most, because he definitely can't make the decision himself yet."

    Being on Twitter, do you get a sense of which relationship is most popular with fans?
    "The 'Stendan' relationship has been going on longer than the 'Stug' one, so those fans are really, really passionate. But now the 'Stug' fanbase have got their own thing going on too, and it's really nice that they're also so passionate about the storyline and can't wait to find out what happens next.

    "I've also noticed on Twitter that the two fanbases fight with each other and they start picking on each other! I try not to get too involved, but it's nice that they love it and that we can get a reaction."

    We asked for questions on Twitter and heard that some 'Stug' fans are losing hope for their future after some of the recent spoilers. Is there anything positive you'd say about those two?
    "What I would say is that last week we released a video which said that a marriage is going to happen. For the two of them to get married, they must definitely be in love. It's no secret that there's going to be a big incident at the wedding, but people will have to tune in to see it. It's really exciting, though.

    "People think they know the answer to everything, but they don't. Hollyoaks is there to shock, and I think what's coming up is going to leave a lot of people with their jaw wide open. Twitter is going to go off the scale!"

    As you're such a big Cheryl Cole fan, another viewer tweeted us to ask what three words you'd say to her if you ever met - apart from 'I love you'!
    "I'd love her to follow me on Twitter, so I'd probably say, 'Please follow me' or 'Giz your number!' I don't know why I'm absolutely obsessed with her, but I am. She's on my Twitter profile, I've got her book and fans even send me Cheryl Cole presents all the time. I've been sent Cheryl Cole posters, a Cheryl Cole mug, Cheryl Cole bottle openers. She tweeted me once, but she's still yet to follow me. Maybe it will happen one day!"

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    'Hollyoaks': Kieron Richardson on Ste, Brendan, Doug outcome and more

    Ste Hay's love triangle was finally resolved on Hollyoaks this week as he chose ex-lover Brendan Brady over husband Doug Carter, travelling over to Dublin to reunite with the Irishman.

    Yesterday we brought you Emmett Scanlan's thoughts on the 'Stendan' reunion in an in-depth interview, and now we can present a second reaction chat from Kieron Richardson, who plays Ste.

    Here, Kieron chats to Digital Spy about Ste's decision, its aftermath and why he wants his character's edgier side to return!

    Are you pleased that Ste and Brendan have finally reunited?
    "Yeah, I think it's been two years in the making. It's good that we've held off on doing it for so long, because the audience have wanted it since the day they split up. I think if we'd given it to them straight away, there wouldn't have been as much suspense and excitement - and maybe the relationship would have fizzled out last year.

    "The two characters needed to be separated for Brendan to go on his journey and for Ste to go on his own journey as well. Brendan needed to deal with his anger issues, while it's also been nice that Ste had the chance to find love with Doug and try taking the 'right' path. But in actual fact, he just needed to follow his heart. Ste did love Doug, but his first and true love is always going to be Brendan."

    There's always a big buzz around 'Stendan', but never more so than this week! Are you pleased with the response?
    "Definitely - it's just great to be involved in such a big and unusual storyline. It's been a tangled and twisted love story, which shouldn't have happened but then it did. It's a storyline that the audience have really taken to their hearts.

    "The response that we get on Twitter is phenomenal, and for me as an actor, I've loved working with Emmett as well. It's been good all round for everybody!"

    Did you enjoy the chance to go over to Dublin to film the reunion scenes?
    "Yeah, I never really get to go out of the building usually, so it was brilliant! It was also great to have Emmett there as a little Irish tour guide. He had his daughter Kayla with us, too, and she was working behind the scenes. It was really nice to see Emmett as a dad with Kayla, because he's not anything like his character in real life."

    Can Ste and Brendan truly be happy in their relationship now?
    "Well, I think that's the exciting thing: what happens now? In the past, when Ste and Brendan were secretly together, they were never able to openly and freely love each other in public. Now that two years have passed and Brendan has come out to everybody, it's great that they can be open and free.

    "It's going to be interesting to see where the relationship goes now that there's hopefully going to be no secrets. Is it just going to be a love story, or is there going to be more drama down the road? There always seems to be some kind of dark and sinister thing going on with Brendan, so who knows?"

    You've had months of people asking you about whether Ste would end up with Doug or Brendan. Is it a relief to have it finally resolved now?
    "Yeah, it is. We were told a long time ago that the story was going to pan out to this point, so I always knew it was coming. It was always hard to be asked whether I preferred 'Stug' or 'Stendan', because all three of us had worked hard on the different relationships. You don't want to favour one over the other, as that would feel disrespectful to the work that we'd done, to the fans of the other relationship, and also to the actors involved.

    "I've always sat on the fence, because I do think there are pros and cons to both of the relationships. When I was doing interviews, I always knew that 'Stendan' was going to win in the end. So it's been a tough couple of months trying to keep it a secret, and even at this point I still wouldn't say I preferred one or the other. But I know the fans hate that answer!"

    Are there any more scenes coming up with Ste and John Paul?
    "As it stands at the moment, there's going to be lots of John Paul and the McQueens. There's a lot of years that he's missed, so he's got a lot of catching up to do there. In terms of Ste and John Paul doing things together, I'm not so sure yet. I'd love to work with James, though, as I think he's a great actor."

    How involved will Ste be in the storyline with Brendan and his father Seamus?
    "Heavily involved, really. Seamus has turned up and it's a question of whether or not Ste lets Brendan keep him a secret. We have to explore that and it's a great story - what would Seamus's reaction be to knowing that Brendan is gay and in a relationship with this little scrawny guy that runs a deli? There's lots of great things to come.

    "Brendan has told Ste a little bit about his past, but obviously Ste doesn't watch the Hollyoaks late-night episodes, so he doesn't know anything about the sexual abuse. Ste's had his own turbulent relationship with his stepdad, so he can kind of relate to Brendan because they've had a similar upbringing. Or so Ste thinks, as he still doesn't know the full story.

    "If Ste does find that out, I think it would make him feel a lot more pain for Brendan."

    Could Ste stay friends with Doug?
    "I don't know - it all depends whether Doug comes back or not! It was quite emotional and fraught when they left each other on screen this week, so if he was to come back, would it be water under the bridge? Or would there still be feelings and emotions there between them?"

    This week we saw Ste smashing up a pub with Brendan. Could his bad boy side be making a return?
    "I would like that to happen, as I think the character has probably become a bit too good. I'd hate to play him as a bit of a pushover, or too soppy and wet. I don't think you should lose the essence of what the character was when he first came into the show.

    "When I read the scene of Ste smashing up the pub, my take on it was that he was in his element - it was taking him back to how he used to be, but in a happy place because he's with the love of his life. They were both doing something they love to do - who wouldn't like to smash a glass or throw tables and chairs at walls?

    "I secretly would like the character to go back a bit more to how he used to be, because every storyline that I've done so far has been about love, love, and love. He loved Amy, Doug and Brendan. He loves everyone that he gets with! I'm excited for the future and hopefully some more stuff like that will come out."

    What kind of a relationship will Brendan have with Leah and Lucas?
    "I think it's going to be confusing for the kids. For the past couple of months, they've had 'Daddy Doug' and the marriage. Now Doug has gone and Brendan is in his shoes, it's quite confusing for the kids, so we have to tell that story as well. Plus, Leah as a character can be quite feisty anyway!"

    Do Brendan and Ste move in together?
    "It's not actually been said yet. There's some episodes where they're both in Cheryl and Brendan's flat, and some episodes where they're both in the council flat. I think they're both having nights over at each other's houses at the moment."

    How are you spending Christmas this year?
    "I'm spending it in New York with friends. I've never been before, so I'm quite excited about that. Obviously PJ Brennan is from Brooklyn, so we're going to go to his family house and have Boxing Day dinner there. Then it'll be New Year's Eve in the Big Apple!"

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