Neighbours' Eve Morey would love Sonya and Toadie to have more children together.

They may have had a rocky romance, but they both love Callum and Eve thinks it would be great to see them expand their family.

She said: "I would love it. I think there is so much richness in Toadie and Sonya going on that journey together which lends itself to humour, sadness, more drama. Cross fingers they will go down that path."

But when Toadie, played by Ryan Moloney, discovers Sonya has been hiding the secret from him that she is actually Callum's birth mother, he does not react well.

Eve revealed: "He is devastated. He feels 'well did you love me or did you just want your kid?' And it's nearly been two years, that's crazy! I don't think we have ever kept a secret that long."

But after all that time hiding her secret from Toadie and her son, Eve hopes Sonya can be happy.

She said: "I'd like to see her reach her potential as a mother because she ultimately needs to forgive herself for what has happened. For so long she has beaten herself up which is why she spirals."