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Thread: Depression

  1. #171
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    I hope that everyone feels better soon! I'm feeling a lot better lately, I am actually happy with where I am... however, I do wonder if I work so many hours to drown out the fact that actually, I have nothing better to do and no-one else to worry about, that upsets me, because I love my job and I don't want it to be a cover up for how unhappy I actually am. I jut stop myself from seeing it because in work, you don't have time to think about yourself.

  2. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirsty :] View Post
    I hope that everyone feels better soon! I'm feeling a lot better lately, I am actually happy with where I am... however, I do wonder if I work so many hours to drown out the fact that actually, I have nothing better to do and no-one else to worry about, that upsets me, because I love my job and I don't want it to be a cover up for how unhappy I actually am. I jut stop myself from seeing it because in work, you don't have time to think about yourself.
    I think it depends - if before you were feeling depressed because you had nothing to do, then you could actually be feeling better. But if it's just because you're so busy and have no time for anything else, then please take care! I only say that because I used to do that, and then one day I just fell apart! I hope the feeling good continues!

  3. #173
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    Um.. yeah I guess I just came in here to ask what happens the first time you go the GP.. like what may they ask or if they will refer you etc.. I know I need to go, but its taken me since September to even consider it and I don't really like to do things anymore without knowing what will happen first, if that makes sense.

    I think I was just a bit mixed up before, whether I was making it up and the fact that I don't always feel low, sometimes I get really overexcited over stupid things but then it doesn't take a lot to bring me down again. I'm just fed up of not being able to do anything anymore, or things I used to be able to do. I still manage to do my uni assignments but that's about it tbh. Missed a couple or so lectures so far this term, just get so anxious when I'm there now (well, all the time really) and end up just winding myself up.

    (& I think this has probably been going on for years, rather than a few months.. when I think back..)
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  4. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarsOfCCTV View Post

    Um.. yeah I guess I just came in here to ask what happens the first time you go the GP.. like what may they ask or if they will refer you etc.. I know I need to go, but its taken me since September to even consider it and I don't really like to do things anymore without knowing what will happen first, if that makes sense.

    I think I was just a bit mixed up before, whether I was making it up and the fact that I don't always feel low, sometimes I get really overexcited over stupid things but then it doesn't take a lot to bring me down again. I'm just fed up of not being able to do anything anymore, or things I used to be able to do. I still manage to do my uni assignments but that's about it tbh. Missed a couple or so lectures so far this term, just get so anxious when I'm there now (well, all the time really) and end up just winding myself up.

    (& I think this has probably been going on for years, rather than a few months.. when I think back..)
    I think each GP has a different approach to depression so you may have a different response. When I went, I had to fill in a questionnaire (called PHQ 9) then the doctor talked through my options. Depending on the severity of your depression, the doctor may recommend different things. For mild depression counselling is usually the first line of treatment. Severe depression gets medication and counselling.I told the doctor I didn't want counselling and he was fine with that. He said that the option is always there if I want to try it at some point.

    The doctor didn't ask me many questions, the important ones are in the questionnaire. He recommended not drinking alcohol or taking drugs, especially in the first few months of treatment as they can make depression worse. He asked if I'd had any thoughts of suicide and what I wanted to do after university. It seems a random thing to ask but he was really asking if I had any plans. The ability to see yourself in a few years doing something is a positive sign.

    I had to go back every few weeks in the first two months to check I wasn't suicidal (medication can have that effect). I think one week I was there three times because I was suicidal. I saw a different doctor and she said as long as I don't do anything I'll be fine. Yes, that's reassuring

    My recommendations would be:
    1. Be honest. The doctor can't make an accurate assessment unless you tell him everything.
    2. See the same doctor - once they get to know you they notice changes you might not and they can tell when you're lying. I saw my GP on Wednesday and he asked if I'd had any thoughts of self harm or suicide. I said no but he went on this long speech about it and he knew I was lying. He didn't ask me any questions about it as he could tell I didn't want to talk about it.
    3. Consider all your options before making a decision. Don't be afraid to say you don't want X treatment. Anti-depressants have changed my life, I can function normally when I take them. I know why I'm depressed and talking about it isn't going to change anything.
    4. If you don't agree with something the doctor says, tell him. If he still doesn't understand your position see someone else in the practice. If you don't go often enough to know the best doctor, ask the receptionist. The most popular doctors are the best.
    5. Let your personal tutor know. They can help more than you realise.
    6. If you're prescribed medication, don't stop taking them suddenly. I've done this a few times and it is horrible. The physical symptoms I can deal with but not being able to get out of bed, eat, get dressed or do anything except plan my death is awful.

    I think that's all I've got for now. Let us know how you get on
    Thanks CrazyLea

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Abigail For This Useful Post:

    StarsOfCCTV (06-02-2011)

  6. #175
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    Thankyou I'm still registered with the GP at home, but I don't think I'm going to be able visit home before 3 weeks so hopefully I'll go then. I think I know what Doctor I'd see, though I find them all a bit patronising tbh, but I guess I don't go often enough to know them all properly. And yeah if they suggest any treatment I think I'd opt for medication over counselling, just don't go for all that talking thing..
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  7. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarsOfCCTV View Post
    Thankyou I'm still registered with the GP at home, but I don't think I'm going to be able visit home before 3 weeks so hopefully I'll go then. I think I know what Doctor I'd see, though I find them all a bit patronising tbh, but I guess I don't go often enough to know them all properly. And yeah if they suggest any treatment I think I'd opt for medication over counselling, just don't go for all that talking thing..
    I know what you mean about the talking, it's not easy at all. I get depressed sometimes and find talking to friends a lot better than counsellers. Does work for some though. I have found that medication helps a lot.

  8. #177
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    First off I hope it goes well at the doctors. Have you thought of perhaps registering at the uni docs, mainly because of the fact that they may want to monitor you freuquently, especially if they prescribe you anything, but also because if they do end up making a referral, you might have issues with attending the appointments. Also, uni doctors may be more trained in specific MH areas, due to high numbers of students experiencing depression/anxiety.

    As Abigail said, every doctor does it differently. My doctor at home kept monitoring me, the doctor at uni sent me straight to a specialist, so it does vary!

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Tori For This Useful Post:

    StarsOfCCTV (06-02-2011)

  10. #178
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    I will ask my friend what the doc is like that she registered with. Its not too much of a problem with me going back home if I have to because I have a car this year its just a couple of hours down one motorway to get back. I don't think the on-uni campus one is too great though, they only have advance appointments and they are always really busy whereas I think if I registered at a new one I'd want a ring up on the day surgery like the one at home just because its easier.

    Update: Ok, u-turn.. found a GP health centre place 5 minutes away from my uni house , good reputation/large practice. Just need to go and hand the forms I've printed off and filled out (aside from the nhs number, I don't know that). Easier said than done.
    Last edited by StarsOfCCTV; 11-02-2011 at 01:32.
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  11. #179
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    Dr booked for this evening, at home. I hope I can actually go.. :/ I wish it wasn't this hard! Should've gone weeks ago.
    Peter: So how many are there? Is it bad? Olivia: Did you eat? Peter: Yeah. Olivia: Well, that's unfortunate.

  12. #180
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    You can do it, Stars, good luck xxx

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