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Thread: Emmerdale General News Thread

  1. #61
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    Lyndon Ogbourne has revealed that he was working as a male nanny when he was offered the role of Nathan Wylde in Emmerdale.

    The 27-year-old told The Mirror that he had struggled to afford London life while living as a struggling actor.

    "It was a really bleak time," he said. "It was a tough time in my life but what I've been through has only made me stronger and more determined to achieve everything I want for my future.

    "I was working so hard for very little reward but those times have helped to shape me into the person I am today."

    Ogbourne revealed that he had been caring for a young boy when he joined the ITV soap's cast last year.

    "I was looking after this little boy when I got the call," he said. "We'd just come back from swimming and we were both jumping around with excitement. He was 8 and I'd taken him to filming jobs with me in the summer holidays, so he knew how much it meant to me.

    "I'd had enough of bar work and I wanted to start doing something that made me feel worthwhile."

    The actor added: "There was a boom in male nannies at the time. A lot of families with boys wanted a more active nanny and I loved it. I was at a low ebb with work and the break-up of a long-term relationship and it was a solace for me."

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  3. #63
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    Ellard: 'Scouting will be on Emmerdale'

    Scouting For Girls will guest star on Emmerdale soon, according to the band's drummer Pete Ellard.

    Ellard, who is a fan of the serial, has plotted a cameo appearance for the last few months.

    He told Holy Soap: "We've realised if you say it enough things will happen. I think if we keep saying yes we will be on Emmerdale very, very soon."

    Frontman Roy Stride added jestfully: "I think we need to graduate to a speaking role. I think maybe [we'd be] an extra.

    "Maybe first of all we could be walking through the field, like a hiker in the background or a shepherd, then we'd have to be in the Woolpack."

  4. #64
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    Richard Thorp has revealed hat he encourages young actors not to stay in Emmerdale "too long".

    The actor, who joined the soap in 1982 as Alan Turner, told the Radio Times that he had never left as he did not believe he was good enough to land another job.

    "I ought to have regrets about staying, but I'm the laziest human being alive so I don't," he said. "The advice I've given to young actors has been not to stay too long. I told one actor he was too good to stay, and happily he left and has gone on to forge a good career. There was no point in me moving on because I wasn't good enough!"

    The 78-year-old bemoaned Turner's lack of recent storylines.

    "I would hate to leave, but I wish they'd find more for me to do," he said. "Recently I went to a cast meeting and a lot of people there had no idea who I was. Perhaps they thought I'd stumbled in off the street."

    He added: "I suggested Turner get a love interest but the writers said they'd have to dig her up. I'm too old for bonking and too posh to be a Dingle."

  5. #65
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    Emmerdale actor Richard Thorp has criticised the ITV soap for introducing new characters too fast.

    Earlier this year the 78-year-old actor, who has played Alan Turner for over 28 years, returned to filming after taking a break due to health problems.

    "Being part of the old guard, I think they bring in too many new characters too quickly," he told the Radio Times.

    "Within three weeks, they're sleeping with their mother and you're supposed to care. When I joined, I was still the new chap at Home Farm after three years."

    Andy Devine (Shadrach Dingle) recently compared leaving the programme to ending a jail sentence.

  6. #66
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    The landlords of the original Emmerdale pub have decided to shut it down.

    The Woolpack appeared when the ITV soap was filmed in Esholt, West Yorkshire. However, filming of the show moved to a new location 11 years ago and since then villagers have been trying to keep the pub going, even buying it from Bradford Council in 2004.

    The Mirror reports that despite still attracting fans of the show to the 177-year-old pub, landlords Nichola and Richard McGrath have decided quit four years into their ten year lease.

    "In summer it's very busy here but in winter it's deadly quiet and the two just don't make up for each other," Nichola said. "We've had enough of working 90 hours a week and want to spend more time with the children."

    She continued: "Also it's not easy being tied to a pub company with inflated rents and beer prices. We've loved every second here. We're devastated for the villagers and will miss the village terribly. But hopefully Enterprise Inns won't leave it long before they get someone else in. We'll be back for a pint when they do."

    A spokesperson for the company said: "Enterprise Inns is aware that Mr and Mrs McGrath have temporarily closed the Woolpack and we are in discussions with them. We will provide an update once we are in a position to do so."

  7. #67
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    Who needs awards when you can have your own celestial being?

    Emmerdale actor Danny Miller, who got lots of nominations but ultimately no gongs at the British Soap Awards, received a huge compliment from a fan in the form of a twinkly pressie.

    The 19-year-old, who plays gay teenager Aaron Livesy, told Inside Soap: "You know how they can name stars after you?

    "I had one of those given to me by a gay lad, who said it was because the storyline was realistic and had basically retraced the steps he'd taken with his own coming out.

    "He sent me a message saying, 'I thought I'd buy a star for a star'. It was so touching."

    That's what you call high praise

  8. #68
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    Anyone want to have a whip round to buy a star for Babs.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  9. #69
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    Emmerdale star Danny Miller has praised Lacey Turner and Michelle Keegan for their performances on EastEnders and Coronation Street this year.

    The actor, who plays mechanic Aaron Livesy on the Yorkshire-based drama, told Inside Soap that he has been impressed when watching the pair's scenes as Walford's Stacey Branning and Weatherfield's Tina McIntyre.

    Asked if there are any stars from rival soaps whose talent he admires, Miller replied: "It's two girls for me this year. I think Lacey Turner is remarkable. When you lose out on an award to her, like I did at the British Soap Awards, you don't think of it as missing out because she's such amazing competition.

    "I also think Michelle Keegan is phenomenal, with the raw emotion she showed when Tina's dad Joe died. I enjoy watching both soaps and will always go up to people if I see them at events and tell them I think they're great."

    Meanwhile, the 19-year-old also revealed details of what is ahead for Aaron and boyfriend Jackson Walsh (Marc Silcock) over the coming weeks.

    He said: "Aaron's coming to terms with his sexuality, but there's still a lot of awkwardness there, what with living with his first boyfriend and having the guy's mum move in.

    "Jackson will realise Aaron is always going to be this aggressive person - his temper gets in the way. The writers want Aaron to be a naughty boy who gets on everyone's nerves, so he'll look up to Cain and want to be more like him. But there's trouble when he sells a dodgy car to someone who's not to be messed with."

  10. #70
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    Your favourite family and ours, The Dingles, will star in the first ever feature-length Emmerdale made for DVD.

    Two parallel worlds collide in the one-off special: Dingles For Richer For Poorer, featuring Zak, Lisa, Sam, Belle, Samson, Cain, Marlon, Chas, Charity and Noah. Jimmy and Nicola King will also appear.

    And here's the story... The Dingles are feeling the pinch, resorting to eating scraps and selling old bric-a-brac to make ends meet. Clutching at straws, Zak and Belle go to buy a Eurobillions rollover week ticket.

    As Zak and Belle head off, we enter two parallel universes and the fun enfolds as fate serves up very different futures from their lucky numbers.

    Will it be the reality of winning the lottery that brings delight, or will the harsher reality of lies and bogus tickets leave the clan counting the cost of nearly winning a fortune?

    The havoc unfolds with hilarious results as the film asks the question: ‘How much would winning the lottery change you?’

    Dingles For Richer For Poorer will be available on DVD and to download from the 15th November.

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