View Poll Results: Who will you vote for in the General Election 2010?

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  • Labour

    9 47.37%
  • Conservative

    4 21.05%
  • Liberal Democrats

    5 26.32%
  • Other (Please State)

    0 0%
  • Not Voting

    1 5.26%
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Thread: Who are you going to vote for?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Who are you going to vote for?

    The General Election is just around the corner. Who will you be voting for and why? Or will you not be voting?

    I've been thinking and I'm going to vote for Labour. I've done surveys and read up on their policies.

    They are far from perfect and they've made mistakes, but none of us are perfect are we? They have good intentions and their policies are actually realistic and can be implemented.

    I just don't trust David Cameron or the Tory Party at all. They keep saying they'll make things better, but I can't see how and if they got into power, they will make mistakes, just like Labour have done. They wouldn't be perfect either.

    I really like the Lib Dems, but it feels like they have too many bright ideas and I believe it is going to be a two horse race between Labour and Conservative, as it always is... so I'll vote for Labour, as I'd rather they were in power than Conservative!

  2. #2
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    I agree with you, DaveyWavey. I don't like any of the parties, but.....better the devil you know, and all that.
    Carpe Diem ~ seize the day!

  3. #3
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    I'm voting Labour. I began voting 27 years ago and have never voted for anyone else apart from Labour. I remember only too well the Tory reign of the 70's and 80's They bought Scotalnd to it's knees and have doen nothing for the working family and in my eyes they never will. Gordon Brown may not come across as the most appealing man but he is the wisest I would never have been able to return to education or work without the help I get from tax credit. I know he is not to everyone's liking but I would ask everyone who is eligable to vote do so.

    Thanks to Vicky for my great new banner xxx
    "Maddest Member again How come I've been taking my meds"

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by megan999 View Post
    I agree with you, DaveyWavey. I don't like any of the parties, but.....better the devil you know, and all that.
    Or another way of looking at it Could the Tories be any worse than Labour or indeed could anyone be any worse than Labour

  5. #5
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    I'm another one who wouldn't trust the Tories an inch, so I'll be voting Labour too.

  6. #6
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    I've not completely decided who will get my vote yet but it won't be the Tories. I don't trust Cameron as far as I could throw him and I don't think he has it in him to lead a country. The Tories screwed the countries' finances last time they were in power, they haven't got a clue how to lead us out of a recession. Not to mention tuition fees and loans and the whole university system.

    I reckon we're going to have a hung parliament though. I've been watching the polls recently and it's too close to call between Labour and the Cons. It really could go either way.
    Thanks CrazyLea

  7. #7
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    Can the country really stand another 5 years of this buffoon. Here are just a few of the things he has been responsible for.

    Selling our gold at knockdown prices?
    The 10p tax rate fiasco?
    The wrecking of the pensions industry?
    The big lie over the European Constitution?
    Stealth taxation leaving us all poorer?
    Wrecking the economy?
    Lying to the Enquiry he himself set up regarding defence spending

  8. #8
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    Based on my own situation at the moment:

    a) I need my student loan and tuition fee loan to survive. The Tories have already said they will scrap these, lift the cap on tuition fees and return to a system where only the rich can afford to send their children to university. How are they going to fund the extra 10000 places they're pledging? Universities are already bursting at the seams, entry standards will need to drop significantly, universities will need more funding. The country is in billions of pounds of debt and they're spending money on what is essentially private sector education. I believe in a free education for all but I know that isn't possible at the moment. Increasing student numbers is not the way to go about it.

    b) Foreign policy - "to deter and dissuade Iran from creating nuclear weapons" - how much vaguer could they possibly get? "Deter and dissuade" Iran? Please tell me how you're going to do this because I see this as a nigh on impossible challenge. No UN sanction will stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapon capability. And "upholding our values abroad" simply is not good enough. Their foreign policy fails, they mention nothing about Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay or any of our other international efforts at the moment.

    c) Defence - how the hell are they going to double the bonus of soldiers serving in Afghanistan? They aren't even properly equipped.
    Secondly, why is it acceptable and feasible to replace Trident? Look, we can't reasonably say to other countries "you can't have a nuke arsenal" when we have Trident. Where is the logic in that? I know the arguments for Trident; I also know how much Trident costs in maintenance, protection and up-keep.
    Thirdly, the forces and intelligence services should be the cornerstone of our defence system, not NATO and definitely not the EU.

    d) Funding cuts - a 10% reduction in MPs will affect local people who rely on their MP to represent them locally. An MP who is spread over four areas has a lot less time than an MP that covers two areas.
    Secondly, reducing the deficit but cutting corporation tax. Way to go Tories, you're avoiding taxing the private sector which brings in revenue. Where are you going to recoup this revenue from whilst at the same time supporting new businesses?

    e) Public transport - where's the reduction in train fares? Why is it companies can charge one price online 24hrs in advance and three or four times the price on the day? Why do students not receive the same benefits of reduced train ticket prices as over 55s do?

    f) A full opt-out from the charter of fundamental rights - why? Oh, let's not forget that the Tories don't agree with trade unions and don't want their actions enshrined in European law. Having read the CFR, it's just an extension of the HRA Act.

    g) Preventing illegal migration. You can try but that's an impossible promise to make.

    h) Women in politics - where is the pledge to increase female politicians? Why, in the history of British politics, have we only ever had one female PM? Why are most senior cabinet members male? Women died for the vote, women should be respected enough to hold political opinions and serve locally and nationally. For the record, I don't support women only short lists; if a woman is good enough she will make it on her own. More needs to be done to reach out and enfranchise women who can become great politicians. All parties are going to lose a large voter demographic unless they target women.

    Labour's policies are not perfect but remember who it was that brought in a minimum wage for workers, the longest period of sustained inflation since the 60s, devolved power to the Scottish government and Welsh assembly, have record numbers of people in higher education, the right to four weeks' paid holidays for all workers, free bus passes for over-60s, child trust funds, free nursery places, free fruit for all under six's at school, help for adults with dependents get back into education and further their career prospects. It was Labour.

    Labour is one of the two parties I may be voting for; I can see right through the Tories' policies, I know what they stand for and I know the country will be worse off under Conservative rule and severe budget cuts. Yes, we need change and more inclusion in politics but Cameron is not that change and he isn't capable of the social inclusion needed. A new leader for Labour is desperately required.
    Thanks CrazyLea

  9. #9
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    On the subject of defence. Why are are soldiers not properly equipped. Oh I remember now. When Gordon Brown was Chancer of the exchequer her drastically cut the defence budget. Thats why we have so few troops and helicopters. Thats why are troops being trained cannot even use live ammunition. The same Gordon sold off most of our Gold reserves at a time when gold was at an all time low and cost the country billions. The same Gordon Brown that wants to increase the National Insurance rate causing even more headaches for employers struggling to keep their businesses going. Lets not forget who got us into this mess in Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place.

    Cutting Corporation Tax will allow businesses to Expand

  10. #10
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    Well as I don't live in the UK, I am unable to vote, however, in Gibraltar, we are very much affected by who is in Government. Neither party has done very much for us, none of them stand up to Spain for us, they just make excuses as to why they let Spain walk all over us!

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