Kim Thomson has claimed that she has been hit by budget cuts, according to reports.

However, the star - who plays Emmerdale's Faye Lamb - is thankful of her regular income from the ITV soap.

She told People: "We are all earning less now than 10 years ago and that's because there is just no money at the moment.

"Everyone has felt it, so it's great to be on a show like Emmerdale where I know I have a regular pay cheque coming in. That's very lucky in this business.

"I love being in England. LA is so competitive and there are so many actors after the same jobs," she added. "It is very cold up in the Emmerdale village, but I wouldn't change it for anything. LA is great but I was missing home.

"I missed the British sense of humour. We don't take ourselves quite so seriously as the Americans do."