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Thread: Ruth and Jay Spoilers part 2

  1. #1
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    Ruth and Jay Spoilers part 2

    They both felt as if they were on cloud nine, a feeling that didn’t seem to stop for weeks, even when they were at work it was hard to miss the secret smiles they gave each other whenever they saw each other. They even managed to agree on most details for the wedding, although Ruth needed some convincing to follow many of the wedding traditions. They decided on the local registry office for the ceremony and the restaurant where Ruth had proposed for the reception since they wanted to keep it small, with just their colleagues and Jay’s family there. Still, Ruth had taken the initiative on some aspects of the wedding. She had decided on a strapless white wedding gown and had demanded Jay wear his tux. She was also adamant that she wouldn’t have any bridesmaids or any one to walk her up the aisle as she wanted it to be the last time she’d ever have to do anything by herself. It was all going so well that they managed to get the entire wedding planned in two months (given their heavy workload, it was nigh on a miracle). However, the day before the wedding Ruth pulled Jay aside in the middle of their shift and took him into the staff room.

    “What is it, Ruth? If you don’t want to go through with this all you have to do is say.” Jay said, worried.

    “No, it’s not that. I need your help diagnosing a patient. She’s complaining of nausea, fatigue, dizziness, backache, abnormal light periods and a strange metallic taste in her mouth.”

    “Those are some weird symptoms. Have you run a blood and urine test?”

    “I’m still awaiting results.”

    “Okay then. Well, what’s her medical history?”

    “She’s 28, no known allergies or medical conditions and on no medication.”

    “Well, all I can think of is pregnancy.”

    “Got it in one, Nurse Fauldren, I’m impressed.” This time it was Ruth with the glint in her eye.

    “What? But you said you didn’t know what was wrong with her!” As Jay was speaking, Ruth went over to her locker and pulled out a pregnancy test.

    “I took it this morning. You’re going to be a dad, Jay!”

    “Really? Oh, Ruth!” Jay exclaimed as he picked her up and swung her round.

    “Jay, put me down, Jay!” But Ruth’s protests were cut short by Jay pressing his lips to hers.

    “When are we going to tell people?” Ruth asked.

    “I was thinking tomorrow at the reception.”

    “Sounds like a great idea to me. Now let’s get back before people get suspicious.”

    It turned out to be impossible to keep the secret until the wedding as Ruth found out later that evening when Alice, Polly, May, Zoe, Dixie, Tess and Jess turned up at her front door to get her to come out and celebrate her last night of freedom. Of course, they were planning plenty of drinking but Ruth found the sheer thought of it made her nauseous so ended up telling them all she was pregnant. As a result, instead of the usual hen do, they ended up giving Ruth plenty of ‘helpful’ advice and betting on whether it would be a boy or a girl.

    The next day, the girls (all of whom had slept over) woke Ruth up early to give her maximum preparation for her big day. Tess, Jess and Dixie took on mothering roles, constantly worrying and taking control of the little details such as when Ruth’s bouquet of flowers would be arriving. Zoe was in charge of the champagne breakfast, May was in charge of the dress and Alice and Polly were in charge of hair and make-up. The ceremony was due to start at 12pm sharp and, even though it was the bride’s prerogative to be late, Ruth arrived with the women dead on 12 o’clock. Fortunately, Jay had managed to beat her there by 5 minutes with the guys, who were now all in their seats, quickly joined by the ladies waiting for Ruth to walk down the aisle.

    Sure enough, a minute after the last person took their seat, the bridal march started as Ruth began to walk down the aisle. Even though the wedding was in the local registry office, neither Ruth nor Jay could imagine anything more perfect as they recited their vows to each other. The reception was only around the corner so the entire wedding party walked en masse there. It was a pretty traditional wedding reception, with speeches by Ruth and Jay and dancing and even though they hadn’t wanted any presents, their friends surprised them with a week’s holiday to Paris but they got them back by announcing Ruth’s pregnancy (true, the girls already knew but they had promised Ruth they would pretend not to).

    Eight months later

    Ruth had insisted on working right up to her due date - her workaholic tendencies being one of the few things Jay had been unable to calm down. So it came as no surprise when Ruth went on a call out to a severely injured farmer and came back in an ambulance as a patient herself. Jay was understandably worried, especially as they’d found out 6 months ago that Ruth was expecting twins. The snow didn’t help much and meant by the time that Ruth got to Holby; she was in the last stages of labour, with no time to take her up to theatre or even the maternity ward - she would have to deliver in the ED. It was all hands on deck and Jay only just managed to get into Recuss, where Ruth had been taken before their first child, a son was born. Half an hour later he was followed by his sister. By that time, a bed had become available on the maternity ward so as soon as all three had been checked out, they were transferred up there.

    The next day, a photo was put on the wall by reception of Ruth holding their daughter and Jay holding their son with a caption that read: Alexander James born at 15:15 yesterday 7lb 7oz Hannah Jane born at 15:45 7lb 5oz. All doing well.

  2. #2
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    Tess, Jess and Dixie took on mothering roles, constantly worrying and taking control of the little details such as when Ruth’s bouquet of flowers would be arriving. Zoe was in charge of the champagne breakfast
    Ha that sounds about right for Tess, Jess and Dixie. And deffo Zoe lol.

    Awwww love it TWINS!!!!!! I so want this to happen now .

  3. #3
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    These are not spoilers and should not be posted here

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