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Thread: I think my drinking is getting out of control.......

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanked: 548
    My parents dont arent going to going to give me anything.
    Im using my loan for playing for my accomodation.
    My mum has told me she is going to give me a little bit of money each week for food,and the only reason shes doing this is because after I pay for my accomodation theres like not much left, and I picked the second to cheapest one!

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    I do think that it is unfair that students eligibility for loans is dependent on their parents income. Basically some students have the ability to be independent from their parents and others just don't.

    That said, I graduated with no debt, and I would rather my boys didn't have to.

    Unfortunately if we don't pay our kids will not be able to go to uni - no grants and minimum loan of £915 p.a. is not going to go far. This has got to effect some people who do not get on with their parents.

    I am thinking about buying a flat when son number one is in 2nd year, but hubby says that it isn't fair to expect our boys (who are 2 years apart in age) to live together at uni and I think it is socially essential to stay in halls for first year so we are in for an expensive time.

    I am worried about the 2 or 3 years when both the boys will be at Uni, I have checked and even when both boys are at uni they will only be entitled to the minimum loan each.

    I can see us having to fork out £15K p.a. for 2 -3 years.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Grossmaischeid, Germany
    Thanked: 2007
    I couldn't get the grant cause I was living at home with my parents before I started Uni and I was 26 at the time..
    Super Mod

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